Nutrition Test #3, chapter 10

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What are fatty streaks?

Believed to be the beginning of artherosclerosis. Found in young children

What's true about portion sizes and influence on eating?

By five years of age, children begin to be influenced by portion size.

What's true about the growth rates of children on vegan and macrobiotic diets?

CHildren up to five years of age have lower growth rates, but they're still within normal range.

Why should high fiber be avoided in young children?

Can cause diarrhea, can displace other forms of nutrient dense food, and may interfere with absorption of certain minerals

When should CDC growth charts be used?

For children aged 2 to 20 years of age

When should WHO growth charts be used?

For children two years and younger, regardless of feeding status

What groups of children are at high risk of developing nutrient deficiencies? Ed Cd AiF O Vd FtT

Those with -eating disorders -chronic disease -abuse in family -obesity -vegetarian diets -failure to thrive

How many meals/snacks per day should vegetarian fed children have?

Three meals and two snacks per day.

Development of toddler's social skills Int/Im

Toddler becomes more interactive and less self-centered; seeks to imitate caretakers and others around him/her

What are the fiber recommendations for toddlers and preschoolers?

Toddlers: 19 grams a day Preschoolers: 25 grams a da

WHat's the iron recommendation for toddlers and preschoolers?

Toddlers: 7 mg/day Preschollers: 10 mg/day

What did the FITS study find about vitamin E consumption in toddlers?

It found that VIt E consumption was less than the EER

What's the intervention stage

This portion is characterized by a multidisciplinary intervention and further structuring of the clien'ts diet

what types of foods shouldn't be given to children less than two years of age?

Foods that can cause choking

What relationship does the decreasing level of lead consumption have on children?

childhood lead levels are decreasing as well.

Preschool-age-children are defined as

children ages 3-5

Toddlers are defined as

children between the ages of 1 and 3

Primary cause of early childhood carries

habitual use of a bottle with milk or fruitjuice throughout the day or before bedtime

Preschool age children's development is characterized by increased a, s a, l a, b c

increased autonomy, increased social activity, increased language ability, increased behavioral control

What's a one-word description of a preschooler's appetite?


What's the protein recommendations for preschoolers and toddlers

1.1 g/kg weight 0.95 g/kg weight DAILY

What's the most recent estimate of WIC farmers market nutirtion program enrollment

1.9 million

What age does the AAP support universal iron screening?

12 months of age

When do toddlers learn to move tongue from side to side and learn to chew food with rotary movements?

12-14 months of age

in 2010, what percentage of households reported food insecurity?

14.5 percent

Word/sentence development of toddlers 18. 24. 36.

18 months: 10-15 words 24 months of age: 100 + words/simple word combo 36 months: three-w0rd sentences

What age do blood-levels of lead peak?

2 years of age.

What's the obesity rates of hispanic?


How many children annually require childcare in the US?

23 million

What's the maximum amount of cow's milk a child 1-5 years of age should drink in order to prevent IDA

24 ounces each day

What percent of children still live in housing with deteriorating lead paint?


WHat's the zinc recommendation for toddlers and preschoolers?

3 mg/day 5 mg/day

What are the acceptable fat distribution ranges for toddlers and children ages 4-18 yrs of age?

30-40% for toddlers 25-35% for children ages 4-18

According to the WWEIA report, what was the fat and sodium consumption of children from each gender?

31% and 32% of total kcal from fat for boys and girls, respectively. Mean sodium intake of 2331 mg and 2283 mg for boys and girls, respectively

percentages of children aged 1-3 and 4-8 that have used supplements from 2003 to 2006

39 and 43 percent respectively

What are the height and weight increases for preschollers

4.4 pounds per year and 2.75 inches per year

WHat's the estimate enrollment in SNAP

47.6 million individuals

Approximately what percentage of US children under the age of 6 are living in poor families?


What percentage of children aged 2-5 yrs of age consume sugar-sweetened beverages?


what percent of households experiencing food insecurity reported participating in a food assistance program?


What's the DRI for vitamin D for children 1-8?

600 IU

What's the calcium intake recommended for toddlers and preschoolers?

700 mg/day 1000 mg/day

What are the height and weight increases for toddlers?

8 ounces per month and 0.4 inches per month

What's the most recent estimate of WIC enrollment?

9.7 million

What three things contribute to a lack of food consumption amongst toddlers?

A decrease in appetite, decreased growth, and an increasing want to explore.

What's BMI rebound?

A normal BMI increase that occurs after BMI reachest its lowest point anywhere from age 4-6

Is it important to assess a pattern of growth or one single measurement?

A pattern of growth.

What levels of lead are recommended as warning signs by the CDC?

A reference value at 97.5th percentile, rouhgly 5mcg/dL

What age are toddlers able to use their tongues to clean their lips? What can they now consume because of this?

At age 18-24 months. The toddler can now consume meats, raw fruits/veggies, and foods with multiple textures.

Why are the preschool years great to teach children about food preparation, selection, and food?

Because preschoolers want to be helpful.

Why shouldn't toddlers be allowed to consume whatever they want throughout the day?

Because they might go for sugary snacks and beverages which have a tendency to blunt their appetite

Why do children develop preferences for fatty/sugary foods?

Because they're associated with feelings of pleasure and satiety, and they may be associated with special occasions, such as birthdays.

Treatment of IDA includes what three components?

Drops of 3mg/kg a day, counseling, and repeat screening.

What are the four components of FightBAC

Clean, separate, cook, chill

When should lipid screening for children take place?

Earliest age should be 2 yrs, at latest 10 yrs

What's a large risk factor for adult obesity?

Early BMI rebound

What are the three most common food-borne pathogens that children are exposed to

Ecoli, salmonella, and camylobacter

What are some characteristics of the "slow to warm up" child?

Exhibits slow adaptability and mild rejection of food that can be cured with repeat exposure.

When does BMI hit its lowest point and when does it fluctuate?

It fluctuates during preschool years and can reach its lowest point anywhere from 4-6 years of age.

IDA's relationship between lead risk

IDA is associated with increased risk of lead consumption due to PICA

What major mineral deficiency (associated with blood) are children at risk of?

Iron-deficiency anemia

What are some characteristics of the "difficult" child?

Irregularity in function, slow adaptability to new routines, more reluctant to accept new foods.

What purpose does Bright Futures serve?

It serves to foster trusting relationsihps between the child, health professionals, the family, and the community to promote optimal health for the child

What happens to growth velocity after infancy?

It slows until adolescence growth spurt

What's the prevention plus stage/

It's about identifying behaviors that would be appropriate to eliminate

Whats the recommendation for eating for children in part-day programs?

It's recommended that they receive a meal that's at least 1/3 of their daily energy requirements

What's meant by the goodness of fit?

It's the matching of temperaments between a child and a caretaker; can drastically influence a child's nutritional patterns

What's the definition of iron deficiency?

It's when there are absent bone marrow stores of iron and an increase in hemoglobin conc. of iron.

What's the definition of iron-deficiency anemia?

Less than the 5th percentile distribution of hemoglobin concentration or hematocrit

What groups is iron deficiency anemia common in?

Low-income children, african american, and mexican american children.

What's the tertiary care stage

Not recommended to children, but is a severe intervention for extremely obese adolescents

What are some things that are characteristic of cognitive development of preschool children? Mt Eg LLBi CoBw/Ch

Magical thinking, egocentrism, learning to limit behavior internally, and cooperative behavior with other children.

What's the best strategy for combating obesity in children?

Maintaining weight while increasing height; weight loss should not exceed one pound per month.

What are the CDC growth charts based on?

NHANES surveys; used to compare growth of children to the "ideal or healthy" growth

What BMI signifies obesity, overweight, and underweight in children 2 years or older?

Obese - BMI in 95th percentile or greater. Overweight - BMI in 85th percentile but lower than 95th percentile

What's the estimate of enrollment in Head start progrms?

One million children

What's the rule of thumb for toddler serving sizes?

One tablespoon of food per year of age.

When should children take supplements?

Only when they're identified as high risk for developing one or more nutrient deficiencies

What are some ways to combat pickiness?

Parents can serve foods in attractive ways, serve small portions, and serve foods that don't touch eachother

What are four stages of obesity and overweight treatment? Pp SWM I TCI

Prevention plus, Structured weight management, Intervention, Tertiary Care intervention

What are some major causes of iron-deficiency anemia?

Rapid growth rate, coupled with frequent inadequate dietary practices

What are some characteristics of the "easy" child?

Regular in function, adapts well to regular scedules, and accepts food readily.

What's true about several surveys conducted about herbal supplement use amongst children?

The amount of hispanic children given them was statistically greater than the amount of non-hispanic children given them

What are the three classes of child temperament and what percentage of children fall under each category?

The easy child: 40 percent The dificult child: 10 percent The slow-to-warm-up child: 15 percent The remainder: rest of percentage (classified as intermediate low and intermediate high)

What are some influences of child food intake?

The media, siblings, parents, and other caretakers

What is a resource for determining the safety of herbal remedies?

The national center for complementary and alternative medicine

What can health care professionals measure with the CDC growth charts?

They can measure weight for age, weight for length, stature/length for age, BMI for age, weight for stature, head circumference for age.

What are some consequences of severely restricting a child's food intake?

They can overeat forbidden foods, they can develop negative emotions about eating forbidden foods, and they can have a poor self image when they're older.

What's one thing that parents can do to prevent food jags in infants?

They can serve new foods along with familiar foods to toddlers - their natural curiosity will eventually get the better of them

What are some characteristics of the feeding skills of preschoolers?

They can use forks and knives, but may need help spreading and cutting with a knife. They should also be supervised and chokeable items should be cut down.

Why do preschoolers become picky? (2 reasons)

They desire much more control in their lives and they find particular foods familiar and comforting

What do children do in an attempt to respond to developing fears?

They develop rituals in their daily activities.

What's true about feeding regulation of preschoolers?

They have an innate ability to control how much they eat, but they don't have the ability to properly choose what they eat.

What's true about temper tantrums of preschool children?

They peak around 2-4 years of age, due to the issue of control becoming central in a preschooler/late toddler's life.

What are some taste preferences of children?

They prefer sweet, salty, and sugary/fatty foods

What's the meal recommendation for a child participating in a full-day program?

They should receive a meal that's at least 1/2-2/3 of their daily energy requirements

What's true about the appetite of preschoolers?

They still have the ability to self-regulate based on caloric intake. This ability can be lost, however, if parents or other caretakers manipulate their appetite with external cues.

What are WHO growth standards for children age 1-5 based on?

They're based on grwoth data collected over time from healthy breastfed infants and young children in six different countries (non-smoking moms, children free of infection)

What's true about children raised in an environment where a variety of foods are consumed?

They're more likely to eat a wide variety of foods.

How are toddlers less than 2 years of age weighed and measured

They're weighed without clothing a diapers and measured using recumbent length (until they can walk)

Poverty rates for children under age of 6 have increased from what/when - what/when?

They've increased from 20% in 2007 to 25% in 2013.

What can lead to "stool holding"?

This form of constipation can occur when a child doesn't completely empty his/her bowel, causing build up of fecal matter over time. can be painful to release.

What's the structured weight management stage

This portion includes things like a planned diet or structured daily activities

What's the leading cuase of death among young children?

Unintentional injuries

How is salmonella transmitted?

Via raw or undercooked eggs

How is campylobacter transmitted?

Via raw poultry, raw milk, and underchlorinated water

What's the progression of walking skills in toddlers? 15, 18, 24, 30, 36 months

Walking begins at year 1 and develops rapidly within next few months - 15 months: crawling up stairs - 18 months: stiff running - 24 months: stair progression one step at a time - 30 months - children can go upstairs one foot at a time - 36 months - tricycle use

What are AAP recommended physical activities for preschoolers?

Walking, running, tumbling, catching/throwing

What signifies overweight or underweight for children less than two years of age?

Weight for length greater than 95th percentile and weight for length less than 5th percentile.

By when is weaning complete?

When the toddler is aged 12-14 months

What's true about language development from the ages of 2-5?

Word knowledge increases from around 100 words to 2000 words

Does children's growth usually track within a fairly consistent percentile on growth charts?

Yes, it does.

Is a decrease in appetite normal for toddlers and preschoolers?

Yes, it is. This can be attributed to the slowing of their growth rate.

Toddler development is characterized by IG/FMs I i e l

a rapid increase in gross and fine motor skills, as well as an increase in independence, exploration, and language.

What percentage of media advertisements are aimed at children?

about half, roughly

When do toddler's have a "pincer grasp" that allows them to pick up small objects? Can they use spoons at this age?

about one year of age; they can use spoons but they can't use them very well

What age can preschoolers hop, jump, and ride a bike with training wheels/

age 4

What are major sources of lead for children?

airborne lead along with leaded paint chips and dust.

When should blood lead screening occur

at the age of two, when blood levels of lead peak.

What lab values predict IDA in children 1-2 years

less than 11.0 g/dL and 32.9% of hemoglobin and hematocrit, respectively

What lab values predict IDA in children 3-5 years

less than 11.1 g/dL and 33.0 % hemoglobin and hematocrit, respectively

What defines someone who's at risk of IDA?

living in poverty, limited access to healthy foods, have a low-iron diet, consume more than 24 oz of cow's milk a day, or have special health care needs

What's the screentime recommendations for children under and over two years?

none for under two years, and barely any for preschollers

preschool dental caries statistics

one in three preschoolers had decay in at least one tooth in 1999-2004

Tooth decay amongst racial groups statistics

rates are much higher among non-hispanic black children than whites

Toddler and preschool rquirmnts for flouride if water has less than 0.3ppm flouride

toddlers: 0.25mg preschoolers: 0.5 mg

Proper recumbent length measuring involves

two adults making sure the crown of toddler's head is placed against headboard and that the child's legs are fully extended to and flat against the footboard

What's the recommend intake of milk for children 2-8 years of age?

two cups

How is Ecoli transmitted?

undercooked hamburger, unpasteurized juice, and unpasteurized milk.

What are AAP recommended physical activities for toddlers?

walking with an adult, free play outdoors (under supervision)

What three micronutrients do many children 5 years or younger fall short of?

zinc, iron, and calcium.

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