nutrition test three STUDY!!!! 10-12

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By what age are a child's medium hand muscles developed and their skills include eating with a fork, feeding themselves independently, helping stir their foods, and following simple instructions


Approximately what percentage of children and adolescents 2 to 19 years of age are overweight or obese?


How long do most successful pregnancies last?

38 to 42 weeks

At what age are infants typically ready to accept solid or semisolid foods to provide nutrients that are no longer supplied adequately by breast milk or formula alone?

4 to 6 months

What percent of children younger than four years of age are diagnosed with true food allergies

4 to 8 percent

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (AND) recommend that infants exclusively receive breast milk for how long?

6 months

Approximately how many ounces of milk per day does a lactating woman typically produce?


The recommended daily allowance (RDA) of protein for pregnant women is ____ grams per day higher than for nonpregnant women.


What is the recommended weight gain for a woman who has a healthy pre-pregnancy weight and will give birth to a single baby

25 to 35 lbs

What is the optimal birthweight for a full-term infant?

6.8 to 7.9 lbs

Largely due to national efforts to promote breastfeeding the percentage of infants who were ever breastfed rose from ____ between the years of 1994 and 2011.

60 to 79 percent

Approximately how many kcalories of energy does a one-year-old child need per day


A patient at risk of mild malnutrition would demonstrate a weight change that is what percent of usual body weight (%UBW)?


Morning sickness, which can occur anytime during the day, typically peaks during ____ weeks' gestation.


What percentage of schools in the U.S. that offer school lunch programs also offer a school breakfast program?


To ensure long-term compliance by the patient, a nutrition care plan should avoid which of the following approaches?

emphasizing what the individual should not to eat

When the breasts become full and hard, for example before lactation is well established, the condition is known as ____.


Which nutrient, essential for adolescent bone growth and development, is primarily obtained from exposure to the sun or from fortified foods?

iron and zinc

Which health care professionals would most likely be involved with prescribing diet orders and making referrals for nutrition assessments?


When pregnant women develop cravings for and ingest nonfood items, such as soil or ice, the practice is known as ____.


Which disorder is characterized by cravings for nonfood items such as dirt or paint chips


The transfer of significant amounts of iron from the mother to the fetus are regulated by the ____.


Which female organ serves as both a supply depot and a waste-removal system for a developing fetus?


A sudden, large weight gain during pregnancy is a danger signal because it may indicate the onset of ____.


What condition is characterized by high blood pressure as well as protein in the urine and almost always appears after 20 weeks of gestation?


The need for iron increases during adolescence for females mainly because ____ and for males mainly because ____.

they start to menstruate; their lean body mass develops

measurement of head circumference in a child helps to _____

track brain growth

Alcohol consumption during pregnancy causes a disruption in placental functioning, which can lead to deficits in glucose and oxygen in the fetal brain.


Foods with strong or spicy flavors, such as onions or garlic, may alter the flavor of breast milk


Lactating women who smoke produce less milk and milk with a lower fat content when compared to women who do not smoke.


Malnutrition reduces fertility and impairs the early development of an infant should a woman become pregnant


Many low-income pregnant and lactating women receive vouchers for nutritious foods, such as peanut butter and whole-grain products, from the federal program known as WIC.


Moderate weight loss by a breastfeeding mother after delivery of her infant does not adversely affect the quality or quantity of her breast milk.


Pica, the ingestion on nonfood items, is often associated with iron deficiency during pregnancy


Promotion of breastfeeding is an integral part of the WIC program's nutrition education component.


by age 10, approximately how many kcalories of energy does an active child need per day?


Anencephaly is a neural tube defect that results in ____.

either a missing or undeveloped brain

How is obesity defined in young people 2 to 19 years of age?

BMI at the 95th percentile or BMI of 30 or greater, whichever is lower

How is severe obesity defined for children?

BMI or weight-for-height value above 99th percentile

Tests for hemoglobin or hematocrit levels in the blood are useful for diagnosing which type of nutrient deficiency?


With the possible exception of which nutrient, pregnant women can meet most of their nutrient needs by making wise food choices.


the more a women gets pregnant the more chance of ?


A woman's fertility is defined as her capacity to periodically produce a normal ____.


Which sequence correctly orders the developmental stages that lead to a fetus?

ovum → zygote → blastocyst → embryo → fetus

Within how many minutes of breast feeding does an infant obtain about half the milk from one breast?

2 to 3 minute

How many additional kcalories of energy does a pregnant woman need during her first trimester


What is the recommended weight gain for a woman who has a prepregnancy BMI of 30 or greater and will give birth to a single baby?

11 to 20 lbs

What percentage of young school-aged children are affected by hyperactivity?


Once an infant is obtaining at least two-thirds of its total daily food energy from a mixture of cereals, vegetables, fruits, and other foods, at what age is it acceptable to transition them to cow's milk from either breast milk or infant formula?

12 month

In the U.S. what is the average age at which females first begin to menstruate?

12.5 years old

What is the average heart rate of an infant in beats per minute?

120 to 140

A normal hemoglobin result for an adult male would be between _____ g/dL.


Fatty liver is a condition that affects about one third of obese children and correlates directly with


Why do breastfed infants typically need to eat more frequently than formula-fed infants?

Breast milk is more easily digested than formula.

Signs of zinc deficiency would most likely be demonstrated as what symptoms seen in the mouth during the nutritional assessment?

Decreased sensation of taste

Which food causes more life-threatening allergic reactions than all other foods combined?


What describes an advantage of using the 24-hour dietary recall as part of the nutrition assessment?

Results are obtained quickly

Which response in the body is indicative of a true food allergy?

The immune system produces antibodies in response to specific food molecules.

In which scenario would a mother be advised to continue nursing without worry?

The nursing mother has a cold to which the infant is susceptible of catching.

School lunches are designed to provide at least ____ the recommendation for energy, protein, vitamin A, vitamin C, iron, and calcium.

a third of

What is the definition of anaphylactic shock?

a whole-body allergic reaction to an offending substance

At what blood lead level do the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend public health actions be initiated in children?

above 5 micrograms per deciliter

best time to start feeding baby solid food?

after 6 months

At what age do carbohydrate recommendations for children equal those for an adult?

after one year of age

What is the primary protein in breast milk?


What surrounds and cradles a fetus, cushioning it with fluids?

amniotic sac

Which sign of hunger is considered a late indication that an infant needs to eat?

amplified crying

If a child that performs poorly on tests and is disruptive in the classroom shows signs of improvement after being given an iron supplement, the child is most likely to be ____.


Most children diagnosed with type 2 diabetes ____.

are obese

In developed countries, including the United States, what is the most common cause of maternal mortality?


honey can cause

bochulisum, a bacteria the baby can not defend itself from

Where in the body does lead mainly accumulate?


Which type of treatment is associated with reduced food intake and can, itself, contribute to malnutrition

bowel rest

Which organ of a child's body displays sensitivity to low iron concentrations long before the effects in the blood appear?


Low intakes of which nutrient, especially if paired with physical inactivity, can compromise the development of peak bone mass?


What is the name of the premilk substance that is rich in protective factors and is secreted by the breasts in the first few days after delivery before milk appears?


Researchers who studied the safe alcohol intake limit for pregnant women have conclude

complete abstinence is the best policy

early feeding of solid food will increase

digestive problems and allergies

Traditionally, which of the following strategies is least likely recommended to alleviate nausea during pregnancy?

drink water, milk, or tea

Injections of which hormone are often administered after exposure to an allergen occurs in order to prevent anaphylactic shock?


Which expected outcome is considered inappropriate for improving nutrition status?

experiencing impaired swallowing due to neuromuscular impairment

A pregnant woman should increase her fiber intake by 35 to 40% daily to support fetal growth.


Herbal supplements are safe alternatives to medicinal drugs to relieve nausea, promote water loss, and alleviate depression among pregnant women.


If a lactating woman develops an ordinary cold, she should temporarily stop breastfeeding to avoid passing the virus to her infant.


Infants born to mothers with diabetes are more likely to be small for gestational age and may suffer severe hyperglycemia.


Infants who breastfeed should be placed on a schedule of feeding every 2 hours until the mother's milk supply is well established.


Prepregnancy weight and weight gain during pregnancy have little to no effect on infant birthweight


The nutrients in breast milk that are most likely to decline in response to prolonged inadequate dietary intakes include calcium, zinc, and phosphorus.


Which energy-yielding nutrient makes up the largest proportion of breast milk?


mallory is a 43-year-old female with celiac disease who has just undergone a nutritional assessment where it was determined that she is suffering from moderate malnutrition. What data would most likely classify a patient as being moderately malnourished

five to ten percent weight loss

A detailed log of food eaten during a specified time period is known as a _____.

food record

Glucose intolerance with first onset or first recognition during pregnancy is known as ___

gestational diabetes

By disrupting proper placental functioning, alcohol causes deficits in both ____.

glucose and oxygen, which are needed for the developing fetal brain

What are carbohydrate recommendations based on for children?

glucose use by the brain

An increased dose of iron may be prescribed for pregnant women if repeat tests confirm she has low levels of ____.


When is the ideal time to start breastfeeding after birth?

immediately after delivery

The amount of milk a nursing woman can produce each day varies considerably, primarily dependent on the ____.

infant's demand

In type 2 diabetes, the body's cells become less sensitive to ____, reducing the amount of ____ entering the cells from the blood.

insulin; glucose

Reactions to foods that involve symptoms, such as stomachaches, headaches, wheezing, or hives, but do not elicit the production of antibodies are referred to as food ____ by the medical community


Anemia is a prevalent problem in children worldwide, especially in toddlers one to three years old, due to deficiencies of which nutrient?


Infant formulas fortified with which nutrient is credited for the decline of anemia in U.S. infants?


Large doses of which substance can interfere with the body's absorption and metabolism


Which three nutrients provided by solid foods are needed the earliest by infants because they are not supplied in sufficient amounts from breast milk or infant formula?

iron, zinc, and vitamin C

What is the primary carbohydrate found in breast milk?


When neither parent is obese, what chance do children have of becoming obese in adulthood, statistically speaking?

less than 10%

Worldwide, more than half of all deaths of children younger than five years old are primarily a result of nutritional deficiencies coupled with ____.

low birthweight

Pregnant women are advised to limit their intake of certain fish, such as swordfish, king mackerel, and golden bass, because these fish often contain high amounts of ____, which can harm fetal growth.


What is the last phase of a nursing process that incorporates a nutrition care plan?

monitoring and evaluating the patient's progress in achieving expected outcomes

Iron is crucial for learning because it is used in the brain to make ____ that regulate the ability to pay attention.


Clinical judgments about actual or potential health problems that provide the basis for selecting appropriate nursing interventions are known as _____.

nursing diagnoses

After a dietitian or nurse conducts a nutrition assessment, what is the next step to take to incorporate nutrition care into a nursing care plan?

nursing diagnosis

What type of nutrition intervention helps an individual set priorities and establish diet-related goals?

nutrition counseling

Which component of human breast milk helps protect an infant from infection by preventing the binding of pathogens to the infant's intestinal cells?


symptoms of allergic reactions to food may occur within minutes or may be delayed up to _

one day

How many high school students reportedly smoke cigarettes regularly?

one in seven

Which healthy snack provides the best source of protein?

refried beans and cheese on a flour tortilla

Which of the following factors is one of the most likely reasons peanut allergies are increasing in prevalence?

roasting peanuts at very high temperatures for food preparation

Which response in infants makes them turn toward any touch on the face?

rooting reflex

Which condition is characterized by the incomplete closure of the spinal cord and its bony encasement?

spina bifida

Atherosclerosis is defined as ____.

the accumulation of plaques on the inner walls of the arteries

In general, what effect does maternal nutritional deprivation have on the production of breast milk

the quality but not the quantity of milk is reduced

In proportion to their body weight, the basal metabolic rate of an infant is approximately ____ that of an adult.


As a percentage of an infant's body weight, infants need more than ____ as much of most nutrients than adults do

two times

The incidence of kidney disease and death in middle age increases dramatically when ____ develops in children before they reach the age of 20 years old.

type 2 diabetes

Which structure carries oxygenated blood from the placenta to the fetus?

umbilical vein

Most infants who die within the first year are born by women in which age group?

under 16 years old

Which two vitamins are needed in particularly large amounts during pregnancy in order to support cell reproduction and prevent neural tube defects in the developing fetus?

vitamin B12 and folate

A deficiency in which nutrient is the most likely cause of rickets, a disease that impairs bone mineralization?

vitamin D

Severe maternal deficiency of which substance interferes with normal calcium metabolism, and in rare cases leads to a condition called rickets?

vitamin D

Which nutrient, essential for adolescent bone growth and development, is primarily obtained from exposure to the sun or from fortified foods?

vitamin D

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends giving infants a single dose of which supplement at birth in order to prevent uncontrolled bleeding?

vitamin K

How is obesity defined for children younger than 2 years of age?

weight-for-height values above the 95th percentile

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