Ob Crider Exam 2
Goodell's sign
- Softening of cervical tip - Probable sign
Glucose challenge test
- most accurate at 24-28 weeks - random - 50 gm load - test 1 hour later for "tolerance" - less than 140 is generally considered normal
When is chorionic villus sampling done? (cvs)
10-12 weeks: paternity test, chromo abnormal(optional)
fundal height
12-13 weeks: rises out of the symphysis; 20 weeks: at umbilicus; 24 weeks: measured in cm, with the number of cm above the symphysis equal to the number of weeks of gestation, this tells how the baby is growing
When is aminocentesis performed?
14-20 weeks; test for chromo abnormals, paternity test, lung status, (optional)
Nagele's Rule
1st day of last period - 3 months + 7 days = estimated date of birth
20-37 completed weeks
Group B strep
35-37 weeks: vaginal/ rectal culture and treat in labor if positive
38 weeks
length of pregnancy
40 weeks or 280 days
Skin changes in pregnancy
Chloasma(mask of pregnancy) areolas darken Linea nigra striae gravidarum(stretch marks)
GI changes in pregnancy
Gums swollen, slower peristalsis, Pyrosis(heartburn), constipation, hemorroids from consipation and vasodilation and fetal pressure, morning sicknesses from ^ HCG, ptyalism(salvia) CAUSED BY progesterone
What are false negatives of pregnancy test
Impending abortion, misread, medications, etopic pregnancy, too early/late in pregnancy, urine improperly stored, urine dilute
Renal changes in pregnancy
Inc--- filtration, GFR, tubeless absorption 50%, frequency, risk for uti, Dcr--bladder tone, urinary flow Nursing Intervention: encourage frequent urination, Kegas to improve tone, need inc fluids
Respiratory changes in pregnancy
Inc--demand for O2 Dcr--chest size from the upward elevation of uterus mom becomes for of a diaphragm breather Dcr-- airway resistance Dyspnea (caused by progesterone) Nursing Intervention: Stop smoking Eat small meals, plans activities, good posture, sleep on pillows, Kidneys help compensate for some of respiratory effort
What causes nasal congestion?
Increase vascularity and vasodilation Nursing interventions: blow nose gently, keep nares lubricated apply ice if bleeding, increase air humidity
What are false positives of pregnancy Test
Misread, protein/blood in urine, antidepressants, aldoment use, THC use, cross reaction of LH, tumors
Presumptive signs of pregnancy
Mom feels these: N/v, breast changes, urinary frequency,
Cardiac nursing interventions
Position pt on left side, don't lay flat on back, offer support for knees, elevate legs as much as possible, dont stand for long periods dont cross legs
What happens to gallbladder in pregnancy
Predisposition to cholecystitis and cholelithelasis S/S: pain in RUQ after eating fatty meal
Office visit schedule
Q month (4 wks) -1st 28wks Q 2wks until 36wks Q week after 36 weeks until delivery can be inc as needed (pt. Education is given Q visit)
Nursing Interventions for GI changes
Sitz bath, tucks pads eat small frequent meals, elevate HOB, increase fiber, fruits, stool softener, avoid caffeine, use mouth wash cher gum,
Chadwick's sign
The bluish-purple coloration of the vaginal mucosa and cervix Probable sign
a period of three months
nutrition in pregnancy
additional 300-500 cal/day
alive today (not just born alive)
What causes leg cramps in pregnancy
an increase in pressure on the pelvic nerve (sciatc nerve) maybe related to dcr calcium and phosphorus Nursing intervention: support hose, avoid standing elevate legs
anemia occurring because red cells(30%) increase less than plasma volume( 50%)
any pregnancy that ended before 20 wks
Postive pregnancy signs
audible fetal heartbeat, fetal movement felt by examiner, ultrasound visualization of fetus
Morning sickness treatment
avoid overly warm places, smell triggers, take naps, rise slowly in am, eat dry crackers, avoid greasy/spicy foods, eat a small meal, eat high protein meals, eat salty food before meals, avoid fluids with meals, try peppermint leaves, take prenatal later in the day (CAUSED BY progesterone)
Hypercoagulable state
b/c increase in fibrin & fibrinogen & RBC and venous stasis increasing risk for DVT
Low BMI are at risk for
fetal growth restriction,
first pregnancy
what are some Obese women at risk for
gestational diabetes, pre-eclampsia, need for emergency c-section
What are the Cardio changes
increase in blood volume, 50% increase in plasma, ^output , ^ pulse by 10-15 beats, decrease in BP,
back pain in pregnancy
lumbar lordosis from Relaxin hormone makes mom waddle, Nursing Intervention: cont. exercise (pelvic rock), pelvic tilt, no heels, no heavy lifting, no uncomfortable working heights like ladder/ climbing Encourage good body mechanics, local heat and a good mattress,
many births
Fundal Ht 37-40 wks
moves down 4cm because baby preparing for the birth
never been pregnant
Maternal Weight Gain
normal 25-25 underweight 28-40 overweight 15-25 obese atleast 15 gain of 3.5lbs 1st trimester gain 1lbs wks remainder
What happens to Hct
normal Hct: 38-47 Pregnant Hct: 33-34
number of births
rebound of unengaged fetus: Probable sign, visible by 4-5 months
Probable pregnancy signs
s/s observed by examiner ballottment quickening Positive pregnancy test
PUPPP (pruritic urticarial papules and plaques of pregnancy)
small red bumps from stretch marks in pregnancy that itch usually given hydrocortisone cream or oral antihistamine
uterine souffle
soft, blowing sound made by the blood in the arteries of the pregnant uterus and synchronous with the maternal pulse
funic souffle
soft, muffled, blowing sound produced by blood rushing through the umbilical vessels and synchronous with the fetal heart sounds:mom pulse can be palpated to differentiate the two and this is not heard continually
diastsis recti
the separation of rectus abdominal muscles that can result in back pain: Pelvic rock helps with this
endocrine system
thyroid enlargement inc--metabolic rate Anterior pituitary secretes FSH & LH Pituitary prolongs corpus luteal Posterior secretes oxytocin that promotes uterine contraction Pancreas push out more insulin
vena cava syndrome
uterus compresses the vena cava and Aorta when the woman is supine. This reduces the blood flow returning to the heart and may cause maternal hypotension: decrease in BP, dizzy, cold, clammy
How do you measure fundal ht
with a tape measure from symphysis pubis to top of the fundus in cm
Screening for families at risk
women over 35 substance abuse battering low socioeconomic levels Adolescent
Fundal height at 36 wks
xiphoid process causes SOB