OB Exam 1 SG

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1. Industrial competitiveness is best defined as...

1. The capacity to compete effectively in global markets

10. ______ guides the conduct by which companies and their agents abide by the law and respect the rights of their stakeholders, particularly their customers, clients, employees and the surrounding community and environment.

10. Business Ethics

100. In the context of motivation, ________ refers to the knowledge, skills, and receptiveness to learning that a person brings to a task or job Ability

100. Ability

11. Micro-organizational behavior is primarily concerned with the behavior of individuals and groups

11. True

12. _______ is the study of how human behavior affects an organization. It aims to learn how an organization operates through the behaviors of is members

12. Organizational behavior

13. Self-oriented organizational behavior is primarily concerned with the behavior of organization-wide issues, such as organizational design the relations between an organization and its environment

13. False

14. Companies can help influence individual behavior by creating codes of conducts, establishing policy and procedure guidelines, and by developing incentives and consequences

14. True

15. The organization level of influence affects the individual and group behavior, and the individual and group behavior similarly affects the organization

15. True

16. According to chapter 1, there are three levels of influence that are all interconnected.

16. They are the individual, the group, and the organization

17. ____ is a term often used to describe comprehensive efforts to monitor and improve all aspects of quality within a firm.

17. Total Quality Management

18. The topic of organizational behavior does NOT include motivation or leadership

18. False

19. Organizational behavior is unique in that it doesn't borrow any concepts or ideas from other fields, such as psychology or sociology

19. False

2. Looking at the global competitive index, the United States is ranked quite why do you poorly due to changes in global competition

2. False

20. The Hippocratic Oath, used in the healthcare industry, is an example of a code of ethics

20. True

21. When talking about different levels of influence, a group can only be called a group if the group is at least 12 people in size

21. False

22. Ethical relativism can best be defined as...

22. A philosophy according to which there is no right or wrong and what is ethical depends solely on the context

23. Some of the reasons that American organizations sought to use less expensive labor overseas in the 1990s and into the 2000s where the lowering of trade barriers and the acceptance of trade agreements like NAFTA

23. True

24. In the Big Five, someone high in ______ tends to be very moody, stressed, and anxious. They may get stressed and upset easily. People low in this trait tend to be emotionally stable and do not allow stressors to affect their mood.

24. Neuroticism

25. The personality traits of _____ tends to be manifested in more outgoing, talkative, and energetic behavior, while _____ is manifested in more reserved and solitary behavior

25. Extraversion, Introversion

26. ______ involves the intentional discrimination against an individual based on race, color, gender, religion, or national origin. Second, it involves the adverse effect of selection practices (as well as other practices) on minorities regardless of whether these practices were intended to have an adverse impact or not. This may be particularly concerning during personality tests.

26. Disparate treatment

27. Do you prefer for living a spontaneous and flexible life and are strong on information gathering most of the time? (Keywords, spontaneous oriented, Now along, adapt to situation, tentative, let life happen, gather information, open, flexible)? If so, you might have this personality trait

27. Pereceiving

28. ______ refers to an individual's orientation toward authority. More specifically, this orientation is generally characterized by an overriding conviction that it is right and proper for there to be clear status and power differences among people

28. Authoritarianism

29. ______refers to a particular cognitive style that is characterized by closed mindedness and inflexibility

29. Dogmatism

3. Organizational behavior includes components of management, psychology, leadership, personality traits, and motivation

3. True

30. A person may be labeled as "ISTJ* or "ENFP* or any combination of up to 16 different personality types in this personality assessment

30. Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

31. ______refers to the tendency among individuals to attribute the events affecting their lives either to their own actions or to external forces; it is a measure of how much you think you control your own destiny

31. Locus of Control

32. Mark studies hard for an exam. He makes flashcards. He works with a partner. He re-reads the chapters. He gets an "F" on the exam. When asked why he did so poorly, Mark says that he must not have studied hard enough. From this, we can conclude that Mark has ____ when it comes to his performance on the exam.

32. Internal locus of control

33. While an individual's personality matters in influencing a person's behavior, as psychologists. Bern and Mishel concluded in the 1970s. Its also a factor of the..

33. Situation (Context)

34. Do you prefer to take in information through a "sixth sense," noticing what might be most of the time? (Keywords; sixth sense, hunches, what could be, theoretical, future possibilities, insight, learning new skills, novelty, leap around). If so, you might be described as having this personality trait

34. Intuition

35. ____people tend to have a preference for less stimulating environments and succeed in positions in organizations requiring more reflection, analysis, and sensitivity to people's inner feelings and qualities

35. Introverted

36. _____people tend to have a preference for more stimulating environments and tend to do particularly well in first-line management roles and in field assignments, auch as a sales representative

36. Extroverted

37. People high in ______enjoy meeting new people and inserting themselves into gatherings and conversations. They tend to make friends easily and have a large group of friends. People low in this trait prefer seclusion over company They also try to avoid small talk and being at the center of attention.

37. Extroversion

38. "a stable set of characteristics and tendencies that determine those communalities and differences in the psychological behavior (thoughts, feelings, and action) of people that bave continuity in time and that may not be easily understood as the sale result of the social and biological pressures of the moment." best define.

38. Personality

39. Whether a person is extroverted or introverted is not absolute - it is a spectrum where some people may fall more towards the middle as well

39. True

4. As discussed in the text, North American companies often view their workforce as a

4. Variable expense

40. Are you a person who draws energy from the internal world of ideas, emotions or impressions most of the time? (Keywords: internal, inside thrust, hold back on comments, thinks deeply of few things, involved with own thought, work alone, reserve, think-do-think). If so, you might be described as having this personality trait

40. Introversion

41. Do you prefer organizing and structuring information to decide in a personal, value-oriented way most of the time? (Keywords: heart, value system, subjective, mercy, compliment, harmony, empathy, compassionate) ? IF so, you might have this personality trait:

41. Feeling

42. In the Big Five, People high in activities and challenges. People low in this trait tend to be less imaginative and may not do well with change

42. Openess

43. In general, individual having a stronger _____tend to exhibit greater work motivation, have stronger expectations that effort will lead to actual high job performance, and exhibit less job-related anxiety than people with a stronger ____

43. Internal locus of control; External locus of control

44. The basic incongruity thesis of Argyris is basically trying to come to the conclusion that.

44. Many jabs in our society are structured in such a way that they conflict with the basic growth needs of a healthy personality

45. A major argument of cognitive dissonance is that people try to reduce it as people prefer cognitive consistency

45. True

46. ______ refers to the strength of one's commitment and dedication to hard work, both as an end in itself and as a means to future rewards.

46. Work ethic

47. Joe starts a new job. His coworkers approach him and talk to him about the supervisor. They tell him about the supervisor's personality, how the supervisor often makes them work way too hard, how the supervisor is unfair, and how the supervisor is generally mean. Joe forms an attitude that he dislikes the supervisor, even though he hasn't really met the supervisor yet. This would be a good example of what type of attitude formation theory?

47. The social information-processing approach

48. A(n) _______ can be defined as a predisposition to respond in a favorable or unfavorable way to objects or persons in one's environment.

48. Attitude

49. When it comes to job satisfaction, we often consider the dimensions of the work itself, the pay, promotional opportunities, supervision, and coworkers. To all people, each of these dimensions are equally important in determining job satisfaction.

49. False

5. _____ is the unity between what we say and what we do, it means we adhere strongly to a code of ethics that implies trustworthiness and incompatibility

5. Integrity

50. Which of these is NOT true of an attitude?

50. Attitudes are absolute - It is either favorable or unfavorable

51. Cognitive Dissonance is best described as...

51. When people find themselves acting in a fashion that is inconsistent with their attitudes.

52. Which of these is the most reasonable experience for why personal values are important in organizational behavior?

52. (I) values serve as standards of behavior for determining a correct course of action; (2) values serve as guidelines for decision making and conflict resolution; and (3) values serve as an influence on employee motivation

53. Joe has the value of ambition and also believing in the importance of equality among all people. What kind of values do these represent?

53. Ambition is an instrumental value; equality is a terminal value

54. Organizational commitment is an attitude

54. True

55. Joe, a manager, administers a job satisfaction survey to his employees. The scores come back excellent! Joe is so excited. However, when he "feels the room" or talks to people, it seems as if people aren't particularly excited about being at work and people tend to quit very often. What might be a reasonable explanation for why there is a discrepancy between the job satisfaction scores and what Joe "feels" and sees in quit rates?

55. Joe has negative attitudes towards his office chair

56. A main difference between values and attitudes is that values tend to be more stable over time

56. True

57. Joe has been working at his job. Recently his boss has had him working extra hours. Joe finds the job boring, monotonous, and unrewarding. However, Joe is trying his best to convince himself that the job really isn't that bad and that working these extra hours could be beneficial for getting a good performance evaluation. What Joe is trying to do by convincing himself of this is best described as...

57. Creating cognitive consistency

58. ______ is an enduring belief that a specific mode of conduct or end-state of existence is personally or socially preferable to an opposite or converse mode of conduct or end-state of existence

58. Value

59. It is impossible for an attitude to ever change

59. False

6. Companies can help influence individual behavior by creating code of conducts, establishing policy and procedure guidelines, and by developing incentives and consequences

6. True

60. ________ refers to the extent to which a person is interested in and committed to assigned tasks in a job.

60. Job involvement

61. The major distinction between the dispositional approach to attitudes and the situational approach is whether...

61. Attitudes are relatively stable or emerge as a result of the uniqueness of the given situation

62. Joe has a job. He gets paid a relatively high salary for the type of work that he does and he think it's more than fair. He has been promoted three times in the last two years. His coworkers are his friends that he goes out for drinks with every Tuesday night. His boss joins sometimes and they get along great. Yet Joe doesn't like his job. Which of the following would be the most reasonable explanation for his lack of job satisfaction?

62. The work itself is boring, repetitive, and it doesn't provide opportunities for learning or responsibility

63. Although two people may be put in the exact same job, with the exact same pay, promotional opportunities, supervision, and coworkers, it's possible that their job satisfaction levels are different.

63. True

64. Religious Discrimination laws protect those who belong to traditional organized religions, but it does not protect those who do not belong to organized religions even though they may hold strong religious, ethical, or moral beliefs of some kind.

64. False

65. Joe and his friends are in a lecture. The lecture material today is particularly boring to Joe and his friends. When Joe looks at the clock, only 15 minutes has passed, despite it seeming like an eternity. What might explain the relationship between the content of the lecture and Joe's perception of time?

65. Joe's response salience here tells him that the time being spent in this uninteresting task is often underestimated.

66. our ability to differentiate between people using multiple criteria represents our cognitive complexity, which is part of the ________ that influences how we view others.

66. Cognitive structure

67. John is a manager at an organization. He is always yelling at his employees. One day he notices that an employee is about to do something that will not be safe. He yells at him to stop, but the employee doesn't seem to notice and continues. When he talks to the employee later about why he didn't stop, the employee says that he simply didn't comprehend / hear him. When it comes to a conversation about perception, what might be a reasonable explanation for why the employee didn't 'listen'?

67. Because the manager always yells, this particular yell did not have any different physical properties to gain the worker's selective attention.

68. When we understand ourselves (i.e., can accurately describe our own personal characteristics), we are better able to perceive others accurately. Second, when we accept ourselves (i.e., have a positive self-image), we are more likely to see favorable characteristics in others. Taken together, these form our ________ which is an influence on how we perceive others.

68. Self-concept

69. Which of these best characterizes the characteristics of the person being perceived during the social perception process in organizations?

69. (None of these answers are appropriate OR Self-concept, cognitive structure, response salience, or previous experience with individuals)

7. ______ for individuals and entities affected by the business decisions and may include clients, customers, suppliers, investors, among other

7. Stakeholders

70. _________ is the tendency to recognize familiar objects more quickly than unfamiliar ones.

70. Response disposition

71. Studies show that women and minorities have greater job-pursuit intentions and higher attraction toward organizations that promote workplace diversity in their recruitment materials compared to organizations that do not. When employers attract minority applicants, their labor pool increases in size compared to organizations that are not attractive to them. As organizations attract more job candidates, the chances of hiring quality employees increases, especially for jobs that demand highly skilled labor. This describes what part of Cox & Blake's case for the business case of diversity?

71. Resource acquisition

72Which of these answers is the best representation of the process of perceptual selectivity?

72Exposure-Attention-Perception and Interpretation-Retention and Responses

73. Size, intensity, contrast, and novelty/familiarity are all characteristics of what part of selective attention?

73. External influences

74. The influence of positive arbitrary biases is called the _____ effect, whereas the influence of negative biases is often called the ____ effect.

74. Halo, Horn

75. According to Cox & Blake, opportunities that companies may receive when pursuing a strategy that values diversity include all of these except...

75. Greater social loafing

76. The extent to which you believe that the person being observed would behave consistently when faced with different situations is _____ in the causes of external and internal attributions model.

76. Distinctiveness

77. A consultant comes into an organization. He says that the organization needs to change things if it's going to become profitable. The top management team starts debating what to do. The chief accountant comes up with solutions on how they can change how they are reporting profits and costs. The chief engineer says they should redesign how they create their products. The chief marketer says that they should redesign their packaging and come up with a new commercial. When it comes to social perception in organizations, what best describes what happened?

77. The organizational members made their suggestions based on their attitudes toward change

78. Joe is a manager at an organization. His employees are doing a relatively routinized task. Because of this he repeats safety instructions often. He thinks that this helps his employees receive the instructions better and remember them. What Joe is engaging in, in regards to communication, might best be described as...

78. A dynamic property, specifically repetition

79. The multitude of objects that vie for attention are first selected or screened by individuals. This process is called ___________.

79. Perceptual selectivity

8. Fickle philosophy that says that the action you should take is the one that results in the greatest good for the greatest number is

8. Utilitarian Ethics

80. ________ occurs when an employee or an applicant is treated unfairly at work or in the job-hiring process due to an identity group, condition, or personal characteristic

80. Workplace discrimination

81. Schwartz's theory: Odenses to change

81. Hedonism, stimulation, self-direction

82. Schwartz's theory: Self-transcendence

82. Universalism, benevolence

83. Schwartz's theory: Conservation

83. Security, tradition, conformity

84. Schwartz's theory: Self-enhancement

84. Power, achievement

85. Most important across cultures:

85. benevolence, universalism, self-direction

86. Least important across cultures:

86. power, stimulation

87. What are attitudes?

87. our feelings or opinions about people, places, and objects, and range from positive to negative.

88. First component of attitudes:

88. Affective - Feelings · How do you "feel" towards people who talk on their phones in restaurants? (Do you feel annoyed?)

89. Second component of attitudes:

89. Cognitive — Beliefs · What do you "think" about people who talk on their phones in restaurants? (Is the behavior rude or not?)

9. One of these is not one of the seven metrics that acts as an indicator for their return competitiveness of economies discussed in chapter 1

9. Impact on Environment

90. Third component of attitudes:

90. Behavioral — Intentions How would you intend to act about someone talking on their phone in a restaurant (that awkward passive-aggressive look you might sort-of give them as they kind-of look your way as you roll your eyes and then you get self-conscious that they saw even though you kind of wanted them to see but didn't really want them to see.)

91. Pay is an example of a motivator in Herzberg's Motivator-Hygiene Theory

91. False

92. _______ involves a desire for self-fulfillment, "to become more and more what one is, to become everything that one is capable of becoming." It is a key component of a motivational theory.

92. Self-actualization

93. Arguably the most useful takeaway from Herzberg's Motivator-Hygiene theory of motivation that differentiates it from other theories of motivation is that...

93. Motivators and Hygiene's are on different "scales"; that is, preventing dissatisfaction does not necessarily cause satisfaction.

94. In Herzberg's theory of motivation, _______ relate to the jobs we perform and our ability to feel a sense of achievement as a result of performing them, are rooted in our need to experience growth and self-actualization while __________ relate to the work environment and are based in the basic human need to "avoid pain."

94. Motivators, Hygienes

95. A key component of this theory states that as the level of extrinsic rewards increases, the amount of intrinsic motivation decreases

95. Self-determination (SDT)

96. This theory is concerned with the reactions people have to outcomes they receive as part of a "social exchange." According to this theory, our reactions to the outcomes we receive from others (an employer) depend both on how we value those outcomes in an absolute sense and on the circumstances surrounding their receipt

96. Equity theory

97. In operant conditioning theory, punishment and negative reinforcement are the same thing

97. False

98. In operant conditioning, _________ occurs when a consequence makes it less likely the response/behavior will be repeated in the future.

98. Extinction

99. Joe is a manager at an organization. He learns about Alderfer's ERG theory. He therefore strives to give his employees a more challenging job, the opportunity to engage in creativity, and the opportunity for organizational advancement. Which opportunity is Joe focusing on?

99. Growth opportunities

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