OB Final

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During which of the following stages of socialization do people first learn about the organization and job?


The ________ structure tends to duplicate resources, such as production equipment and engineering or information technology expertise.


One way that communication minimizes resistance to change is by:

illuminating the future.

The ________ theory states that people tend to inflate the influence of leaders on organizational events.

implicit leadership

The concept of leadership prototypes is an important component of:

implicit leadership theory.

Mechanistic structures operate best:

in stable environments.

Team-based organizational structures are usually found:

in the manufacturing operations of larger divisional structures.

The personal attributes perspective of leadership identifies drive, integrity, and emotional intelligence as the:

leadership attributes of effective leaders.

One of the defining characteristics of a functional organizational structure is that it:

organizes employees around specific knowledge or other resources.

Employee involvement is almost an essential part of the change process unless:

the change must occur quickly in an organization.

CPA4U Gina and Chen are both managers at CPA4U, a large accounting firm. Each has a very different management style. Gina is very outgoing and constantly checking on her subordinates to see if there is any way she can help them to complete their projects. She also brings in fresh flowers for the lunchroom every week and always remembers everyone's birthday. Chen is more introverted and communicates with his subordinates mainly through emails, and he has his subordinates submit daily reports on their progress toward the weekly goals he has assigned them. Which type of leader is Chen?

A task-oriented leader

Which of the following leadership styles in path-goal theory is most closely associated with goal-setting and positive self-fulfilling prophecy?


Which of the following is a leadership style identified in path-goal theory?

Achievement-oriented leadership

According to the action research model, which of the following occurs during the "diagnose the need for change" step?

Analysis of data

Which of the following fundamental requirements do all organizational structures usually have?

Division of labor and coordination

Which of the following are the observable indicators of organizational culture?


________ leadership refers to how well leaders are aware of, feel comfortable with, and act consistently with their self-concepts


Johni's Company Johni is the CEO of a struggling company. She has listened to her employees' concerns about where the corporation is going and has developed a new vision that she feels will help develop a common bond throughout the organization. Johni then hosted a company-wide picnic where she delivered an inspiring speech about the new plans for the business, including her plans for more open communication between management and employees. After her speech, management and employees all participated in trust-building exercises, and each employee had a one-on-one conversation with Johni. What type of leadership theory most resembles Johni's actions?

Build commitment toward the vision.

Which of the following strategies to reduce the restraining forces should be used only if all other strategies fail?


Which of the following leadership styles in path-goal theory is the same as task-oriented leadership?


ABC Production ABC Production, a consumer products firm with a functional structure, is expanding from a single product line into several diverse product groups, with most sales within one country. What form of departmentalization should it eventually adopt to manage the new conditions most effectively?

Divisional product structure

Which of the following characteristics addresses the leader's high need for achievement?


Which of these forces push organizations toward a new state of affairs?

Driving forces

For which type of environment should organizations adopt an organic structure?

Dynamic environment

Which of the following is a verbal symbol of cultural values?

Expressions of anger

Which of the following explicitly argues that people have a preferred leadership style based on their personality, so organizations should move leaders into situations that fit their preferred style?

Fiedler's contingency model of leadership

Which of the following leadership approaches directly support the idea that the "romance of leadership" is important in leadership?

Implicit leadership perspective

Which model of organizational change explicitly refers to unfreezing the current situation and refreezing the desired state?

Force field analysis

________ is the degree to which organizations standardize behavior through rules, procedures, formal training, and related mechanisms.


A wholesale grocery business operates in one city and provides one service—stocking retailers with fresh produce. The company wants to ensure that employees develop expertise in their skill specialization and that these specializations are used efficiently. The aim is to create specialized pools of talent that serve everyone in the company. Which of the following forms of departmentalization would be most appropriate here?

Functional structure

Food4U Food4U, a wholesale grocery business, operates in one city and provides one service—stocking retailers with fresh produce. The company wants to ensure that employees develop expertise in their skill specialization and that these specializations are used efficiently. What form of departmentalization would be most appropriate here?

Functional structure

Senior executives at a large retail organization want employees to become more customer-friendly. Employees think they are serving customers well enough and the company is a dominant player in the market. What should the executives do to create an urgency to change in this situation?

Inform employees about the driving forces in the external environment indicating that the company's dominant position will be threatened unless they become more customer-friendly.

Which of the following organizational culture dimensions is characterized by risk taking and low cautiousness?


Which of the following strategies works best when people realize that their company's existing culture is ineffective and are motivated to adopt a new set of dominant values?


Which of the following happens during the preemployment stage of organizational socialization?

It encompasses the learning and adjustment that occurs before the first day of work

Which of the following statements is true about reality shock?

It is usually common in most organizations.

Candoo Corp. will soon flatten its hierarchy by removing two of the five layers of management. If the number of employees in the organization remains constant, which of the following must also occur?

It must widen the span of control.

Which of the following statements is true about realistic job interviews?

It reduces the possibilities of reality shock.

George works at an IT firm. He finds that the activities carried out by his team are of higher complexity and struggles to complete his tasks on time. He learns that some of his team members were also facing the same issue. Even though there is clarity of the target among the team, the team struggles to efficiently carry out its task. Which of the following should the team do in order to ensure the completion of the tasks?

It should standardize skills by hiring people with necessary experience.

Which of the following is a feature of job specialization?

It usually aids in reducing the training costs.

Which of the following statements is true of formalization?

It usually increases efficiency and compliance.

Which of the following is a limitation of the personal attributes perspective of leadership?

It views leadership as something within a person.

Tammy Tammy recently earned her degree in nursing and has begun working in the surgical ward at a local hospital. Her training program consists of a year-long internship, working with senior nurses. While in school, Tammy worked in a medical lab performing routine blood tests. The lab technician job required her to take a two-week course and refer to a procedures manual for her work on a daily basis. Which coordinating mechanism was most important in Tammy's job as a lab technician? Question options:

Job descriptions

Which of the following is the most accurate definition of leadership?

Leadership is influencing, motivating, and enabling others to contribute toward the effectiveness and success of the organization.

Which of the following statements is most consistent with the view of shared leadership?

Leadership of an organization is broadly distributed rather than assigned to one person.

MoneySafe MoneySafe, a financial services organization, uses performance-based reward systems across various departments to keep employees directed toward organizational goals. The management believes that these rewards might replace or reduce the need for task-oriented leadership. Which of the following leadership theories supports this action?

Leadership substitutes

Sanco Systems uses performance-based reward systems across various departments to keep employees directed toward organizational goals. The management at Sanco Systems believes that these rewards might replace or reduce the need for task-oriented leadership. Which of the following leadership theories supports this belief?

Leadership substitutes

Which of the following change management strategies should be given a priority when employees need to break old routines and adopt new role patterns?


Which of the following statements is true concerning Lewin's force field model in the context of changes in other cultures?

Lewin's model, like the Western perspective on change, often views change as linear.

Which of the following statements about leadership and gender is true?

Male and female leaders generally do not differ in their use of task-oriented and people-oriented leadership.

Creative Advertising Corp. wants its 100 employees to work together around specific clients yet maintain an equal emphasis on alignment with their skill specializations (advertising, graphics, copywriting and public relations). Which of the following organizational structures would work best for Creative Advertising Corp.?

Matrix structure that overlays project teams with a functional structure

In the context of elements of organizational culture, which of the following falls under shared assumptions?

Mental models

Which of the following refers to the strategy in which employees deliberately inflate problems with changes that they did not initiate, just to prove that those ideas were not superior to their own?

Not-invented-here syndrome

XYZ Office Supplies XYZ Office Supplies is about to introduce a new customer service program that will affect all its 355 sales and service employees. Job duties will be changed, and the employee rewards system will be altered to fit this new customer focus. Moreover, the company wants to improve the efficiency of work processes, thereby removing some of the comfortable (and often leisurely) routines that employees have followed over the years. Top management is concerned about the different types of forces resisting change that the company will potentially experience during this change process. The employees at XYZ discreetly weaken the new customer service program to prove that the decision is wrong and that the new program in not effective. Which of the following reasons to resist change is depicted in this scenario?

Not-invented-here syndrome

Which of the following is a difference between organic structures and mechanistic structures?

Organic structures have high decentralization, whereas mechanistic structures have high centralization.

________ leadership includes behaviors such as listening to employees for their opinions and ideas, and showing consideration of employee needs.


________ is the third stage of organizational socialization that is most active as employees make the transition from newcomers to insiders.

Role management

Which of the following is true about socialization agents?

Socialization agents help integrate new employees into the team.

Which of these statements about organizational stories is true?

Stories are most effective at communicating corporate culture when they describe real events with real people.

________ represents the heart of transformational leadership.

Strategic vision

Which of the following leadership styles in path-goal theory is the same as people-oriented leadership?


Which of the following leadership styles should be used by leaders when team cohesiveness is low?


MoneySafe MoneySafe, a financial services organization, uses performance-based reward systems across various departments to keep employees directed toward organizational goals. The management believes that these rewards might replace or reduce the need for task-oriented leadership. Which of the following leadership styles is of least importance under these circumstances?


________ leadership includes behaviors that define and structure work roles.


Which of the following refers to "walking the talk"?

The leader steps out and behaves in ways that symbolize the vision.

Johni's Company Johni is the CEO of a struggling company. She has listened to her employees' concerns about where the corporation is going and has developed a new vision that she feels will help develop a common bond throughout the organization. Johni then hosted a company-wide picnic where she delivered an inspiring speech about the new plans for the business, including her plans for more open communication between management and employees. After her speech, management and employees all participated in trust-building exercises, and each employee had a one-on-one conversation with Johni. What type of leadership theory most resembles Johni's actions?


Which leadership theory or perspective adopts the view that leaders are agents of change?

Transformational leadership perspective

Which of the following statements is true of a matrix organizational structure?

Usually a pure matrix design gives equal power to leaders of both groups.

Coordination through formal hierarchy relies on:

direct supervision.

Whenever a team in Ads Today, an advertising firm, wins a new contract, the successful team rings a loud bell and breaks out a bottle of champagne. In organizational culture, this practice would be considered:

a ceremony.

By creating ________, employee involvement reduces the fear of the unknown and the not-invented-here syndrome

a sense of ownership

One of the functions of ________ is that it is a spawning ground for emerging values that keep the firm aligned with the needs of customers, suppliers, society, and other stakeholders.

a subculture

Team-based organizations have:

a wide span of control.

People with an external locus of control tend to be more satisfied with ________ leadership styles.

directive and supportive

According to the situational leadership theory developed by Hersey and Blanchard, effective leaders should vary their style with the:

ability and motivation of followers.

Information systems are important in the change process because they:

act as conduits for feedback.

Refreezing refers to:

aligning an organization's systems with the desired behaviors to support and reinforce the new role patterns.

Employees at SuperTech Services seek out opportunities rather than wait for them to arrive. They also have a strong learning orientation. This implies that SuperTech has:

an adaptive culture.

United FiberTech Most employees at United FiberTech support the idea that the company's success depends on their willingness to continually change and improve customer service. United FiberTech probably has:

an adaptive culture.

In the context of technological contingencies, ________ refers to the predictability or difficulty of the required work.


According to the attraction-selection-attrition (ASA) theory, job applicants

avoid employment in companies whose values seem incompatible with their own values.

As organizations grow older, they tend to:

become more formalized

A divisional structure is recommended mainly for:

diverse environments.

At a meeting, the senior management of a firm cites the accomplishments of lower-level employees and announces the rewards for good performance. Such meetings occur annually at the firm. In the context of organizational artifacts, this is specifically an example of a(n) ________.


The ________ divisional structure organizes employees around specific customer groups.


According to the action research model, before diagnosing the need for change, the:

client-consultant relationship has to be formed.

The highest priority and first strategy required for any organizational change is to:

communicate the need for change.

In the organizational change process, strategic visions:

could minimize fear of the unknown.

XYZ Office Supplies XYZ Office Supplies is about to introduce a new customer service program that will affect all its 355 sales and service employees. Job duties will be changed and the employee rewards system will be altered to fit this new customer focus. Moreover, the company wants to improve the efficiency of work processes, thereby removing some of the comfortable (and often leisurely) routines that employees have followed over the years. Top management is concerned about the different types of forces resisting change that the company will potentially experience during this change process. XYZ attempts to assist the change process by putting employees in direct contact with customers. Here, the company is trying to:

create an urgency for change.

When functional structures are compared with divisional structures, functional structures are known to:

create better economies of scale.

Organizational growth and environmental complexities push organizations toward:


A team-based organizational structure has a:

decentralized organization structure.

Organizational stories are most effective at communicating organizational culture only when they:

describe real people and are assumed to be true.

The best way to determine an organization's shared assumptions is to:

determine the organization's enacted values.

The main objective of force field analysis is to help change agents to:

diagnose a situation better by understanding the driving and restraining forces for change.

EFT, Inc. EFT, Inc. wants to empower and engage its employees. They have several teams consisting of highly skilled employees and no one person on these teams has a specifically assigned position. Instead, employees lead each other as the occasion arises, so there is no formal hierarchy or organizational chart. This type of leadership is most effective when:

employees learn to influence others through their enthusiasm, logical analysis, and involvement of others in their vision.

The preemployment stage of organizational socialization would be more effective if:

employers and job applicants gave and received accurate information about each other

Organizational behavior research indicates that transformational leaders produce ________ followers, whereas charismatic leaders produce dependent followers.


Transformational leaders:

energize and direct employees to a new vision and corresponding behaviors

Implicit leadership theory states that:

everyone has preconceived beliefs about leaders.

Telecommco The chief executive of Telecommco, a large telecommunications company, wants to restructure the organization so that product leaders would have more power than the executives in charge of each region. The regional executives try to prevent this restructuring because it would weaken their power and possibly reduce their salaries in the long term. The product leaders also put up some resistance because they feel that things work just fine the way they are currently. The resistance from the product leaders is an example of resistance due to:

fear of the unknown.

Many companies are moving away from divisional structures that organize people around:

geographic clusters.

Dividing work into more specialized jobs:

gives an opportunity to the job incumbents to master their tasks quickly.

Standardizing work through job descriptions and procedures:

is a form of coordination.

A drawback of the learning strategy for minimizing resistance to change is that it:

is potentially costly and may not benefit employees at large

One problem of employee involvement strategy in minimizing resistance to change is that it:

is very time-consuming.

One problem with a functional structure is that:

it produces higher dysfunctional conflict and poorer coordination.

According to Fiedler's contingency model of leadership:

leader effectiveness depends on whether the person's natural leadership style is appropriately matched to the situation.

Servant leadership emphasizes the notion that:

leaders serve followers, rather than vice versa.

Effective leaders have a strong need for socialized power, meaning that they want power as a means to accomplish organizational objectives and similar good deeds. This behavior of leaders refers to:

leadership motivation

BusCorp. BusCorp. wants to introduce a new procedure to improve how customer requests are handled. This change will require employees to break old routines and adopt new role patterns. They decide to adopt two new programs, one in which employees are taught how to work as teams as the company changes. The other involves forming task forces within the company to help determine new customer service practices. The strategy BusCorp. is using to minimize resistance to change is known as:


Organizational socialization is best described as a process of ________ where newcomers try to make sense of and adapt to the company's environment.

learning and adjustment

United FiberTech Most employees at United FiberTech support the idea that the company's success depends on their willingness to continually change and improve customer service. United FiberTech most likely has a strong:

learning orientation.

An organic structure has:

little formalization.

One advantage of countercultures is that they:

maintain surveillance over and critically review the company's dominant culture.

Telecommco The chief executive of Telecommco, a large telecommunications company, wants to restructure the organization so that product leaders would have more power than the executives in charge of each region. The regional executives try to prevent this restructuring because it would weaken their power and possibly reduce their salaries in the long term. The product leaders also put up some resistance because they feel that things work just fine the way they are currently. This action by the regional executives is mainly an example of resistance due to:

negative valence of change

Many employees get a reality shock on their first day at work because:

newcomers test how well their preemployment expectations fit reality, and many companies fail this test.

A steel manufacturing firm with about 1,000 employees operates in an environment that is simple and integrated (it makes a small number of steel products for a few key customers) but also dynamic and hostile (rapidly changing technology and customer needs with many competitors). Based on the environment in which this company operates, it would be more successful with a(n):

organic structure.

Ceremonies are:

planned activities such as publicly rewarding employees at a meeting.

Situational control is affected by ________.

position power.

The organizational culture dimension of attention to detail is characterized by ________.


Mechanistic structures are better than organic structures for:

predictable environments.

The three stages of organizational socialization, in order, are:

preemployment, encounter, and role management.

Unfreezing refers to:

producing disequilibrium between the driving and restraining forces of change.

The ________ divisional structure organizes employees around distinct outputs.


Weakening or removing the restraining forces would:

provide no motivation for change.

Change agents should introduce new rewards and information systems to:

refreeze the desired conditions.

Coordination of work activities is

required whenever there is division of labor.

Resolving conflicts between work and nonwork activities mainly occurs during the ________ stage of socialization.

role management

Resistance to change:

should be viewed as task conflict.

The key learning point from the ________ principle is to be mindful of effects that the inquiry has on the direction of the change process.


Telling, selling, participating, and delegating represent the four leadership styles identified in:

situational leadership theory.

After his appointment and before joining Coratech Inc., James was paired with a senior employee, Paul. Paul was the source of vital information for James; he also guided him about the organizational entry process. In this scenario, Paul acts as a(n) ________.

socialization agent

The ________ structure is costly to maintain due to the need for ongoing interpersonal skills training.


The themes shared most consistently and widely by employees represent:

the organization's dominant culture.

The simple structure usually depends on ________ to coordinate work activities, so it is very difficult to operate as the company grows and becomes more complex.

the owner's direct supervision

The simple structure usually depends on ________ to coordinate work activities, so it is very difficult to operate as the company grows and becomes more complex. Question options:

the owner's direct supervision

Charisma refers to:

the personal traits that provide referent power over others.

People tend to evaluate female leaders slightly less favorably than male leaders because:

they tend to rely on gender stereotypes and prototypes of leaders

Organizational size, technology, and external environment are:

three of the four contingencies of organizational design.

When managing change, learning interventions should be used:

to break routines that cause resistance to change.

Two technological contingencies that influence the best type of organizational structure are:

variability and analyzability.

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