OBHR Final Exam

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According to research, leaders who are polite, considerate, unselfish, and performance oriented will be especially effective In this country.


How Transformational Leadership Works

- affect or attitudinal mechanism promotes positive employee moods, emotions, job satisfaction, org commitment, and feelings of well-being - Motivational mechanism: motivates employees to become more confident and engaged - Identification mechanism: leads employees to personally identify with the leader and the leader's values and identity as well as with team/org - Social exchange mechanism improves the quality of exchange and relationship between leaders and followers, followers more likely to receive that they are supported by the leader - Justice enhancement mechanism: improve employee fairness perceptions, motivating followers to contribute more and to trust the leader, team and org more

there are universal traits held at high esteem

- vision - Foresight - Encouraging - Trustworthiness - Positiveness - Pro active


-capacity that Diane has to influence the behavior of Jack, jack has to act in accordance with Dianes wishes, one can have power but not necessarily let others know. We may not know someone has a lot of power over us. Power holder might not share that information unless they really want to

characteristics of transformational leadership

1. Idealized influence: provides vision and sense of mission, instills pride, gains respect and trust 2. Inspirational motivation: communicates high expectations, uses symbols to focus efforts expresses important purposes in simple ways 3. Intellectual stimulation: promotes intelligence rationality and careful problem solving 4. Individualized consideration: gives personal attention and treats employees with respect

ohio state identified two independent behaviors to support behavioral theory

1. Initiating structure - planning scheduling trying out new ideas deadlines performance standards procedures and feedback (process oriented) 2. Consideration: mutual trust respect for employees ideas helping them reach their career goals and regard for their feelings (related to EQ)

Nine Power Tactics

1. Legitimate power: title/authority 2. Rational persuasion: use logic reasoning and evidence to persuade 3. Inspirational appeals: inspire other people appeal to emotions 4. Consultation: sits down with others and ask for advice and recommendation, cultivate ownership in your success 5. Exchange: you do something for them, and they do something for you 6. Personal appeals: personal relationship you try to leverage 7. Ingratiating: using flattery and asking for favors being friendly 8. Pressure: pressuring others to do something similar to coercion 9. Coalitions: much better for coworkers to come together and approach managers some tactics are more effective than others based on situation -pressure tends to backfire -consultation is most effective with audience highly interested in outcome

Three types of formal power

1. coercive 2. reward 3. legitimate

fiedler model also looks at...

1. degree of confidence 2. task structure 3. position power

two distinct outcomes of trait theories of leadership

1. leadership effectiveness 2. leadership emergence

According to the Dept of Justice, how many sexual assaults happen in the workplace each year?


Who are clients of ABM, the largest janitorial employer in the U.S.?

Airports, office buildings and the Pentagon.

At the beginning of this video clip, what are the power and political dynamics between the boss and the assistant?

At the beginning of the video clip the political dynamics are switched. The boss is a white woman while the assistant is a white man. The assistant is there to do and answer all of the questions that the boss asks, and it is clear that the boss has the power through her title and authority.

According to research. leaders who are considerate, team oriented. participative, and humane will do best with employees in this country


for behavior theory, cultural context matters because it depends on what org culture you operate in

Brazil: leaders high in consideration are best who engage team members build trust display empathy France : leaders high in initiating structure makes unilateral decisions, bureaucratic plans schedules publish deadlines performance standards and procedures China: leaders who are polite, considerate unselfish and high performance orientation perform best

leadership style spectrum

Delegate style is on one extreme, autocratic style is on the other end of spectrum

Most important aspect of power is that it is a function of _______


What creates dependence?

Do you absolutely have to have this resource, Are there substitutes?

Charisma is best used when

Environment is uncertain or stressful and Ideology is involved

How did the original power and political dynamics between the boss and the assistant mentioned in Q25 impact other individuals?

It impacted the assistant's family because he had to miss his grandma's birthday and he admitted that they tell him he should quit his job. It also impacted coworkers because they all saw the assistant and became intimidated by his boss when they were seen walking together and the way she treated him.

What did California bill AB1978 require of janitorial employers?

It required sexual harassment training.

You are put in charge of a division in disastrous shape. Your job is to turn this division around. This division is part of a large manufacturing company. What should you do?

Kotter (taught at Harvard)-the person in charge, Tim 1)when he was put in charge he studied the situation from afar 2)needed to take large steps 3)needed to develop power fast 4)gave division management 2 hour notice of arrival and came in a limo 4)called meeting with top managers and told his plan 5)fired 4 top managers in the room 6)would sabotage anyone who tried to block his efforts to save the division 7)people scheduled meetings with his assistants 8)people cooperated enthusiastically


Leaders challenge the status quo, creates visions of the future Just because person has title doesn't mean they challenge status quo Inspire and motivate others to achieve vision

Do you think the fact that policies and competition are going in opposite directions is illogical?

Logical because these companies have the resources to implement the best policies and people will always want to work at top companies

What are some potential remedies for workplace biases and unfair competition?

Merit based promotions and not face time alone; anonymous performance reviews; peer ratings/reviews

What two common themes did the EEOC see in janitorial employers?

Negligent and not conducting background checks

According to Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, do you need physical evidence to prosecute rape? Explain.

No, because the testimony of the survivor is evidence and its whether she is believable or not.

What are some biases that are built into the employee evaluation and promotion process?

Some biases include "stack ranking" systems, in which managers produce detailed rankings of the members of their teams once a year, and the practice of comparing employees to one another. Gender, age and race; unconscious bias

Why is power influenced by dependence?

That person knows you're dependent on that person in order to gain access to a resource, A person can have power over you only if he or she controls something you desire

Explain the cause of the change in power and political dynamics between the boss and the assistant.

The change occurred when the boss figured out that they were going to make Bob chief. She went into the executive's office and explained that her and her assistant were getting married. She was the one who was now intimidated and nervous and her assistant now had the power to play along or reject the situation.

How does the content of "Rape on the Night Shift" relate to Power and Politics?

The power relates to dependence because these women needed a job; companies try to dodge the problem (not doing background checks); you can put policies in place and enforce legislation at the state and national levels

What did the 20 women who joined the EEOC class action lawsuit in the Central Valley of California that was resolved in 2010 allege against ABM?

They alleged that the company did not protect them against sexual harassment, assault and rape by the men working for ABM.

What similar workplace experience do women janitors and women farm workers share?

They are both usually undocumented and isolated.

How does the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission enforce sexual harassment laws in the workplace?

They cannot bring criminal charges against alleged perpetrators but can sue a perpetrators employer.

How many lawsuits has ABM faced in the past 20 years?

They have faced over 40

Where do the janitors in "Rape on the Night Shift" work?

They work in San Francisco at the iconic Ferry Building.

Was ABM negligent in hiring Jose Vasquez to work as a supervisor? Explain.

Yes, because soon they started receiving anonymous complaints saying that he was in jail and that people needed help, putting them on notice of this sexual predator but they did nothing. In addition, he was a registered sex offender. They never did a background check when they hired him.

coercive power

a threat of a use of violence, in court of law contracts signed by coercion are not valid because you are not willing to sign and were threatened

laissez-faire leadership

abdicate responsibilities and avoid making decisions, example a boss who hires people who know what to do so they hardly intervene and can allow people to make mistakes, warren buffet, should establish milestones for their staff, track results and should stay on top of problems

referent power

ability to convey sense of personal acceptance or approval, must have integrity and charisma, for example, what they say means a lot to you if they hold high esteem, people can use this to motivate you and make you do things, combination of motivation and power


ability to influence a group toward the achievement of a vision or a goal Leaders make decisions that impact others

political behavior

activities that are not required as part of a person's formal role in the organization but that influence, or attempt to influence, the distribution of advantages and disadvantages within the organization allows them to accomplish certain goals for themselves or a group of people may not always benefit org as a whole

"we are broadly seen throughout the world as arrogant people, totally self-absorbed and loud" the previous statement describes the reputation of ________ employees


sexual harassment

any unwanted activity of a sexual nature that affects an individual's employment and creates hostile work environment between 25-40% of individuals report being sexually harassed very costly for orgs

This type of leader is self-aware and anchored by her mission, consider others opinions and all relevant information before acting, and display her true self when interacting with employees.


which type of power usually backfires?

coercive power

this type of culture expresses the core values that are shared by most of the org's members

dominant culture

Fiedler Model (Contingency Theory)

effectiveness is dependent on situational demands; effective group performance depends on the proper match between leader's style and situation

in this stage of the socialization process, a new employee sees what the org is really like and confronts the possibility that expectations and reality may diverge


"Power based on influence through possessing expertise, special skills, or knowledge" is a definition of...

expert power

power based on influence through possessing expertise, special skills, or knowledge is a definition of

expert power

two kinds of personal power

expert power, referent power

delegate style

followers have a lot of control, one end of spectrum


formulate detailed plans, focused on day to day operations, efficient org structures

according to research, leaders who initiate structure, are task-oriented, and make decisions autocratically will do well with employees in this country


servant leadership

go beyond self-interest and instead focus on opportunities to help followers grow and develop - characteristic behaviors include listening empathizing persuading accepting stewardship and actively developing followers' potential - advantage for women who are servant leaders because this style matches traditional gender roles

Charisma is strongly correlated to

high performance and satisfaction

research found that when political activity and understanding of why someone was selected for a role are ______ , a worker's job performance is likely to _______ because these individuals see political activity as an opportunity

high... increase

studies from locations throughout the world have shown that ________ levels of political skill are associated with _________ levels of job performance

higher..... higher

charisma can be highly dangerous when

image is negative or if they are narcissists (cult leaders)

autocratic style

individual leader has most of the control opposite end of spectrum from delegate style

Transformational Leadership

inspire followers to transcend their own self-interest for the good of org, transcend their own self-interest (military and political leaders) dedicate and devote themselves to common good, can be found in health care and security industries, assertive, egalitarian, power distance cultures

Viewing politics as central to the reality of decision making is the ____________ people construe politics.


informal leadership ...

is often more important than formal Not all leaders are managers nor are all managers leaders

facilitative style

leader facilitates a discussion, tries to get followers together to create discussion on a certain topic maybe even a debate

Leader-Member Exchange Theory

leaders and followers have unique one on one relationships that vary with each follower (some higher quality than others) leaders establish a special relationship with small group of followers - Followers are not treated the same by leader - Followers who are competent, conscientious, proactive, and positive employees are in the in group and they are trusted, receive special privileges - Because followers are already high performers and become the in group

_______ Is the act or influencing a group toward the achievement or a vision or set of goals.


"Power based on a person's position in the formal hierarchy of an organization" is a definition of...

legitimate power

power based on a person's position in the formal hierarchy of an org is a definition of

legitimate power

according to trait theories of leadership, good leaders...

like being around others, assert themselves, extroverted when need to be, disciplined and can keep commitments, open minded creative flexible Emotional intelligence also crucial for leadership, if they lack EQ they won't be good leader

This type of leader puts out tires during crises, monitors employee performance for mistakes, and interacts with followers only when something is wrong

management by exception

Transactional Leadership

motivate followers in direction of established goals by clarifying role and task requirements, allocating rewards and punishment, and intervening when necessary and (passively or actively) intervening when situation = relevant - leaders who actively intervene have huge impact in keeping safe behaviors

what sources are most effective for leadership?

personal sources

both expert and referent power are

positively related to employee satisfaction with supervision

what is the variable when it comes to sexual harassment?

power sexual harassment is more likely when there are large power differentials sexual harassment by boss is typically the most difficult for harassment victims

expert power

power that is based on the special knowledge, skills, and expertise that a leader possesses example: someone who is an expert in something like civil engineering knows a lot about bridge construction and has expert power in this construction, one good way to take advantage of this expert power is to speak up if conversation surrounds the topic you are an expert in, do not speak out if you are not an expert in the topic

"Presenting logical arguments and factual evidence to demonstrate a request is reasonable" describes which type of influence tactic?

rational persuasion

"Power based on identification with a person who has desirable resources or personal traits" is a definition of...

referent power

power based on the ability to distribute rewards that others view as valuable is a definition of

reward power

authentic leaders

self-aware and grounded by mission and principles, consider others' opinions and all relevant information before acting, and display their true selves when interacting with employees, what you see is what you get, very grounded

This is a process that enables new employees to acquire the social knowledge and necessary skills in order to adapt to the organization's culture


reward power

someone who has power because they are able to reward you example: a boss can give you a raise so they have power, a coach can give you playing time, so they have reward power too

Leadership Styles

style used when making important decisions, styles vary in how much control is retained by the leader, and how much control is given to the followers

this type of culture is typically defined by department designations or geographical separation


Situational Leadership Theory (contingency theory)

successful leadership depends on selecting the right leadership style, contingent on the follower's readiness to accomplish task or the extent to which they are willing and able to accomplish a specific task Unable and unwilling to do task: leader needs to give clear and specific instructions Unable but willing: leader needs to display a high task orientation to compensate for follower's lack of ability Able but unwilling: leader needs to be supportive and participative style Able and willing: leader doesn't need to do much

organization practices that can be sustained over a long period of time because the tools or structures that supports them are not damaged by the processes is the definition of


task structure

the degree to which job assignments follow a specific procedure (either structured or unstructured)

position power

the degree to which leaders are able to hire, fire, reward, and punish workers

legitimate power

the power a person receives as a result of his or her position in the formal hierarchy of an organization, based on title (Mitch Daniels as president of Purdue)

managers have the responsibility to protect ______

themselves and their employees from hostile work environments

behavioral theories of leadership

theories proposing that specific behaviors differentiate leaders from nonleaders imply that we can actually train people to be leaders (trait theory does not believe this) - Propose that specific behaviors differentiate leaders from non-leaders, once they identify these behaviors, they can train others

trait theories of leadership

theories that consider personal qualities and characteristics that differentiate leaders from nonleaders. Believe that traits are more effective can predict emergence of leaders, big five traits can predict leadership, Traits do a better job predicting the emergence of leaders and the appearance of leadership than actually distinguishing between effective and ineffective leaders

How are these janitors in danger?

they are assigned a floor in a dark and unoccupied business/office building at night to do their work and they have to watch out for themselves.

why do managers have the responsibility of protecting themselves and their employees from sexual harassment?

they can be sued, both the manager and the org as a whole can be liable a manager can be held individually responsible even if they were unaware a situation was happening

degree of confidence

trust and respect members have for leader

Charismatic Leadership

type of influence based on the leader's personal charisma, followers tend to like certain leaders when they show 1. Vision and articulation: has a vision that proposes a future better than the status quo and is able to clarify the importance of the vision in terms that are understandable to others, future better than present and why ppl should become followers (MLK Junior I have a dream speech) 2. Personal risk taking: willing to take on high personal risk, incur high costs, and engage in self-sacrifice to achieve the vision (JFK, MLK) 3. Sensitivity toward followers: perception of others abilities and responsive to their needs and feelings 4. Unconventional behaviors: engages in behaviors that are perceived as novel and counter to norms can be either good or bad leaders

charisma is associated with

upper-level executives

least preferred coworker (LPC) questionnaire

used by Fiedler model, identifies whether a person is task or relationship oriented by asking respondents to think of all coworkers they ever had and describe the one they least enjoyed working with if you describe LPC favorably: relationship oriented if you describe LPC unfavorable: interested in productivity and task oriented

LBJ Treatment

using stature and body to force individuals to go along with what he wants them to do, transformational leadership, seamlessly slip between positions and make himself attractive for both parties

double standard for women as authentic leaders

women are perceived to be more authentic when they engage in traditional feminine hobbies and warm female roles - When women are more assertive people perceive them as inauthentic

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