Objective First Unit 1

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cargo pants

(British English also combats, combat trousers, combat pants) [plural] ​loose trousers that have pockets in various places, for example on the side of the leg above the knee

dress up

(FORMAL) to put on formal clothes for a special occasion наряжаться Weddings are a great opportunity to ...

waistcoat, vest

(US vest) a piece of clothing with buttons at the front and no sleeves, that you wear over a shirt жилет


If material or clothing ____s, or if it is ___ed, the threads at the edge break and become loose. протираться, изнашиваться

fit in with sth

If one activity or event.... another, they exist or happen together in a way that is convenient. подходить, согласовываться The party is in early June. How does that ... your plans?


If you look smart or your clothes are smart, you look clean and tidy. опрятный, элегантный a ..., blue suit I need to look a bit ...er for my interview. (FASHIONABLE) fashionable and expensive фешенебельный ... riverside apartments


[usually singular] (informal, disapproving) ​a way of avoiding doing something that you should do, or an excuse for not doing it випадок уникнення зобов'язань або відповідальності. Not turning up was just a ____

plonk sth down

____ down/in/on, etc to put something somewhere quickly and without care ронять, бросать что-либо вниз/в/на и т. д. She ___ed her bag on the floor.


a ... collar, shirt, etc. has the ends of the collar fastened to the shirt with buttons

polo shirt

a cotton shirt with short sleeves, a collar, and buttons at the front тенниска


a curved piece of wood, plastic, or metal with a hook on top, used for hanging clothes on She took off her jacket and hung it on a ... вішалка

a great deal

a good deal She's married to a man ____ older than herself.


a jewel (= precious stone), especially when cut into a regular shape: Blue diamonds are rare and sought-after _______


a line on cloth or paper where it has been folded or crushed складка, сгиб

a good deal

a lot He was____ older than her.


a piece of jewellery on a chain that you wear around your neck кулон


a piece of material that you use to cover a hole in your clothes or in other material заплата He had leather ____es sewn on the elbows of his jacket.


a set of clothes for a particular event or activity одежда, наряд cowboy ...

bow tie

a special type of tie (= a strip of cloth put around a collar) in the shape of a bow, worn especially by men on formal occasions краватка-метелик


a type of artificial cloth used for making clothes полиэстр

flip flops

a type of shoe, often made of rubber, with a V-shaped strap in between the big toe and the toe next to it резиновый шлепанец на ремешке

navy/navy blue

a very dark blue colour темно-синий цвет


anything worn on the head, for example a hat protective _____ захист для голови


cloth with a pattern of different coloured squares and crossing lines ткань в клетку a plaid dress


cloth with a pattern of different coloured squares and crossing lines шотландка (ткань) a ... kilt


dirty and untidy неряшливый scruffy jeans


fairly or to some degree вірніше, краще, до деякої міри, переважно, швидше, щось The task proved to be ____ more difficult than I had expected


for a short time He had spoken to Emma only____


leather that has a slightly rough surface замша


more than is necessary or wanted излишний, чрезмерный They accused the police of using____ force.


noun [countable] a tight piece of clothing that looks a little like a woman's swimsuit and is worn for exercise or dancing, especially by women тріко

polka dot

one of a large number of small, round spots that are printed in a regular pattern on cloth: a shocking pink dress with white...s горошок


shocking or extreme возмутительный, скандальный ... behaviour/clothes

go ahead.

something that you say to someone to give them permission to do something пожалуйста! ''Can I borrow your book?'' ''Yes, ...''


the bottom part of a sleeve that goes around your wrist манжета


the narrow, raised path that people walk along in a fashion show подиум


the part of a collar that is folded against the front of a shirt or jacket лацкан wide ...s


the part where trousers open and close at the front ширинка a button/zip ...


the sign of the zodiac that relates to the period of 23 May - 21 June, or a person born during this period Близнецы

stand out

to be very easy to see or notice выделяться The bright blue letters really ...on the page.

go up

to become higher in level повышаться, подниматься House prices keep ...

go for sth

to choose something выбирать What sort of printer are you going to ...?

keep up with

to continue to be informed about something: быть в курсе She likes to ... the latest fashions.

cut down on sth

to eat or drink less of something, or to reduce the amount or number of something сокращать потребление My doctor says I should ... cigarettes.

go on

to happen происходить, случаться What's ...?

save up for sth

to keep money so that you can buy something with it in the future копить (деньги) .... a new computer.

get away with

to manage with less of something than you might expect to need After the first month, you should be able to ....one lesson a week. іти геть з

pull on

to put on clothes quickly натягивать (одежду) I .... my jeans and ran downstairs.

put sth together

to put the parts of something in the correct places and join them to each other: It took several hours to ... the puzzle....

to slip on sth

to quickly put on a piece of clothing быстро надевать что-либо I'll just ... my shoes ....

distinguish from/between

to recognize the differences between two people, ideas, or things различать Children must learn to _____ between right and wrong. People have difficulty _____ing Tracy from her twin sister Mary.

take sth back

to return something to the place you borrowed or bought it from возвращать что-либо If the shirt doesn't fit, ... it ...

go back to sth

to start doing something again that you were doing before возвращаться к чему-либо It's time to ... work now.

go ahead with sth

to start to do something начинать We have permission to ....the project.

make the most of sth

to take full advantage of something because it may not last long как можно лучше воспользоваться чем-либо We should _____ this good weather.

go over sth

to talk or think about something in order to explain it or make certain that it is correct повторять что-либо Let's ... the plan one more time.

feel ____

to think something or have an opinion считать, иметь мнение [ + (that) ] I ____ that he's the best person for the job. Do you ___ strongly (= have strong opinions) about it?


two straps fixed to a pair of trousers that go over your shoulders and stop the trousers from falling down подтяжки suspenders


very pleased довольный, радостный [ + to do sth ] I'd be ____ to accept your invitation. They are _____ WITH their new car.


ботинки на шнуровке

up to

вплоть до

rolled-up sleeves

закатанные рукава

market stall

палатка на рынке

make an effort to do sth

приложить усилие Some shops really make an ____ to help you.

high-heeled shoes

туфли на высоких каблуках

court shoes


smarten somebody/something up | smarten (yourself) up

​(especially British English) to make yourself, another person or a place look neater or more attractive принаряжать, приводить в порядок plans to ____ the city centre


​(of money and goods for sale) made to look exactly like something in order to trick people into thinking that they are getting the real thing SYNONYM fake Are you aware these notes are _____? подделка/подделывать/поддельный


​an object such as a fashion item or an electronic device that is a cheaper copy of the original, more expensive version подделки It's an expensive ____, but a ____ all the same.

what goes around comes around (saying)

​the way somebody behaves towards other people will affect the way those people behave towards them in the future ​something that is not fashionable now will become fashionable again in the future что посеешь, то и пожнешь все возвращается


​using the most modern methods and machines, especially electronic ones ____ industries высокотехнологичный

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