Oceans 320 Midterm, Oceans 320 Test #1, Ocean 320 Exam 1, OCEANS 320 EXAM 1, Oceans 320 Final, Oceans 320 Test #1, Oceans 320, Oceans 320, Oceans 320 Test #1, Oceans A, Unit 6 mariculture robinson

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force the wind has

cod is at an all time low

fish farms dont help because they often require more fish to grow the desired fish

fish predetor fish then theyre prey and so on

fishing down the food chain

a system of interlocking and interdependent food chains

food web


in relation to mass die offs of cetaceans, one scientific theory in readings explains the stranding and the die off of whole pods of whale and doplphis as a dementia like probelm resulting from pcbs effecting the brain


it is possible to have a theory without observational or inferential evidence?

a species in which the ecosytem largely depends

keystone species

countries get 200 miles off the coast to fish

law of the sea

1000 millibors, 29.54 inches on mercury

low barometric preasure

f= 1.2-3.5 lower f less affected by precipitation remote sensing of waves is closely liked to satisfy of surface winds and currents

main focus on microwave techniques

is a trophic level that uses both predetor down and prey up to control its populatins


falls during an idea age to expose continental shelves

water in the oceans

layer at which seawater temperature dramatically drops



time of wind blow

winds that reliably blow from the east, trades that go west were smartest

trade winds

where three facets meet

triple junction

orginization of an ecosystem, each level compramising organisms that share the same function in the food chain and sources of energy

trophic level

ITCZ is the hurricane belt

ITCZN gets most south in the fall

It could disrupt the system

If fish farms build up concentrated waste

solar energy

the main driving force of weather and climate is


Approximately how much Oxygen does the marine based primary productivity supply to the atmosphere?


Approximately what percent of Earth's water is in the ocean?

What is being caught over time is progressively smaller and from lower trophic levels as larger species are fished out

"Fishing down the food chain"

lower biomass

"Fishing down the food chain" results in ___________ per catch.

ocean temperature changes ocean salinity changes ocean nutrient levels

"Natural" environmental variations that can cause rearrangement of the biomass would include.....?

not benthic or pelagic

*a creature that lived its entire life on the ocean bottom would be called

the north using a different amount of CO2 annually

*annual changes in the level of CO2 in the global atmosphere are due too


*it is possible to have a theory without observational or inferential evidence?

NOT: ocean mineral deposits, and deep ocean sed dep, NOT coastal beach deposits

*plagic red clay, gloigerina, pteropod and silicious ooze would all be examples of?


*some science observations are qualitative as opposed to quantitative


*tectonic features on the ocean floor is the location of the largest earthquake


*the oceans are relatively deep compared to how wide they are?

aided by technology driven by profit global efficient

20th century ocean exploitation was ... (Choose all that apply)

Empirical evidence, Logical Reasoning, Skeptical Attitude

3 Principles of scientific thinking

the ocean is a major influence on weather and climate; ocean and life in the ocean shape the features of earth; earth has one bug ocean with many features; ocean supports a great deal of life and ecosystem; oceans and humans are inextricably connected; ocean made earth inhabitable; ocean is largely unexplored

7 principles of ocean literacy

by humans

A Midden is a pile of shells deposited....?

-a change from a warmer time ......... to an Epoch of ice ages -A change from a time of lower productivity........ to a more productive Epoch -significant changes in surface and deep ocean currents

A Tale of Two Oceans tells of the big difference between the Pliocene and Pleistocene. What were some of the global changes evident by the transition? (select all the true choices)

a lot of backscatter means big waves as they reflect the microwave energy

A active-satellite, one that sends out electromagnetic waves, can beam the energy down toward the ocean surface and determine how large the waves on the ocean are. How much energy comes back to the satellite and how fast it returns gives information. What is that?

-increase the chances of ecosystem changes occurring off the California coast -increase the chances for flooding in Southern California -increase the chances of exotic marine species in California waters

A change from a La Nina current to an El Nino current would......(select all that apply)

A keystone species

A creature that in so integral in the ecosystem that it's loss would cause partial collapse of the system is called.....?


A creature that lived its entire life on the ocean bottom would be called _______________

Correct Answer: B Explanation: According to the article listed on blackboard "Defining the patterns of wind and atmospheric circulation (convention cells)" and Encyclopedia.com (https://www.encyclopedia.com/earth-and-environment/atmosphere-and-weather/weather-and-climate-terms-and-concepts/hurricane), Hurricanes or tropical storms require a Coriolis Force to develop. On the equator the Coriolis Force is zero, making it impossible for a tropical storm or hurricane to develop or even cross the equator. A hurricane has never crossed or formed on the equator. All hurricanes form above or below the equator and around mostly around the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn.

A formation of a hurricane or a tropical storm requires a Coriolis force to develop, which area on earth can a hurricane not take place or even cross? A. At 6 degrees north or south of the Equator B. On the Equator at 0 degrees C. On the Tropic of Cancer 23.5 degrees north D. On the Tropic of Capricorn 23.5 degrees south


A majority of people part of "Pew Research Center" poll (2014) were in favor of offshore oil drilling?


If mangrove loss rate continues at the present levels, mangrove forests will be gone in 100 years?

a type of change to how a system is measured, usually against previous reference points (baselines), which themselves may represent significant changes from an even earlier state of the system.

A ocean baseline would be the same as....

*more people *motorboats *development *fishing for profit *pollution

A recent report by SDSU students who are natives of the Republic of Palau indicate that many issues are involved in causing the shifting of environmental baselines in their country. (list all that apply)

intense warming did little to alter the long-term structure of the marine vertebrate community during this geological time frame.

A report by scientists at Scripps who studied marine fossil assemblages in layers deposited over the last 85 million years says ...........

bottom-up control

A study paper for this unit, "The Functioning of Marine Ecosystems", describes how impacts to the ecosystem at various trophic levels can effeec the rest of the system. What type of control effects the entire system?

global cycles of primary productivity

A two-year chart of Carbon Dioxide measurements made from the top of Mauna Loa, Hawaii, shows a saw tooth patten. Why?


A type of sugar (carbohydrate) that is produced by symbiotic algae within the mantle of a giant clam is called....

Ekman pumping causes the debris to converge via wind and surface flow

According to "Origin, dynamics and evolution of ocean garbage patches from observed surface drifters" (van Sebille, et al), how are the great ocean garbage patches formed?

Ekman pumping causes the debris to converge via wind and surface flow

According to "Origin, dynamics and evolution of oceangarbage patches from observed surface drifters" (van Sebille, et al), how are the great ocean garbage patches formed?

To first order, the formation of the patches is governed by the well-established dynamics of Ekman pumping in the subtropical gyres (Maximenko et al 2012), where wind-driven convergence of the surface flow leads to accumulation of surface water in the centre of the gyres. As the debris is generally less dense than seawater, it floats and accumulates in the regions of strongest convergence near the surface.

According to "Origin, dynamics and evolution of oceangarbage patches from observed surface drifters" (van Sebille, et al), how are the great ocean garbage patches formed?

Increasing Women's access to education

According to Unit 1B's video, "Defusing the Population Bomb" what was the number one way to diffuse the population cluster bombs the developing countries were experiencing?

Increasing Women's access to education. This answer was the solution according to the video as increasing access to education improves children's health and led to better family planning. Not only did that encourage women, but it also proved a slower population growth and it potentially could reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

According to Unit 1B's video, "Defusing the Population Bomb" what was the number one way to diffuse the population cluster bombs the developing countries were experiencing?

C, The increase of other competing predators as well as the increase in variability of fish abundance. Explanation: Answer choice C is correct because the scientists at Scripps observed the first drop off of the shark population occurred when the variability of fish abundance increased, affecting the sharks directly. Later in the article it states that the increase of other competing predators also plays a factor in the overall shark population. Throughout history, it seems that the structure of this ecosystem is resilient to climate change. The ratio of fish to sharks has remained stable despite extreme environmental changes caused by climate shifts of the past. Climate change did little to alter the structure of the marine vertebrae so answer choice A is incorrect. The Paleogene mass extinction did not have a significant effect on the shark population, so answer choice B is incorrect. Answer choice D does contribute to the decreasing shark population, however, overfishing is a not a natural occurrence.

According to the Scripps Institute of Oceanography, which of the following would explain a natural decrease in the total number of sharks in the modern world's oceans?

The increase of other competing predators as well as the increase in variability of fish abundance

According to the Scripps Institute of Oceanography, which of the following would explain a natural decrease in the total number of sharks in the modern world's oceans?

PCBs are linked to an increasing barrage of human-generated ocean "smog" that shrinks the sensory range of marine wildlife, primarily whales and dolphins, who rely on communication to find food, mate, and navigate.

According to the Whale & Dolphin Conservation (WDC), PCBs are "prime examples of chemicals that threaten the wellbeing and survival of marine animals." Which of the following options is NOT a contributing factor?

PCBs are toxic when combined with dihydrogen monoxide, and can be potentially lethal if absorbed by marine animals at sufficiently high levels

According to the Whale & Dolphin Conservation (WDC), PCBs are "prime examples of chemicals that threaten the wellbeing and survival of marine animals." Which of the following options is NOT a contributing factor?

C is the only correct answer because the article clearly states that this model only provides "rough estimates of pollution intensity," (para. 8). In the same paragraph, it explains how the rest of the answers would be incorrect. It clearly states that these models do not include all of the different types of chemicals (A) and also adds that it is unable to distinguish which chemicals are more or less toxic (B). Finally, the paragraph ends by saying that focal studies do not even exist yet at the global level, only the country level, meaning (D) is inaccurate. Source: http://www.oceanhealthindex.org/methodology/components/chemical-pollution

According to the article "Chemical Pollution," published by the Ocean Health Index, the pollution models that the Ocean Health Index have created possess the data and capabilities to ______?

provide rough estimates of pollution intensity

According to the article "Chemical Pollution," published by the Ocean Health Index, the pollution models that the Ocean Health Index have created possess the data and capabilities to ______?

Sharing the cost of waste management Awareness raising educational campaigns

According to the article, "European Commission moves to take on plastics industry", which measures below were in the European Commission's proposal to help reduce plastic pollution within the World's Oceans.

Under the proposed measures, each country within the European Union would have to conduct awareness-raising educational campaigns about the disposal of "tobacco product filters," and producers would have to share the costs of waste management.This would contribute significantly to the achievement of the European Union's climate goals, avoiding about 3.4 million metric tons, or about 3.7 million tons, of carbon dioxide emissions by 2030.

According to the article, "European Commission moves to take on plastics industry", which measures below were in the European Commission's proposal to help reduce plastic pollution within the World's Oceans. Select all that apply.

a) Sharing the cost of waste management d). Awareness raising educational campaigns

According to the article, "European Commission moves to take on plastics industry", which measures below were in the European Commission's proposal to help reduce plastic pollution within the World's Oceans. Select all that apply.

Pre World War II, ocean conditions represented it's pristine state with abundant fish, and the recovery target for declining fish populations should be the state of the ocean in the 1980's.

According to the book review of Shifting Baselines: The Past and the Future of Ocean Fisheries, by J. Jackson, K. Alexander and E. Sala, which statement is false regarding "shifting baselines"?

W. Jeffrey Bolster and colleagues- maritime historians- found that over a century ago, "marine scientists, fishery managers and maritime historians shared the assumption that diminished fish stocks and damaged marine ecosystems" were only the twentieth century problems, despite the fact that the Atlantic cod was prey to hundred of years of industrial fishing. To find the "pristine state" of the Ocean, you would have to be looking back millenia ago.

According to the book review of Shifting Baselines: The Past and the Future of Ocean Fisheries, by J. Jackson, K. Alexander and E. Sala, which statement is false regarding "shifting baselines"?

a very large circular flow of surface ocean water

An ocean gyre could be explained as a....

northern hemisphere has big changes in growth seasonally

Annual changes in the level of Carbon Dioxide in the global atmosphere are due to

As a result of a decrease in population of a keystone species inhabiting the third trophic level would therefore lead to an increase in primary consumers, as a result of decreased predation, which would then lead to a decrease in volume of the producer level due to an increase in population of primary consumers who feed on the producer.Example: An example is the otter-urchin-kelp interaction in Alaska (Estes and Duggins, 1995). When otters, considered to be keystone species, are abundant, they stabilize a system of abundant kelp forest by reducing urchin grazing (Figure 7 left). When present in low abundance, sea otters shift the system to urchin dominance, with substantial reductions in kelp coverage and productivity

According to the idea of a Trophic Cascade and assuming four trophic levels exist, what affect would a decrease in a keystone species inhabiting the secondary consumer role have on the bottom most trophic level?

The bottom tropic level would see a decrease in volume due to an increase in volume of primary consumers.

According to the idea of a Trophic Cascade and assuming four trophic levels exist, what affect would a decrease in a keystone species inhabiting the secondary consumer role have on the bottom most trophic level?

Explanation: In the course material "TOPEX/Poseidon: Ocean Mapping from Space", it mentions that sea surface variations allow mapping the global ocean with remarkable structural and bathymetric detail (from space!!!).

According to the materials we've learned in Unit 2, which of the following sentences is false regarding to the ocean surface?

The ocean surface will be lower over shallow areas because the water is being held on to the Earth by gravity.

According to the materials we've learned in Unit 2, which of the following sentences is false regarding to the ocean surface?

Correct answer: D. all of above Explanation: Mathematical models may include a set of rules and instructions that specifies precisely a series of steps to be taken, whether the steps are arithmetic, logical, or geometric. Sometimes even very simple rules and instructions can have consequences that are extremely difficult to predict without actually carrying out the steps.

According to the reading material about "systems", mathematical models may include a set of rules and instructions that specifies precisely a series of steps to be taken, and these steps can be: A. arithmetic B. logical C. geometric D. all of above

dead organic matter

Accumulation of sediments in Luann Salts produce traps, creating a reservoir of _____________.


Acidity is determined by the concentration of ____________ ions


Aerosols contribute to __________ radiative forcing

high,low; mid

Air rises at ______&_______ latitudes and descends at _______ latitudes

The correct answer, according to the article "Trade Winds and the Hadley Cell," would be answer A. The article clearly states that "This falling air heats up as the pressure increases and is therefore greatly under-saturated with water vapor. This produces clear skies, evaporation at the sea surface (or soil) and general aridity," (UCSD, para. 6). The air increases in temperature as the pressure increases while it is falling, and this means the air is part of a high pressure system. Generally, high pressure systems produce clear, blue skies, and are average or normal in terms of aridity, meaning choice A is the only plausible and correct answer.

Air that is falling downward and greatly under-saturated with water vapor produces what kind of weather?

clear skies, evaporation at the sea surface, general aridity

Air that is falling downward and greatly under-saturated with water vapor produces what kind of weather?

the measure of the reflectivity of a surface


free and innocent passage

All Exclusive Economic Zones and Territorial Sea straits allow...

CORRECT ANSWER: C. The Nature of Science Link. In order to keep the scientific community both professional and ethical there must be critical review, accurate record keeping, openness and replication of experiments. The article explicitly states " No matter how well one theory explains a set of observations, it is possible that another theory may fit just as well or better, or may fit a still wider range of observations." Therefore, C is not a requirement for ethics in science and is the correct answer.

All of the following describe the ethical norms of science except... A. Allowing for critical review by other qualified scientists B. Replicating an experiment multiple times C. Making sure theory does not conflict with pre-existing scientific theories D. Being diligent in accurate record keeping


All organisms partake in __________.


Although fisheries are catching less fish than in the past, fishing is still...

fall and winter

An El NIno's impact is based on the timing and location of the warmer Pacific Ocean surface water. This can be observed in satellite visualizations to reach a peak and thus have the greatest impact during these times of year....?


Apart from photosynthesis, ___________ are required for primary production.


Approximate value for Maximum Sustainable Yield is...

Effect of the earth's rotation on winds and currents. Deflection to the right in the northern hemisphere and to the left in the southern hemisphere

Coriolis effect


Archeological evidence can be used to understand marine conditions at earlier times?

bacteria concentration in water increases

As dissolved nutrient input from humans increases,


As waters move through deep ocean via thermohaline circulation, dissolved nutrients ___________.


As waters move through the deep ocean via thermohaline circulation, dissolved oxygen ___________.


Assuming an ecological efficiency of 10% for an ecosystem, one would predict that biomass at the 4th trophic level would be _____ that of the 2nd trophic level.


At what time in the U.S. were PCB's initially manufactured?


Based on a report by scientists at Scripps who studied marine fossil assemblages in layers deposited over the last 85 million years, Geologically, the modern ocean ecosystem is distinct from the....

7 billion today, 100 billion total

Based on our investigation resources how many humans are alive today, and how many total have lived on the planet in the last 50,000 years?

the ocean floor

Benthic zone

Mass of biological material in some defined individual organism, population, ecosystem, etc.



If one were to live by principles of logical reasoning that connect evidence and assumptions with conclusions, one could call them selves a scientific thinker.


Materials, such as carbon and nutrients, are generally __________ within ecosystems

Maximum rate of harvest that a renewable resource can sustain without impairing its natural renewability through time

Maximum Sustainable Yield


By 2050 we estimate the Earth's population will be around _____

unwanted sea life captured as a result of trawling


A large grate that is attached to the inside of the net and an opening in the net is placed next to it. This allows shrimp to pass through the grate, and the opening in the net allows turtles to get out.

Bycatch in the Gulf of New Mexico is being solved by turtle excluder devices (TED), how does it solve the problem of bycatch of Kemp's ridley turtles in shrimp trawlers?

shallower than 500 meters at low to mid latitudes

CO2 concentrations are largely found in locations...

Process by which corals, shellfish and other microorganisms build their shells


-the island must have been uplifted to keep it at sea level -boats are implied as providing the only accesst to the island -Footprints indicate repeated occupation of the site over a period of time

Calvert Island in British Colombia has been found to be a special anthropological location that offers more evidence of early Americans likely around 13,500 years ago. What can be inferred by evidence uncovered at that location?

A)Footprints indicate repeated occupation of the site over a period of time B)the island must have been uplifted to keep it at sea level C)boats are implied as providing the only accesst to the island

Calvert Island in British Colombia has been found to be a special anthropological location that offers more evidence of early Americans likely around 13,500 years ago. What can be inferred by evidence uncovered at that location? (Select all that apply)

-Produces seed stock -Stock enhancement purposes -Vital extension support to other coastal and inland farms providing seafood on site and setting examples for other businesses to follow -Helping farming -Conduct applied research -Making est of milk fishing possible. -Good env conditions are key elements for good aquaculture -Sustainably securing seafood supply and providing new economic opportunities for people who rely on fishing for their livelihood -Conservation efforts, support island econ, seafood markets, and restore ecosystem balance -Technical assistance and support in the development of hatchery and farming techniques for rabbitfish, milkfish, mangrove grabs and grouper -Upon request at the PCC-CRE office, the hatchery produced fries and fingerlings were distributed to various fish farm sites in Palau for grow-out trials -Assisted on the establishment of crab banks and the release of crablets to enhance mangrove crab population -Seed production of tiger shrimp

Can you name a couple benefits of the developing aquaculture science to the nation and people of the Republic of Palau?

-Milk fish -rabbit fish -Mangrove crab - Tiger Shrimp -Coral grouper

Can you name a couple of the species that Palau Community College is helping to seed back into the wild?

-World's first shark sanctuary -First ocean farm for rabbit fish and coral grouper

Can you name a couple of things that the small island nation of Palau has been the first in the world to accomplish?


Carbon dioxide concentrations are highest during what season?


Carbon dioxide levels are ____ higher than observed in the past 600,000 years

carbon, oxygen and calcium

Carbonate (Aragonite) is precipitated by corals as they build limestone reefs, but what is it made from in the ocean water?

all other trophic levels

Changes in the abundance of a particular trophic level affects...

CORRECT ANSWER: B; Chemical Pollution Article http://www.oceanhealthindex.org/methodology/components/chemical-pollution - For every Ocean Health Index Goal that exists there also exists certain pressures that have hold different weight on that goal. Chemical Pollution is a pressure for nearly every Ocean Health Index Goal but has different effects on each based off a 1 (low) to 3 (high) scale with 3 being the highest pressure. Tourism & Recreation is one of the goals listed among chemical pollution's high pressure goals and the rest of the answers are all goals that chemical pollution is a 2 (medium) pressure for.

Chemical Pollution has a high effect on which of the following Ocean Health Index Goals? A) Natural Products B) Tourism & Recreation C) Carbon Storage D) Coastal Protection

shallow near surface environment warm water for the entire year small seasonal changes in sunlight

Choose any of the following that are conditions suitable for coral reef development?

-you need a sedimentary basin -you need primary productivity -you need a way to trap the fluids

Choose from the following all the things necessary to create a petro-fuel reserve.

anthropogenic changes

Climate models have been able to produce observed warming only by including...

-Top-Predators -phytoplankton

Considering the "Four-trophic level" model, if the feeder fish are overfished, What other tropic level(s) should see a decline as well

A)Top-Predators C)phytoplankton

Considering the "Four-trophic level" model, if the feeder fish are overfished, What other tropic level(s) should see a decline as well? (select all that apply)

denser lithospheric plate subducts, producing trenches and volcanoes


High atmospheric pressure

Cool, dry conditions produce...

*The oceans and humans are inextricably connected *The ocean and life in the ocean shape the features of Earth *The oceans supports a great deal of life and ecosystems *The ocean made Earth habitable *The Earth has one big ocean with many features *The ocean is a major influence on weather and climate *The ocean is largely unexplored

Correctly select the 7 principles of Ocean Literacy from the following list.

chlorinated hydrocarbon

DDT would be characterized as a......

plant and animal dnahttps://www.nature.com/news/plant-and-animal-dna-suggests-first-americans-took-the-coastal-route-1.20389

DNA evidence that supports a coastal migration to the Americas comes from which source?

Fisheries over fishing species of fish

Daniel Pauly's "shifting baseline syndrome" was originally used to desctibe....

using time, distance, and direction

Dead Reckoning is a way to navigate by.....?

too much input of nutrients

Dead zones can be created by


Decomposers play a critical role in the oceans by releasing ___________ from dead organic matter through respiration


Decreases in seawater salinity __________ seawater density.

shifting baselines

Decreasing biomass among recent catches is an example of...

pH, dissolved carbonate

Dissolving carbon dioxide into the ocean decreases...

dissolved carbon, dissolved CO2, dissolved bicarbonate, dissolved hydrogen

Dissolving carbon dioxide into the ocean increases...

lithosphere added to plate margins along a ridge


It was ten to fifteen times slower that the current rate of carbon dioxide build-up

During the PETM climate excursion carbon dioxide build up in the atmosphere. What is true about the rate of buildup

200 nautical miles offshore

EEZ's extend...

transfer of energy from one trophic level to another

Ecological efficiency

represent different trophic levels and their relative abundance, biomass, and energy

Ecological pyramids

higher trophic levels

Ecological pyramids get smaller at...

water movement is directed 90 degrees from surface winds because of the Coriolis effect. Rightward in the northern hemisphere, leftward in the southern hemisphere.

Ekman transport


Energy flowing through the ecosystem is ultimately released to the environment in the form of _________.

0 degrees latitude


area in which resources found up to 200 nm offshore belong exclusively to the geographically bordering country

Exclusive Economic Zone

30-60 degrees

Ferrel cells are located from...

lower trophic levels

Fisheries are catching higher numbers of fish in the...

fishermen catch higher tropic levels first

Fishing down the food web means.....

deep waters far offshore

Fishing intensity has been moving into...

buried organic matter trapped and heated over long periods of time

Fossil fuels

"It's in the air, it's in our oceans, it's in our food and also in our bodies."

Frans Timmermans, vice president of the European Commission has said about plastic....... It's in ????........ (select all that apply)

A)It's in the air B)it's in our bodies C)It's in our ocean D)its in our food

Frans Timmermans, vice president of the European Commission has said about plastic....... It's in ????........ (select all that apply)


GHGs (excluding water vapor) account for what percentage of our atmosphere?

data is merged with a map


cutting the corals into smaller pieces stimulates growth

Growing coral faster that nature has been accomplished by....

a gernrally circular flow of material around some central point


northern hemisphere

Gyres turn clockwise in the

southern hemisphere

Gyres turn counter-clockwise in the

0-30 degrees

Hadley cells are located from...

two layers of seawater at which salinity dramatically increases


higher abundance at lower trophic levels

Heavily fished ecosystems feature...


Higher surface temperatures are located at

decreasing biomass

Higher trophic levels are experiencing ...

March and September

Highest ISWR is received at the equator during the months of...


Highest seawater salinities are found at the ___________.

Why - It is an example of clean green sustainable culture. Healthier planet for future generations - Clams feed by filtering particles and nutrients from the water that flows over them which has a positive impact on the water quality around the clam beds. Dont require antibiotics or additional supply of food.

How and why is clam farming sustainable?

According to our additional reading "What are microplastics?", Microbeads are small pieces of manufactured polyethylene that are put into beauty products and can move through water filtration systems easily and into the ocean. While banning them reduces the amount of microplastics in the ocean, microplastics themselves are made from bigger pieces of plastics. You cannot ban a microplastic since it comes from a bigger piece of plastic. We would have to ban plastic in general in order to prevent microplastics from being formed and polluting our oceans. While we can control prevention of manually making microplastics like microbeads, we cannot essentially prevent the inevitable breakdown of plastics into microplastics due to pollution.

How come Microbeads are banned and Microplastics are not?

Microplastics come from bigger plastics; we cannot stop the production of plastic completely

How come Microbeads are banned and Microplastics are not?

By measuring sea surface heights via radar waves.

How did TOPEX/Poseidon accurately measure and map the ocean floor?

The TOPEX/Poseidon used its Radar Altimetry Apparatus to measure the sea surface heights. This was done by bouncing radar waves off the ocean surface and measuring the return time to the satellite. This allowed the changes in elevation of the sea surface to be mapped. The shape of the ocean surface is influenced by the shape of the ocean bottom and it will be more depressed over deep areas of the ocean and the surface will be higher over shallower areas.

How did TOPEX/Poseidon accurately measure and map the ocean floor?

Critical forest ecosystem. Coastal protection is an important function of mangrove forests, serving as a natural barrier against tropical storms and tsunami and therefore protecting coastal inhabitants

How do mangroves play a role in minimizing the impact of typhoons?

You cant.

How do you define the boundaries of a system

Although mangrove forests only line approximately 8% of the world's coastlines, they have the ability to sequester far more carbon per hectare than tropical rainforest, and in some cases store 5x more than any of their terrestrial counterparts. This ability of mangroves to store such large amounts of carbon is in part, due to the deep, organic rich soils in which they thrive.

How does a mangrove forest's carbon sequestering ability compare to that of a tropical rain forest?

Organisms have to work harder to bring their pH down to normal levels, using much needed energy.

How does increased ocean acidity put stress on organisms?

CORRECT ANSWERS: A, C and E; Summary of PCBs and the threat they pose to marine mammals Article, Author Paul Rincon. PCBs and PBDEs first get into the environment though industrial accidents and discharge from landfills and are unable to be broken down. They then make their way into Pacific Ocean trenches through contaminated plastic debris and dead animals sinking to the sea floor. These toxins are then consumed by deep sea creatures and remain in the food chain.

How have PCBs and PBDEs made their way into Pacific Ocean trenches? (More than one possible answer). A) Contaminated plastic debris B) Boat and other vessel pollution C) Dead animals sinking to the ocean floor D) Greenhouse gases E) Industrial accidents and discharge from landfills

the shape of the ocean surface is not flat, the surface is shaped like the ocean bottom below due to gravity

How is it possible to map the shape of the ocean floor from a satellite in space?

Mangroves have specially adapted aerial and salt filtering roots and salt excreting leaves which enable them to occupy the saline wetlands where other plant life cannot survive.

How is it that mangroves can grow and thrive in salt water where other vascular plants will die?

1.5 mg/kg

How much PCB does the government allow in Cow's milk?

about 5 times more carbon than a tropical rain forest

How much carbon can a mangrove forest absorb?

Over half the worlds mangrove forests have been destroyed during the last 100 years estimated at 32 million hectares (app. 80 million acres). In 2007, less than 15 million hectares (37 million acres) of mangroves remain. The current rate of mangrove loss is approximately 1% per annum (according to the Food and Agriculture Organization - FAO), or roughly 150,000 hectares (370,050 acres) of mangrove wetlands lost each year.

How much mangrove forest area is lost every year?

A separate zone reserved for local fisherman and small scale commercial fisheries with limited exports will cover the remainder of Palau's waters

How would you describe Palau's commercial fishing?

~700 ppm

Humans need to try and limit warming to 2 degrees C. Based on computer models this 2 C threshold would be reached if we exceed this approximate concentration of atmospheric carbon dioxide..........?

high pressure injection of water, sand and chemicals into a rock layer, fracturing it. Natural gas is then sucked out of the fissures.



IN "a world with no ice" authors compare past times on Earth to a potential future state of Earth. How far back in the geologic record to you have to go to find a world with no "ice caps" on Greenland and Antarctica?

a large fluctuation in temperature throughout the winter

IN North America, a winter weather change that might be associated with large amplitude Rossby waves is....

Mediterranean and red sea

IN the image below of ocean salinities, which of the possible geographic locations would have water with HIGH salinity because the processes of evaporation are more influential than precipitation?

Correct answer: D; the doubling time in this example is 50 years. Formula: Number of years to double = 70 / annual percentage growth rate. Therefore 70/50=1,4; Meaning there was an average population growth of 1,4% between 1900 and 1950.

If there was a population of 1,25 billion people in 1900 and 2,5 billion in 1950, what was the average growth rate? A) The calculation is not possible. You need the doubling time to calculate the average growth rate. B) If you divide the population in 1950 and 1900 the result is, that the average growth was 0,5%. C) The average growth rate was 2 % because the population increased about 1,25 Billion people. D) The average growth rate was 1,4% because the doubling time is 50 years.

It is not sustainable

If you catch wild fish to feed the farm fish

they might escape to harm local ecosystems

If you farm non native species

They will end up accumulating in the environment and a multitude of effects could occur

If you give fish antibiotics


In Polynesian voyages to the north from the Marquesas, once sailors crossed the equator they could see this stationary bright object in the sky?

125 thousand years ago

In ancient times people were harvesting giant clams from waters of the Red sea, so How long have humans been utilizing them as a food source?

A single human change or action will trigger a large amount of complex reactions from Earth's natural systems. These reactions can interact with each other to cause an unpredictable web of consequences branching off of one event. These chains are hardly ever linear and are usually erratic, making it hard to assume what effect a human activity will have on the environment. This means that even the most subtle human actions could have a wide variety of effects on the natural systems, which are much more difficult to define than just cause and effect. An example of this is the claim that green-house gas emissions cause global warming to occur. It is not as simple as this basic cause and effect explanation would seem. The gases have to interact with many more variables which in turn are the real causes of global warming.

In reference to the correlation between human populations and Earth's systems, which answer best describes the effects that mankind's socio-economical activities have on the natural systems of Earth?

Cascading Domino Effect, one change can set off multiple reactions that can interact with each other in unpredictable ways.

In reference to the correlation between human populations and Earth's systems, which answer best describes the effects that mankind's socio-economical activities have on the natural systems of Earth?

an educated guess

In simple terms which of the following best describes a scientific "inference"?


In terms of ecosystem preservation and recovery, MPA's are the only real solution, and will only work if they do not allow.........? (Choose One)

Choosing a small, loosely-dense fleshy fish that is rarely on demand for high-quality sushi markets

In the NY Times article "Tuna's End," fish farmer Neil Anthony Sims believes that fish farming done right can be better than fish catching. Which of the practices did Sims NOT implement in farming the Hawaiian kahala fish?

Explanation: The kahala is distantly related to tuna and is also firmly-fleshed. It is the fat content present in it that accounts for its tuna-like flavor that is popular for sushi. Other fish farms on Hawaii have small, mushy, bony fish like milkfish and mullet that is not highly valued for sushi. All of the other practices listed above are utilized by Sims on his Kona Blue Water Farms. Sims was previously a fishery biologist and was drawn to the deep near-shore waters and strong currents of Hawaii. He found that the kahala is barely fished commercially because they contain a poisonous toxin deadly to humans called ciguatera, which is present when kahala feed near coral reefs. He then found that with his current feeding practices, the toxin is not present in his fish. He is also practicing feed trials that contain no directly harvested forage fish, monitoring the water quality of nesting pens to make sure no nutrients are accumulating, and checking for internal parasites in his fish.

In the NY Times article "Tuna's End," fish farmer Neil Anthony Sims believes that fish farming done right can be better than fish catching. Which of the practices did Sims NOT implement in farming the Hawaiian kahala fish?

western coastlines

In the northern hemisphere, currents are faster and deeper on

they come from high latitudes

In the northern hemisphere, southward moving currents are cold because...

Forested mangrove area has decreased greatly in the Philippines from an estimated coverage of 450,000 hectares in 1918 to less than 120,000 hectares in the late 1990's. The most rapid decrease in mangrove coverage happened during the 1960s and 70s when aquaculture was promoted by the national government

In the philippines when did the most rapid degradation of the mangroves occur during the 20th century

B is correct because the article stated that, "Human population is arguably the most relevant and best-constrained proxy for marine debris fluxes". The article also goes on to say that gross national economic and manufacturing indices can be used in order to give estimates, but they are not the best methods. Because of that, answers A, C, and D are incorrect.

In the published study, Origin, dynamics, and evolution of ocean garbage patches from observed surface drifters, it is stated that there is a lack of accurate global data when it comes to determining the quantity of marine debris that enter the ocean from a specific location. However, there are measurements that can be used to estimate how much debris comes from what areas. According to the study, what is the best measurement that can most accurately estimate how much debris comes from a given area?

Human population

In the published study, Origin, dynamics, and evolution of ocean garbage patches from observed surface drifters, it is stated that there is a lack of accurate global data when it comes to determining the quantity of marine debris that enter the ocean from a specific location. However, there are measurements that can be used to estimate how much debris comes from what areas. According to the study, what is the best measurement that can most accurately estimate how much debris comes from a given area?

they come from the equator

In the southern hemisphere, southward moving currents are warm because...

17 degrees

In this contour Image of ocean temperatures, what is the temperature in degrees C of the bright yellow spot in the lower right portion?


In trying to understand marine baselines in earlier times, it is quite possible that some species which we don't even know about have gone extinct..... which means that some ecosystems might not ever recover to their original state.

answer:d; "Scientists Try to Identify and Avoid Bias" Scientists do try to avoid any bias, but at the end of the day they are human and things such as their sex, ethnicity, spiritual beliefs, or even special interests to name a few, can sway the perspective of a scientists and affect the way they interpret data, record or report data, and even in what they consider to be part of their data.

In which way(s) can scientific evidence be biased? a. by the way the data is interpreted b. in the recording or reporting of the data c. in the choice of what data to consider in the first place d. all of the above

ultraviolet and visible light radiation received by the sun

Incoming short wave radiation

decrease in abundance of lower trophic levels

Increases in abundance of higher trophic levels result in...

Latin America

Increases in carbon output over the last 25 years are seen in______________?


Increases in seawater temperature ___________ seawater density.

Giant clams specialized cells that allow algae to grow in microscopic pillars,


0 degrees longitude

Prime Meridian

in the Middle East

Largest deposits of petroleum rich sediments are located...

heat absorbed by evaporation; heat released by condensation

Latent heat

indicator of north-south position



Latitude would be in degrees to the East or West?

thousands of baited hooks on miles of line from a single vessel



Longitude navigation would become much more accurate with the invention of the....?


Looking at the long term climate change in last 65 million years, how much has it cooled off since the PETM? (degrees C)

salt deposits resulting from repeated seawater flooding and evaporation

Luann Salt

Exist at sea level and make up a LARGE percentage of tropical coastlines through Oceania

Mangrove swamps

-Mangroves are biologically diverse and critically important Earth environment -They trap carbon and create oxygen just like other forests -They are a nursery ground for many ocean species -They are rich and biologically diverse ecosystem -They are a source of ocean nutrients -They act as a buffer between humans and the ocean and clean up dirty water -They have disappeared due to the development and environmental damage -They can be fostered to be healthy and productive


Roots of the sea

Mangroves make up a transitional zone between land and ocean, connecting and supporting both. It is no surprise that mangroves are called_________

higher numbers and biomasses at higher trophic levels

Pristine ecosystems feature...

the concept of "free seas"

Mare Liberum

no fishing is allowed

Marine reserves are areas where...


Mixed layer salinity has recently decreased where?

sustainable fisheries

Mollusks, bivalves and clams are examples of...

greater permeability

More "connected" pores results in...


Most marine ecosystems have been well understood for decades and so we know a great deal about all the ways in which they have changed?


Most of our atmosphere is comprised of...

Southern Ocean

Most of the wind waves that form on the ocean in June would be found in the.........?

The Southern Ocean, also known as the Antarctic Ocean or the Austral Ocean, comprises the southernmost waters of the World Ocean, generally taken to be south of 60° S latitude and encircling Antarctica. As such, it is regarded as the fourth-largest of the five principal oceanic divisions: smaller than the Pacific, Atlantic, and Indian Oceans but larger than the Arctic Ocean. This ocean zone is where cold, northward flowing waters from the Antarctic mix with warmer subantarctic waters.

Most of the wind waves that form on the ocean in June would be found in the.........?


Most rain that falls on land originally _____________ from the tropical ocean. (one word answer)

Aragonite and calcite

Ocean acidification reduces saturation of...


Ocean currents play a major role in the distribution of life?

-Nutrient supply, such as elements that include nitrogen, phosphorus, iron, and silicon. These nutrients can be brought from the bottom of the ocean to the surface layer through ocean currents and upwelling. -Sunlight. Sunlight is needed in order for photosynthesis to occur and provide organic matter to support ocean life.

Ocean productivity, as discussed in Unit 2F, is closely related to upwelling and the flow of ocean water. Primary productivity in the ocean can be described as the production of organic matter by plants, specifically phytoplankton in the ocean. What does ocean productivity need in order to happen?

A high nutrient supply is ideal for primary productivity as it gives organisms what they need to make organic material. Sunlight is also essential as it provides the food needed by these organisms through photosynthesis. Without a nutrient rich supply brought from the bottom of the ocean and an ideal sunlight amount, the plants and organisms in the ocean are unable to effectively produce organic matter that plays a significant role in the foundations of other ecosystems.

Ocean productivity, as discussed in Unit 2F, is closely related to upwelling and the flow of ocean water. Primary productivity in the ocean can be described as the production of organic matter by plants, specifically phytoplankton in the ocean. What does ocean productivity need in order to happen?

a. Nutrient supply, such as elements that include nitrogen, phosphorus, iron, and silicon. These nutrients can be brought from the bottom of the ocean to the surface layer through ocean currents and upwelling. c. Sunlight. Sunlight is needed in order for photosynthesis to occur and provide organic matter to support ocean life.

Ocean productivity, as discussed in Unit 2F, is closely related to upwelling and the flow of ocean water. Primary productivity in the ocean can be described as the production of organic matter by plants, specifically phytoplankton in the ocean. What does ocean productivity need in order to happen?


Ocean salinity _____________ with depth


Ocean salinity is highest at

all of them except the migration of Tuna

Ocean satellite science really began with the TOPXEX/Poseidon program which had remarkable success. The satellite, and facilitating scientists, discovered much more than they anticipated including.......

- land migration from Alaska as the ice-age glacier melted -coastal migration along the coast from the bearing sea region

Of all the ways that people might have made it to Chile near the tip of South America by 14,600 year ago, which two have been part of the most recent debate by anthropologists and archeologists?

porous reservoir rocks that trap organic matter

Oil and gas form in...

permeable layers

Oil flows up through...

global market

Oil is traded on the _____________

deeper and further offshore

Oil production has been moving...

True. The poles receive little incoming short wave radiation.

On an annual average basis, incoming short wave radiation exceeds outgoing long wave radiation in equatorial regions, but this pattern reverses at higher latitudes.

principles of logical reasoning that connect evidence and assumptions with conclusions

On what principle(s) do all scientists agree?

principles of logical reasoning that connect evidence and assumptions with conclusions

On what principles do all scientist agree


One safeguard against undetected _______ in an area of study is to have many different investigators or groups of investigators working in it.

infrared radiation remitted by the earth

Outgoing long wave radiation

CORRECT ANSWER: b; Coral reefs are highly endangered because of rising water temperatures from climate change causing sedimentation.

Over 60% of the world's coral reefs are threatened as a result of pollution, ___, and bleaching due to ____ water temperatures caused by global warming. a) volcanic activity, rising b) sedimentation, rising c) volcanic activity, lowering d) sedimentation, lowering

Oil pollution can degrade or destroy marine ecosystems. Oil pollution can elevate concentrations of toxic elements such as arsenic. Oil pollution can have long-term effects on spawning grounds and recovery of fish stocks and populations of most other marine animals. Oil pollution can kill marine life through ingestion, inhalation and absorption.

Over half of the oil concentration in our ocean comes from anthropogenic sources such as land-based runoff, fuel from boating activities,and oil spills during transportation and production. Which of the following ecological impacts manifest via oil pollution:

A. Oil pollution can degrade or destroy marine ecosystems. B. Oil pollution can elevate concentrations of toxic elements such as arsenic. D. Oil pollution can have long-term effects on spawning grounds and recovery of fish stocks and populations of most other marine animals. E. Oil pollution can kill marine life through ingestion, inhalation and absorption.

Over half of the oil concentration in our ocean comes from anthropogenic sources such as land-based runoff, fuel from boating activities,and oil spills during transportation and production. Which of the following ecological impacts manifest via oil pollution:(select more than one)

The toxicity levels tend to persist over time and have been linkedto highly visible local and regional disaster, the amount of time that the toxins produced from oil pollution/ and spills can remain in the environment for a considerably longer 20years. There are still effects on marine like 50 years after the spill in 1969.

Over half of the oil concentration in our ocean comes from anthropogenic sources such as land-based runoff, fuel from boating activities,and oil spills during transportation and production. Which of the following ecological impacts manifest via oil pollution:(select more than one)

Correct answer: D; BBC article, Author Paul Rincon. "The researchers suggest that the PCBs and PBDEs made their way to Pacific Ocean trenches through contaminated plastic debris and via dead animals sinking to the sea floor. They argue that the chemicals accumulate through the food chain so that when they reach the deep ocean, concentrations are many times higher than in surface waters."

PCB's have the highest concentration in the ocean at what depth, and why? A. Directly on the surface, because PCB's float. B. In the Epipelagic Zone because PCB's rise and are constantly consumed and spit out by the majority of sea life. C. In the Bathypelagic Zone because PCB's are sot commonly consumed by the larger animals that thrive here, such as Sperm Whales D. In the Hadalpelagic Zone, because PCB's sink and when animals who have ingested PCB's die, their bodies sink and decompose as well, creating perpetually higher levels of PCB's as the depth increases.

Answer: D; Both A&B; PCBs are prime examples of chemicals that threaten the wellbeing of marine animals because PCBs have entered, and continue to enter, the oceans and seas in large quantities; for example, after being released from decomposing products that have not been disposed of with due care. Scientists estimate that 1-10% of all PCBs ever produced have already entered the oceans and PCBs tend not to quickly break down into less harmful forms after being released into the natural environment. Beyond these two examples it is also an example because PCBs are toxic and even potentially lethal if absorbed by marine animals at sufficiently high levels.

PCBs are prime examples of chemicals that threaten the wellbeing and survival of marine animals because: A. PCBs have entered, and continue to enter, the oceans and seas in large quantities; for example, after being released from decomposing products that have not been disposed of with due care. Scientists estimate that 1-10% of all PCBs ever produced have already entered the oceans B. PCBs tend not to quickly break down into less harmful forms after being released into the natural environment C. PCBs stands for toxic and even potentially lethal if absorbed by marine animals at sufficiently low levels D. Both A&B


Palau has a large fleet of fishing vessels for use in its local waters and exports most all the fish they catch.

Based on a report by scientists at Scripps who studied marine fossil assemblages in layers deposited over the last 85 million years, Geologically, the modern ocean ecosystem is distinct from the....



Patterns are often seen in nature, but patterns are NOT really part of science?

open water above the ocean floor

Pelagic zone

accumulation of PCB in the brain

Petrochemicals make it in to the ocean environment in many ways. Industrial applications throughout the late 20th Century had a big impact. Cetaceans have been impacted for many reasons. Which of the following is NOT one of the Cetaceans physiological problems.

somewhat enhanced libido and related growth rate

Petrochemicals make it in to the ocean environment in many ways. Industrial applications throughout the late 20th Century had a big impact. Cetaceans have been impacted for many reasons. Which of the following is NOT one of the Cetaceans physiological problems.

Spring and Summer

Photosynthesis outpaces respiration during...

oxygen and carbohydrates

Photosynthesis produces...

carbon dioxide and water

Photosynthesis uses...

primary producers

Phytoplankton, seaweed, and chemosynthetic bacteria are examples of...

*quizzes have a 1-hour time limit and exams have a 90-minute time limit *test questions are randomized and there is no backtracking *each quiz can be taken 2 times before the deadline with the average grade being counted *quizzes and exams are open book *quiz scores will be indicated as will incorrect *questions, but correct answers are not given until the deadline has passed.

Pick all the following that are part of the testing procedure for this class? HINT.........YES THEY ARE

*it began in some waters in the late 1800's *in earnest during mid 20th century the 1950-1960's *in some waters, big changes are noted with the introduction of the motorboat *some industrialized fishing has been forced into decline by decrease in fish stocks

Pick all the true answers from the following statements about industrialized fishing?


Plant biomass is highest during spring months at...

polar latitudes

Plant biomass is highest during the summer months at...

toxic metals POP's Petroleum

Please select all sources of chemical ocean pollution from the choices below (more than 1)

the breakup of sea ice

Polar bears are threatened because of...


Polar surface winds and currents flow from the...

the southeast trade winds, the northeast trade winds and west moving equatorial currents

Polynesian navigators set out from the Marquesas northward. What assisted them on their journey across the equator to discovery Hawaii?

open spaces between sediments filled with air, gas, or liquid


very low in the northern sky

Positioned just to the North of the equator it would be possible to see the North Star..?

greenhouse gases

Positive radiative forcing is mostly affected by...


Precipitation, runoff and melting icebergs decrease...


Prevailing winds in the northern midlatitudes come from the...


Prevailing winds in the southern midlatitudes come from the...

Trophic zone

Primary producers are 1st, herbivores are 2nd, carnivores are 3rd and higher:

light and nutrients

Primary production requires...

nutrient availability

Primary productivity in high latitude winters is limited by

two layers of seawater at which density dramatically increases


ANSWER: D) The poison from DDT sprayed in that area weakens the composition of bird eggs so they are unable to support the incubation of the baby animal and it cracks and dies before maturity.

Rachel Carson was motivated by the sadness of noticing a lack of noise at springs after DDT was sprayed. What creature's noises were absent to Rachel's ears? A) crickets B) beavers C) chirping frogs D) apex predator birds

cyclic patterns or oscillation

Systems with feedback often exhibit ______________

overfished species

Recreational fishing disproportionately preys on...

patterns of waves near islands

Refraction, reflection and interference are terms that refer to....?

dead zones

Regions devoid of dissolved oxygen can become...

Fall and Winter

Respiration outpaces photosynthesis during...

Consumptive = Natural threat Non consumptive = Direct Human impact threat Consumptive -timber -pulp -fuel ->charcoal, firewood -tannin Nonconsumptive -Pollution -> oil, thermal, pesticides -Land use conflicts -> Changes to water flow, Clear-cutting for development -> Urban areas, tourist resorts, mariculture

Review the "Threats to our Mangroves" slide. What is the difference between a consumptive and non consumptive threat? Can you name a couple?

-atmospheric temperature variations -The heat of the ocean and land masses -the flow of the atmosphere on a spinning Earth -the jet stream -carbon dioxide concentrations in the atmosphere

Rossby atmospheric waves are related or influenced by..... (choose all that apply)?


SURFACE movement due to Ekman transport is roughly ___ degrees from the wind

Decreased at midlatitudes; increased at tropics

Salinity has recently decreased and increased at what latitudes?


Satellites as a weather platform began to be used about the same time that man landed on the moon. What was the name of the record hurricane captured in 1969?

openness accurate recordkeeping peer review replication

Science ethical practices are guided by several factors.


Science is a blend of logic and

large landmasses

Seasonal variation in atmospheric pressure is increased by

-culturing non-native species -using antibiotics to control the health of the fish in the pond -catching "wild" fish to feed the farmed fish

Select all of the following aspects of aqua or mariculture operations that are NOT sustainable?

A)industrial operations C)pesticides used in agriculture D)urban run-off

Select all of the following that are significant land-based sources of chemical ocean pollution?


The appropriate way to contact Kevin is to respond to his announcement messages?

Industrial operations; Pesticides used in agriculture; Mining activities; Air pollution particles settling out in the ocean

Select all of the following that are significant land-based sources of chemical ocean pollution?

microplastics, plastic fiber, single use plastic

Select the three plastic types that are considered dangerous to the marine environment?


Surface currents on ___________ boundaries of ocean basins are narrower, deeper, faster and warmer in the northern hemisphere

each generation progressively loses perspective on what is "natural"

Shifting Baselines

the practice of controlling the establishment, growth, composition, health, and quality of forests to meet diverse needs and values

Silviculture is defined as?

it targets the most prized, large breeding fish in an area

Small scale or recreational fishing can be detrimental to the marine environmental because.....? (choose one)

side scan sonar

Some of the highest resolution scans of the ocean floor that can reveal sunken ships are made with.....


Some science observations are "qualitative" as opposed to quantitative?

the heat required to raise the temperature of one gram of a substance one degree centigrade

Specific heat

the heat that water can absorb and release when it change state (liquid-gas)

Specific heat refers to....

Sharks control the population of lower trophic level fish

Specifically, why are sharks considered a keystone species?

Sharks control the population of lower trophic level fish.

Specifically, why are sharks considered a keystone species?

un-healthy urban run-off

Surfer Pat O'Connell describes baseline changes in Southern California that include....

bluefin tuna

Sushi demand is a major market force behind decreasing...

atmospheric pressure

Temperature and humidity affect...


The "Deepwater Horizon" was an older style drill rig from the 1980's

2.6 million years ago

The C. Megladon Shark went extinct....

in the modern ocean

The C. Megladon Shark went extinct.......


The Chinese were trading across the Indian Ocean by the early 1400's in small primitive vessels?

rotation of Earth

The Coriolis Force in the atmosphere is attributed to the....

5 human mistakes and 1 mechanical mistake

The Deepwater Horizon disaster was a result of...

CORRECT ANSWER: C; Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission website: Manatee Mortality Statistics (http://myfwc.com/research/manatee/rescue-mortality-response/mortality-statistics/). Approximately 25-30% of Florida manatee deaths are caused by watercraft. Blunt force from boats at high speeds are a leading factor to their mortality, outweighing lethal factors such as dock pollution and malnutrition.

The Florida Manatee resides in the coastal waters of the Atlantic Ocean. It is the largest of all living sirenians. The deaths of individuals from these species is greatly attributed to human activity. Even though pollutants are a common threat to marine life, what was the main cause of endangerment to Florida Manatees in the late 20th century and early 21st century? A) overfishing B) invasive species C) boating collisions D) natural causes

lots of organic matter from land and ocean was buried there as North America broke away

The Gulf of Mexico is oil-rich because...

diverging plates between North America and Europe/Africa during the early Cretaceous

The Gulf of Mexico was created by...


The Kermadec Trench would be one of the deepest places in the ocean also called the _________zone?

The modification of ideas

The Nature of Science, from Science for All Americans online, uses the following example to describe which 'norm' in science? "Albert Einstein did not discard the Newtonian laws of motion but rather showed them to be only an approximation of limited application within a more general concept."

The modification of ideas "The modification of ideas, rather than their outright rejection, is the norm in science, as powerful constructs tend to survive and grow more precise and to become widely accepted." (Scientific Knowledge is Durable, Page 2)

The Nature of Science, from Science for All Americans online, uses the following example to describe which 'norm' in science? "Albert Einstein did not discard the Newtonian laws of motion but rather showed them to be only an approximation of limited application within a more general concept."


The Pacific is home to about ____ islands?

Answer: D Explanation: In the artical titled "Bioaccumulation of persistent organic pollutants in the deepest ocean fauna", the answers A,B,C are all the reasons why PCB concentrations were notably higher in the Mariana than in the Kermadec Trench.

The Reason why PCB concentrations were notably higher in the Mariana than in the Kermadec Trench is: A.it is located beneath a mass accumulation of trapped plastic debris that ultimately sinks as the plastics degrade and fragment, transporting POPs to depth. B.The amphipods may be accumulating POPs through surface-derived carrion-falls that have experienced contrasting levels of contamination in the surface. C.it may also be likely that the different species bioaccumulate these contaminants differently. D. all the answers above is correct


The U.S. has about ___ of the global oil reserves.


The U.S. uses approx. ___ of global consumption of oil

Production in the photic zone and respiration in the deep ocean

The amount of organic matter reaching the deep ocean floor depends on:

Microbial, cannibalism

The authors of this study suggest... careful water management and feeding schemes to prevent ______ contamination and to avoid severe ________


The best methods for successful and sustainable aquaculture or mariculture are those that grow one type of species and artificially create environments that benefit that species? T/F

Correct answer: C. In reference to the assigned Youtube video "PCBs in Whales", Peter Ross of the Department of Fisheries & Oceans, Canada explains the negative effect of PCBs on marine life.

The decline in the killer whale population in Puget Sound demonstrates they are: A) negatively effected by climate change. B) killed and sold for sport. C) the most PCB contaminated marine mammals in the world. D) over fished to feed increasing levels of human population.

Conveyor Belt

The deep ocean currents driven by cold dense water sinking to the ocean bottom have been likened to.....

1 wildlife, 2 seafood

The difference in our frame of reference between schools of wild Blue Fin Tuna and wild populations of many types of "land based" creatures is a matter in "how" we choose to define them. On land, wild creatures are considered 1 __________ while in an ocean habitat, creatures like the magnificent "Blue Fin" are thought of and defined as 2__________.


The direction the trade winds blow is in toward the equatorial convergence zone and to the...?

13,000 years ago during the end of the Pleistocene

The earliest inhabitants of the Channel Islands National Park in California likely arrived during....

a time of rapid environmental change as the ice caps melted

The earliest inhabitants of the Channel Islands National Park in California likely arrived during...........

water nutrients

The global pattern of marine primary productivity (photosynthetic plankton) is mostly related to which of the following?

-the human impacts operate on much faster time scales than rates of natural variability, often by an order of magnitude or more -the human impacts taken together in terms of extent, magnitude, rate and simultaneity, have produced a no-analogue state in the dynamics and functioning of the Earth system -the human impacts are approaching or exceeding in magnitude some of the great forces of nature

The great acceleration is about humans and their rapid population increase. It has become apparent that human driven change is effecting the rates processes on Earth. Choose from the following all the true statements about the "global scale" impacts of humans?

B)the human impacts taken together in terms of extent, magnitude, rate and simultaneity, have produced a no-analogue state in the dynamics and functioning of the Earth system. C)the human impacts operate on much faster time scales than rates of natural variability, often by an order of magnitude or more D)the human impacts are approaching or exceeding in magnitude some of the great forces of nature

The great acceleration is about humans and their rapid population increase. It has become apparent that human driven change is effecting the rates processes on Earth. Choose from the following all the true statements about the "global scale" impacts of humans? (select more than one)

outgoing long wave (infrared) radiation

The greenhouse effect involves the absorption and remission of...

specific heat

The heat that water can absorb and release when it changes state (between liquid and gas) is called.....?


The largest ocean current on Earth flows continually around this continent?

Low pressure systems tend to create the most wind which causes larger waves, when measuring swells with microwave frequencies, larger swells create a greater backwards scatter of the reflected frequencies.

The largest ocean swells are created in windy mid-latitudes with _________________ systems. If these swells were measured with microwaves emitted from satellites, the satellites would report greater __________.

low pressure, backward scatter

The largest ocean swells are created in windy mid-latitudes with _________________ systems. If these swells were measured with microwaves emitted from satellites, the satellites would report greater __________.

the Sun

The main driving force of weather and climate on Earth is the force that drives the water cycle, which moves that water the oceans through the atmosphere by evaporation, then condensation & precipitation is how this mass and energy moved. What is the key force that makes it happen?

blowout preventer

The mechanical failure on the Deepwater Horizon had to do with the...

keystone species

The occurrence of a trophic cascade would signal the loss of a..........?

an interconnected web with complex interactions

The ocean system is best described as .......

motion via thermohaline circulation

The ocean would run out of nutrients in the surface layer and oxygen in the deep layer if it wasn't for...

3.2 x 10^8

The population of the United States is 320 million, how would you write this in scientific notation?

[email protected]

The primary way to contact Kevin is...

A decrease in shrimp aquaculture

The rapid increase of global population, otherwise known as the "Great Acceleration" has all of the following impacts except

There has been an increase in shrimp aquaculture because demand of seafood has increased as population increases. Aquaculture from 2000 to 2010 increased from about 1 million tones to nearly 4 million tones (The Trajectory of the Anthropocene: The Great Acceleration

The rapid increase of global population, otherwise known as the "Great Acceleration" has all of the following impacts except


The second strongest GHG (excluding water vapor) is...

falls during an ice age to expose continental

Water in the oceans....


The tilt of the earth creates...


The time of ice ages in the Cenezoic is the.......


The trade winds would have helped Polynesian sailors to reach Hawaii from the Marquesas but they do not allow an easy return voyage?

The Chumash Tribe

The tribal group in California that has the closest direct tie to the earliest settlers is...?


The volume of the surface water on Planet Earth is actually quite small compared to the size of the Earth and the features on it's surface... so... the depth of the water in the ocean basins is actually quite small compared to the width of the basins....they are wide and shallow in other words.

the sea floor conditions

The waves at Maverick's in Half Moon Bay are mostly created by which of the following....


The yellow anomaly in the lower right part of this image has water at ____degrees C?

oxygen and nutrients

There is an inverse relationship between...


There is evidence that the early people who settled in California likely arrived by boat and were mostly dependent on the ocean for survival?


There is no place for imagination and creativity in science?


There is really no doubt among scientists that "natural" climate variations produce environmental changes that can alter the numbers of species that are present.

polarity high specific heat

Water makes it all happen. Its molecular structure gives it many properties which greatly effect the happenings on Earth. Among those properties you should include...

hydrogen bonds

Water molecules have polar charges, producing...

Form of convection in which variations in temperature and salinity drive sinking surface waters deeper

Thermohaline circulation

George Hadley

This person first proposed the accepted model for tropical circulation, which correctly explains the flow of the trade winds?

New Zealand

This southern hemisphere island group was the largest discovered, and the last one settled by Polynesian explorers?


This tectonic feature on the ocean floor is the location of the largest earthquakes.

Trophic Levels

This term divides up the marine biomass based on the different species' positions in the food chain and it also describes a flow of energy through the ecosystem?

physical model

This type of model is an actual device or process that behaves enough like the phenomenon being modeled that we can hope to learn something from it?

The correct answer: D. Topex/Poseidon have mapped year-to-year changes in heat stored in the upper ocean. From Topex/Poseidon: Weather and Climate

Topex/Poseidon scientists have accomplished the following in orbit after nearly 10 years except: A. Measured sea level with an unprecedented accuracy. B. Mapped global tides for the first time. C. Monitored effects of currents on global climate change and produced the first global views of seasonal changes of currents. D. Mapped day-to-day changes in heat stored in the upper ocean.

lithospheric edges shear past one another, producing faults


fishing along the bottom of the ocean towing a large net


deep water production

Tritium and Chloroflourocarbons caused an increase in _________


True or False: Fishing efforts are typically concentrated in deep waters.


True or False: Primary producers respire


True or False: water vapor has high greenhouse gas characteristics

False. Only OLWR

True or false: GHGs trap both ISWR and OLWR

False. Heat is the amount of energy contained within a certain volume.

True or false: Heat and temperature are the same


True or false: The deep ocean is cold because it is far from the sun's ISWR


True or false: ocean acidification will cease if emissions are cut to zero


True or false: the deep ocean is relatively uniform

top trophic level

Tuna is an example of a...


Turtle Exclusion Devices prevent _______.

ocean temperature changes

Typhoon Intensity in the western Pacific near Asia appears to be increasing, What is the main reason?

tablemounts and bends in coastlines

Upwelling can be created by...


Upwelling can be highly ___________.


Upwelling produces __________ seawater temps.

increases in primary productivity

Upwelling results in...


Upwelling tends to occur at...

Low atmospheric temperature

Warm, wet conditions produce...

Correct Answer: D. www.oceanhealthindex.org/methodology/componets/chemical-pollution.The Ocean Health Index defines a chemical as being manufactured and purified by humans. Pollution generated from ocean animals and plants daily processes are not considered chemicals.

What data is not used when measuring the chemical pollution for the Ocean Health Index? A) Land based inorganic pollution B) Ocean based pollution from commercial shipping, ports and harbors C) Land based organic pollution D) Ocean based animal and plant pollution

carbon dioxide

What dissolved gas in the ocean provides the material to build carbonate?

milligrams per kilogram

What concentration level of PCB's is allowed in cows milk?


We know in the tropics that the ITCZ Inter-tropical Convergence Zone is where the trade winds are headed..... on their journey, the trade winds would likely never blow in this direction?

What have we ultimately learned scientifically or conceptually about Daniel Pauly's 1995 concept of "shifting baselines"?

We understand....... the "basic" structure of ocean ecosystems and some details of what they used to look like We understand..... that humans started to transform the ocean ecosystem 1000's of years ago We understand ...... that what we don't have enough detailed information about past ecosystems to really assess how they operated. We understand ...... that what we don't have enough detailed information about past ecosystems to really assess how they operated

Adds a backscatter effect.

What advantage does side scan imagery have for mapping the ocean floor?

This backscatter effect shows can show where rocky outcrops in the surface are as opposed to sediment cover. When higher resolution modes are used this can show us details about sunken ships. In 2015 the united states banned the use of microbeads, the small plastic pieces found in many health and beauty products. While the microbead issue has been addressed, the microplastic (plastic pieces smaller than 5mm) problem is still very real.

What advantage does side scan imagery have for mapping the ocean floor?

because he has not responded to repeated emails because there is an urgent issue to discuss

What are good reasons to call the professor on his cell phone at home?

It provides a growing world population with food. It produces about half of the global oxygen supply. It plays a key role in weather and climate.

What are good reasons why humans care about ocean environments?

-A lower north-south temperature gradient -Arctic warming -Ocean temperature distribution in the Pacific Ocean -Geographical features and atmospheric conditions over land

What are some reasons why Jet streams movements become wavey? (large amplitude) (Select all that apply)

Answer: D Explanation: ~*source*~ (http://www.oceanhealthindex.org/methodology/components/chemical-pollution) "Three general categories of chemicals are of particular concern in the marine environment: oil, toxic metals and persistent organic pollutants. Although some countries possess good data on the occurrence and concentrations of such chemicals in their waters, such data are not available globally. Therefore, proxy methods were used to estimate the intensity of chemical pollution based on the amount of pesticides used by each country."

What are the three general categories of chemical that are a particular concern in the marine environment: I. Oil II. Biotoxins III. Toxic Metals IV Persisent Organic Pollutants V. Caustics A. I, II, III B. I, II , IV C. II, III, V D. I, III, IV E. II, III, IV

Pesticides, Herbicides, Chemical fertilizers, Detergents, oil, sewage, plastics,

What are the three types of chemical pollution in ocean

The correct answer is C. In "Pesticides- DDT- Rachel Carson - Silent Spring," it is specifically noted how and why Rachel Carson decided to publicize the dangers of DDT pesticides. "In 1957, planes sprayed a Massachusetts bird sanctuary owned by Olga Huckins, a friend of Carson's. In fury and desperation, Huckins told her what had happened. The birds showed all the symptoms of DDT poisoning. Huckins knew that the planes would be back, in spite of her protests. She asked Carson for help. Carson later remembered how the thought of the spring silent of birdsong moved her to action."

What caused Rachel Carson to speak out against DDT Pesticides in Silent Spring? A) Her daughter died after being told that DDT could treat polio B) Carson had an allergic reaction after coming into direct contact with produce that had been treated with DDT C) Planes had sprayed a bird sanctuary belonging to a friend of Carson's, causing all of the birds to die from DDT poisoning D) The government told the public that DDT could cause long-lasting harm.

decreased upwelling

What changes occur in California coastal waters when prevailing northwest winds fail to blow during the spring?

*water continually cycles from oceans to atmosphere and back *convection in the atmosphere causes winds which then blow oceans around the basin in large moving currents *most of a storms energy is related to water vapor which is evaporated from the ocean *gases from the ocean enter the atmosphere and gases from the atmosphere enter the ocean.

What connections exist between the ocean, atmosphere and climate? (Select all that apply)

CORRECT ANSWER: B; BBC News, Author Paul Rincon. The chemicals, PCB and PBDE, made their way to the area of the Pacific Ocean trenches from clinging onto plastic debris and SUNK to the ocean floor from dead animals sinking to the sea floor.

What do researchers think of how chemicals banned in the 1970's, like PCB's and PBDE's sunk to the deep trenches in the Pacific Ocean? A. The chemicals are denser than that seawater, allowing them to sink to the deepest parts of the ocean B. Through dead animals that were contaminated with the chemicals sinking to the sea floor C. Through contaminated plastic that sunk to the bottom of the sea D. From currents dragging the chemical infected waters down to the deepest parts of the ocean

symbiotic plant cells

What do shallow water stoney corals rely on to provide most all their food?

An inability to mix sufficient volumes of deep water into surface water because of differences in density.

What do the "clines" result from?

Abyssopelagic Zone

What do we call the depth zone of the deep ocean trenches?

Rabbitfish and surgeonfish. If you are a clam farmer and have not discovered this already, try fish and clam polyculture to see if it does not enhance the color and value of the shells you produce. As an added benefit, it will also greatly reduce algal fouling in your tanks.

What does polyculture with giant clams entail?

Correct Answer: B: Olga Hawkins, a friend of Carson, wrote a letter asking for help when her own protests failed, of which reminded Carson of a "spring silent of birdsong that moved her to action." This event inspired Carson to seek further help in Washington and later write the book.

What event inspired Rachel Carson to write Silent Spring? a. She observed a visible change in young children and feared of the effects of long term exposure. b. A letter from Olga Hawkins detailed how the chemical unintentionally poisoned birds in her sanctuary. c. Public began to protest the use of the chemical in residential areas. d. DDT was not proven to kill mosquitoes.

The length of time humans are thought to have been on Earth. The average size of the human population at different periods.

What factors are taken into account when determining the total number of people who have lived on Earth?

A. The length of time humans are thought to have been on Earth. D. The average size of the human population at different periods.

What factors are taken into account when determining the total number of people who have lived on Earth?(Select all that apply)

The length of time humans have been on Earth is a greatly debated topic and depending on what one believes regarding this can drastically change the estimation of the population of humanity as a whole. Knowing the average size of populations over a given time will allow one to most accurately estimate the total population of humanity as one looks at the different periods of humanity.

What factors are taken into account when determining the total number of people who have lived on Earth?(Select all that apply)


What generally dominates pycnocline given temperature's effect on density?

Prey abundance increases

What happens as shark abundance and biomass decreases?

the oceans

What has absorbed 80-90% of excess heat from the greenhouse effect?

they have been around since the beginning of the Paleozoic

What is NOT true about modern corals? (choose one)

giant clam meat can only be consumed by people with a special gene for digesting it

What is NOT true about the farming of giant clam meat?

it is very old and has not changed much in 1 billion years

What is NOT true about the ocean floor?

Must be testible and falsiable

What is a requirement of a hypothesis?


What is an important regulation process that connects various parts of a system?

the hydrogen bonds are broken

What is different about water vapor molecules? (than a water or ice molecule?)

water vapor molecules are vibrating independently, liberated.

What is different about water vapor molecules? (than a water or ice molecule?)

CORRECT RESPONSE: B EXPLANATION: Cetaceans are at the top of the oceanic food chain and feed on many of the animals below them. The animals that they feed on, in turn feed on the animals below them. It travels all the way down to the animals that feed on PCB filled plankton. Since cetaceans technically feed on all of these animals all the way down to plankton, they absorb all the PCBs that are in the bodies of the animals they consume. This causes a huge buildup of PCBs in their systems.

What is one reason that chemicals such as PCPs have such high levels in cetaceans? A. When mother cetaceans produce children, not all of them survive. The ones that do survive will eat the bodies of the ones that don't survive and absorb the chemicals that are in their dead bodies. B. Cetaceans feed on animals lower on the food chain, absorbing the PCBs that they have in their systems, causing higher levels of PCBs in the cetaceans. C. Cetaceans excrete PCB filled urine into the oceans and other cetaceans absorb it through their skin, causing high levels of PCBs in their system's. D. When cetaceans come to the surface of the ocean, humans will often feed them off their boats. The food that humans give them is often filled with PCBs which eventually cause such large buildups of PCBs in their systems that it harms the creatures.

We do not understand all the details of the current ocean ecosystem (including species interactions) and thus can only speculate about the ecossystems of the past

What is true about our understanding of ocean ecosystems?

European navigators circumnavigated the globe

What is true about the age of discovery?

The Blue Whale was not susceptible to top-down food chain collapses

What is true about the fate of two exceptionally large ocean creatures during the Cenezoic?

-The root cause of toxicity in the Puget Sound is that people are part of the ocean ecosystem -The deteriorated state of the Puget Sound ecosystem has been recognized but recovery is a long way off if at all possible -Bioaccumulation (toxic magnitication) is a key contributor to death in the Puget Sound

What is true about toxicity and the ocean environment in the Puget Sound?

Answer: B: Chapter 11 Common Themes: A conceptual model may have only limited usefulness. On the one hand, it may be too simple. For example, it is useful to think of molecules of a gas as tiny elastic balls that are endlessly moving about, bouncing off one another; to accommodate other phenomena, however, such a model has to be greatly modified to include moving parts within each ball. On the other hand, a model may be too complex for practical use. The accuracy of models of complex systems such as global population, weather, and food distribution is limited by the large number of interacting variables that need to be dealt with simultaneously

What is problematic about the "Conceptual Model"? A. The behavior of this model cannot be expected ever to represent the full-scale phenomenon with complete accuracy. B. This model can sometimes be too simple for practical use, while sometimes can be too complex for practical use. C. This model has very simple rules and instructions that can have consequences that are extremely difficult to predict without actually carrying out the specific steps. D. This model only focuses on short term effects and lacks modeling long term effects.

marine reserves

What is the best way to give fish an opportunity to reproduce and increase their abundance?

-Expand fish stocks and increase local fishing. -The Palau sanctuary will not only provide fishing for the local market but for the growing tourism market -Diving generates about 90 million a year for the economy, an equal to about 40 percent of Palau's gross domestic product

What is the economic impact of "dive" tourism?

Answer: B. Explanation: fifteen out of seventeen of the world's largest fisheries are so heavily exploited that fish reproduction can't keep up. Therefore it has the largest impact.

What is the main reason as to why fish populations are decreasing so rapidly around the globe? A. Large oil and chemical spills pollute the ocean and kill off thousands of fish B. Fisheries are so exploited that reproduction cannot keep up C. Human waste and plastic is polluting the ocean causing fish to wash up shore D. Fish populations are decreasing as global warming increases causing the temperatures to rise as the fish cannot cope with warm temperatures

Increased temperatures in low latitudes allow the atmosphere to transport more water, moving evaporated water from low latitudes to midlatitudes.

What is the mechanism for changing ocean salinity in low and midlatitudes in recent years?

coastal human population because it can be scaled with the seasonal cycle and uses a marine debris source function

What is the most relevant proxy, according to Marxsen and Halpern, for marine debris influxes?

coastal human population because it can be scaled with the seasonal cycle and uses a marine debris source function. In the article, "Origin, Dynamics, and Evolution of Ocean Garbage Patches from Observed Surface Drifters," it states that "Human population is arguably the most relevant and best-constrained proxy for marine debris fluxes (Marxsen 2001, Halpern et al 2008)." According to the study, this method allows the researchers to "study the fate and mixing of marine debris in a more realistic scenario" than before. The other options do not necessarily relate to coastal debris input because they can vary.

What is the most relevant proxy, according to Marxsen and Halpern, for marine debris influxes?

Correct Answer: C. Population Growth. Source: savethesea.org "Ocean Facts". Growth in population is leads to increased coastal urbanization which poses increased threats to coastlines and coastal habitats. With more people, more litter finds its way to the ocean and more resources are needed to be drawn in order to maintain the amount of people. As more people move towards the coast, water quality will drop, wildlife habitats and the coastline will begin to disappear.

What is the root cause of ocean resource depletion and exploitation? A. Chemical Pollution B. Global Warming C. Population Growth D. Carbon Dioxide Absorption

Shrimp aquaculture has been the single biggest driver of mangrove destruction, particularly in Southeast Asia

What is the single biggest driver of mangrove destruction in southeast Asia?


What is the term that describes a change that occurs in one part of a system that forces a change in another part of the system which then causes a change in the first part of the system?

they give coral their color they are single cell algae they are known as photosynthetic algal symbionts

What is true about Zoonxanthellae? (select all that apply)

-bottom-up trophic cascade can partially occur -There can be an increase in Exotic species from lower latitudes

What is true about about ecosystem changes off Southern California during an El Nino? (select all that apply)

They're formed around a strong mid-latitude low pressure system

What is true about formation of the largest wind-waves on the ocean......the biggest surf?

A)Bioaccumulation (toxic magnitication) is a key contributor to death in the Puget Sound C)The root cause of toxicity in the Puget Sound is that people are part of the ocean ecosystem D)The deteriorated state of the Puget Sound ecosystem has been recognized but recovery is a long way off if at all possible

What is true about toxicity and the ocean environment in the Puget Sound? (select all that apply)

sediment materials that are formed by biologic processes

What kind of sediment covers most of the Pacific Ocean floor?

it is man-made

What makes a chemical special?

ANSWER C; Water cycles from surface currents to deep water currents then back to the surface again in what scientists liken to a giant conveyor belt. Scientists call this global conveyor belt the meridional overturning circulation.

What name do scientist use when referring to the global network of interconnected currents, counter-currents, deep water currents, and turbulent eddies responsible for the ocean's circulation? A) Gulf Stream B) North Atlantic Current C) Meridional Overturning Circulation D) Agulhas Current


What percent of tropical fish and crustacean species depends on the mangroves?


What percentage of our emissions of carbon dioxide flux into the ocean and biosphere?

Explanation: C. Once the chemicals reach the water, they start accumulating through the food chain so that when they reach the deep ocean, concentrations are many times higher than in surface waters.

What primarily happens once toxic chemicals such as PCB's reach ocean waters? A. They immediately sink to the bottom of the ocean. B. They are taken up by ships, boats and submarines. C. They are ingested by small fish and they accumulate through the food chain. D. Their concentrations decrease over time.

Answer: B. PCBs were initially used as dielectric and coolant fluids in electrical apparatus, carbonless copy paper and in heat transfer fluids. PCBs are a group of harmful chemical compounds that first appeared in the 1930's. They do not occur naturally and appear solely through industrial processes.

What were PCBs initially used for in the 1930s? A. PCBs were used as a common pesticide for insect control. B. PCBs were initially used as dielectric and coolant fluids in electrical apparatus, carbonless copy paper and in heat transfer fluids. C. PCBs were used in plastics and were residues left over from making certain plastics. D. PCBs were used for car batteries, pigments, ammunition, cable sheathing, weights for lifting, weight belts for diving, crystal glass, radiation protection and often used to store corrosive liquids.

sunlight plants photosythesis

What would be associated with primary productivity?

they have established commercial fisheries in their boundary waters and manage them with a modern fleet of enforcement patrols.

When Palau became an independent nation in 1994, its founders wrote in the constitution about the need for "conservation of a beautiful, healthful, and resourceful natural environment." What is NOT true about Palau's achievements since then?

trophic cascade

When a [_____________} occurs, a change to one aspect of the food web cause multiple chain reactions within the system? (two words)

More than 100 billion people have lived (were born) over the last 50,000 years

When analyzing human population over time, what is most likely true?

1960's and 70's

When did NASA's "MIssion to PLanet Earth" get off the ground?


When examining a graph of 20th century fishing efforts, when does it appear that Mexico began to ramp up ocean exploitation especially with the use of purse seiners and gillnets?

Stop until you can get a bearing

When navigating by the Polynesian method of wayfinding, If you can NOT take a directional bearing for some reason the best approach to never be lost is.....?


When was DDT banned for use in the United States?


Where are seawater densities lowest?

Clams mantle

Where does a giant clam's iridescence come from within its tissues?

West Pacific (near Asia)

Where in the world would you go diving if you wanted to count the most number of coral species?

central Indo-Pacific

Where would you go scuba diving to see the highest coral and fish diversity?

Correct Answer: C; Westerlies are what powered Columbus sailing vessel on the return trip to Europe.

Which global wind pattern was responsible for Christopher Columbus sailing fleet going back to Europe? A. Easterlies B. Trade Winds C. Westerlies D. Coriolis Effect

9-10 billion

by 2050 we estimate the earths pop to be

Correct answer: A; Chemical Pollution, Ocean Health Index, "The Clean Water goal is unusual because its four components--Chemical Pollution, Nutrient Pollution, Pathogen Pollution and Trash Pollution--indicate both Status and Pressure."

Which is not a component of the Clean Water goal? a. Radioactive Pollution b. Nutrient Pollution c. Pathogen Pollution d. Trash Pollution

-Palauans are the first nation on Earth to preservet nearly all of their economic exclusion zone. -Palau is economicallyy dependent on its local marine system -Palau is enthusiastically embracing sustainable forms of aqua and mariculture

Which of the following are TRUE about the island nation of Palau? (select more than one)

aquaculture is essential to the global food supply

Which of the following are true?

-the area of ocean with maximum winds - a continuously forward storm path -the strength or velocity of the wind -an intensifying storm and wind field -the duration of the storm winds

Which of the following factors play a role in creating big ocean wind waves?

A)a continuously forward storm path B)the area of ocean with maximum winds C)the strength or velocity of the wind D)the duration of the storm winds E)an intensifying storm and wind field

Which of the following factors play a role in creating big ocean wind waves? (select all that apply)

CORRECT ANSWER: C; An Immortal Poison-- the history o PCBs, an excerpt video (min 3:13). Author Dr. Theo Colborn. PCBs became that product that we introduce into practically everything where there was a possibility that this material would catch on fire. By putting PCBs into organic material it didn't flame up, it didn't burn and it slowed down that process.

Which of the following features made the use of PCBs popular across different range of products like paints, ceiling tiles, carbonless paper, concrete or household appliances? A) PCBs are highly flammable B) PCBs are non-toxic C) PCBs doesn't burn D) PCBs are toxic

Answer: C Observation vs Inference Activity Observations are what you see, the nature of the data you are looking; e.g. patterns, trends or measurements. Inferences are made through a collection of observations and creating a story in an attempt to explain what it is that we are seeing. It can be biased, based on our perspectives or points of view.

Which of the following is NOT an accurate statement regarding inferences? A: We make inferences by creating a story in an attempt to provide a logical evaluation of what it is that we are seeing. B: A lack of creativity can often limit our ability to make inferences. C: What you see and the nature of the data you are looking at; e.g. patterns, trends or measurements are examples of inferences. D: Inferences can be biased, based on our own perspectives or points of view.

CORRECT ANSWER: B; Ocean Health Index. Chemical, nutrient, pathogen, and trash pollutions indicated status and pressure under the Clean Water goal. Low levels of them produce a high score while high levels produce a low score.

Which of the following is NOT one of the four components of the Clean Water goal? A) Trash pollution B) Thermal pollution C) Nutrient pollution D) Chemical pollution E) Pathogen pollution

Memorize names and dates which are important to understand the history of oceanography.

Which of the following is NOT one of the learning objectives for the course?

decreased ocean stratification

Which of the following is NOT one of the noted changes to the California Current System that occurs due to warm El Nino currents?

Improved our knowledge of Earth's gravity field

Which of the following is an accomplishment of the TOPEX/Poseidon?

The correct answer is actually C), which is tricky because gravity is seemingly unrelated to ocean mapping; however, since TOPEX/Poseidon is a satellite, it was able to improve our knowledge of Earth's gravity field.

Which of the following is an accomplishment of the TOPEX/Poseidon?

Answer: B. Marine animals do not have the immune systems to fight off PCBs. They are a threat to both human and marine life, and should be taken very seriously.

Which of the following is false about PCBs? a) Whales, and dolphins store PCBs in their blubber b) Marine animals are well equipped to handle PCBs c) Cancerous tumors are becoming a product of ingesting PCBs d) Mass die offs may be caused by PCB's

Gives water an extraordinarily low specific heat, or capacity to absorb energy

Which of the following is not one of the effects of water's polarity on its behavior?

Water's polarity does not give it an extraordinarily low specific heat, but an extraordinarily high one. Specific heat is the heat required to raise one unit of mass one degree. Because the polarity of water gives it the ability to form hydrogen bonds, the specific heat is higher. These hydrogen bonds require a large amount of energy to break before heat is transferred. Thus, water's polarity gives it a high specific heat.

Which of the following is not one of the effects of water's polarity on its behavior?

Hurricanes cannot form along the equator because they can only start spinning at least five degrees away from it. Source: Information from the text provided in units 2A and 2D

Which of the following is not true about hurricanes?

Hurricanes often form along the equator because that is where they can spin the fastest.

Which of the following is not true about hurricanes?

-Weather and climate is altered by changes to ocean currents in the equatorial Pacific Ocean -Winter weather will largely depend on the amplitude and location of the jet stream -The weather and climate can have big effects on our coastal ecosystems -Our weather and climate depends partly on the strength and temperature of the California current

Which of the following is true about Southern California weather and climate?

CORRECT ANSWER: D; Chemical Pollution article from Ocean Health Index. The Ocean Health Index does not include the many chemicals that marine plants, animals and microbes produce as part of their normal life processes. It only measures chemicals that are compounds or substances that have been purified or manufactured by humans; "Natural oil makes up 47% of the oil in the ocean"; "The largest sources of human oil pollution are urban-based runoff and operational discharge of fuel from boating traffic and port operations. Discharge associated with boats constitutes 24% of the total amount of oil in the ocean (UNEP/GPA 2006)"

Which of the following is true about ocean pollution? A) Chemicals that are produced by marine plants, animals and microbes as part of their normal life processes are considered pollution by the Ocean Health Index. B) 65% of all oil in the ocean is naturally produced oil C) The largest sources of human oil pollution is oil spills during transportation or production D) Many Countries still allow the use of POP's even though they are toxic to humans and wildlife

Correct Answer: D Explanation: According to Chapter 11: Common Themes-Systems on the website "Science for All Americans Online," a system is defined as "any collection of things that have some influence on one another." These things can be objects, organisms, machines, processes, ideas, organizations, numbers, etc.. Also, the concept that any part of a system can be considered a system as well comes from the idea of a subsystem. These parts within a system may have their own internal parts and interactions that comprise an entirely new system. In fact, it is quite prevalent that any system is part of a larger system.

Which of the following is true about systems? A. any collection of things that have some influence on one another B. systems are mutually exclusive C. any part of a system may be considered a system as well D. A and C

correct answer: B Explanation: According to the reading material, scientists can seldom bring definitive answers to matters of public debate even they are expected to make full use of the principles of scientific inquiry.

Which of the following statements about "Scientists Participate in Public Affairs" is wrong according to the materials? A. Scientists are both specialists and citizens. B.They can usually bring definitive answers to matters of public debate C.They can be biases because of their own personal, corporate, institutional, or community interests. D.they are expected to make full use of the principles of scientific inquiry.


Which of the following statements about Blue Fin Tuna is true?

Correct Answer: D -- "Marine Chemical Pollution" us.whales.org PCB's are a group of harmful chemical compounds that first appeared in the 1930's. They do not occur naturally and appear solely through industrial processes.

Which of the following statements about PCB's is not true? A. PCB's tend to not break down quickly into less harmful forms B. Levels of PCB's can increase up a food chain through a process called bioaccumulation C. In whales, dolphins, and porpoises, PCB burdens can be passed on from mother to calf D. PCB's can occur naturally, as well as being synthesized through industrial processes

Letter B is true EXPLANATION From the "A Short Primer on Contours" article. A) Definition of a contour: A line that connects locations in time or space that are either predicted or observed to have the same value for some given variable. B) One could add three more contour lines between every pair of contour lines in the map. For example, a 5.25, 5.50, 5.75 between the 5 and 10 isotherms. This decrease in the contour interval from 1 to 0.25 would provide finer resolution but make the map much harder to read! C) Often times, not every isotherm is labeled. Note that neither a contour line nor the contour interval need be a whole number. D) Over the course of the course, we will use contouring (often with color-coding) to help visualize variations in time and space in all sorts of oceanographic variables, including temperature, salinity, density, dissolved nutrient concentrations, and chlorophyll concentrations.

Which of the following statements about contour lines on maps is true? A) A contour is a line that only contains observed values, for some given variable, connecting locations in time or space. B) Increasing the number of contour lines may improve the resolution on a map, but also makes it more difficult to read. C) We do not need to label every single contour line on a map, but if we label a line, it needs to be a whole number. D) Contouring can help visualize temperatures, but it does not work with other oceanographic variables such as chlorophyll concentrations.

Answer: B is false - rough surfaces create more back scatter thus minimizing the forward scatter.

Which of the following statements is false? A) Rougher surfaces distribute forward scatter and back scatter more evenly than smoother surfaces. B) Smoother surfaces create less forward scatter. C) Smooth surfaces have little or no back scatter. D) Smooth surfaces send forward scatter farther than rougher surfaces.

Some countries have begun to make progress cleaning up a few of the six garbage patches.

Which of the following statements pertaining to the increasing plastic levels in our oceans is not true?

Surface drifter buoys have been used to create projections of trash movement in the ocean. IT was discovered that the garbage patches are connected, and trash can move between them. It would take international teamwork for the patches to be cleaned, and one patch couldn't be cleaned without filling back up with trash from another.

Which of the following statements pertaining to the increasing plastic levels in our oceans is not true?

Magnetic Compass

Which of the following was NOT part of the Polynesians navigating environment

a map of the subsurface features of the Earth based on remote sensing tools

Which of the following would be considered an inference?

a map of the subsurface of the Earth based on rock samples collected in drill cores

Which of the following would be considered an inference?

interpretation of the pattern of formation of dinosaur footprints

Which of the following would be considered an inference?


Which of these is the most common source of petroleum?


Which phase (liquid/solid) must have molecules that are, on average, a greater distance from one another?

*Wasp waist control if they catch intermediate size fish *Top down control if they catch the largest fish

Which type of biomass control would human fishing exert on an ecosystem? (select all that are correct)

Correct answer: C Explanation: Science is a process for producing knowledge.Although scientists reject the notion of attaining absolute truth and accept some uncertainty as part of nature, most scientific knowledge is durable.There are many matters that cannot usefully be examined in a scientific way. That's why the choice C is not correct.

Which views below about the scientific world is not correct? A. The world is understandable. B. Science cannot provide complete answers to all questions. C. Science in the current technology can explain everything in the scientific world. D. Scientific knowledge is durable.

George Hadley

Who figured out the reason that the trade winds constantly blow toward the inter-tropical convergence zone?

CORRECT ANSWER: B; "Banned chemicals persist in deep sea," Author Paul Rincon. Animals in the deep sea consume other animals that contain PCB and PBDE. These chemicals are not released once an animal is dead, but rather they are transferred to the animal which consumes it. These chemicals continue to pass down the food chain. Therefore, deep sea trenches become a repository as these chemicals have no other place to go.

Why are PCBs and PBDEs levels higher in the deep sea trenches? A) There are more animals that naturally contain PCB and PBDE B) The polluntants accumulate through the food chain and are higher by the time they reach the animals in the deep sea C) More pollutants are dumped into the deep sea so that companies can more easily cover up their pollution D) The pollutants are denser and sink to the deep sea more easily

CORRECT ANSWER: B; Summary of PCBs and the threat they pose to marine mammals: Marine Chemical Pollution. Once females reach the age of sexual maturity they pass the PCBs to their offspring within the womb and when the calf is suckling.

Why do female whales, dolphins, and porpoises have lower levels of PCBs when they reach a certain level of maturity? A) Adult females have less blubber for PCBs to be stored in than males B) Females pass on most of their PCB burden to their first-born calves C) Males have diets that are bigger than the diets of females and it consists of more PCB infected food D) Mature females tend not to migrate as much as males because of childbirth leading to less exposure to PCBs

electron configuration make the molecule charged

Why do molecules of water (H2O) behave like magnets and stick together by way of hydrogen bonds?

To exploit deeper petroleum reservoirs in deeper water

Why was the Deepwater Horizon offshore oil platform built?


_______ have the ability to eliminate dead zones, acting like the ocean's "Brita filters"


________ is always lost within and between organism in an ecosystem.

single-celled phytoplankton

__________ makes up the majority of fossil fuels

primary productivity

a satellite image of chlorophyll concentrations in the ocean would show off the distribution of


a significant amount of pollution comes from

inputs and outputs, frames of refrence

boundaries of a system


approx. how much O2 is produced through productivity in the ocean


at what time in the us were pcbs initially manufactured

formed by 40-60 mph winds in mid range lattitudes these storms occur along the jet stream in winter

biggest waves

lines mean the same temperature

countur maps

disapearence of dinos sharks didnt change in numbers

crestaceas/ paleogene mass extinction 66 mil years ago

85-66 Ma

crestaceus ocean

gulf of California

east pacific rise

a biological community of interacting organisms and their physical environment


colors are assigned to multispectral ranges

how can we visualize electromagnetic info outside of the visual range

Why do ecosystem baselines regressively shift?

humans don't notice

peale abundance 50 ma

modern ocean 0-20


most of the primary productivity is a result of

river runoff

most oil in the ocean comes from

an interconnected we with complex interactions

ocean system is best described as


overfishing hot spot in n america


paleogene ocean

a surfer would want a bigger forward scatter

red arrow is reflected light, if oceans become rougher the red arrow gets bigger

that connects various parts of a system, feedback systems

regulation of process

rare cancerous tumors reduced birth rate damaged mamamry glands

reported issues related to pcb in beluga whales in the st lawrence seaway


satellites as a weather platform began to be used about the same time that man landed on the mood. what was the name of the record hurricane captured in 1969


science is a blend of logic and

microplastics, plastic fiber, single use plastic

select the three plastic types that are considered dangerous to the marine environment

. By studying forage fish population dynamics, scientists concluded that forage fish collapses were likely the result of excessive exploitation along with declines in ocean productivity. B. The baseline has been shifting up and down for many millennia. The shifting baseline is a psychological and sociological phenomenon that occurs in fisheries around the world.

shifting baseline truths

fetch area

size of wind field

the heat that water can absorb and release when it change state

specific heat refers too

cyclic patterns or oscilations

systems with feedback often exhibit

converges due to refraction

the bigger waves at mavericks as with many good surf spots are formed as arriving wave energy

orbital changes

the earth system has experienced dramatic climate changes in the last 1 million years because

water nutrients

the global pattern of marine primary productivity is mostly related to which of the following


we know in the tropics that the itcz inter-tropical convergence zone is where the trade winds are headed, on their journey the trade winds would most likely never blow this direction

it provides a growing world pop with food; it produces about half of the global O2; it plays a key role in weather and climate

what are good reasons why humans should care about the ocean environment

milligrams per kilogram

what concentration level of pcbs is allowed in cows milk

gases from the ocean enter the atmosphere and gases from the atmosphere enter the ocean; convection in the atmosphere causes winds which then blow oceans around the basin in large moving currents; most of a storms energy is related to water vapor which is evaporated from the ocean; water continually cycles from oceans to atmospheres and back

what connections exist between the ocean, atmosphere, and climate?

-In many species of giant clam, photosynthetic algae live in the clam's fleshy mantle, which is exposed to the sea and sunlight through the flaps of its shell (pictured). In exchange for their home, the algae secrete glycerol, which feeds the clam

what do the algae generate to feed the clam? how do they generate it?


what is the term that describes a change that occurs in one part of the system that forces a change in another part of the system that causes a change in the first part?

its man made

what makes a chemical special


what type of creature did scientists capture in the deep ocean trench to find that it had absorbed relatively high levels of pop chemicals


what type of sed covers most of the ocean floor

more than 100 billion people have lived over the last 50,000 years

when analyzing human population over time what is most likely true

transfer of pcb chemical concentration from mother to calf immune disorders bioaccumulation in the blubber

which of the following are one of the cetaceans physiological problems

a map of the subsurface features of the earth based on remote sensing tools

which of the following would be considered an inference

George Hadley

who figured out the reason the trade winds constantly blow toward the inter tropical convergence zone

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