OCHEM common reactions, mechanisms, mechanistic steps, and reagents (Important things I often forget)

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E2 reaction characteristics

- 1 step - second order, rate = k[HX][Base] - Favored by strong bases - More substituted halides are favored - Requires an anti-coplanar arrangement of H and leaving group. - Better leaving group = faster reaction - Favors polar aprotic solvents

Reduction of alkynes with (3 ways)? Stereochemistry? Common reagents?

- 2 equiv. or 1 equiv. of H2, Pd-C (Pt-C, Ni, Ru) results in a reduced alkene if 1 equiv. or a reduced alkane if 2 equiv. Syn addition of 2 hydrogens. Can't stop this halfway. - Lindlar's catalyst (Pd, CaCO3, Pb(OCCH3)2, quinoline); produces an alkene. Only 1 equiv. of H2 is added. Catalyst is deactivated after. Syn addition. - Reducing metal, Na, NH3 (solvent) results in an E alkene. Anti addition of Hydrogens occurs. - trans product is preferred for all

Addition reaction

- A reaction in which a reagent is added to an unsaturated starting material (ring, alkene, alkyne) to make a saturated molecule. - Reverse/opposite of elimination reactions

NaH (sodium Hydride)? used for? similar to?

- A strong base and a poor nucleophile (bc H only has one lone pair of e^-) - It is useful for deprotonating alcohols and alkynes, among others. One advantage of using NaH is that the by-product is H2, a gas that does not further interfere with the reaction. - similar to LiH, KH

Reactions of acetylide anions with epoxides characteristics?

- Acetylide anions are strong nucleophiles that open up epoxide rings through backside attack on the less substituted carbon (Sn2 mechanism). -If both carbons are equally substituted will obtain two enantiomeric products

Hydrohalogenation of Alkynes? Follows what rule? Why?

- Addition of HX (X = Cl, Br, I) - Markovnikov's rule. H bonds to the less substituted C to form the more table carbocation.


- Addition of oxygen results in the loss of electrons due to the fact that oxygens are electron with drawing groups. - releases energy (endothermic)

Reduction of alkenes occurs by? Stereochemistry? Common reagents?

- Catalytic hydrogenation (adding H2 by a metal catalyst) - syn addition of 2 hydrogens - treating alkene with H2 will saturate all double bonds (pi bonds); only the degree of unsaturation from rings will remain. - H2, Pd-C (Pt-C, Ni, Ru) - The more substituted the carbons on the carbon-carbon double bond, the slower the reaction - trans product is preferred

Alkene oxidation via Dihydroxylation

- Dihydroxylation: adding 2 OH's to an alkene - Back side attack of nucleophile, and the epoxide intermediate cause the anti addition of OH's. Reagents include: peroxyacid (RCO3H) to make epoxide then open epoxide with OH^- or H2O. - For syn addition must use a metal oxidant: OsO4 or MnO4 (strong oxidants because have high oxidation state, +8, +7)

H2, Pd/C

- H2 (hydrogen gas) is used for the reduction of alkenes, alkynes, and many other species with multiple bonds, with catalysts such as Pd/C and Pt.

H2SO4 (sulfuric acid)? Used for?

- Strong acid, pka -3 - It is useful for elimination since its conjugate base [HSO4^-] is a very poor nucleophile (deprotonates alcohols). It finds use in many other reactions as a general strong acid.

TsCl, pyridine is used for?

- Tosyl chloride will convert alcohols to sulfonates, which are exelent leaving groups in elimination and substitution reactions. - Converts alcohols to alkyl tosylates.

NaNH2(sodium amide) is used for?

- Very strong base - useful for the deprotonation of alkynes to make acetylides and also in elimination reactions toward the formation of alkynes from dihalides. - It can also be used to generate arynes (benzynes) which can undergo nucleophilic attack.

Hydroboration-Oxidation of Alkynes? What is formed?

- addition of H2O - An unstable enol is first formed, which rearranges to a carbonyl group.

Hydration of alkynes? Follows what rule? Why? What is formed?

- addition of H2O - Markovnikov's rule is followed. H bonds to the less substituted C to form the more stable carbocation. - An unstable enol is first formed, which rearranges to a carbonyl group.

Hydration of alkenes? # of steps? Intermediates/rearrangements? Follows what rule? Stereochemical preferences? Reagents?

- addition of H2O or ROH - mechanism has 3 steps - carbocations are formed as intermediates - Markovnikov's rule is followed. H bonds to the less substituted C to form the more stable carbocation. -No stereochemical preference (syn and anti addition occur) - H2O + H2SO4 - ROH + H2SO4

Halohydrin Formation with an alkene starting material? # of steps? Intermediates/rearrangements? Follows what rule? Stereochemical preferences? Reagents?

- addition of OH and X; X = Cl, Br. - 3 step mechanism. - Bromonium or chloronium (bridged Halonium ions) intermediates - No rearrangements can occur. - Anti-markonikov X bonds to the less substituted C. - Anti addition occurs. - NBS in DMSO and H2O adds Br and OH in the same fashion.

Halogenation of alkenes? Reagents? Intermediates? Rearrangements? Stereochemical preferences?

- anti addition of X2; X = Cl or Br -Reagents: Br2, Cl2, or I2 in CH2CL2 or CCl4 -Bromonium or chloronium (bridged Halonium ions) intermediates - no rearrangements can occur -Anti addition stereochemical preference

Halogenation of alkynes? What intermediates are formed?

- anti-addition of X2 (syn-addition when only 1 equivalent of X2) - Bridged Halonium ions are formed as intermediates.

Alkene oxidation via epoxidation

- epoxidation; reagents: mCPBA, peroxyacids (carboxylic acids with 3 O's), syn addition of O atom, one step mechanism, for rings might be easier to do front and back-side (wedge/dash) attack.

E1 reaction characteristics

- first order - two steps - more substituted halides react faster - favored by weaker bases; Ex: H2O and ROH - a better leaving group makes this reaction faster because the bond to the leaving group is partially broken in the rate-determining step. - polar protic solvents that solvate the ionic intermediates are needed.

Hydroboration-Oxidation of Alkenes? Reagents? # of steps? Follows what rule? Rearrangements/intermediates? Stereochemical preferences?

- reagents: 1. BH3, THF or 9-BBN 2. H2O2, NaOH - 1 step mechanism - anti-Markovnikov, the OH bonds to the less substituted C. - Syn addition of H2O results.


- stereoisomers that are non-superimposable NON-mirror images. - opposite configurations at SOME chirality centers


- stereoisomers that are non-superimposable mirror images. - opposite configurations at ALL chirality centers

TsOH (tosic acid, or TosOH) is used for?

- strong acid pka -2.8, similar in strength to sulfuric acid. - The conjugate base is poor nucleophile, which makes it useful for the dehydration of alcohols to alkenes. - Elimination conversion of alcohols to alkenes

KOC(CH3)3 or KOt-Bu (potassium t-butoxide)? used for? similar to?

- strong sterically hindered (bulky) base - Useful in elimination reactions for forming the less substituted "non-Zaitsev/Hofmann" alkene product. - NaOtBu, LiOtBu, LDA (stronger bulky base)

oxidation state/number

- the number of electrons exchanged between atoms during the formation of a molecule. - Oxidation state is the number of electrons a particular atom can lose, gain or share with another atom.

The reaction of acetylide anions with alkyl halides? Follows what type of mechanism? Common reagents?

- the reactions follows an Sn2 mechanism - The reaction works best with CH3X and RCH2X.

Reduction of epoxides through? Common reagents?

- via SN2, thus in unsymmetrical epoxides, nucleophilic attack of H^- (from LiAlH4) occurs at the less substituted carbon atom.

Reduction of alkyl halides occurs through? Common reagents?

- via SN2, thus unhindered alkyl halides are preferred (methyl, primary, secondary)

Reduction of Tosylates occurs through? Common reagents?

- via SN2, thus unhindered alkyl halides are preferred (methyl, primary, secondary) - Sn2 undergoes inversion of config. but, effects are usually invisible because we are adding an H.


-Adding H's because protons are electron donors - Breaking pi bonds to saturate a molecule w more protons is reduction.

Cl2 (chlorine) is used for? Similar to?

-Chlorine is a very good electrophile. It will react with double and triple bonds, as well as aromatics, enols, and enolates to give chlorinated products. In addition, it will substitute Cl for Halogens when treated with light (free-radical conditions). It also assists with the rearrangement of amides to amines ( the Hoffmann rearrangement) - NCS, Br2, NBS, I2, NIS

Oxidative cleavage of alkynes

-Reagents: 1) O3, 2) H2O -Terminal yields carboxlyic acid and CO2 -Disubstituted yields two carboxlic acids

Hydrohalogenation of alkenes? Common reagents? # of steps? Intermediates/rearrangements? Follows what rule? Stereochemical preferences?

-Reagents: HCl, HBr, or KI + H3PO4 -Addition -Carbocation intermediates, rearrangements possible -Markovnikov addition, H bonds to the less substituted C to form the more stable carbocation. -No stereochemical preference (syn and anti addition occur)

The reaction of acetylide anions with epoxides? Follows what type of mechanism?

-Sn2 -Opening of the ring occurs from the back side at the less substituted end of the epoxide.

Comparing and Contrasting E1 and SN1

-both unimolecular -both consist of two steps -the first step of both reactions is exactly the same (the spontaneous loss of the leaving to give the intermediate carbocation) -the only thing that differentiates them is how the reagent reacts, it either acts as a base (by gaining a proton) or nucleophile (by donating a lone electron pair) -In an SN1 reaction, a nucleophile attacks the carbocation, forming a substitution product. -In an E1 reaction, a base removes a proton, forming a new pi bond.

Reducing agents

-elements in redox reactions that donates e- to another species -it losses e- so it becomes oxidized while reducing other species -contain metals bonded to a large # of hydrides

Oxidative cleavage of alkenes

1) O3 2) Zn, H20 (or CH3SCH3/DMS)

SN2 reaction mechanism characteristics?

1. 1 step Rate=k[RX][Nu^-] 2. nucleophile always attack's from the back 3. Inversion of configuration (if stereochemistry is involved) 4. Unhindered halides react fastest (methyl>primary>secondary...etc.) 5. Favors polar aprotic solvents (they enhance the reactivity of the nucleophile)

SN1 reaction mechanism characteristics?

1. 2 steps Rate=k[RX] 2. Nucleophile attacks from both the front and backsides of the carbocation intermediate. 3. Both inversion of configuration (front side attack) and retention of configuration (backside attack) occur yielding two racemic enantiomeric products. (if stereochemistry is involved) 4. Sterically hindered halides react fastest (tertiary>secondary, primary/methyl= no RXN) 5. Favors polar protic solvents (stabilizing the carbocation intermediate)

E2 reaction mechanism

1. The base OH^- removes a proton from the beta carbon, forming H2O (a by product) 2. the electron pair in the anti-co/periplanar beta C-H bond forms the new pi bond. 3. leaving group Br^- comes off with the electron pair in the C-Br bond. - All processes occur simultaneously.

E1 mechanism

1. The heterolysis of the C-I bond forms a carbocation (rate determining step). 2. A base (either H2O or I^-) removes a proton from a beta carbon and the electron pair from the C-H bond forms the new pi bond. - all processes occur on at a time (two step reaction)

What are the two possible mechanisms for Nucleophilic substitution?

1. The mechanism has one step and both bond breaking and making occur at the same time. The rate is second order meaning it is dependent on both starting materials. 2. The mechanism has two steps and bond breaking occurs before bond making and a carbocation is thus formed as an intermediate. The rate is first order meaning it is dependent on only one starting material (RX/alkyl halide).

the 3 ways to oxidize alkenes are?

1. epoxidation 2. Dihydroxylation 3. Oxidative cleavage of alkenes

Lindlar's catalyst

A heterogeneous catalyst for the hydrogenation of alkynes to cis alkenes. In its most common form, it consists of a thin coating of palladium on barium sulfate, with quinoline added to decrease the catalytic activity.

oxidizing agent

Accepts electrons and becomes reduced.

Reduction reactions

Addition of H2; gains of electrons


An elimination reaction that removes a hydrogen and a halide (usually E2).

BH3 (Borane) is similar too?

B2H6(diborane), BH3+THF, BH3+SMe2, 9-BBN


Base only


Base only

H^- (of NaH)

Base only

Formation of acetylide anions from terminal alkynes? Typical reagents used?

Bases such as NaNH2 and NaH

Nucleophilicity vs. Basicity

Basicity increases with steric hindrance and nucleophilicity decreases

Which of the following alkyl halides would react the fastest with -OH in SN2 reaction? Why?CH3CH2Br, CH3CH2Cl, CH3CH2F, CH3CH2I

CH3CH2I, The order of reactivity of alkyl halides for Sn2 reactions relies on which of the halogen atoms is most weakly bonded to the carbon atom. Due to the fact that as atoms get bigger from F to I, bonds get longer, and weaker. The weaker the bond, the more easily it is broken, the lower the activation energy for the reaction and the faster the rate at which it will occur. The carbon-fluorine bond is perhaps one of the strongest bonds in chemistry, and generally regarded as the strongest in organic chemistry, meaning alkylflourides are very inert (unreactive). This is due to Fluorine's extremely high electronegativity.

Which of the following is most likely to react as a nucleophile rather than a base? KOC(CH3)3, CH3COO^-, DBU, DBN


Jones Reagent

Chromium based oxidizing agent

Br2, H2O is used for?

Convert alkenes to halohydrins

Base only; primary, secondary, or tertiary


Strong Nuc/ Strong Base; tertiary


Strong Nuc/ Strong Base; secondary

E2 (major product) SN2 (minor product)

Which of the following reaction quantities will have an effect on reaction rate? Why? K_eq, E_a, ΔH°, ΔG°

E_a, becuase the activation energy is the minimum amount of energy needed for a reaction to take place the lower the activation energy the faster the reaction.

Hydroboration of alkenes regioselectivity?

For instance, when using BH3, boron (BH2) adds to the less substituted end of the alkene and the H attaches to the more substituted end. The H and BH2 add syn to the double bond (syn-addition).

Groups vs. Periods (periodic table)

Groups are vertical and periods are horizontal

POCl3, pyridine

Is used for the dehydration of alcohols to alkenes. Converts alcohol into a good leaving group, and then proceeds by an E2 mechanism using pyridine as a base. Can also be used to convert amides (RC(=O)NR′R″) to nitriles (R−C≡N).

POCl3, pyridine is similar to what reagents?

LiAlH4 (LAH), LiAlH(Ot-Bu)3

NaNH2 is similar to?

LiNH2, KNH2, and LD; but less sterically hindered.

What are some typical bases used for the formation of acetylide anions with terminal alkynes?

NaNH2 and NaH


Nucleophile only


Nucleophile only


Nucleophile only


Nucleophile only


Nucleophile only


Nucleophile only


Nucleophile only

Oxidation of alcohols

Primary alcohols can be oxidized to aldehydes using PCC and further oxidized to carboxylic acids using KMnO₄, Na₂Cr₂O₇, or CrO₃. Secondary alcohols can be oxidized to ketones using any of these oxidants.

polar protic vs aprotic

Protic solvents are capable of intermolecular hydrogen bonding bc they contain an O-H or N-H bond. Aprotic solvents only solvate cations well (thus, Sn2 and E2 do not form carbocations).

If the reaction of an alcohol with PBr3 follows an SN2 mechanism, what is the stereochemistry of the alkyl bromide formed from (R)−butan−2−ol?


Nucleophile only; tertiary


Weak Nuc/ Weak Base; tertiary

SN1 (generally favored) E1 (favored in elevated temps)

Nucleophile only; primary


Strong Nuc/ Strong Base; primary

SN2 (major product) E2 (minor product)

Nucleophile only; secondary

SN2 or SN1

Which of the following reactions will provide the best yield of ether by the Williamson ether synthesis? Phenol and sodium methoxide Sodium phenoxide and bromomethane Bromobenzene and bromomethane Bromobenzene and sodium methoxide

Sodium phenoxide and bromomethane

nonnucleophilic bases

Sterically hindered bases. Ex: tert-butoxide (CH3)3CO^-


Strong Nuc/Strong Base


Strong Nuc/Strong Base


Strong Nuc/Strong Base

SOCl2, pyridine

Substitutes Cl for OH with inverted configuration. Cl is a good LG. Anti. Primary or secondary only.

1. BH3 (Borane) 2. NaOH, H2O2 are used for?

The Hydroboration of alkenes (converts alkenes to alcohols) and alkynes (converts alkynes to aldehydes).

Williamson Ether Synthesis

The Williamson ether synthesis is an organic reaction, forming an ether from an organohalide and a deprotonated alcohol (alkoxide). This reaction was developed by Alexander Williamson in 1850. Typically it involves the reaction of an alkoxide ion with a primary alkyl halide via an S N 2 reaction.

Which of the statements about the reactions of ethers with strong acids is true? HCl, HBr, and HI can all be used. The mechanism of ether cleavage is SN1 and SN2. The mechanism of ether cleavage is SN1 only. The mechanism of ether cleavage is SN2 only.

The mechanism of ether cleavage is SN1 and SN2.


Weak Nuc/ Weak Base


Weak Nuc/ Weak Base


Weak Nuc/ Weak Base


Weak nuc./bulky base


phenyl group


synthesis of epoxide

Which of the following ethers cannot be prepared by the Williamson ether synthesis? tert-Butyl phenyl ether tert-Butyl methyl ether Methyl phenyl ether Isopropyl methyl ether

tert-Butyl phenyl ether

E configuration

the highest priority groups are on the opposite side of the double bond

Z configuration

the highest priority groups are on the same side of the double bond

Markovnikov's Rule

the intermediate that is going to form is going to be the most stable possible intermediate.

Under basic conditions, nucleophiles will attack epoxides at?

the least sterically hindered position (least substituted carbon)

Under acidic conditions, nucleophiles will attack epoxides at?

the most sterically hindered position (most substituted carbon)

Bases vs. Nucleophiles

we use the word base to indicate a Bronsted Lowry base, we use the word nucleophile to indicate a Lewis base.

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