Old Testament Final

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How is God's presence revealed in the book of Esther?

· It shows the dependence of the Jews on God's divine intervention. · Also in the ways God protected Esther and the Jews

What indications does the text give that the writer is Solomon?

Allusions to Solomon's wisdom and lifestyle are clear in chapter two, and the writer identifies himself as "son of David"

Why do some of the psalms seem angry, depressed, or even vindictive?

Because they were personal expressions in hard moments of life. Some Psalms were cries out to God to save them. Some Psalms were also expressing the hardships in life and reflecting on the ways they had sinned. Psalms were personal accounts of actual life hardships like we go through daily. They were simply laments to God.

How was Elihu's perspective different and unique

Elihu shared that God may use suffering as a means to keep men from sin and to maintain a healthy degree of reverence before the Almighty. In other words, God may permit suffering to mature and grow our faith in spite of our shortcomings. This is different because Elihu isn't putting the blame on Job for the happenings in his life but he is rather providing a reason. Elihu is expressing that possibly Job is the example and God is doing something through him as opposed to against him.

What practical matters are addressed in the book of Proverbs?

General truths and practical application, not specific instructions or promises.

How do we see God's providence at work in the events described in the book of Ezra?

He providentially acted so that His people could return to their land and rebuild their temple

How does the author use themes of devotion and apostasy to challenge his postexilic readers?

He shows that temple defilement results in a forfeiture of blessings.

How did Ezra's love for the word of God influence his life and ministry?

His mission was to reform the people by rebuilding them spiritually and led a group of Jews from Persia to Jerusalem. Ezra also had a heart or holiness and helping people understand that they had to rid themselves of their sin. Ezra's dedication to the word helped people involved in his ministry understand the importance of proper alignment with God.

Which is your favorite Psalm and why?

This is a super hard question to answer because I simply love Psalms. I love Psalm 42 because it is my cry to God that I may seek and want him the way a deer needs water. It reminds me that even at my lowest God is still God and that I must cry out to him and yearn for him eagerly constantly. I also love Psalm 46 because it is such a motivation in what I should press towards. Psalm 46:10 reads ,"Be Still and know that I am God" I love this because it provides the comfort an individual needs to understand that no matter what God is working and all we must do is be still and understand that he is working on something so long as we tune into him.

How should the poetic language of the psalms be understood?

Through the use of metaphor and imagery. The prevailing metaphor and unifying theological concept in Psalms is that the Lord is King over all creation.

How do the "goads" and "nails" of wisdom help us find the meaning of life?

Throughout the book, we will find what the Preacher later describes as "goads" and "nails" (cf. 12:11). These are wise sayings that will "prod" our thinking, and exhortations that will provide stability and direction for living.

Why was the building of the second temple so important for the Jewish people and religion?

To preserve the nation from assimilating into the surrounding Gentile cultures and in order for it to fulfill God's Messianic purposes. God sovereignly worked among the Pagan Persian leaders as well as among His people to preserve Judah's religious and worship identity. Such preservation was accomplished through the nations return to the land and the rebuilding of the second temple despite much Gentile opposition.

What lessons can we learn from these books about the importance of worship in our own lives?

We can learn the posture of Worship. David worshipped in all circumstances and in some ways used that as a preparation for something or a way to align himself with Christ to better understand if what he was doing was God honoring or God ordained. I believe this can help us in our own lives because it teaches us to worship God in both the good and bad and to have a heart of worship towards God so that we can be properly aligned with him at all times and have a better understanding of what he has planned for us.

Describe the various types of proverbs with biblical examples.

· Marriage and Sexuality · Wealth and Poverty · Power of the Tongue · Principles on Child-Rearing · Personal Discipline Friendship

What do we know about the godly character of Nehemiah? What does his walk with God say to us about being a leader today

· Nehemiah = Comforter of Yahweh he was a man of Character and integrity · He was a good leader and led with obedience and truth · He encouraged the people to continue moving forward

What does Esther's experience tell us about God's working in our own lives?

God has a unique plan for each and every one of us. I believe God is telling us that he can use us and he wants to. People would not have expected Esther to be the one to save the Jews but God worked in an extraordinary way to do so and I believe he is doing the same work in us. There are God sized plans for normal people so long as we lean on him.

How did God use Esther to protect the messianic line of Christ?

God used Esther to marry Xerxes and then allowed her to be of influence to him. With God Esther was able to change many of the decrees that were made against the Jews which then allowed them to openly worship God , defend for themselves and more. Esther's boldness when confronting the king regarding the killing of the Jews led to the dissolution of the plans that were made against them ultimately protecting them from death.

What is God challenging you to do to make a difference in your world today?

I believe God is challenging me to be vocal. Many times it's easy to simply stay quiet about something I know God has pressed on my heart. I believe that God is calling me to understand that my gifts and talents aren't meant to be simply understood by me but they're meant to be shared in good ways. I believe God wants to remind me of why he brought me here in the first place and use my past as a guide for the future to share and impact the lives of those around me.

How can we keep a proper balance between spiritual devotion and external legalism?

We should be focused on what God desires and not the desires of man. We must understand that our lives are meant to bring God the glory as opposed to how we can adjust to what the people around us desire. We must recognize that salvation is found through him alone and understand that, that means we must continually be drawing closer to him.

What is the most serious challenge you have faced with the issue of personal suffering? How are you handling it?

I believe the most serious challenge I have faced with the issue of personal suffering was my parent's divorce. My dad wasn't the greatest father and was absent during my birth and my upbringing. This weighed heavy on my heart for most of my life and even sometimes now. I suffered the loss of not having a male figure in my life to guide me and protect me which in turn made me feel like I had to do that for myself. The absence of a father led to me justifying the way people treated me and made me believe nobody would ever want to be there for me. When I was 13 years old I began the road of forgiving my father by writing a letter and having a heart to heart moment with my eternal father. I have worked on this recently by opening up communication with him and am trying to give him a second chance. Primarily I focus on being aligned with God and have learned to understand that through that I will be blessed.

Is God really the final answer to the problem of suffering? How do you know?

Yes, I believe God is the answer to the problem of suffering. God does not inflict suffering on us even though lets us experience it. God wants us to turn to him in all of our circumstance like Job. When Job experienced hardship he leaned on the Lord more and did not question his character. We must be like this and lean on God which therefore makes him the answer because he is the only one who ca comfort us in it. I know this because it is his character and who he is as a Father.

What lessons can be learned about pride and humility in the book of Esther?

I love how in the book of Esther, Esther must humble herself not only before God to understand and acknowledge what it is he wants her to do but also man. Esther was called to step into a more than likely uncomfortable situation to do something for the kingdom of God. She had to stand before a king humble herself become his wife and complete the mission Christ set before her. We also see that the Pride of man is nothing in comparison to the power of Christ. When Mordecai refuses to bow before Haman, Haman is overtaken with anger and tries all he can to eradicate the Jews. Ultimately the pride of Haman is useless because God is the only one that is to be glorified.

How can we trace Gods hand in our lives even when we can't see His face or hear His name?

I think we have to learn to understand that God is present and active always. I believe the reason it was so easy for Esther to follow what she felt God was pressing on her heart was because she established a relationship with him. I believe we can trace God's hand in our lives when we lean on him and on what he has planned. The more we trust him the more we'll find him. While we may not have a physical relationship with him communicating constantly and seeking his advice constantly is vital to seeing his hand at work in our lives.

Describe the enormity of Job's losses. Why did God allow this to happen to him?

Job was not suffering because of his sins. God's providential purposes were being accomplished by his sovereign permission to allow Job to suffer so that he, his friends, and all who read this amazing story may benefit from it.

What was wrong with the advice of Jobs three friends?

Jobs three friends suggested that divine justice demands retribution for sin and thus those who suffer are afflicted due to seen or unseen sin in their lives. They were basically saying that the reason Job was suffering was because he was a sinner which was not true.

How did these tragedies impact Jobs wife?

Jobs wife asked the question "Why don't you curse God and die?" She was upset because she had lost all her children and was about to also lose her husband which led to her many questions and doubts.

Is there any real purpose to life without God?

Life "under the sun." Qohelet is not overly pessimistic in his assessment of a fallen world. He is simply realistic in observing life from a human perspective, in other words, life without God.

What factors are important in interpreting the book of Proverbs?

Proverbs are poetry, or prose. Thinking in parallel lines is necessary because you are able to see which thoughts are connected. Because of the use of figurative language, you need to consider the use of comparison, substitution, sarcasm or exaggeration.

In what way does Proverbs exhibit the wisdom of God?

Proverbs taught people how to not only make good choices in life but to make Godly choices

How do the Psalms express the heart of God's people?

Psalm reflects the passion of the true worshipper and expresses the full range of human emotions the community of faith experiences as they enter into God's presence and seek his help for daily living.

Why are there so many warnings against wrong choices and wrong behavior in Proverbs?

Repeated warnings are directed at marrying or provoking a contentious spouse. The book also includes warnings against adultery, drunkenness, and excessive appetite. Proverbs are a teacher's manual for teaching biblical principles of success, prosperity, and godly living.

Study the principles of leadership exercised by Nehemiah in rebuilding the walls. Make a list of spiritual principles then a list of natural principles that were effective. How did Nehemiah blend these two factors together?

Spiritual · Reading and explanation of the word of God · Spiritual reforms necessary to bring people back into relationship with God · National fast where people confessed sins and followed a new covenant · Nehemiah mourned in prayer and fasting Natural · Nehemiah can rebuild the walls

How did Ezra's reforms set the standards fir Orthodox Judaism?

The Jews were not allowed to intermarry with foreign women which meant Israel's religious and spiritual identity was preserved.

What are the messianic psalms, and how are they interpreted in the New Testament?

The Psalms are interpreted in the New Testament in correlations many things expressed in the Old testament prophecy or are recounted in the New testament. The Messianic Psalms are predictions of the Messiah and are about burdening and suffering is the victory of Christ and God moving now and later.

What is unique about the author's approach in writing Ecclesiastes?

The author was frustrated by injustice and the inability of man to straighten what is crooked. He was also frustrated by the transitory nature of life and the inability of wisdom to provide any sense of guarantee over what tomorrow might bring.

What can we learn from this book about the role the Word of God has in our walk with God

The book of Nehemiah teaches the power of trusting in God. God rewards obedience and with it comes guidance. I believe that because of Nehemiah's trust and obedience in God. He was rightfully led into what God had planned for him and that can and should be translated in my life. I must build a relationship with God so that I may trust him and live in obedience to what he has planned for my life.

How is the Hebrew term hevel ("meaningless" or "vapor") used throughout the book?

The overarching observation that all is "hevel" introduces and concludes the main body of material through a literary technique that "bookends" the contents.

How did Nehemiah overcome the carious obstacles that hindered the work he was doing? What can we learn from Nehemiah to overcome barriers that face us today?

· Nehemiah was dedicated to what God had planned and was obedient to his ways. o To make sure the project would be successful Nehemiah armed the workers because he wanted God's plan to be fulfilled o He planned out defense mechanisms to better equip the people o He stayed away from things of the king and he himself was involved in the rebuilding

Why do many believe that Ezra may have been the author of the Chronicles?

· The tradition as well as the commonality in style, flavor, and viewpoint, themes, and literary patterns. Tradition supports the notion that Ezra and Nehemiah were the book's authors. The writer displays the style and interest of a Levitical scribe. The writer constantly acknowledges his sources, focuses on the temple priesthood and traced the line of Davidic through Judah. Such a description firs Ezra who was also a Levitical scribe.

What are the challenges of the allegorical interpretation?

· They would take the verses completely out of context · The picture between God and Israel can be seen in the negative sense instead of the positive sense · It also leaves much detail without explanation as to its referent and allegorical point of comparison · Also leads to question of the relationship between Christ and the Church

What significant roles do David and Solomon play in the history of the Chronicles?

·Solomon was David's Son and since David was not given the privilege of actually constructing the temple because he was a man of war Solomon would because he was a man of peace.

What factors indicate Solomon actually wrote the Song of Songs?

The title of the book in some translations is Songs of Solomon which indicates that Solomon is the writer of the Songs. I Kings also credits the king for writing songs which allows the reader to conclude that Solomon could very well have been the writer of these Psalms.

What is the major purpose of Psalms in regard to worship?

They were songs for public worship. Psalms greatly enriched the prayer life of individual believers and the corporate worship of the Christian Church. People craving for fellowship with God.

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