Old Testament Final Exam

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6. How many night visions did Zechariah have? a. five b. six c. eight d. nine

d. nine

Daniel Chapter 8 Summary

Vision of Ram and a goat; the 70 weeks prophecy

Daniel Chapter 10 Summary

Vision of the Glorious man; prophecies concerning Persia and Greece

Daniel Chapter 7 Summary

Vision of the four beasts; vision of the Ancient Days; Daniels visions interpreted

34. What kind of a plague did Joel describe as "the day of the Lord"? a. grasshoppers b. flies c. locusts d. fleas

c. locusts

Joel compared the severe plague to a a. roaring lion b. unquenchable fire c. mighty army d. devastating earthquake

c. mighty army

Daniel Chapter 12 Summary

Prophecy of the end time

Daniel Chapter 5 Summary

Belshazzar's feast; The writing on the wall explained; Belshazzar's fall

Daniel Chapter 1 Summary

Daniel and his friends obey God

Daniel Chapter 9 Summary

Daniel's prayer for the people; the 70 weeks prophecy

Daniel Chapter 2 Summary

Nebuchadnezzar's dream; God reveals Nebuchadzzar's dream; Daniel explains the dream; Daniel and his friends promoted

Daniel Chapter 4 Summary

Nebuchadnezzar's second dream; Daniel explains the 2nd dream; Nebuchanezzar's humiliations Nebuchadnezzar's praises God

6. In what two languages do we find the book of Daniel written in? a. Hebrew and Aramaic b. Hebrew and Greek c. Greek and Aramaic d. Greek and Latin

a. Hebrew and Aramaic

10. Ezra's evaluation of interfaith marriage was that it was a. causing racial impurity b. a departure from legalism c. a sin d. the cause of great revival

c. a sin

Daniel Chapter 3 Summary

The image of Gold; Daniel's friends disobey the king; saved in Fiery Trial; Nebuchadnezzar praises God.

Daniel Chapter 6 Summary

The plot against Daniel; Daniel in the Lion's Den; Daniel saved from the Lions; Darius honors God.

Which quality of God did Malachi NOT discuss? a. God is the first part of the Trinity, Father, Son, Holy Spirit b. God does not change c. God invites people to return to Him d. God never forgets His people that respond to Him

a. God is the first part of the Trinity, Father, Son, Holy Spirit

For whom had Nehemiah worked in Persia? a. Artaxerxes I b. Shalmaneser c. Sheshbazzar d. Cyrus

a. Artaxerxes I

12. Which enemy of Israel was not included in Zechariah 9 when the prophet told the people that the Lord would remove their enemies? a. Egypt b. Syria c. Phoenicia d. Philistia

a. Egypt

Daniel Chapter 11 Summary

Warning Kings of the North and South; The Northern King's blasphemies; The Northern Kings Conquets

6. What two prophets encourage the people to finish the temple during the first 6 chapters of Ezra? a. Haggai & Zechariah b. Joel & Micah c. Daniel & Ezekiel d. Obadiah & Joel

a. Haggai & Zechariah

32. What is one major theme in the book of Joel? a. The future day of the Lord and judgement accompanied by cosmic signs b. The rebuilding of the Temple c. The fall of Israel (northern kingdom) to Babylon d. The parallels of the Exodus to Israel of his day

a The future day of the Lord and judgement accompanied by cosmic signs

How long did it take for Nehemiah to complete his construction project of building walls? a. 52 days b. 65 days c. 320 days d. 2 years

a. 52 days

Who was the target of an assassination plot in the Book of Esther? a. Ahasuerus (Xerxes) b. Esther c. Mordecai d. Vashti

a. Ahasuerus (Xerxes)

What was the key point of the Persian decree? a. All Jews were to be killed. b. Esther was to be deposed. c. Haman would be the next ruler. d. Persians associating with Jews would be slaughtered.

a. All Jews were to be killed.

20. Which was NOT a result of the exile? a. The 10 northern tribes of Israelites were lost b. Spoken language shifted more to Aramaic c. The synagogue became the major place of worship for Jews d. Scribes (teachers of the law) became the prominent Jewish leaders

a. The 10 northern tribes of Israelites were lost

7. Who was the grandfather of Zechariah? a. The prophet Iddo b. The leader Sheshbazzar c. The priest Berechiah d. The governor Zerubbabel

a. The prophet Iddo

Malachi condemned the priests because they a. accepted sick animals for sacrifice b. did not enforce the Sabbath rules c. offered sacrifices at the wrong times d. overlooked their own sins

a. accepted sick animals for sacrifice

8. This part of Daniel includes several stories of Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego a. chapters 1-6 b. chapters 7-12 c. chapters 3-9 d. chapters 5-10

a. chapters 1-6

12. Daniel demonstrated the lordship of God over the a. entire world b. city of Jerusalem alone c. Israelites only d. Jews throughout all time

a. entire world

Malachi's name means my a. messenger b. servant c. shepherd d. preacher

a. messenger

Who are the main characters in the Book of Esther? a. Esther and Xerxes I b. Vashti and Esther c. Esther and Mordecai d. Esther and Haman

c. Esther and Mordecai

Which Jewish holiday is explained in the Book of Esther? a. Passover b. Feast of Tabernacles c. Feast of Purim d. Feast of Lights

c. Feast of Purim

11. About how much time period, and what range was it, does Ezra and Nehemiah cover? a. 200 years, from 638 - around 430 BC b. 100 years, from 638 - around 530 BC c. 200 years, from 438 - around 230 BC d. 100 years, from 538 - around 430 BC

d. 100 years, from 538 - around 430 BC

31. Scholars debate when Joel was written (900 or 400 BC). What position did Dr. Roth take and why? a. 400 BC because when he flipped a coin that was the answer he got b. 900 BC because the name Joel is an older Jewish name c. 900 BC because the majority of scholars argue for this older date d. 400 BC because it fits the history of the day, and because Peter (NT) applies it to end time prophecy

d. 400 BC because it fits the history of the day, and because Peter (NT) applies it to end time prophecy

3. Which deportation is incorrect? a. 605 BC, Daniel is taken to Babylon b. 597 BC, Ezekiel is taken to Babylon c. 586 BC, Jerusalem is fully taken, more Jews exported to Babylon d. 572 BC, Ezekiel and Jewish captives are taken to the Chebar river

d. 572 BC, Ezekiel and Jewish captives are taken to the Chebar river

10. How tall was Nebuchadnezzar's golden idol? a. 25 feet b. 50 feet c. 70 feet d. 90 feet

d. 90 feet

Which book is not found in the Dead Sea Scrolls? a. Ezra b. Nehemiah c. 2 Chronicles d. Esther

d. Esther

24. Summarize below the four major events/periods described in Ezra and Nehemiah.

1.) Ezra 1-6: return of the exiles/ rebuilding of the Temple 2.) Ezra 7-10: The work of the leaders in establishing the community religiously 3.) Nehemiah 1-10: Physically, city, rebuilt, Nehemiah leads 4.) Negemiah 11-13; Revival under Ezra and Nehemiah

4. While Zechariah prophesied at the same time as Haggai, how was his basic message different? a. he focused more an inward spiritual change and the future of Israel b. he focused more on rebuilding the government buildings of Jerusalem c. he focused primarily on the local community of the Jews d. he focused mostly on the past history of Israel

a. he focused more an inward spiritual change and the future of Israel

What is the most likely role that Nehemiah played in the Persian Empire? a. personal adviser/wine checker b. speech writer c. royal butler d. military leader

a. personal adviser/wine checker

What type of format is found in the Book of Esther? a. problem-solution b. cause-effect c. question-answer d. message-reply

a. problem-solution

16. The Book of Esther is written as a a. romantic drama b. historical narrative c. mystery novel d. idyll

a. romantic drama

46. What future major New Testament character does Malachi predict? a. Judas, Malachi predicts the 30 pieces of silver b. "Elijah," which Jesus states is a reference to John the Baptist c. Mary, a virgin shall conceive and give birth d. Paul, a great and mighty person will bring good news to the Gentiles

b. "Elijah," which Jesus states is a reference to John the Baptist

39. In which chapter did Malachi focus on God's concern about intermarriage and divorce? a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4

b. 2

4. Which return is incorrect? a. 538 BC, Zerubbabel leads 50,000 Jews back to Judah and rebuild Temple b. 483 BC, queen Esther leads numerous Jews back to Judah and restores Mordecai c. 458 BC, Ezra leads 2,000 Jews back to Judah and renews the people d. 444 BC, Nehemiah leads numerous Jews back and rebuilds city walls

b. 483 BC, queen Esther leads numerous Jews back to Judah and restores Mordecai

15. When does the story of Esther takes place? a. When Cyrus of Persia takes over Babylon b. Between Zerubbabel's rebuilding of the temple and Ezra's return c. Between the first and second deportations of Jews to Babylon d. After the great revival led by Ezra and Nehemiah

b. Between Zerubbabel's rebuilding of the temple and Ezra's return

8. What is NOT true about the end of the Babylonian exile? a. Persia takes over Babylon as the new world power b. Cyrus is the grandson of Nebuchadnezzar c. Cyrus' (Persian leader) allows people deported by the Babylonians to return to their home countries d. Cyrus permits Jews to return to Judah in 538 BC, and even helps pay for rebuilding

b. Cyrus is the grandson of Nebuchadnezzar

Who said, "If I perish, I perish"? a. Vashti b. Esther c. Mordecai d. Haman

b. Esther

11. What was remarkable about the three friends outlook of the fiery furnace? a. They knew the flames were not hot enough to burn them b. Even if God didn't rescue them they refused to worship false gods c. They knew they were going to die d. They had a direct word from God that they would not be harmed

b. Even if God didn't rescue them they refused to worship false gods

44. Per Dr. Roth's understanding of Malachi 3:11, what does God promise when you tithe? a. God will give you whatever you want b. God will bless your work life c. God will give you the perfect spouse d. God will keep you well, no sickness

b. God will bless your work life

Why is the Book of Esther especially relevant for us today? a. It focused on coincidences like we experience today. b. It shows God is at work to save us. c. It shows that the Law is important. d. It shows us the importance of acting courageously to do God's will.

b. It shows God is at work to save us.

What happened on the 13th day of Adar? a. There was a great celebration. b. Jews were successful in their defense. c. Battles occurred in Susa. d. Jews celebrated victory in Susa.

b. Jews were successful in their defense.

The name "Joel" means the a. day of the Lord b. Lord is God c. Lord is my strength d. servant of the most high

b. Lord is God

Who was the major target of Haman's wrath? a. Xerxes I b. Mordecai c. Ahasuerus d. Esther

b. Mordecai

Who was not a problem for Nehemiah in rebuilding work? a. Samaritans b. Persians c. Ammonites d. Ashdodites

b. Persians

5. What is a Messianic teaching NOT found in Zechariah? a. The Messiah would be a servant and shepherd b. The Messiah would be born in Bethlehem c. The Messiah would be smitten and pierced in his hands and feet d. The Messiah would enter triumphant on a colt but later betrayed for 30 pieces of silver

b. The Messiah would be born in Bethlehem

1. What does Ezra chapters 1-6 cover? a. The reforms of King Josiah b. The first return of about 50,000 Jews under governor Zerubbabel c. The second return of Jews under Ezra's leadership d. The third return of Jews under Nehemiah's leadership

b. The first return of about 50,000 Jews under governor Zerubbabel

22. What is a major purpose detailed in the book of Nehemiah? a. The renewing of animal sacrifice b. The reconstruction of the nation's capital (Jerusalem) c. The reinstitution of polygamy d. The restoration of Israel's Temple

b. The reconstruction of the nation's capital (Jerusalem)

Which is NOT a reason the textbook authors and Dr. Roth gave for a later date for Joel? a. The 3 levels of locust seem to fit Nebuchadnezzar's 3 takeovers and deportations on Judah b. The tribulation and millennium are clearly detailed c. Joel chapter 3 appears to refer back to the Babylonian exile d. No king is mentioned, but priests and elders are mentioned

b. The tribulation and millennium are clearly detailed

The word pur refers to a. the act of casting b. a lot c. a battle cry d. a military weapon

b. a lot

What was NOT one of Nehemiah's major emphases of reform? a. social b. political c. economic d. physical

b. political

9. In Zechariah's vision of four horns and four craftsmen, the craftsmen represented a. the scattered nations b. the enslavement of Israel's enemies c. God's forces against the nations d. God's convicting Word against the land

c. God's forces against the nations

14. What is NOT true of Zechariah? a. There are numerous prophecies about the Messiah (Jesus) b. It is very apocalyptic in nature c. It explains the vision of a four part statue d. He was a priest, zealous for God and the universal rule of God

c. It explains the vision of a four part statue

23. What does the rebuilding of the Temple in 536-535 BC confirm? a. Isaiah's prophecy of 70 years in exile beginning in 605 BC b. Daniel's prophecy of 70 years in exile beginning in 605 BC c. Jeremiah's prophecy of 70 years in exile beginning in 605 BC d. Malachi's prophecy of 70 years in exile beginning in 605 BC

c. Jeremiah's prophecy of 70 years in exile beginning in 605 BC

33. Who likely assisted Ezra and Nehemiah in their revivals in the last chapters of the book of Nehemiah?? a. Haggai and Zechariah b. Esther and Mordecai c. Joel & Malachi d. Cyrus and Darius

c. Joel & Malachi

Who likely assisted Ezra and Nehemiah in their revivals in the last chapters of the book of Nehemiah?? a. Haggai and Zechariah b. Esther and Mordecai c. Joel & Malachi d. Cyrus and Darius

c. Joel & Malachi

2. During which timeline period did Daniel take place? a. The United period 1043-931 B.C. b. The Divided period 931-722/587 B.C. c. The Scattered period 605-538 B.C. d. The Gathered period 538-400 B.C

c. The Scattered period 605-538 B.C.

7. What are the two major divisions in the bool of Daniel? a. The life of Nebuchadnezzar (ch 1-6) & the life of Daniel (ch 7-12) b. The life of Daniel (ch 1-6) & the life of Nebuchadnezzar (ch 7-12) c. The life of Daniel (ch 1-6) & prophetic visions (ch 7-12) d. The life of Nebuchadnezzar (ch 1-6) & prophetic visions (ch 7-12)

c. The life of Daniel (ch 1-6) & prophetic visions (ch 7-12)

What interesting fact did Dr. Roth share about the book of Esther? a. It showcases another example of the "Babylon cycle" in Scripture. b. The time of Christ is predicted. c. The name of God is found four times in acrostic form. d. It is another example of present and future fulfillment.

c. The name of God is found four times in acrostic form.

3. What was the result of Haggai's message? a. The people ignored him and continued life as usual b. The people listened and obeyed and God's presence returned c. The people stoned him and followed the advice of false prophets d. The people retuned to Persia because the work was too hard

c. The people stoned him and followed the advice of false prophets

2. What does Ezra chapters 1-6 NOT cover? a. The building of the temple's foundation b. The opposition of the people around Jerusalem's to the temple c. The prophecies of Joel and of Malachi d. The prophecies of Haggai and Zechariah

c. The prophecies of Joel and of Malachi

4. What does Ezra chapters 7-10 cover? a. The reforms of King Josiah b. The first return of about 50,000 Jews under governor Zerubbabel c. The second return of Jews under Ezra's leadership d. The third return of Jews under Nehemiah's leadership

c. The second return of Jews under Ezra's leadership

2. What was Haggai most upset with the Jews for? a. Their unwillingness to return to Jerusalem b. Their favoritism to the surrounding foreign nations c. Their indifference and failing to heed God's chastisement d. Their desire to party and eat all the time

c. Their indifference and failing to heed God's chastisement

Why did Malachi accuse the people of stealing from God? a. They were withholding their loyalty to God. b. They were not giving time to God in worship. c. They were not paying the tithe. d. They were offering less than perfect sacrifices.

c. They were not paying the tithe.

What was the first major task Nehemiah undertook when he went to Jerusalem? a. organizing the people to work b. rebuilding the temple c. rebuilding the walls d. cleaning up the city ruins

c. rebuilding the walls

13. Zechariah characterized the bad leaders of God's people as worthless a. rulers b. priests c. shepherds d. husbandmen

c. shepherds

13. One of the major themes of the Book of Daniel is the a. overcoming of evil b. omnipotence of God c. sovereignty of God d. consistent nature of man

c. sovereignty of God

10. In Zechariah 6:9-15 the Lord through Joshua prophesies that the temple would be built by a. Joshua b. Zerubbabel c. the "Branch" d. Zechariah

c. the "Branch"

9. Whom did Nebuchadnezzar order to worship the golden idol? a. only the Judeans b. only the Babylonians c. the entire Babylonian Empire d. the Egyptian Empire

c. the entire Babylonian Empire

14. The most common evangelical position on the composition of the four kingdoms of Daniel 2 includes a. Greece, Rome, Russia, Babylonia b. Babylon, Media, Persia, Greece c. Persia, Media, Rome, Greece d. Babylon, Media-Persia, Greece, Rome

d. Babylon, Media-Persia, Greece, Rome

3. What does NOT happen between Ezra chapters 6 & 7? a. Queen Esther's success in saving the Jews in Persia b. About 50 years of time pass by c. Persia changes leaders 3 times from King Darius to Xerxes to Artaxerxes d. Daniel is saved from the lion's den

d. Daniel is saved from the lion's den

7. Who was the outstanding spiritual figure/leader of the restoration community in Judah? a. Esther b. Jeshua c. Cyrus d. Ezra

d. Ezra

What ultimately happened to Haman's estate? a. It was absorbed by the Persian government. b. It was awarded to Haman's son. c. It was given to Esther. d. It was possessed by Mordecai

d. It was possessed by Mordecai

1. What is the oldest document claiming to be apocalyptic? a. Ezekiel b. Daniel c. Zechariah d. Revelation

d. Revelation

The capital of the Persian Empire was a. Babylon b. Nippur c. Persepolis d. Susa

d. Susa

21. What is a major purpose detailed in the book of Ezra? a. The renewing of animal sacrifice b. The reconstruction of the nation's capital (Jerusalem) c. The reinstitution of polygamy d. The restoration of Israel's Temple

d. The restoration of Israel's Temple

8. Zechariah has a lot of apocalyptic material. What is one way that is especially emphasized? a. The judgment of Assyria is stressed b. The past history of many nations around Israel is detailed c. The specific details of the 12 disciples and the Church are foretold d. The return of Christ to Mount Olives to reign and rule is prophesized

d. The return of Christ to Mount Olives to reign and rule is prophesized

5. What does the book of Nehemiah cover? a. The reforms of King Josiah b. The first return of about 50,000 Jews under governor Zerubbabel c. The second return of Jews under Ezra's leadership d. The third return of Jews under Nehemiah's leadership

d. The third return of Jews under Nehemiah's leadership

5. What is probably true about the chapters in Daniel? a. They are chronological order, each vision follows the previous vision b. They are written as an acrostic, each chapter begins with the next Hebrew letter c. They are written like Hebrew poetical literature d. They are more topical and not in chronological order

d. They are more topical and not in chronological order

1. Haggai's main message was a a. word of encouragement b. confirmation of blessing c. promise of restoration d. call to action to rebuild the temple

d. call to action to rebuild the temple

How did the opposition to Nehemiah's work try to stop the building of the walls? a. stealing the supplies b. tearing down the work c. blocking access to the wall d. criticizing the plans

d. criticizing the plans

In Malachi, what was the main reason that Israel and Judah began to practice idolatry? a. materialism b. sexual obsession c. personal ambition d. intermarriage

d. intermarriage

Malachi closed his book with a command and a a. warning b. settlement c. condemnation d. promise

d. promise

9. "All roads lead to heaven" is an example of the belief system known as a. polytheism b. deism c. monotheism d. syncretism

d. syncretism

11. What was the least legitimate purpose for fasting in Zechariah 7-8? a. to repent b. to remember the past c. to humble themselves d. to voice their self-pity

d. to voice their self-pity

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