Old Testament Final Exam

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What books tell the story of Israel's demise?

1 & 2 Kings

In what book do we see the transition from Theocracy to monarchy?

1 Samuel

How many people make it out of Egypt to the promised land?


How many concubines did Solomon have?


How many Proverbs are there?


Jeremiah has a prediction of a ____ year exile?


How many wives did Solomon have?


What caused Israel's first war?

A prostitute was killed and cut up

Solomon's strengths were...

A time for peace A time of prosperity A time of building A time of cultural achievement

What major ideas come from Ecclesiastes?

All is vanity, death is better than life

What book(s) focus on the northern kingdom of Israel?

Amos and Hosea

Micah's most familiar prophecy concerns the ________.

Birth of the future ruler in Bethlehem

Which people make it out of Egypt to the promised land?

Caleb and Joshua

What book(s) is a review of the history and monarchy period beginning with David and ending with the final kings of Judah?


God moves on ______ the monarch to let Israel to return home.


What book was partially written in Aramaic and Hebrew?


Who was the judge that judged matters among the people?


What book describes how Israel's enemies oppress them in exile?


What book was probably the last accepted in the OT canon?


Who dreams of Israel's return to their homeland?


Who was a Zadokite priest and scribe?


What book(s) complete the canons description of the exile and announces Israel's return to the land?

Ezra - Nehemiah

The first 4 commandments deal with Israel's relationship with ________.


What lessons can we learn from Job's suffering?

God is in control and his plan has a purpose

The NT was written in


Former prophets serves in the ______ Bible


What book(s) chronicle Israel's sin?

Hosea - Micah

Kings and Chronicles tell similar stories. What are the differences between them?

In Chronicles, the leaders sins' are hardly mentioned There is little info about Northern Israel

The book of ______ is the first of the writings of the prophets in the Bible.


What is quoted at least 50 times in the NT?


Major prophets? (4)

Isaiah Jeremiah Ezekiel Daniel

Who warns the people of the coming invasions brought on by sin?

Isaiah and Jeremiah

The Chronicles' author focuses on how at its best ______ transcended these faults by seeking the Lord.


What are the 3 parts of Joshua?

Israel conquers most land The 12 tribes divide the land Covenant renewal ceremony

What does Theodicy mean?

It is literature that seeks to reconcile God's justice to suffering and evil.

What does JEDP stand for?

Jawhist, Elohist, Deuteronomy, and Priestly

Who is known as the weeping prophet?


Who is the author of Lamentations?


Who was the first king of Israel's northern tribe?


The name "former prophets" that derives from what?

Jewish tradition

Which book(s) are the hardest to place in historical context?

Joel and Obadiah

In which book are the Canaanites are spared?


What book describes what happens when people do what is right in their own eyes?


What book is a dirge or funeral song?


What kinds of Psalms are there?

Laments, Thanksgiving, History, Salvation, Celebration, Wisdom, Imprecatory, and songs of trust

What is the Hebrew word for Proverb?


Solomon's weaknesses were...

Money Forced labor Compromised religions Internal unrest

Who wrote the book of the law?


What book(s) focus on Nineveh and close their books with a question?

Nahum and Jonah

What book(s) describe the punishment of Israel's sin?

Nahum, Habakkuk, and Zephaniah

Who was the cupbearer to King Artaxerxes?


What was the capital of Assyria?


What book is the shortest of the OT?


The second 6 commandments deal with Israel's relationship with ______.


What are the sections or genres of the Old Testament?

Pentateuch, wisdom, prophets, prophecy, and history

What does Quoleth mean?


What book presents a sharp contrast between choosing the life of wisdom and choosing the life of folly?


What did Haggai urge God's people to do?

Rebuild the temple

What book(s) in the Bible are named after women?

Ruth & Esther

Who was Israel's last judge?


The Twelve emphasize...

Sin, Punishment, and Restoration

Which books never mention the name of God?

Song of Solomon and Esther

Song of Songs can also be called:

Song of Solomon or Sex Ed. lol

What is are the 1st 5 books of the Old Testament called in Hebrew?

The Torah

Jewish tradition understood the prophetic literary unit as:

The book of the 12

What does Jeremiah predict and Lamentations look back on?

The destruction of Jerusalem

What is the JEDP theory?

The explanation of the authorship theories of the books of the Bible

What is Purim known as?

The feast of lots

What was the purpose of the book of Daniel?

To give an account of the faithful Jews living in captivity to Babylon

The Jews call the scriptures the "TaNaKh," an acrostic of the first letters of the names of...

Torah, Nebi'im, and Khethubim

What were signs of illness of the monarchy?

When Solomon began to worship idols When Solomon dies, the nation parts Assyria destroys northern Israel

What 3 questions do the prophets answer?

Why did the nations perish? Why have hope for the future? Why should we believe in God?

Who is the grandson of Jehoiachin?


Who led the first return of the Jews?


What was the occasion for Joel's prophecy?

a locust plague

What 2 types of laws are found in the first 5 books?

case and direct

What is Caustic law?

case by case

The books of Joshua, Judges, 1&2 Samuel, 1&2 Kings are:

designation of books of the former prophets

What is apodictic law?

direct commands

What does Jonah's name mean?


The writer of Kings portrays Israel as ______.

flawed (at best)

What were food laws?

food restrictions for disease or economical purposes

The OT is written ___ us, but not __ us.

for, to

Only 8 of the 20 kings of Judah did ______.

good deeds

Obadiah focuses on the _______ of Israel's Enemies.


Proverbs are not _____ guarantees from God.


What does Purim mean?


Proverbs are worded to be _______, not ________.

memorable, precise

90 percent of prophecy deals with _____ problems we still face today.


The Psalms are _____ and are addressed or expressed to God.

poetic hymns

What did prophets function as?

preachers, prophets, and officers of the covenant

The books of Nahum, Habakkuk, and Zephaniah emphasize the problem of what?


The books of Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi emphasize the problem of what?


The books of Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, and Micah emphasize the problem of what?


Who were Israel's enemies and were also the descendants of Esau?

the Edomites

What is are the 1st 5 books of the Old Testament called in Greek?

the Pentateuch

What is the Nevi'im?

the former prophets

Assyrian associates with:

the north

Babylonian associates with:

the south

What happens when the Canaanites are spared?

their God's are spared as well

What is the purpose of the book of Esther?

to demonstrate God's love and sovereignty for his people

What is the purpose of the book of Isaiah?

to demonstrate the trustworthiness of the Lord

What was the purpose of the law?

to establish the ways to live with others and God

What is the purpose of Joshua?

to give history of Israel's conquest of the promised land

What is the purpose of Jonah?

to reveal God's mercy and grace

What is the purpose of Ecclesiastes?

to spare future generations bitterness relating to that life is meaningless without God

What does Purim commemorate?

victory of the Jews over their enemies

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