optimum performance training model power level

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power level requires training at what 2 levels

heavy loads (85-100%) light loads (30-45%) at high speeds

metabolic conditioning

high intensity exercise circuit designed to increase storage and delivery of energy for amy activity. primarily consortia phosphagen and glycemic pathways

Bone mineral density

mineral matter per square centimeter of bone. an indirect indicator of osteoporosis and fracture risk

time needed to fly recover before doing exercises of the same muscle group

48-72 hours

when is peak power is achieved

60-70% of max at 30-40% velocity

optional training variable to recruit type 2 fibers

85% max 6 or fewer reps and sets 2-5 min rest

inappropriate exercise selection

Common mistake in the power level chose power exercises appropriate for clients based on goals, limitations, sports needs and body type (for this also consider weight)

not cueing with intensity

Common mistake in the power level cue with intent to resonate desire to go all out instead of just going through the motions

not using proper regressions

Common mistake in the power level once s clients limitations are known reducing training variables (frequency, intensity or volume) can lessen impact without compromising outcomes

too much volume

Common mistake of power level. stimulus for adaption in power training is intensity. volume should be kept low and intensity high. maximum 150 reps per session with 48 hours rest in between

Henneman's size principle

Motor units which are under load are recruited from smallest to largest. type 1 first, type 2 second then type 2x. (larger muscles have larger axons

too much aerobic training

activates parasympathetic system

make sure the client has what

adequate stability and core strength. minimal movement dysfunctions. BEFORE going into power phase

Formative Assessment

an informal quick assessment of movement proficiency done during workouts to gauge progress and screen for any new areas of concern

good areas for smr during power level

bottom of feet calves hamstrings IT band Piriformis lats

hiw are force and power production maximized

by increasing the number of motor units recruited AND by increasing the frequency of motor unit firing

power is

correlation between speed and force force x velocity

SAQ protocol for power level

designed for quick changes of direction in either set patterns or reactive environment based on auditory and/or visual ques. reps 3-5 run throughs sets 3-5 tempo ×/×/× rests 0-90 seconds frequency 2-4 days duration 4 weeks examples: partner mirror drills, agility ball drill, star cone drill and dynamic ladder drill

SMR flexibility protocol for power level

dynamic stretching uses the force production of a muscle and the body's momentum to take a joint through full ROM using reciprocal inhibition to improve soft tissue extensibility. ex:prisoner squat, multiplanar lunge, single leg touchdown, tube walking and medicine ball lift and chop (chopping to the ground) smr rep 1 sets 0-2 tempo 30-60 seconds frequency 3-7 days duration 4 weeks dynamic stretching reps 10-15 sets 0-2 tempo controlled frequency 3-7 days duration 4 weeks

goal of the power level (phase 5)

enhance neuromuacular efficiency - prepare neuromuscular system to function safely and effectively at speeds that will be applied in their natural environment instead of a controlled gym. enhance prime mover strength. increased rate of force production (muscle contractions) in the kinetic chain. better perform daily tasks and decrease injury

what kind of strength is the focus of power training

essentric most sports injuries happen during deceleration

Open Chain Exercises

exercises where the foot or hand is free to move amd usually not in contact with the ground. these exercises such as a leg extension on a machine are not as functional as closed chain exercises such as squats

client must haves before power level training

good balance, body control, spacial awareness, eccentric muscle strength, core stability, joint stability, optimal range of motion (especially hips and ankles), lower body strength and good neuromuscular control

benefits of power level

increased muscular power and strength-slow twitch fibers take on characteristics of faster type 2 fibers. (increases testing metabolic rate for long term fat loss. prevents injury. builds confidence. improve bone health-builds bone density. reduces effects of aging-low load high velocity improves balance. improves sports performance-eccentric strength is key to reducing injury amd recovering from injury

force velocity curve

inverse relationship between the force a muscle can produce and the speed of a muscles contraction concentric force goes down as velocity goes up and vice versa

how does power training lead to rapid contraction and grayer part development

leads to increased stretch reflex excitability improving muscle spindles responses to rapid stretching

anaerobic power

maximum power (work per unit time)that is the result of all out, high intensity, physical output without the use of oxygen. it is the reflection of the short term effects of the intramuscular high energy phosphates (adenosine triphosphate ATP and phosphocreatine PCR)

how to measure power level progress

most important is performance assessments accurate record keeping much is from how client feels (more coordinated, powerful or agile)

training age

number of years a client had been training


one exercise immediately followed by another exef is with no rest. allows for both force and velocity to be trained at th w same time. force set immediately followed by speed rep

anterior cruciate ligament (ACL)

one of the four ligaments in thw knee that connects the femur to thw tibia

eccentric strength

one of the three phases in the movement of muscle. refers to the actin of s muscle while lengthening under load

drop jump (depth jump)

plyometric del consisting of stepping of a 18-24in box and immediatly jumping up after landing. most stressful and technically demanding plyometric drill

postactivation potentiation

possible body mechanisms that allow the body to have superior results from power supersetting- increased neuromuscular stimulation. more direct stimulation of the muscle. increased efficiency and rate of nerve stimulation. increased synchronization of motor unit firing. reduced GTO inhibition. enhanced reciprocal inhibition.

cardio for power level

power relies on anaerobic energy so train anaerobic system. anaerobic training train aerobic system better than aerobic training does. warm up in zone 1 for 10 min. increase every 60 seconds (minimum 2 minutes) until zone 3 is reached (86-95%). spend 1 minute in zone 3 then go back to 2. repeat at 1:1 ratio for 30 minutes or until client can no longer return to zone 2 in allotted time.

balance protocol power level

reps 8-12 sets 2-3 tempo controlled rests 0-60 seconds frequency 2-4 days duration 4 weeks examples:multiplanar single leg box hip up with stabilization and single leg proprioceptive plyometric woth stabilization

Core protocol power level

reps 8-12 sets 2-3 tempo ×/×/× rest 0-60 seconds frequency 2-4 days duration 4 weeks ex:rotation chest pass, medicine ball pullover throw, and soccer throw

reactive protocols for power level

required for power level. as movement prep they prepare body for resistance work. combined as supersets with resistance they develop maximal soured adaptions. on of days they can be their own workout (should be followed by a day off because the neuromuscular demand is high. reps 8-12 sets 2-3 tempo ×/×/× rest 0-60 sec frequency 2-4 days duration 4 weeks examples:ice skaters, jumping lunges and squat jumps


sensors in muscles and tendons that provide information about joint angle, muscle length and muscle tension (muscle spindles and golgi tendon organs)

Formal Assessment

serve as a guide with new clients to find problem areas and decide what exercises to implement to correct deficiencies in stability and mobility

an important adaptation to develop power

stiff tendons think of a flat basketball vs an inflated basketball vs an overly (stiff) inflated basketball

parasympathetic system

stimulates rest and digestion physiological processes

resistance training protocol for power level

supersets strength (85-100% max) and biomechanically similar power (30-45% max) EX barbell squats followed by jump squats. supersetting leads to better results than training seperately. the strength exercise puts body in hightened state of neuromuscular excitability increasing speed and efficiency of nerve impulses to the muscle allowing for faster movements reps strength 1-5 power 8-10 sets 3-5 tempo ×/×/× intensity strength 85-100% power 10% body weight or 30-45% max rests 1-2 min between supersets and 3-5 min between circuits frequency 2-4 days duration 4


the loss of muscle mass, strength, and function that comes with aging can be delayed through hypertrophy in power training

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