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assumption that leaders will be most effective when they exhibit both concern for people and concern for production, thus combining the interests of classical manaagement (concern for production) and human realtions (concern for people)

Blake and Mouton's Managerial Grid

-Traditional authority -Charismatic Authority -Rational-legal Authority (ideal)

Bureaucratic Authority

-Weber - advocated codifying rules in WRITTEN form -Taylor - one best way led to WRITTEN instructions -Fayol - the principle of order led to WRITTEN manuals & guidelines

Channels of Communication - Classical Approaches

-Global warming vs. Larger weather patterns -The relationship between "the organization" and "the environment" -Organizations communicating "green" contributions

Climate Change debate

In a cybernetic system, enactment serves to maintain the system goal

False, Mechanisms

Weber believed that all bureaucracies should resemble open systems

False, closed systems

Organizational communication today can primarily be characterized by the S-M-C-R model (the transmission model) of communication

False, constitutive model

The systems approach is prescriptive-it tells organizations "how to function."

False, discriptive- how we should study organizations

Currently, we are functioning in an economy that is primarily made up of the manufacturing and selling of physical goods

False, golbalization- outsourcing, multi-national or international presence, complex interconnections between business, political and cultural systems

Hierarchical ordering is a systems principle that implies that the functioning of one component of the system relies on other components of the system

False, interdepedence

The "New Science" systems theory is founded on the notion that all systems in nature and society are like those described by classical physics

False, not all systems

Fayol's Elements of Management provide an accurate description of what managers actually do on the job

False, provide the "what" and "how"

Systematic soldiering was Taylor's way of breaking up the social interaction in the work groups that often led to slow production

False, selection process for specific jobs

Terrorist organizations are not true organizations

False, true organizations

In Weick's view of organizing, responding to highly equivocal information requires the use of assembly rules

False, use of communication cycles

Today's organizations are not characterized by any of the components of classical organizational theory

False; military, universities, fast food industry have components of classical organizational theory

The machine metaphor includes the characteristics of standardization, specialization, predictability and reliability

False; not reliablility but replacibility

-An effective organization is highly structured and each individual knows where he or she fits -Clear structures and clear rules -Prescriptive

Fayol's Theory of Classical Management

descriptive views of culture approach

Schein's Model

-One best way >Time and motion studies -Proper selection of workers -Training of workers -Inherent difference between managers & workers

Scientific Management

-The Apprenticeship system >Uneven work -Rewards systems >Piecework >Rate busters >Systematic soldiering

Taylor's Concerns

Holism is a property of systems that suggests that a system is more than the sum of its parts


Negative feedback is deviation-reducing in that it encourages the system to return to a steady state


Network participants who connect disparate groups within the network without membership in either group fulfill the role of liaison


open systems "thrive"

negative enthropy

highly dense networks is one i which there are many interconnctions among network members, wheres as less dense networks is more loosly interconnected

network density

refers to the communication medium through which network linkages are maintained

network mode

the ways in which individuals are connected with each other -Isolate -Group Members -Bridge -Liaison

network roles

Four terms used to describe the machine metaphor

specialization, standardization, replaceability and predictability

A term used to describe when workers under classical management would engage in a practice of discouraging one another from working harder

systematic soldiering

organisms because they are complex systems that must interact with their environment to survive.

systems metaphor

Molecules = Individuals Cells = Groups Complex organisms = Organizations Species = Populations Ecology = Social ecology

systems metaphors

- Organizations are "different kinds" of systems - Systems are not linear seeking equilibrium - Systems are adaptive, and "order" can emerge from "disorder" - Complexity - Fluctuating Information - Innovativeness at the edge of "chaos"

"New Science" Systems Theory -Chaos Theory, Complexity Theory and Self-Organizing Systems Theory

Theories of the Classical Approaches

-Henri Fayol's Theory of Classical Management -Max Weber's Theory of Bureaucracy -Fredrick Taylor's Theory of Scientific Management

-Rhetorical -Semiotic (signs & symbols) -Phenomenological -Cybernetic -Sociopsychological (expression, interaction, influence) -Sociocultural -Critical

Constitutive Model (model of models)

-Power relationships are produced and reproduced through organizational discourse. -Organizational reality is socially constructed through communicative interaction. Power-charged discourse creates political imbalances.

Control of Organizational Discourse

Values, Heroes, Rites and Rituals, Cultural Networks

Deal and Kennedy's "Strong Culture"

prescriptive views of culture approach

Deal and Kennedy's "Strong Culture" Peters and Waterman's "Culture of Excellence"

If an organization has the components of a strong culture, it will be a better place for individuals to work and will improve both individual and organizational performance. perscriptive -Values -Heroes -Rites and Rituals -Cultural network

Deal and Kennedy's "Strong Cultures"

hierarchical ordering


closed systems to "run down"


a system "can reach the same final state from differing initial conditions and by a variety of paths" - interdependence


-Outsourcing -Multinational or international presence -Complex interconnections between business, political, & cultural systems


People alter their behavior when being observed

Hawthorne effect

- A process by which a dominant group leads another group to accept subordination as the norm. -Dominant classes shape organizational ideology


systems arranged in highly complex ways that involve subsystems and supersystems. see how systems consists of smaller substystems and is embedded within a larger supersystem

Hierarchical ordering

a system is "more than the sum of its parts" - interdependence


-"taken for granted assumptions about reality that influence perceptions of situations and events." -What exists, what is good and what is possible -Assumptions -influences our behaviors


Information Environment - rather than a physical environment Enactment - perceived information environments Equivocality - unpredictability of an information environment Assembly rules - low levels of equivocality Communication cycles - high levels of equivocality Retention - Causal maps

Karl Weick's Theory of Organizing

those who emphasize mental flexibility, team learning, shared visions, complex thinking, and personal mastery. ex. learning disibilities

Learning organizations

System I - Exploitive Authoritative Organization System II - Benevolent Authoritative Organization System III - Consultative Organization System IV - Participative Organization

Likert's System IV

-Hierarchy of Prepotency -Lifelong learning, never ending self actualization -Individual needs in the workplace

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Theory

the classical scholar who is known as the "father of beaucracy"

Max Weber

assumes that a strong and forceful hand is essential for harnessing the efforts of basically unmotivated workers (i.e. Classical Management).

Mcgregor's X management theory

-NPO's and NGO's -Service organizations -Cooperatives -Virtual organizations -Social organizations -Diversity -Irrationality (analogical)

Modern Elements of Organizations

goods and services Information expressions of affect attempts to influence or control

Network Content

A systems theory that argues organizational systems are complex and adaptive systems that emerge from disorder

New Science Systems Theory, Chaos Theory, Complexity Theory, or Self-Organizing Systems Theory

-Subordination of individual interest to general interest -Initiative -Espirt de corps (all for one & one for all)

Organizational Attitude

Themes emphasize people and downplay bureaucratic structures and values. prescriptive -Value engineering 1.A Bias for Action 2.Close Relations to the Customer 3.Autonomy and Entrepreneurship 4.Productivity through People 5.Hands-On, Value-Driven 6.Stick to the Knitting 7.Simple Form, Lean Staff 8.Simultaneous Loose-Tight Properties

Peters and Waterman's "Excellent Culture"

These management gurus constructed prescriptions for managerial practice through this model

Peters and Watermans "Excellent Cultures"

1.Employment Security 2.Selective Hiring 3.Self-managed teams and decentralization 4.Comparatively high and contingent compensation 5.Extensive training 6.Reduction of status differences 7.Sharing information

Pfeffer's The Human Equation- 7 Practices of Successful Organizations

Elements of Management ("What") - Fayol

Planning, Organizing, Command, Coordination, Control

a defining, ubiquitous feature of organizational life


systems approach: Descriptive vs. Prescriptive

Prescriptive = Type = How people should behave in and manage organizations Descriptive = Lens = How we should study organizations.

-Centralization -Authority and responsibility -Discipline

Principles of Organizational Power

-Renumeration of personnel -Equity -Tenure stability

Principles of Organizational Reward

Principles of Management ("How") - Fayol

Principles of organizational Structure:Power, Reward, Attitude

Deep structures produce and reproduce these relationships. Surface structure vs. Deep structure Economic, social and communicative relationships

Radical-Critical Approach of power

A pattern of shared basic assumptions that the group learned as it solved its problems of external adaptation and internal integration, that has worked well enough to be considered valid, and therefore, to be taught to new members as the correct way to perceive, think and feel in relation to those problems 1. behavior and artifacts 2. values 3. basic assumptions

Shien's model of organizational culture

Power is a product of communicative interactions and relationships

Symbological Approach - Interpretive Approach of power

motivation through threats and fear, downward and inaccurate cummunication, top level decision making , the giving of orders, and top-level control

System I - Exploitive Authoritative Organization

motivation through economic and ego rewards limited communication, decision-making at the top, goal-setting through orders and comments, and top-level control

System II - Benevolent Authoritative Organization

decisions still made at the top and control still rests primarily at the upper levels of hierachy. however before decisions are made, employees are consulted and their views are taken into consideration

System III - Consultative Organization

decision making is performed by every organizational member, and all goals are set by complete work groups.

System IV - Participative Organization

-Uneven work eliminated through work procedures & time and work studies -Piecework based on scientific standard -Systematic Soldiering & social interaction replaced with high turnover rates -Later became know a "enemy of the working man" because concepts indicated low regard for typical worker

Taylor's Theory of Scientific Management

-Post 9/11 organizational environment -Terrorist networks & operations -Military organizations -Government entities (i.e. Homeland Security)


-Team management - Employee involvement - Japanese management systems - The Scanlon Plan - Total quality management - Just in time management

The "What" of Human Resources Programs

-Western Electric Company's Hawthorne Plant, Illinois (1924-1933) -Elton Mayo & Harvard research task productivity in relation to working conditions -- 4 tests >The Illumination Studies (lights) >The Relay Assembly Test Room Studies (group of women) >The Interview Program (talk about productivity, workers wanted to talk about feelings) >The Bank Wiring Room Studies (group of men)

The Hawthorne Studies

-Relationships in organizations. -Participation in organizational processes. -Organizational change and instability. -Being open to the information environment.

The importance of new sciences

This type of manager assumes that workers are highly motivated to satisfy achievement and self-actualization needs

Theory Y manager

Control, identification, discipline

Theory of Concertive Control

explain how power relationships can be transformed in an era of team-based and alternative form organizations -control -identification -discipline

Theory of Concertive Control

Power is relatively stable and possessed. Power = control over resources or hierarchical status

Traditional Approach of power

Sender -> Message -> Channel -> Receiver (manager) -> (overtime) -> (email) -> (employees)

Traditional Elements of Communication

-Social collectivity -Organizational and individual goals -Coordination of activities -Organizational structure -Organizational embeddedness

Traditional Elements of Organizations

Communication in classical organizations is highly formal and standardized


The relational tradition of network analysis was a response to the fact that the organizational chart was not the best representation of communication flow within an organization


The three concepts that characterize systems components include interdependence, hierarchical ordering and permeability


There are many organizational types in today's economy such as social organizations, NPOs, NGOs and cooperatives, creating an additional complexity to our modern organizational society


-Clearly defined hierarchy -Division of labor -Centralization -Closed systems -Importance of Rules -Functioning of Authority

Weber's "Ideal Type" of beaucratic theory

-"Ideal type" = Bureaucracy -Closed system driven by rational-legal authority -Rules, division of labor, hierarchy, the power is centralized -Individuality discouraged, rationality is the guiding force

Weber's Theory of Bureaucracy

Simple Control Technological Control Bureaucratic Control Concertive Control


traditional, symbological, radical

approaches to power

According to Schein's model, these are taken for granted, invisible and preconscious suppositions

basic assumptions or level three

This chapter assumes which approach to researching organizational culture? (Hint - "ought to" vs. explanatory)

both prescriptive and descriptive approaches or just both

understanding organizational systems can be obtained by closely observing specific organizations grappling with specific issues -Observation -Interviews -Questionnaires -Archives

case analysis

1990: 9% Hispanic, 12.1% Black. 2000: 12.5% Hispanic, 12.3% Black. 1970: 40.3% of households consisted of married couples with their own children; 2000: 24.1%. 1930: 5.4% of population 65 or older. 2000: 12.4% of population 65 or older. 2050: >20% of population 65 or older

changing population (demographics)

power is based on an individuals personality and ability to attract and interact with follower

charaismatic authority

Metaphor for the Critical Theory


Karl Weick Charges that we use these in highly equivocal communication scenarios, according to his theory of sensemaking

communication cycles

-Substructure: Society's economic and production base. -Modes of Production: Economic conditions that underlie the production process. -Means of Production: Actual work processes.

control of modes and means of production

- Organizations naturally "steer" towards goals. - System goal - Mechanisms - Cybernetic processing - feedback - Emphasizes: The role of corrective feedback and Interdependence of system parts. - De-emphasizes:Growth and Environmental influence.

cybernetic systems theory

This Theory depends heavily on organizational feedback

cybernetic systems theory

taking apart a text in order to reveal social and political meanings "A Real Job" "Keep a Record" "Bounded Rationality" "Accident - Proneness" and "Compliance


1. Organizational cultures are complicated- 2.Organizational cultures are emergent. 3. Organizational cultures are not unitary. 4.Organizational cultures are often ambiguous. fragmentation Perspective

descriptive approaches to culture

Direct criticism Use of silence Social pressure


This chapter assumes which approach to researching organizational structures


"the liberation of people from unnecessarily restrictive traditions, ideologies, assumptions, power relations, identify formations, and so forth, to inhibit or distort opportunities for autonomy, clarification of genuine needs or wants, and thus greater and lasting satisfaction." -Forums -Dialectic of Control -Resistance - Collective and Individual


Chosen method for many organizational scholars studying culture


Critical theories that explore issues of gender and marginalization in organizational settings Liberal Feminism Radical Feminism Standpoint Feminism Postmodern Feminism Pluralist Feminism "the framing of sexual harrassment"

feminist theories

"Manufactured consent"


family metaphor, it thrives when needs are fulfilled and oppurtunities are provided for self actualization. however there are still distinctions among members of a family.

human relations metaphor

when an individual identifies with an organization that individual takes on the concerns of the organization and accepts those concerns as there own


attempt to show how specific interests fail to be realized owning parly to the inability of people to understand or act on those interests

ideology critique

An organizational way of thinking about Maslow's concept of "self-actualization"


implies that the functioning of one component of a system relies on other comoponent of the system


organization as embodying a cycle of knowledge creation, development, and application

knowledge management

intraorganizational- networks will look at conncetions among individuals within a given organizations interorgantaional- networks will consider links among many organizations

level of analysis

The metaphor is used to describe classical forms of organizing


classroom metaphor

metaphor for human resources

Unitary, pluralist, radical

political frames of reference

refers to both system as a whole which must be open to its enviroment and to the components within the system


power is based on the rational application of rules developed through reliance on information and expertise

rational-legal authority

the internal workings of the system must be as diverse and complicated as the as its environment"

requisite variety

The content, direction, medium and style of communication from a classical perspective

task, vertical-downward, written and formal communication

According to Blake and Mouton's Leadership Grid, all managers should adopt this form of leadership

team management

-Input and Output -Materials / products -Information -Exchange and degree of permeability

the process of exchange

Throughput interdependent components of a system together Negative/Corrective/Deviation-reducing Positive/Growth/Deviation-Amplifying "Codependence"

the process of feedback

power based on long-standing beliefs about who should have control and is often vested in particular positions within an organizational hierarchy

traditional authority

Classical scholars assume workers work. Human Relations scholars assume workers feel. Human Resources scholars assume

worker's work, feel, and think

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