Organic Chemistry Exam 3 (Chapters 16 and 18)

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In the compound below, the hydroxyl group is in which position?


The compound below is named

3-aminobenzoic acid.

Amines act as weak acids by accepting protons from water.


Amines do not form hydrogen bonds.


Butyl alcohol is one of the reactants used to make methyl butyrate.


Caffeine is not an alkaloid.


Ethylmethylamine is a tertiary amine.


It is always safe to use any commercial skin care product without doing a test patch first.


Nicotine is a pharmacologically active aromatic amide.


The Krebs cycle and the citric acid cycle are different processes.


The boiling points of carboxylic acids are lower than the corresponding alcohols.


When amides are hydrolyzed in basic solution, the products are an ammonium salt and a carboxylic acid.


When in solution, carboxylic acids are mostly in their ionized forms.


One name for this compound is O=CH3CH2CNHCH2CH3


What is the name of the compound?


Which of the filling is the reaction for the ionization of β-hydropropanoic acid in water?

O O | | HO - CH2 - CH2 - C - OH + H2O <-> HO - CH2 - CH2 - C - O- + H3O+

The amide formed in the reaction of benzoic acid and ethyl amine is

O=CNHCH2CH3-Benzene Ring

Which of the following is the reaction for the neutralization of β-hydroxybutyric acid with NaOH

OH O OH O| | CH3 - CH - CH2 - C- OH + NaOH → CH3 - CH - CH2 - C - O- Na+ + H2O

Ammonium salts are odorless and usually higher water soluble.


Amphetamines are arylalkylamines with stimulant activity.


An ester is derived from an alcohol and a carboxylic acid


Aspirin substitutes may contain amide rather than ester functional groups.


Aspirin that has a smell of vinegar has broken down by hydrolysis


Hydrogen bonds in amines are weaker than those in alcohols.


Many important antidepressant drugs are SSRIs.


Quinine is an alkaloid used for treatment of malaria.


The amide group of ten found in pharmacologically active substances.


Urea is one end product of protein metabolism in humans.


Why do carboxylic acids have higher boiling points than similar alcohols or aldehydes?

The form dimers that are relatively stable

What significant side effect is seen with a-hydroxy acid use?

UV sensitivity

The reactants that will form an ester in the presence of an acid catalyst are

a carboxylic acid and an alcohol.

Which of the following is found in vinegar?

acetic acid

With the correct choice of acid, acid hydrolysis of acetamide could produce

acetic acid and ammonium chloride.

In the formation of N-ethylacetamide, the reactant(s) is(are)

acetic acid and ethylamine.

What kind of amine can NOT form hydrogen bonds with another molecule (such as water)?

all of the above can form (primary, secondary, tertiary, aromatic, substituted)

What is the major functional group of the following compound?


Amides are derivatives of ________ and ________.

amines and carboxylic acids

In what form are amine-containing drugs often administered?

ammonium salt

With the correct choice of acid, the product of the acid hydrolysis of N-methylbenzamide could be

benzoic acid and methylammonium chloride.

The functional group in acetic acid is called the

carboxyl group.

Which of these functional groups is likely to give a sour taste to a food?

carboxylic acid

Procaine and Lidocaine were developed by modifying the structure of


A deficient of which amine is responsible for the signs and symptoms of Parkinson's disease?


When ethylamine dissolves in water, a solution of ________ is produced.

ethylammonium hydroxide

What is the irritating acid found in ant and bee stings?

formic acid

Cycic compounds that contain a nitrogen atom are called

heterocyclic compounds.

What relation does the boiling point of an amine have to a similar hydrocarbon?


What pharmacological active amine is responsible for the signs and symptoms encountered in an allergic reaction?


In response to allergic reactions or injury to cells, the body increases the production of


Which chemical process is responsible for the smell of vinegar in an old bottle of aspirin?


What metabolic product of pyruvic acid is formed anaerobically during exercise?

lactic acid

What kind of pharmacologic activity is found in the amines Procaine and Lidocaine?

local anesthetic

Give the IUPAC name for the following compound.

methyl methanoate

Give the IUPAC name for the following compound.

methyl propanoate

Amines contain the element


What are alkaloids?

physiologically active nitrogen compounds derived from plants

The compound CH3-CH2-NH2 is classified as a

primary amine.

Which of the following is NOT a neurotransmitter?


Derivatives of which aromatic carboxylic acid have been used as analgesics, antipyretics, and anti-inflammatory agents?

salicylic acid

The reaction of an ester with NaOH is known as


The compound CH3-CH2-NH-CH3 is classified as a

secondary amine.

Amides having fewer than ________ carbons are generally water soluble


From what component is the first part of the IUPAC name of an ester (such as methyl acetate) derived?

the alcohol

How many alkyl substituents does N-ethyl-N-methylaniline have?


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