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What is the meaning of "kaizen"?

"change for the better"

What is PEST Analysis?

A comprehensive assessment of the major areas of influence that affect the sector in which an organization is positioned, as well as the organization itself, can facilitate more effective strategic planning. (Political, Economic, Social, Technological)

This theory focuses on the overall management of an organization, emphasizing the role of managers as administrators of the organization.

Administrative Management Theory

This is common technique used by groups of planners in selecting a common solution for a problem.


This refer to the manager's ability to analyze a situation, identify new opportunities and resources, and decide on the best strategies and action.

Conceptual Skills

This is a special plan created for unexpected scenarios or changes.

Contingency Plan

It is the willingness of companies to run their business operations in a sustainable and responsible manner.

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

It is a plan made in preparation for any kind of crisis.

Crisis management plan

It consists of a graph showing potential and alternative decision paths for the proposed plan.

Decision Tree

This is similar to the nominal group technique. However, this technique does not require a group meeting. Rather, the group leader distributes questionnaires to all group members to collect and assimilate their ideas.

Delphi Technique

It consists of a group of firms that provide related products and services.


Who founded and contributed to the human relations theory?

Elton Mayo and Abraham Maslow

Who introduced the Contingency Theory?

Fred Fiedler

Who advocated the scientific management?

Frederick W. Taylor

This describes a company's reason for its existence.


Who introduced the Administrative Management Theory?

Henri Fayol

This theory focuses on the social element in the workplace and considers the influence of interpersonal relationships, social conditioning, and group norms in determining the performance of workers.

Human Relations Theory

This include the manager's capacity to motivate, lead, and control the behavior of his or her subordinates.

Human Skills

What is Internal Environment?

It consists of elements that have a direct impact on the business operations. These include the employees, the board of directors, and the managers.

What is External Environment?

It consists of factors that have indirect but significant influence on the operations of the business. These factors, however, cannot be controlled by the firm.

What is globalization?

It is a phenomenon where the relationship of every nation is growing because of technology, transportation, education etc.

What is SWOT Analysis?

It is a technique that identifies the strengths and weaknesses of a company, as well as the opportunities and threats it faces.

What is effectiveness?

It is the ability to achieve the desired goal; "doing the right thing"

What is efficiency?

It is the ability to utilize the resources; "doing things right"

What is Environment Scanning?

It is the actual monitoring and evaluation of information from the external and internal environment of a business organization.

What is sustainability?

It is the plan and operations of the company to ensure a minimal negative impact.

What is decision making?

It refers to making choices among alternative courses of action or inaction.

Who introduced this concept of quality management which emphasized training for top and middle managers.

Joseph Moses Juran

It is also known as the "operating environment." It consists of the customers, suppliers, regulatory agencies, and competitors. They have a direct relevance to the business operations but are uncontrollable.


It is also known as the "general environment." It consists of the economic, political, social, legal, and technicalenvironment of the business. They are beyond the control of the firm but are important determinants of success.


This branch of Quantitative Management uses mathematics in problem solving and decision making. It seeks to create ideal models to improve business operations and processes.

Management Science

It gathers past, present, and projected data from external and internal sources and transforms them into usable information. (Subfield of quantitative management)

Management information system

Explain the nature of management.

Management is the body of knowledge that became an organizational framwork of many businesses. It is both a science and art. It is science because of the number of theories, experiments, scientific principles, and statistical data. It is also an art because an individual must have creativity and imagination to solve problems.

It describes a company's reason for its existence.


This is a highly structured method that allows members to give their own inputs based on an agenda.

Nominal Group Technique

It refer to action plans that involve shorter periods and more measurable outputs.


These are specific procedures and processes made by frontline or low-level managers.

Operational Plan

This branch of Quantitative Management seeks to apply ideas and models from management science to the actual workplace.

Operations Management

It is the transfer of an organizational function to a third party.


Managers use this method in evaluating alternatives in purchasing equipment, furniture, and fixtures.

Payback method

It is a primary management function that determines and outlines the system to be followed by the business.


It focuses on developing people management skills and analyzing customer satisfaction.


This theory uses quantitative approaches such as statistical analyses and computer simulations to arrive at a management decision.

Quantitative Management Theory

The company formulates plans for both positive and negative scenarios.

Scenario Planning

It is a theory of management which studies the application of scientific methods and principles for the purpose of redesigning the work process to increase efficiency; emphasizes the importance of labor in the production process.

Scientific Management Theory

It lays out the long-term, broad goal that a business or individual wants to achieve.

Strategic Plan

This theory explains how interrelated parts operate together to achieve a common purpose.

Systems Theory

These are social or religious customs that were prohibited.


These plans translate broader plans into functional goals for each area or department; "how do we achieve our strategic plan?" ; outlines the short-term steps and actions

Tactical Plan

This are the specific competencies that a manager should have in relation to the type of task assigned to him or her.

Technical Skills

It is the main driving force of business.


This manager is also referred to as Parenting Managers or Pleasing Managers. They take the concept of developing close relationships with their team and coworkers.

The Passive Manager

This manager possess some wonderful qualities. But, this wonderful trait often becomes their weakness.

The Perfect Manager

This manager manages with a heavy and often controlling hand. They also prod and push for results through the use of threats and fear tactic.

The Pitchfork Manager

This manager do not follow any particular type of management strategy. They often find themselves in situations that they are unprepared for.

The Pontificating Manager

This manager focus more on themselves than anything else. They are typically assertive and confident individuals.

The Presumptuous Manager

This manager is the ultimate manager and coach.

The Proactive Manager

This manager is task-driven and focused on achieving goal. It is often the manager who creates the very problems and situation.

The Problem-Solving Manager

What is a manager?

They are individuals in an organization who direct activities of others.

What is contingency theory?

This theory argues that universal theories cannot be applied to organizations because each organization has unique characteristics and is confronted by varied problems or challenges.

What is Quality Management Theory?

This theory emphasizes consistency in an organization and minimal to no errors or defects in production. Managers and employees are both closely involved in quality management.

It describes what the company wants to achieve and where it wants to go in the future.


Who introduced the Quality Management Theory?

William Edwards

What is management?

a process that involves working with other people to achieve organizational objectives

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