Organizational Behavior Exam

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The degree to which a person has overall positive feelings about oneself.

Which of the following is a way to deal with a negative employee?

Understanding you are not going to change them, keeping emotional distance and setting a time limit for conversations, and empower them to act on their complaints

Being motivated is the same as being a high performer. (T/F)


Mentoring someone at work because you enjoy it is an example of extrinsic motivation (T/F)


Job satisfaction

The feelings people have towards their jobs.

Performance management

The use of methods, policies, and procedures to support and improve employee performance.


A belief that one can perform a specific task successfully.

Prescriptive Analytics

A focus on what should be done in the future based on what we know.

Cognitive dissonance refers to

A mismatch between emotions and behavior

Performance reviews

A process in which employee performance is measured and then communicated to the employee.

Cognitive dissonance

A term that refers to a mismatch among emotions, attitudes, beliefs, and behavior

Job rotation

Moving employees from job to job at regular intervals.

Job enlargement

Adding variety to the types of tasks employees perform.


An attribute along which a group is split into subgroups. Ex: gender

Descriptive Analytics

Approaches focused on understanding what has already happened.

Reinforcement theory

Based on the work of Ivan Pavlov on behavioral conditioning and the later work of B.F. Skinner.

Maslow's motivation theory

Hierarchy of needs: Self actualization, self esteem, love/belonging, safety/security, physiological needs

Need based theories propose that a manager's job is to determine what employee's needs are and then to

Create the work environment that meets those needs

Which of the following is a reason that a company should implement a diversity program?

Higher creativity in decision making, higher company performance, better understanding and service to customers

Stress is related to which work outcome?

Higher turnover, worse job attitudes, and decreased performance

Hofstede's frameworks

National and regional factors contribute to the culture of the organization and eventually influence the behavior of employees in the organization.

Maslow's theory of motivation suggests that

Employee needs are ordered

Equity theory

Employees are demotivated when they view reward distribution as unfair.

Predictive analytics is used in organizational behavior research to

Focus on what is likely to happen

Organizational behavior is the study of

Individuals and groups at work

Discuss why companies should consider implementing diversity programs.

It allows individuals to bring aspects of themselves that make them unique to a group. It ensures that voices are heard and all individuals are allowed to participate in the organizational life fully. It is an advantage.

Which of the following Big 5 personality traits correlates negatively with job satisfaction?


Big 5 personality traits

Openness Conscientiousness Extraversion Agreeableness Neuroticism

Organizations wishing to increase worker motivation should pay particular attention to

Job design

Which factor has low correlation to job satisfaction?

Level of pay

Cultures that are comfortable in unpredictable situations and have high tolerance for ambiguity are best described as

Low uncertainty avoidance cultures

Job design

Major impact on employee motivation, job satisfaction, commitment to an organization, absenteeism, and turnover.

Explain the role of motivation in determining employee performance. Include a description of the two most basic types of motivation.

Motivation is the key to an organization's success.Extrinsic motivation performing an activity because it is related to desirable outcomes such as financial rewards, status, or approval of others. Intrinsic motivation is pursuing an activity because it is inherently enjoyable and absent of apparent rewards.

An attitude is

Our opinions, beliefs, and feelings about our environment

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act

Outlaws discrimination based on age, gender, race, national origin, or religion.

Research has shown that successful organizations have several characteristics. Which of the following is one of those?

Providing employment security, sharing information, engaging in selective hiring

Tyler is a 22-year-old, recent graduate of a large university. Given the research on age and turnover, what are some expectations a manager may have with regard to Tyler's likelihood of remaining with the firm for an extended time?

Research tends to suggest that younger employees are more likely to leave organizations. Young employees have fewer responsibilities and may be much more able to quit a job they don't like. Since young employees experience much more stress there is little bonding them to the firm and they again elect to leave the company. Anything the manager can do to address these issues might help to retain his young recruit

What role stressor has been shown to have the strongest effects on poor performances?

Role ambiguity

Role stressors

Role ambiguity: Vagueness in relation to what our responsibilities are Role conflict: Facing contradictory demands at work Role overload: Having insufficient time and resources to complete a job

Describe 2 different incentive programs that you could offer employees to increase sales in their department. Mention any positive and negative consequences from these incentives.

Sales commissions reward salespeople with a percentage of sales volume or profits generated. This encourages them to make sales and connect with customers, as well as make as many as possible. However, employees may start discounting merchandise heavily or neglecting existing customers. Piece rate systems pay employees on the basis of individual output they produce. Examples include a manufacturer may pay employees based on the number of purses sewn or number of doors installed in a day. Suitable when output is easily observable. Encourages employees to work fast, but increases the number of errors.

The extent to which a person is capable of altering their actions and appearance in social situations is known as

Self monitoring

Glass Cliff

Tendency of women and minority members to be promoted to leadership positions in poor performing, struggling firms.


The ability to direct your own emotions.


The body's reaction to a change that requires physical, mental, or emotional adjustment or response.


The desire to achieve a goal.


The marketing of products or processes as green to gain customers without truly engaging in sustainable business practices.

Glass Ceiling

The situation that some qualified employees are prevented from advancing to higher level positions due to factors such as discrimination. The glass ceiling is often encountered by women and minorities

Which law prohibits discrimination based on race, sex, color, or national origin?

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act

Collectivistic cultures have sharp distinctions between groups and highly influential family bonds. (T/F)


Greenwashing is marketing products as green without actually engaging in sustainable business practices. (T/F)


Motivation is a key influence over an employee's performance level. (T/F)


Receiving a positive performance review is an example of extrinsic motivation (T/F)


To improve performance management, a company should conduct one-on-one meetings in addition to performance reviews. (T/F)


Predictive Analytics

What is likely to happen based on what we already know.

You are a career development counselor at your university. You have been instructed by your supervisor to develop a program called, "Tips for Your First Interview." What are some of the tips you can provide students as they prepare for that first interview? Why are these actions important?

Your smile, posture, and body language are important aspects of your nonverbal impression management. Avoid self focusing and say "It is important for a salesperson to be proactive" rather than "I am proactive". This is important to make a great impression and show that you are hardworking and dedicated to the job.

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