Ornamental and Turf Pest Control

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A ___________ is the visible presence of the pathogen such as a fruiting body of a fungus causing the disease (examples: thread-like mycelium of fungus, bacterial ooze, and conks on woody materials.

soil cultivation and aeration (power rake and core cultivation)

A combination of _________________ and ___________________ is the preferred program to modify and reduce thatch buildup.

it needs water

A dark, blue-green color and footprints which remain after walking on the turf are signs that _________________.


A flowering plant which forms seeds inside a protective chamber called an ovary is called a ________________.


A form of midday watering, called _________________, is beneficial for turfs to minimize high temps.


A_______________ is the reaction or alteration of the plant as a result of the disease. Examples include: leaf blights, cankers, galls and wilts.


Accumulations of ________________ in excess of .5 inches reduces heat, cold and drought hardiness and increases localized dry spots, scalping, disease and insect problems.

Hackberry nipplegall maker

Adult ______________ look like miniature cicadeas. In the spring when the leaves. The nymphs feed on the leaves which causes galls to form on the undersides of the leaves. Control is usually not needed but carbaryl could be used.

1.5 to 2

After seeding the area should be covered with mulch such as straw. This is normally accomplished by spreading ______________ bales of straw per 1,000 feet.

Elm Leaf Beetle

All species of elm are attacked by the _____________________. Adults overwinter in nearby protected places (loose tree bark or house shingles) and in the spring they fly back to the elm tree and lay eggs on the leaves. The adults eat small holes in the leaves and the larvae eat the underside of the leaves - often leaving only a skeleton of the leaf. Spraying should by twice/year to target the first generation larvae (spring) and then the second generation (summer) larvae.

weeds, disease and pests.

An inadequately fertilized turf can lead to _________________.


Another word for soils having a high pH is ______________. This is often because of an iron deficiency.

white cast skins

Aphid infestations are often evident by the __________________ that are shed by the aphids when molting. Aphids produce honeydew that attracts black sooty mold and ants.

1 inch

Approximately ______________ of water per week is needed to estabish perennial plants.

Phosphorous and potassium content and soil pH

At a very minimum an initial soil test should include ___________________ and ___________________ and __________________.


Avoid ____________ woody plants shortly after planting. If it is necessary do this after establishment in the spring after leaves have fully emerged.


Avoid pruning fruit trees during the ______________, as many potential disease problems may occur when pruning at this time.

older tall fescues

Avoid using ____________ with Kentucky bluegrass because the widely different growth habits and general appearance between these two turf species would provide for a very conflicting blend.


Bacteria and fungi need _______________ to infect plants, reproduce and spread.


Bt is effective at controlling caterpillers except ___________________.


Carbohydrates and other nutrients produced in the leaves are transporter throughout the plant via the ________ tissue.

Bt (bacillus thuringiensis)

Commonly called ______________ this soil-inhabiting bacterium acts as a toxin to insects causing them to stop feeding, sicken and die within 4-7 days.

Late summer or early fall

Cool Season Grasses are best established in _________________ or _______________.

Spring and Fall

Cool season grasses grow most actively in ___________ when soil temperatures are 60-70 degrees.


Deep spading in summer or late fall can be succesfull in destroying ___________________ eggs and expose the pupae to the elements and birds.


Due to the long cumbersome names ________________ are named by listing the genus and cultivar name only. The cultivar name is preceded by a capital X.


During hot days the soil should be _________________ prior to laying sod.

September 1st

Fall perennial plantings should be done no later than _______________________.

1 pound

Fast release nitrogen sources should not be applied more than _______________ per 1000 sq feet.

Kentucky Bluegrass

Fine fescues are often found in mixtures with ________________ at a 50/50 rate.


Higher rates of __________________ are recommended for newly seeded areas to establish root growth.

Phosphoric acid and potash

Higher ratios of __________________ and _______________ are recommended on newly seeded or sodded turfs.


If annual plantings are started indoors you need to __________________ them for 7-10 days which includes increasing exposure to light, outdoor air, lowering the temps and witholding fertilizer and reducing water frequency.

sod webworms

If, while walking over the turf at dusk, you see moths fly up erratically in front of you and then land suddenly, its a good indicator of ___________________.


Immediately after sod is laid it should be ___________________ and kept moist until it is well-rooted into the soil.

genus, specific epithet

In scientific plant names the ________________ name is always capitalized and the ______________ is never capitalized.

Cool season grasses

Kentucky Bluegrass, tall fescue, perennial rygrass, fine fescues and bentgrass are all examples of ___________________.

2 inches, 3-3.5 inches, 2 inches.

Kentucky bluegrass should ideally be mowed at ____________ inches in the spring, ___________ inches during summer and _____________ inches in the fall. The increase in mowing height during the summer helps insulate the crown (growing point) from high temperature stress and reduce weed competition.


Known as the sapwood - most of the conduction of water and dissolved minerals occur here.

50-55 degrees

Most indoor plants are tropical and should not be submitted to temps below ___________________.


Most plants easily _________________ to varying light conditions, provided these conditions do not vary widely from day to day.

damaged or unhealthy

Most root rotting fungi are most active and effective on __________________ roots.

4:1:2 or 3:1:2

Most turf grass specialists recommend fertilizers with a ratio of ________________ or ________________ for maintaining established turfs.

vigorous root growth

On turf, the best and only practical approach to managing nematodes is to promote _________________ using recommended management practices. Chemical fumigants and nematicides are expensive and highly toxic to animals and thus should only be used in extreme cases.


Once a plant is infected with a virus ________________ of the plant is the only option to prevent the virus from spreading.

Plant Health Care (PHC)

PHC stands for _______________________

1 part vermiculite, 2 parts sphagnum peat, 1 part sand or perlite and 50% organic matter.

Potted plants usually thrive well in a mixture of ___________, ___________ and _________________.

temperature fluctuations

Powdery mildews flourish when foliage is subjected to daily ________________.


Raising the pH to levels of ______________ can make flourides relatively unavailable to plants.

10-12 inches

Soil should be loosened to a depth of ____________ inches prior to planting herbaceous plants.

Siduron (Tupersan)

Some starter fertilizers will contain ___________________, a preemergence herbicide to inhibit grassy weeds competition such as crabgrass or foxtail.


Species such as forsythia, mockorange, spirea, potentilla and dogwood respond well to _____________________ which is the act of cutting all stems back to 4-8 inches from the ground.

warm and dry

Spider mites survive best in _______________ and _______________ conditions where dust accumulates.

dollar spot, rust

Stressed turf that is underfertilized is more susceptible to ___________________ and ________________.


Symptoms of __________________ can vary depending on the cause, plant species, time of year and cultivar age. They often appear in hot weather. The leaves may develop a light and dark green , yellow, or ivory mottle. Similar to ringspots - watermark, oak leaf, or other line patterns may form along the leaf veins. Leaves are often pale green, yellow, or bronze as well as stunted, distorted, or curled. Cause: The disease is caused by viruses and mycoplasmas. Mostly spread by propogation of infected plants or by insects. Some are spread by root grafts or infected seed or pollen. Control: Start with disease free plants. Destroy severely diseased trees and shrubs.

root rot

Symptoms of a plant wilting from the bottom of the plant without any obvious spotting on the leaves could indicate _________________.

early spring or fall (preferred) after labor day.

Thatch removal of cool season grasses like Kentucky Bluegrass is best done in _________________ or _________________ when at least 30 days of favorable growing conditions will occur after de-thatching.

Pest Population Geographic Location Plant variety Plant growth stage Cost of control Value of the commodity or plant

The 6 Factors to consider when determining when a pest poses an economical threat include _______________:

Iron Zinc Copper Manganese Molybdenum Boron Chlorine

The 7 Micronutrients required for turf grasses include _________________.

Nitrogen Phosphorous Potassium Oxygen Hydrogen Carbon Calcium Magnesium Sulfur

The 9 Turf grass Macronutrients include _______________________.

Soft Brown Scale

The _____________________________ is one of the most common type of scale insect. Scales produce 1000 eggs underneath their shell. The eggs then hatch and become "tiny crawlers" that crawl elsewhere on the plant to establish. Scales leave behind honeydew which attracts black sooty mold and ants.

sod webworms

The adult _______________ are often called "lawn moths." They are attracted to lights at night and when resting they fold their wings back closely against their bodies giving them a very narrow appearance. The larva, when fully grown, are caterpillars that are dirty white to light brown with darker spots. The worms feed on the grass blades and hide in silk-lined tunnels or burrows at or slightly into the soil surface. To confirm the presence of these apply a 1 tbs of 1% pyrethrins or 1/4 cup of lemon-scented household detergent and 2 gallons of water to 1 square yard of turf. The mix will irritate the caterpillars bringing them to the surface. If you find a population of 15 worms per square yard - control may be warranted.

A thick-well managed turf

The best defense against weeds is _____________________.

The physical presence of the insect.

The best indication of an insect pest problem is ____________________. With other indicators you can only assume that the damage is being caused by a certain pest.

Around the last mowing (October/November)

The best time to apply fertilizer on turf grass in the fall is _________________.

Late fall - October to mid November.

The best time to fertilize cool season grasses is ______________.

Late in the dormant season or early spring before growth (Feb-March).

The best time to prune is __________________.

Nitrogen - Phosphoric Acid - Potash

The fertilizer label indicates the percentage of available ____________, ____________ and ___________.


The glucose, sucrose and other compounds such as malic and glycolic acids that are produced as a result of photosynthesis are collectively called _____________________.


The greatest rhyzome growth occurs in the ________________.


The most common and severe diseases of turf grasses and ornamentals are caused by _______________.

foliar application

The most effective means of correcting an iron deficient turf is _______________.


The over-seeding or conversion of a species is referred to as ________________.

aerobic respiration

The process by which a plant converts glucose, sucrose and starch into utilizable energy is called __________________.


The stalk of a leaf, which joins the leaf to a node of the stem.

cell differentiation

The third stage of plant growth, ______________, is where a plant forms orgenelles involving the change in structure or function of a group of cells. For example - leaf cells develop chloroplasts so they can photosynthesize. Cells of the xylem must form secondary walls and then die to facilitate water movement through the stem.

systemic, leaf blights/spots

The two type of bacterial diseases are __________________ and ____________________.

egg, four juvenile stages, and adult

The typical life cycle of a plant parasitic nematode has six stages including ________________________.

Auxins Gibberellins Cytotoxins Ethylene Abscisic acid (ABA)

These are the five major groups of plant hormones _________________.


To avoid fluoride damage to potted plants - avoid using ______________ in the growing medium as it contains high levels of fluoride.

2 years

Trees should not be pruned until they are at least ________________ old to encourage root and leaf development.


Turf that has been ripped up by skunks, moles, or birds is a good indicator of _______________.

brown patch, pythium blight

Turf that is over fertilized is more susceptible to ________________ and ____________.


Turfgrasses and ornamentals are more susceptible to infection by disease-causing pathogens when they are __________________.

infrequently and uniformly

Turfs should be watered _______________ and ____________________ to develop a deep root system.

late spring or early summer

Warm season grasses are best established in __________________ or ___________________.

80-90 degrees

Warm season grasses grow most actively in ________________ and remain dormant in the spring and after the first fall frost.

August 15th

Warm season grasses should be fertilized before ______________.

lightly and frequently

Watering turfs ___________________ and _________________ results in a shallow root system.

5.5, 7.5

When considering soil pH amendments, in general, apply lime if your soil pH is below __________________. If above ______________ apply sulfur to lower pH.

Annual Rygrass

When establishing new turf avoid using ________________ because it tends too quickly at the expense of desirable grasses and it only persists for one season.

1 part compost to 4 parts soil

When planting herbaceous plants - organic matter should be added to the soil at a rate of ____________________.


When planting trees or shrubs (woody plants) the planting hole should be widened to ______________ the width of the rootball.

root flare (or root collar)

When planting trees the _____________________ should be seen above the soil line. The hole should be back filled with soil taken from the hole.

6 inches

When seeding and mulching the seed bed should be tilled to a depth of ________________ when possible and fertilizer and (sulfur or lime) worked into the soil prior to seeding.

Iron deficiency, Alkaline soils

Yellowing between leaf veins in turfgrass, that is otherwise adequately supplied with Nitrogen, could indicate ____________________.

Warm season grasses

Zoiysagrass, bermudagras and buffalo grass are examples of _______________.


_________ are the mature ripened ovary of a plant.

Type B Chlorophyll

__________ chlorophyll only capture sunlight and don't participate directly in the light conversion process.

Red headed Ash Borer

____________ adults have a reddish head and thorax and a light brown wing covering marked with four yellow transverse bands. The legs are long spindly. The beetles are elongated, cylindrical, and have antennae at least half as long as their bodies. Larvae are cream-colored, fleshy, legless grubs. The larvae initially bore into the inner bark and then later into the sapwood and heartwood where they overwinter in the trunk. They are attracted to newly planted or weakened/diseased trees. Healthy trees are seldomed attacked.


____________ are Small pink or yellow insects covered with a white fluffy substance. They live in the sheltered corners of leaves or stems.


____________ is a common foliar symptom typical of viruses characterized by a mixture of light and dark green areas, flecking and ring spotting.

epidermis, cuticle

____________ is the outer protective layer of cells on a leaf which is covered by a waxy layer called the ________________


____________ serve as antennae pigments and help prevent the destruction of chlorophyll by high intensity light.

Tent caterpillars

_____________ favor wild plum and cherry but will infest most other deciduous trees. They form a "tent" on the branches. Best controlled with carbaryl, acephate, diazinon, malathion or Bt when the tents first appear.


_____________ helps plants grow vigorously and to develop a health, dark green color.


_____________ helps plants stimulate early root growth and promotes early plant vigor.


_____________ is a cultivated variety and is different from naturally occurring botanical varieties. These names are always capitalized and either set off in single quotation marks or preceded by the abbreviation "cv."

Ascochyta Leaf Blight

_____________ is a disease that primarily affects Kentucky Bluegrass. Symptoms: large areas of the turf being uniformly blighted or patchy in appearance. Affected grass blades often shrivel, forming a needle-point from the tip down. Lesions on leaves are bleached and will contain round, brown fungal fruiting bodies visible with a 10x lens. Cause: Fungi - Ascochyta spp. Turf that is under drought stress is more susceptible but leaf moisture is required for infection. Control: Rarely does permanent damage. Avoid drought stress and excessive nitrogen applications. Collect clippings when disease is active to avoid spread. Sharp mower blades are key. Fungicides may prevent spread on high value turf.

Apple Scab or Willow Scab

_____________ is common in areas of high rainfall and relative humidity. Circular lesions appear on the leaves in the spring and may effect fruit as well. As leaves mature the necrotic areas cause curling and dwarfing. The disease is most severe in late April or May. Cause: Fungus Venturia inaequalis. The pathogen overwinters as immature fruiting bodies on dead leaves on the ground. Control: Raking dead leaves and burning can provide partial control. Prune and dispose of diseased and dead twigs - cleaning pruning tools between cuts. Control of leaf symptoms can be achieved with 3-4 applications of fungicide at 10 day intervals beginning just before budbreak.


_____________ is important in the synthesis of some plant compounds and in the regulation of many physiological processes. Deficiencies of ______________ in lawns can lead to increased incidence of turf diseases and reduced tolerance to environmental stress.


______________ are plant hormone principally responsible for apical dominance (and actively growing shoot suppressing the growth of its lateral buds.) This is why horticulturists pinch back the top of a plant to force lateral branching on herbaceous plants.

soft brown scale

______________ are small discolored blisters on the stem or leaf of a plant.


______________ are the food storage structures found in seeds


______________ is a plant hormone that is a gaseous compound produced by ripening fruits (like apples) that rapidly increase the rate of ripening. This compound can also be applied to fruits to aid in uniformity of ripening - however this compound can damage cut flowers and thus flowers should never be stored in the same room as ripe fruits.

Absisic Acid (ABA)

______________ is a plant hormone that keeps buds and seeds dormant and inhibits growth responses when necessary.

Sawfly, Sawflies

______________ larva, in moderate to heavy populations, can cause significant damage (defoliators) to pine and spruce trees - but this usually takes more than 1 year and heavy populations are usually required. ***Feeding damage is usually noticed by the homeowner after the larvae have gone - thus sprays would have no value at this point. Bt is usually effective on caterpillers but not _______________.

simple leaf

______________ leaf is composed of a single unit


______________ look like bumps with a waxy protective shell. The females lack legs, wings, antennae and eyes. Some species produce a waxy wool over their bodies. They have need like mouthparts that they use to pierce the plant and feed on sap. They also produce honeydew - which promotes black sooty mold development which can attract ants. In the spring the mother gives birth, under her protective shell, to nymphs. These nymphs do not have a protective shell at first and they crawl to another area of the plant to molt and develop their shell. This is the best time to use pesticides to target the "crawlers" but it is a very short window. Oils can be used in the winter time to suffocate the dormant scales but some plants are sensitive to these oils.

Buffalograss and Blue Gama

_______________ and ______________ are warm season grasses that are commonly established by seed. Most other warm season grasses are established by plugs or sprigs (stolons).

Night Crawlers

_______________ are considered beneficial and should be tolerated whenever possible. However, in large populations they can cause lumpiness and reduce the value of turf for recreation (i.e. golf course greens). Vertical mowing can help reduce lumpiness and also the amount of food available.


_______________ are plant hormones that may prevent senescence (aging) of some plant parts. Produced in the root system and translocated to the shoot part of the plant - these hormones also promote cell division and aid in the regulation of stomatal closure.


_______________ are the reproductive organs of angiosperms

Softwood cuttings

_______________ cuttings can survive during root initiation because leaves are present.

Dollar spot

_______________ is mostly a problem on cool season turf grasses. Symptoms: On closely mowed grasses appears as small, round, bleached-out straw-colored spots ranging in size from 1 inch to 2 inches. The spots can become so numerous that they appear as one larger irregular, sunken patch. Individual grass blades develop a lesion that is first chlorotic, then water-soaked, and finally bleached-out or light tan in color. The lesions may be up to an inch in length, usually span the width of the blade and are characteristically bounded on either side by reddish-brown bands. Cause: Caused by fungus (Sclerotinia homoecarpa) - spread by equipment, people, animals, water or wind and enters the plants through cut leaf tips. The presence of this disease may indicate a nitrogen deficient turf. Dry soils, thatch buildup, and inadequate amounts of nitrogen and potassium favor these fungi. Control: Fertilize - provide sufficient nitrogen and potassium to maintain a healthy turf. Avoid later afternoon or night time irregation. Prune trees and shrubs to allow light to penetrate to the turf. Fungicides are effective.

cell enlargement

_______________ is the second stage of plant growth, driven by the absorption of water into cells. Much of the increase in young root and shoot length is due to this.

compound leaf

_______________ leaf has two or more leaflets

Rhabdocline needlecast

________________ affects conifers and presents with yellow spots that apear near the needle tips in the fall. The spots enlarge in the spring, then turn reddish brown and contrast sharply with adjacent green tissues. Eventually with continued moist weather the entire needle turns brown. The trees can have a brown scorched aspect. Cause: Fungus Rhabdocline pseudotsugae. Control: Fungicide can control severe outbreaks if applied at the tie the spores are being discharged.

Plant Bugs

________________ are a group of related insects that pierce plant tissue and feed on sap. Two common types, both 3/16 to 1/4 inch long are the Ash __________ and Honeylocust _______________. Both bugs produce small shiny, varnish-like dark brown to black specks of excrement on the underside of infested leaves. They usually don't damage trees but chemical control is necessary only to protect the appearance of infested trees.

Host, Environment, Pathogen

________________ are the three necessary components of the disease triangle in biotic diseases of plants.


________________ are wedge shaped insects that move sideways and are very active and are usually green or grey with roof-like wings. In Turf - their damage appears as irregular patches in which the grass is yellowed or bleached out. They are commonly found on sycamore, hawthorne and azalea. The nymphs and adults suck juices from plant leaves, buds and stems. They excrete large amounts of honeydew giving the plants a glazed appearance. Black sooty mold may grow on this honeydew.


________________ describes how a plant tends to grow. Example: vines are climbing or trailing; Groundcovers are prostrate or spreading; Shrub is a plant that has more than one stem and no taller than 15 ft.


________________ influences turfgrass wear, heat, cold and drought tolerance.

Oak Wilt

________________ is a fungus infection of oak trees. It impairs the ability of water cunducting vessels of the trees to carry water from the roots to branches and leaves. Trees wilt from the top down and leaves wilt from the tips to the base. Fallen leaves often have a pattern of brown tips with green along the main vein and at the base. Once infected - oak trees of the red and brown group do not recover. Oaks in the bur and white group (rounded leaf lobe margins) die back a branch or two at a time. Leaf appearance is similar to early fall color. Cause: Caused by a fungus (Ceratocystis fagacearum) that infects all species of oak as well as tanbark oak, chestnuts, and chinquapins. Spreads in two ways - sap and fungus feeding beetles. Also by root connections (grafts) that form between oaks of the same species. Control: There is no cure once infected. Avoid wounding oaks from April 15 to July 1 to prevent the overland spread of oak wilt. If a would occurs during this time immediately paint it with a wound dressing or latex paint. Paint masks the odor given off by the wound so picnic beetles flying in the air will not detect it and visit the would to feed on the sap. The best time to prune oak trees is late fall or winter. Branches or stems from red and black oaks greater than 3 inches in diameter should be debarked, or stacked and then covered with thin plastic sheets. Seel the edges of the sheets at the ground so picnic beetles cannot move into or out of the wood pile. Another method of control is to sever root connections between same species of oak using a trencher or vibratory plow that cuts to a depth of 4.5-5 feet.

slow release

________________ nitrogen fertilizer sources are preferred to promote uniform turfgrass shoot and root growth.

Entomosporium Leaf Spot of Hawthorne

________________ presents as small reddish brown spots that appear on the leaf expansion in spring on Hawthorne Trees. In mid to late summer severely infected leaves drop and the tree may become completely disfoliated. Cause: the fungus Entomosporium mespili. The fungus overwinters as fruiting bodies on twigs and bark of the tree and fallen leaves. Spores discharge in wet spring weather causing infections on the expanding foliage. Control: Avoid highly susceptible cultivars of Hawthorne. Most cultivars are mildly affected during wet weather without severly affecting the trees health. Control sufficient to prevent defoliation can be achieved with three applications of fungicide at 10 day intervals, beginning just after the leaves have unfolded.


_________________ are a common sucking insect found on many species of plants. They change very little in form during their life cycle - the young resembling the adults. Initially the young have no wings but eventually, after several generations, winged males and females are born which migrate to another host, mate, and deposit eggs for the winter. They suck the juices from the leaves, fruits and stems of plants. They excrete a sticky substance that makes the leaves appear wet and dripping. Insecticides are effective but more often than not its better to just use high pressure water or insecticidal soap to avoid killing natural predators such as ladybugs, lacewings or damsal bugs.


_________________ are single celled organisms that reproduce by dividing themselves.

family, genus, species

_________________ are the groups commonly used to describe plants using scientific names.

Carbon, Hydrogen and Oxygen

_________________ are the three essential elements for plant growth that are supplied by the atmosphere.

Iris Borer

_________________ caterpiller first feeds on leaf tissues, then works its way down to feed on the rhyzomes. It pupates in the soil then emerges as a drab colored moth in the fall to lay eggs. Its damage causes water-soaked brown streaks and chewed up edges on young leaves, and holes in the bacterial soft rot which invades the hole-reddled rhyzome - eventually killing the plant. It is the most destructive pest to the iris and control is difficult and timing is crucial. The most effective insecticide to use is dimethoate.

Fire Blight

_________________ is caused by a bacterium in which blossoms, leaves, fruit spurs, and young fruits on new shoots suddenly wilt and turn dark brown or black as if scorched by fire. The afflicted parts die but still cling to the twigs. Shoots are shrunken and brown to black and the tips often curl downward to resemble a "shepards crook." Cause: A bacterium that overwinters in the cankers and and mostly on the branches and trunk. The bacterium is spread primarily by insects (honeybees, flies and ants), splashing water, wind and contaminated pruning tools. Infection commonly follows hail or other injuries. Control: Grow resistant varieties of apple, crabapple, and pear where available. Avoid overfertilizing and overpruning. Carefully cut out root suckers and water sprouts and prune blighted twigs and branches 6-12 inches below any sign of infection. Prune in the dormant season and disenfect tools with 70% rubbing alcohol. Spray apples, crabapples, and pears weekly with a bactericide, starting in early bloom and continuing through summer, or until the onset of hot, dry weather. Under susceptible trees, a 6-inch organic mulch reduces the incidence of fire blight and prolongs tree life.


_________________ or the act of removing spent flowers from the plant can prevent flowers form producing seeds and encourages more flowers to develop.

leach irrigations

__________________ (which remove salts) should be carried out frequently if not at every watering in interiors cape plants to prevent toxic salt buildup.

Fall Webworm

__________________ Pupae overwinter in cacoons in the soil or duff and emerge in late spring and lay eggs in hair-covered masses on the underside of the leaves. The larvae emerge 10-14 days and feed in webbed nests constructed around leaves at branch ends. They attack deciduous trees.

Summer Patch

__________________ affects primarily Kentucky Bluegrass, annual bluegrass, and fine fescues. Usually appears during hot, dry weather following wet conditions. Symptoms: Initially scattered patches of blueish green, wilted plants in circular or crescent-shapes. The patches quickly turn straw-colored and will have healthy turf in the center of the patch. Patches will apear larger each year and may be 2 or more feet in diameter. Cause: cuased by a soilborne fungus, Magnaporthe poae, fungal colonization of root tissues occurs at temps above 68F. Heavy thatch, low mowing, unbalanced ferility, light but frequent waterings, and soil compatction all favor development of this disease. Control: Avoid management practices that promote rapid top growth at the expense of root production. Avoid heavy nitrogen applications in summer months. Increase mowing heights to 3 inches during hottest summer months. Systemic fungicides are effective when applied once soil temps reach 65F for five consecutive days.

Sphaeropsis Blight (Diplodia Tip Blight)

__________________ affects weakened, damaged, or old trees (conifers). Browning occurs near the base of needles and progresses towards the tip until the entire needle is killed. The infection spreads to other needles on the twig, and the entire current year's foliage on an infected shoot is usually killed. Buds often die. The twigs are also infected and are killed back to the next branch whorl. This disease usually begins with the lower branches and progresses up the tree. After several successive years of infection the entire trees growth is stunted. Severe infection can kill trees. Cause: Fungus Sphaeropsis sapinea (also called Diplodia pinea). The fungus overwinters as immature fruiting bodies on plant parts. During the spring when new needles emerge the fruiting bodies ooze spores during wet weather. The spores are spread by rain splash to current years needles and the pathogen grows extensively through the leaf tissue and then attacks adjacent needles and eventually spreads to the shoot. Control: Infected twigs, branches and cones should all be removed in dry weather. Trees infected the previous year should be fertilized in late fall or spring prior to budbreak and watered during dry periods to maintain tree vigor. Application of fungicides in the spring is recommended.

leaf spots, root rots

__________________ and ___________________ are the most common diseases caused by fungi.

Broad and Cyclamen mites

__________________ and _______________________ are so small (about 1/100th of an inch) that infestations are recognized by plant symptoms rather than actually seeing the mites. Look for young foliage that is thickened and brittle with leaf margins cupped downward and stunted. These injuries can often be confused with pesticide damage and go unnoticed. Mites are attracted to dusty conditions, so removing dust from the plants with soap and water is beneficial.


__________________ are caused by fungal species of Puccinia and Uromyces and they over-season in infected foliage in areas with mild climates. Airborne spores may be carried long distances and are moved north each year. Cool to moderately warm, moist weather and dew periods for 10-12 hours favor development to produce spores and infect plants. ____________ will easily rub off and discolor shoes when walking on the turf. Control: Keep plants growing rapidly by applying nitrogen fertilization. Most infected areas of the leaves are removed by weekly mowing. There are several fungicides that are effective.


__________________ are plant hormones that encourage cell enlargement. The bolting response (rapid elongation of the lower stalk) of cabbage, spinach, and other plants results from a rapid increase in this hormone. This hormone is also known to stimulate seed germination for many species.


__________________ are sucking insects (green or black) that cause malformed or discolored plant foliage.

Annual White Grubs

__________________ are the larva of the white chafer. They are whitish with brown heads and usually found lying curled up in a "C" shape. They feed on the roots of plants and turf. In cold weather they burrow deeper to overwinter. In the spring they move back into the root zone to feed before pupating and emerging as adult white chafer moths. To confirm a turf grub infestation take enough uniform samples by pealing back 6x6 inch sections of grass and checking for grubs. 8-10 grubs per square foot justifies control methods.

Lilac Borer

__________________ are wasp-like moths that overwinter as larvae in lilac canes. Adults emerge in May, mate, and deposit eggs on the bark o lilac canes down low from the soil level to one meter high. Newly hatched caterpillars feed in the sapwood and then later the heartwood. To control spray all trunks and branches below 10 feet with chloropyrifos two to three times at 2-week intervals during moth flight. Traps baited with a male attractant can be used to monitor moth flight. Trees should be sprayed 10-14 days after the first moth flight.


__________________ is a miniature plant in an arrested state of development

Brown Patch

__________________ is mostly a problem on rygrasses, tall fescue, and creeping bentgrass. Symptoms: Irregular brown areas, ranging from several inches to many feet in diameter. Centers of the spots may recover - resulting in rings of diseased grass. Grass blades that are still green in the infected areas will have irregularily shaped bleached areas surrounded by a darker margin (easily confused with dollar spot). Cause: A soil inhabiting fungi (Rhizoctonia solani). The disease is favored by exessive thatch, high temperatures (75-90F) - most common in the summer months. Poorly drained soils, thatch and night irregation lengthen the period of leaf wetness and promote infection. Control: Reduce shading and improve soil aeration and water drainage. Avoid irrigation at night. Avoid excessive nitrogen fertilization that results in soft growth of the foliage during warm summer months. Sharpen mower blades. Remove and dispose of clippings from infected areas. Fungicides are more a preventative measure.

pinnately compound

__________________ leaves have leaflets arising from along both sides along the rachis

Plant Rust

__________________ looks like bright orange, yellow, orange-red, reddish brown, chcocolate brown or black powdery pustules that form on leaves and stems and sometimes fruit. They are most common on the lower leaf surface and stem. Cause: Numerous fungi. Easily spread by wind. These fungi often require two different kinds of plant to complete their life cycle. For example: junipers and red cedars are alternate hosts for rusts of apple, crabapple, hawthorne, mountain ash, amelanchier, pear, and related plants. Weeds can also be alternate hosts especially for pine and oak. Control: Destroy alternate host plants especially weeds that show rusts. A distance of several hundred yards between alternate hosts is recommended. Prune out rust cankers and galls as soon as they appear.


__________________ referst to when seed dormancy is broken naturaly through cold temperatures and moisture.


__________________ roots will produce roots from stems or cuttings if injury occurs.

Fungus Gnats

__________________ thrive in wet, damp environments and infestations may indicate that things are too wet. They are small, dark grey or black flies that often get trapped in the moisture on leaf surfaces which detracts from the plants appearance. Decreased aesthetic value is the greatest damage - however the larva do feed on decaying or healthy organic matter (including roots) and fungi. Soil-less planting mixtures, especially those containing peat moss, are apparently excellent for survival of these insects.

Sudden Oak Death (SOD)

___________________ affects in the tanoak and red oak group. The name refers to the rapid and complete browning of the crown (within 2-4 weeks) when the affected plant dies. Plant death occurs after and extended period, perhaps more than 2 years. On oaks - only adult plants show symptoms. Cankers develop on the lower portions of the trunk, have red-brown to black discoloration and bleed dark black to red or amber sap. In tanoaks both saplings and adult trees are affected. Cankers on saplings are discolored areas and those on adult trees resemble cankers on oaks. Cause: caused by a fungus-like organism, Phytophthora ramorum. Most active in wet/cool weathe and spread by weather, splashing water or infected plant material. Control: The key to control is prevention - minimizing introduction of the pathogen in new areas. Quarantines and eradication programs in conjunction to extensive surveys to detect the disease are key. Visitors to areas known to have infected soil should clean tires, shoes, pet's feet etc before leaving the area.

Powdery Mildew

___________________ affects many plants, both annuals and perennials, and appears as white, powdery spots which grow and eventually cover the entire leaf surface. It rarely kills the plant but does weaken it and damages aesthetically. Cause: Over 1,000 species of fungi can cause this disease. These fungi live on the outer surface of the plant and obtain nutrients by means of small, root-like organs that penetrate the outer or epidermal layer o the plant. They are easily spread by wind or rain. Control: Prune effected plant parts if possible. Select resistant cultivars. Several fungicides are effective. This is one of the few diseases that can be easily controlled after infection has occured because the fungus is mostly on the outside of the plant.


___________________ are commonly vectored by leaf hoppers nad other insects. Common symptoms of infection include a distorted growth of the flower head, including leaves emerging from the flower, petal color changes or lack of petals, and emergence of new flowers from the original flower head.

Spider mites

___________________ are sucking insects that have eight legs when they are adults but only six legs as larva. They are most prevalent during hot, dry weather of midsummer. Sometimes they form webs on the leaves or twigs and certain species cause galls to form on the leaves or new shoots. Natural enemies such as green lacewings and ladybugs and damsal bugs may help control populations. Insecticidal soap mixed with horticultural oil may be an effective control against eggs and newly hatched nymphs.

Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium

___________________ are the three essential elements important in fertilizer.

Juniper Twig Blight

___________________ causes Juniper tips of twigs and branches to turn light green then brown. Twigs and branches less than 1/3 inch diameter are most commonly affected. In summer, fall, and winter, the dead foliage turns ash gray, and small black spots (fungus fruiting bodies) appear on the gray tissue. Close inspection reveals cankers at the junction between dead and live tissue. Cause: The fungi in the genera Phomopsis and Cercospora overwinter in infected tissues and during wet weather spores ooze out of fruiting bodies and are blown or splashed against healthy foliage. The fungus can remain alive in dead tissue for at least 2 years. Control: Prune out infected branches during dry weather; avoid pruning and handling plants during wet weather. Fungicides may help with control if applications are made once every 2 weeks from the onset of shoot growth in the spring to early fall (not needed during dry periods).


___________________ is caused by soilborne fungi in the genus Phytophthora. This disease is usually associated with excessive soil moisture. Responsible for the death of many ornamentals - the disease attacks the roots, crown and trunks of a variety of landscape trees and shrubs. Thy symptoms can be a slow decline or sudden death in dry weather. Specific symptoms include chlorotic, sparse foliage with reduced leaf size. Eventually dead branhes may occur in the crown. Twig and trunk growth decrease dramatically. Brown to black lesions may occur on large roots. Roots may become decayed or dead with areas where the root cortex has fallen away leaving the vascular tissue exposed. Control: Planting in well-drained soils or raised beds helps mitigate this disease. Balanced fertilizer can help. Systemic fungicides may provide control - applied as soil drenches.

Hortus Third

___________________ is the most complete plant nomenclature reference available. The scientific nomenclature used today was developed in the 1700's by Swedish Botonist, Carl Linneaus.

palmately compound

___________________ leaves have leaflets that radiate from the end of the rachis

starter fertilizer

___________________ normally contains nutrients in a ratio of 1:1:1 and is important in the succesful establishment of new turfgrass plantings.


___________________ refers to when seed dormancy is broken through use of acid or mechanical means.


____________________ are 1/4 inch long, gray-to-black beetles with a very tapered abdomen. The larva feed on grass stems and roots. Infested lawns will have an off-colored, irregularly shaped area which rapidly turns yellow and then finally brown. To determine if control is needed: Take a sample of the lawn - if 25-50 larva per square foot are present, control is needed. Apply pesticide in May about 10 days after the adults are sighted. Treatment is not recommended in July or August because the larvae have already completed their feeding.


____________________ can be established using plugging or seeding. If plugging - up to 18 inch centers is acceptable.

biotic disease

____________________ describes describes diseases caused by living factors or organisms in the environment like bacteria or viruses.


____________________ feed on all coniferous plants and most deciduous plants. They live inside bags constructed of silk. Females never leave the bag. They are especially damaging to conifers - deystroying foliage that is not regenerated. Spraying is best unless only a few infestations are present in which case hand picking the bags is effective.


____________________ is a common leaf disease that is found on a large number of tree species and is considered a transition disease, between a leaf and a stem, because it can often involve the leaves, shoots, buds and twigs. Symptoms: In the spring buds do not break because cankers have killed the bud tissues. During shoot elongations, infection results in rapid wilting and death of the expanding shoots and immature leaves. Older and more mature leaf tissue is killed progressively along the midrib or vein, a pattern unique to this disease. Defoliation can occur, but the tree often refoliates and assumes a normal appearnace by midsummer. There may be cankers on twigs and branches. Infected trees seldom die. Cause: Several species of fungi in the genus Gnomonia. The fungi overwinter in the buds, twigs or on the ground and then the fungi begin to grow in late winter or early spring. During warm and wet weather spores are released and infect nearby shoots and leaves. Control: Very difficult to control. Seldom kills the tree but makes the tree more susceptible to other diseases and pests. Fungicide may be effective if applied when the buds are expanding in the spring.

Gray Snow Mold

____________________ is caused by the fungi Typhula incarnata and T. ishikariensis. The fungi is innactive when the weather is warm and dry but develops rapidly when turf moisture and humididy is high and temps are low - near 35 F. Cold, moist conditions, such as prolonged rainy periods in the fall, winter, and early spring, favor this disease. The disease develops primarily when deep snow persists for long periods of time. Control: Avoid heavy nitrogen applications in late fall. Prevent large snow drifts on turf areas. Prevent snow compaction on turf. Fungicide treatments are most effective if applied in late autumn, and during mid-winter thaws as needed.

abiotic disease

____________________ is disease caused by non-parasitic, non living things such as unfavorable growing conditions, too much water or fertilizer, etc.

Fungal leaf spot

____________________ is similar to leaf blight, blotch or anthracnose where the leaves of affected woody plants become spotted or blighted. The spots are usually round to oval, angular or irregular and grey, yellow, purple, lack or light to dark brown. spots marked with light and dark concentric zones are called "frog-eyes" or "bull's eyes." Blighted leaves often turn yellow and then brown, wither and drop prematurely. Cause: There are hundreds of different fungi that generally live in fallen leaves and are spread mostly by airborne and waterborne spores. Some overseason in buds, cankers, branch twigs etc. Control: Protective control measures are not usually warranted. Collect and compost or destroy fallen leaves in autumn. Prune out infected twigs and branch cankers and destroy rotten fruit. Fertilize defoliated trees and shrubs in early spring or late fall. Prune regularily to thin out dense crowns; pruning will let in light, promote air circulation, speed drying plants properly, especially in shady areas. Certain fungicides can be sprayed during wet periods when the leaves are expanding.

1 to 1.5 lbs per 1000 sq ft

____________________ is the recomended amount of nitrogen to apply as a fall fertilizer. Apply before the turf has become brown or soil is frozen.


____________________ must be established using plugs. Plugs are normally planted on 6-12 inch centers. 6 inch centers requires 4,000 plugs per 1000 square feet. 12 inch centers requires 1000 plugs per 1000 square feet.

Cytospora Canker

____________________ primarily affects poplar and willow species of trees and has been associated with the death of thousands of ornamental trees. Symptoms: Circular or irregular-shaped cankers first appear on young trees as brown, slightly sunken areas in the smooth bark of branches and trunks. As the canker enlarges, the outer bark may become black, brown, grey, reddish brown or yellow. The inner bark turns black and may have a foul, salty odor. Cankers frequently start at wound openings. Cause: An opportunistic fungus Cytospora chrysosperma. Once a tree has been weakened by other stresses, this fungus infects weakened tissue quickly and massively and is spread by dripping and splashing rain, wind, insects, birds, humans and pruning tools. Control: Remove all dead and dying branches of affected trees. Do not prune trees when bark is wet, as the fungus spreads this way. Clean pruning tools between cuts with household bleach. Bury or burn removed twigs/branches. Fertilize plants and water deeply during hot, dry weather to keep plants growing vigorously. No fungicides are available for this disease.

Mimosa Webworm

____________________ pupae overwinter in whitish silken cocoons in the soil or on vertical protected surfaces like a tree trunk. Moths emerge in late spring and lay eggs on flowers and foliage. Larvae weave a nest around the flowers and leaves before feeding on foliage within the nest. The larvae web leaflets together and the webs may cover entire trees. The second generation of webworms can completely defoliate a tree.

physical makeup and nutrition

_____________________ and _________________ are the two factors that affect the root system environment.

False Cinch Bugs

_____________________ are approximately 1/4 inch long and look like cinch bugs. They can be distinguished apart by the absence of a conspicuous black triangle on the outer wing margin and a head that is about the same width as the thorax. These bugs feed on other bugs that are pests and thus no control is recommended.

red spiders

_____________________ are extremely small - forms a web over plants. Leaves become finely speckled with yellow spots.

white fly

_____________________ are miniature insects 1/5 in. long found on the underside of a leaf.


_____________________ can exist and multiply only inside living cells.

Dutch Elm Disease

_____________________ is a tree disease primarily caused by two species of beetles, by root grafts between adjacent trees, and sometimes (rarely) by contaminated pruning tools. Symptoms: Leaves on one ore more branches will wilt, turn dull green to yellow, and then turn brown, curl, and usually drop early. Trees infected late summer develop symptoms the following spring on most or all branches at once and often die within a few weeks. Light brown to nearly black streaks occur in the white outer sapwood of wilting branches. Control: A community wide year round sanitation program is needed to control this disease. Infection can only be pruned out of the tree if less than 5% of the crown is affected. Otherwise prevention is key. Promptly burn all above ground wood from infected trees, bury it a foot or more deep, or debark or chip it to prevent colonization by beetles. Treat all weakened, dying or dead elms together with their stumps. Spray elms with recommended insecticide in late winter or early spring before the elm buds swell.

Early am (4:00 am - 8 am)

_____________________ is the best time to water.

Two-spotted spider mites

_____________________ is the most common type of mite. Usually found on lower leaf surfaces. Feeding injury on the plant species involves light-colored, speckled, or mottled areas on the leaves. Webbing is also produced. At 75 degrees it takes mites about 2 weeks to develop.


______________________ are small slender insects less than 1/8 inch long that feed by rasping plant tissues with their mouthparts and consuming plant fluids. Heavily infested areas on leaves appears silvery gray, with lighter infestations showing up as small whitish colored areas. Black dots of excrement are also present. These are difficult to control indoors because few insecticides registered for plants indoors are effective against thrips.

Fairy Ring

______________________ forms a dark green band on turf in a circle or semi circle. Frequently, just behind the dark green band is an area of sparse, brown, dying grass caused by lack of water penetration. Often a circle of mushrooms will develop around the edge of the infected area after wet weather. Cause: The ring of dark green grass is caused by the release of nitrogen in the soil, as the fungus breaks down organic matter. Often these rings are develop in areas where trees have been romoved or turfs with excessive thatch. Control: Before planting new turf - remove large concentrations of organic matter such as tree stumps or roots and construction lumber. Avoid heavy thatch development. Antagonims is sometimes effective by moving the ring around in the landscape among other rings - although this is only effective if there is heavy infestation.

Monocious plants

______________________ have both male and female flowers on the same plant

Powdery Mildew

______________________ is a fungi that affects primarily Poa and Festuca species of turf when susceptible cultivars are subjected to extended periods of low light intensity, especially when they are grown on shaded sites or where air circulation is poor. Symptoms: Large infected areas look as though flour or lime had been dusted over the turf grass. It is first appears as fine, white mycelia on leaves and leaf sheathes but then enlarges rapidly to cover much of the leaf surface - making the leaves appear powdery or dusty. Heavily infected areas turn yellow, and then tan or brown as they die. Colonies darken as they become old, and speck-sized black fungal fruiting structures form in the weft of the mycelium. Cause: Blumeria gaminis is the fungal parasite that causes this. Cool (55-70 F) , humid, cloudy weather favors this parasite which is easily spread by air currents. Control: Include shade tollerant mildew resistant turfgrass cultivars in the seed mixture when the turf is established. Selectiely prune and carefully place ornamental shrubs and trees to allow good penetration of sunlight on the turf. Fungicides are effective.


______________________ the stalk that the individual leaflets of a leaf are attached to in a compound leaf.

Cinch Bugs

_______________________ are small, white and black insects that suck sap from grass. The adults have light colored forwings and a conspitious black triangle midway along the outside margin. The first symptom of infestation is dead patches of grass in sunny areas. Most of the damage is caused by the nymphs as they suck plant juices from young grass. They will concentrate their feeding at the edge of the dead path. The "big-eyed" bug, which looks similar but lacks the white cross and has large eyes, preys on these bugs.


_______________________ are very common and are very difficult to control. There are several different species found on plants indoors, including some that feed on plant roots. They have sucking mouth parts that remove plant fluids and they often leave a sticky honeydew that attracts black sooty mold and ants. The only way infestations occur in interiorscapes is when infested plant material is introduced from outside.

Necrotic Ring Spot

_______________________ is a turf disease that primarily affects Kentucky Bluegrass and annual bluegrass turfs that intensely managed. Symptoms: The disease first appears as scattered light green patches, typically 2 to 6 inches in diameter. In warm tohot weather, these patches soon enlarge and rapidly fade to a dull reddish brown, then a light tan, and finally to a light straw color. The patches may become sunken, elongated streaks, crescents, or rough circles, and may be 1 to 3 feet or more in diameter. Dead patches will have a healthy tuft of grass in the center. Cause: Soilborne fungus (Ophiosphaerella korrae). Disease development is favored by cool to mild temps and wet conditions early in the growing season followed by hot and dry conditions in the summer. This disease can occur over a wide range of soil pH from 5-8. Control: Maintaine good cultural practices such as providing good drainage, using a fertilizer with a good balance of nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus, using resistant cultivars of grasses, and if possible - aerating the soil and removing excess thatch. Reduce heat stress by watering breifly midday. Some systemic fungicides are effective when applied mid-spring before disease symptoms appear.

Pythium Blight

________________________ affects primarily perennial ryegrass, creeping bentgrass, and annual bluegrass. Disease development and spread occurs rapidly and large areas of turf can be completely destroyed within 24-48 hours. Symptoms: Round to irregular, dark, water-soaked, greasy or slimy, sunken patches of matted grass, up to 6-12 inches wide, develop rapidly in hot or cool, very wet weather. Cause: Waterlogged soils and a moist thatch layer, along with high relative humidity (90% or greater) and daytime temps of 80 to 90F with warm nights provide ideal conditions. Caused by several fungal species. Poor soil drainage and wet turfgrass canopy are the two most important criteria for this disease. Excessive nitrogen also favors this disease. Control: Improve drainage. Avoid overwatering, thick thatch, excessive nitrogen and compacted soil. Several fungicides are available that are effective.

Hardwood cuttings

________________________ cuttings have to survive on stored reserves in the stems until new leaves are formed and new roots are initiated.

White Flies

________________________ have piercing-sucking mouth parts that they use to suck juices from plants. They excrete large amounts of honeydew which attracts black sooty mold and ants. They are most likely to be found on chrysanthemum, poinsetta and fuchsia or other flowering plants brought in from outdoors. All insect stages develop on the underside of the plant but the adult is usually found on the upper leaves.

Leaf Spot and Melting Out.

_________________________ and ______________________ affects all cool season turfgrasses and are caused by fungi (Bipolaris and Drechslera species). These fungi are favored by dry periods alternating with prolonged cloudy, wet weather, and moderate temperatures. Symptoms: Leaf spots first appear as small, dark purple or black spots on the leaf blade, which become oval spots with buff-colored centers, surrounded by a dark brown to dark purple margin. As the disease continues to develop the summer phase will present with elongated brown centers on the leaf blades, leaf sheaths and stems and the affected turf areas may appear yellow. Control: Fertilize to maintain a vigorous, but not lush, turf. Avoid a thick thatch. Water infrequently but deeply in the early morning. Avoid scalping the grass when mowing. Apply fungicide in May to turf.


_________________________ are tiny roundworms that are so mall that most cannot be seen with the naked eye. There are several thousands of species - most live freely in the soil. Some are parasitic on plants. Most feed on the roots of plants but there are some foliar nematodes.

Early detection and diagnosis

_________________________ is the key to controlling nearly all pests before significant plant injury or control expenses occur.

Verticulum wilt

__________________________ is a common disease of many different kinds of plants including ornamentals. Especially common among maples and particularily small ornamental maples. Usually the leaves on a plant suddenly wilt. An overall yellowing of the foliage sometimes precedes this wilting. The wilted leaves may drop early or cling on. The internal symptoms in woody plants is discoloration of the sapwood in the twigs and branches or trunk - visible only after the plant has shown advanced stages of foliage wilt. Cause: Fungi Verticillium dahliae and V. albo-atrum. The fungus is spread by the movement of infected soil, contaminated seed, vegetative cuttings and nursery stock, and contaminated pruning tools and equipment and insects and airborne spores. Control: Plant disease free nursery stock. Clean tools. Fertilize in the spring to promote vigourous growth. Avoid applying excess nitrogen.

raking and rolling

___________________and ________________ are necessary for broadcast seeding to facilitate good seed to soil contact.

Botanical variety (var), form (F), or subspecies (ssp)

a _____________, ____________, or _________________ may be added to the Latin binomial name if the plant variety is much the same as the subspecies but less different from other plant species.

apical meristem

a group of actively dividing cells located at the tip of the stem of woody plants and some herbaceous plants is called the _____________


a mowing that removes an excessive amount of top growth is called __________________.


a small group of cells that retain the capacity for rapid cell division

smooth, corrugated roller

avoid a __________________ finished surface when seeding. A finished seedbed should have shallow uniform depressions about 1/2 inch deep and 1 to 2 inches apart such as are made by a ______________.

adventitious plants

dandylions, crabapple, cherry, plum, quince and hawthorne are all examples of ___________________.


examples of _____________ include foxglove, parsnips, hollyhocks, and money plant.


examples of _______________ are cereal grains, brans, garden peas, marigolds and petunias.


examples of herbaceous ____________________ include sedum, hosta, iris, and peony. Examples of woody _________________ include maple, forsythia, pine and rhododendron.

cork cambium

found outside of the secondary phloem is the ____________ forming suberized cells, corky cells that provides protection for the stem.


in ___________________ the three tissues of the stem, xylem, cambium and phloem are formed in bundles scattered discontinuously throughout the stem.


mowing promotes _______________ growth. During initial establishment turf should be mowed as frequently as possible. The first mowing should occur as soon as the grass is high enough to mow at optimal height.

vascular cambium

new cells produced on the inside of the ________________ become secondary xylem and new cells produced on the outside of the ______________ become secondary phloem.

Type A Chlorophyll

only ____________ chlorophylls are directly involved in photosynthesis.


photosynthesie takes place within the organelle called the _____________.


plants that produce their seeds in cones are called _____________.


remove no more than ____________ of the leaf blade with any mowing.


roots will not grow into ___________ soil


small pores in the epidermal cells of plants called the ________________ are sites for exchange of gases and water vapor.

36 hours

sod is perishable and should not remain on the pallet stack for more than ________________.

Dioecious plants

species such as holly, bittersweet, and willow that have male and female flowers on separate plants and thus require plants to be in close proximity to each other for pollination to occur.


the area between the upper and lower epidermis is called the __________________ where veins in the leaf are.

early morning

the best time to water plants to avoid foliage being wet for long periods of time is _________________.

Chlorophyll, carotenes and carotenoids

the chloroplast contains these pigments: __________, _________ and ____________.


the cultural practice that minimizes soil moisture loss and reduces weed competition is ___________________.

cell division

the first and most fundemental process of plant growth that involves the increase in the number of cells through mitosis is called ___________.

aster yellows

the most common phytoplasma disease in the ornamental industry is _______________.


the point of attachment of a leaf to a stem is called a _____________.


the rings on the inside of a stem are ________ that no longer conduct water and minerals.


these worms produce silk. they are defoliators and best controlled with Bt or contact herbicides. _________________

vascular cambium

tissues on the outside of the ____________________ are called bark.

visual evaluations

turfgrass nitrogen requirments are usually based on ___________ rather than soil tests.


viruses and phytoplasmas are _________________ than bacteria and are spread mainly by contact between plants - often by vectors such as sucking insects like leafhoppers and aphids and also contaminated equipment.

dicots and gymnosperms

xylem is formed inside a ring of cambium tissue and phloem is formed on the outside of the cambium in both ____________ and _________________

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