OSHA-10 Final Review

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Automobile Accident Statistics

Car crashes in the United States result in high costs both monetarily and in human lives. Many of these accidents occur as a result of distracted driving with cell phone usage being a leading cause of distraction.

Chemical Hazards

In this section you learned that there are different chemical hazards in the workplace and the effects they can have on you. Be sure to look for potential chemical hazards through visual signs such as gases, fumes, mists, or even liquids. Also, remember that at times these hazards may not be clearly visible. So if any of the common symptoms occur during or after work, be sure to bring this up with your supervisor.

Employer Responsibilities: Ladders

Employers must keep ladders in good condition for their workers to use and must also ensure that their workers use the ladders correctly

Safety Data Sheets

An SDS is a document that each chemical manufacturer, distributor, or importer must provide for each hazardous chemical. It contains detailed information such as the properties of each chemical; the physical, health, and environmental health hazards; protective measures; and safety precautions for handling, storing, and transporting the chemical. An SDS must be in a uniform format and there must be an SDS for every hazardous chemical in the workplace.

Emergency Action Plan

An EAP documents what should be done during different types of emergencies. Having a plan in place means that it's less likely injuries or damage will occur during an emergency. It also provides information on post emergency plans and communication. Every employee should be trained on the plan and know their individual responsibilities.

In Case of Exposure-Bloodborne pathogens

If you are exposed to infectious material via a needle stick or sharps injury or are exposed to blood or other bodily fluids, immediately wash the area with soap and water, flush splashes to the nose, mouth or skin with water, or irrigate the eyes with water, saline or sterile irrigants. Then report the incident to your employer who is required to offer you a cost-free medical evaluation and appropriate testing.

Hard Hat

In this section you learned that there are different classes of hard hats. The type of work you will be doing determines which type of hard hat you should wear. Class C offers the lowest protection, just providing protection from minor bumps. Class E and G provide protection from falling objects as well as varying degrees of protection from electrical shocks, Class G offers protection from up to 2,200 volts while Class E provides protection up to 20,000 volts.


In this section you learned that you must use eye protection to prevent injuries to your eyes from splashes, dust, flying particles, and intense light. The type of eye protection you use depends on the hazard you will be exposed to.

Inspection Process

OSHA enforces standards through inspections, prioritizing the most dangerous workplaces. Inspections follow a standard process, consisting of an opening conference, a walkthrough, and a closing conference. Workers have the right to participate in the inspection to point out safety and health issues in the workplace. They also have the right to participate in any meetings related to the inspection and can object to the date set for the violation to be corrected and be notified if they employer files a contest.

Roles in Safety and Health Programs

Of the core elements of successful safety and health programs, the ones which directly relate to individuals' roles are Management Leadership, Worker Participation, and Education and Training. Remember that it takes more than just workers or employers to help reduce the likelihood of workplace accidents: every employee or employer must work together and be trained properly so that fewer injuries occur.

Musculoskeletal Disorders

Poor ergonomics can lead to musculoskeletal disorders which can affect almost every part of your body including muscles, nerves, blood vessels, ligaments, and tendons. Injuries are caused by exerting excessive force, working in awkward positions for long periods, repeatedly performing the same tasks, localized pressure, cold temperatures, vibration, or a combination of exposure to several risk factors. Knowing the risk factors for each task helps you reduce the likelihood of getting injured.

Slip and Trip Hazards

Poor housekeeping creates additional slip and trip hazards. Employers are responsible for maintaining the work area, but you have a responsibility to follow your employer's guidelines. In some cases, the work area has some slip and trip hazards which cannot be removed, and workers must use the correct footwear and be aware of their surroundings in order to remain safe. The greater the traction the footwear provides, the less likely you are to slip while walking.

Preventing Materials Handling Hazards

Protect yourself when handling, using, or disposing of materials by wearing appropriate PPE for the eyes, hands, and feet. Don't move things that are too bulky or heavy by yourself. Practice safe lifting techniques and use aids, pads, handles, or wheels to move items, if possible.

Causes of Accidents and Risk Factors

Some of the most common types of accident causes are the driver of a vehicle, the vehicle itself, the road condition, and the weather. Inexperience, risky driving, and impaired driving also increase the chances of having an accident. While some of these causes are beyond your control, causes related to you, the driver, can and should be addressed.

When Guarding is Required

Anytime you are working on a machine where the point of operation exposes you to injury, it must be guarded. Special hand tools used to avoid the point of operation are not an acceptable substitute. Fan blades, rotating barrels, containers, and drums, power transmission apparatus, and abrasive wheel machinery always require guards. Safeguards themselves must meet certain requirements and not add any danger.

Methods to Prevent Workplace Hazards

Effective controls protect you, the worker, from workplace hazards. Often, workers have the best understanding of why hazards exist in their workplace, which is why you should be involved in the process of preventing and controlling workplace hazards. Your employer must use the hierarchy of hazard control to protect you sufficiently from hazards, which involves eliminating or substituting hazards, implementing engineering or administrative controls, and/or selecting and using PPE. Additionally, your employer can prevent or control workplace hazards by using a hazard control plan, developing emergency plans, and evaluating the effectiveness of existing controls.

Guardrails and Stairs

Guardrails prevent falls by acting as barriers along open sides of stairways, platforms, and other hazards involving floor or wall openings. Your employer is responsible for installing and maintaining any guardrails where you work. Any staircase extending more than 4 steps is required to have a handrail in order to allow you to maintain 3 points of contact while walking along the stairs. Stairs should not be used as a storage area, and you should never carry heavy items while using stairs.

HAZCOM Basics- Hazard Communications

Now that you have learned a few of the basics, remember that any chemical in the workplace can potentially enter your body through inhalation, ingestion, injection, or absorption. Some chemicals can cause short term exposure effects, while others can cause chronic exposure that lasts years.


The main causes of injuries when using forklifts are overturns, striking pedestrians, being crushed by a forklift, or falling from one. However, the likelihood of injuries can be lessened by following safety practices, including safe driving practices, adhering to guidelines for driving on ramps, distributing loads correctly, using dock boards, and following struck-by guidelines. Only authorized personnel who are trained and over 18 should operate a forklift.

Driving on the Job

There are a variety of important regulations in place when you drive for a living. Make sure that you understand and keep to these guidelines. Remember, if your employer does not follow OSHA's rules concerning employees who drive, you can report it to OSHA. No job is worth your health or your life!

Major Electrical Hazards

There are several types of electrical hazards, all of which can cause injury or death. For this reason, you need to be aware of the dangers involved with working around electricity.

Hazards Associated with Materials Handling

Though the hazards associated with materials handling in the workplace are varied, in most cases they are caused by using equipment or materials incorrectly, poor housekeeping and inadequate storage methods. Exceeding load capacity, manually moving heavy items, and struck-by and caught-on/between accidents are also common sources of injury. The types of injuries you could receive in such cases are extensive. The best thing to do to keep safe on the job is to analyze your job's tasks and identify potential hazards associated with that task.

Who is at Risk? Workplace Violence

Workplace violence can affect anyone, but individuals working in certain occupations such as delivery drivers, those working alone, and those working with money all face an inherently greater risk of workplace violence.

Reporting Hazards

The first action to report a safety hazard should be to contact your team leader, supervisor, manager, safety committee, etc. You may file a report online, in person, by fax or mail, or after a phone conversation. Serious hazards almost always result in a site inspection, as do complaints that are written, signed, and submitted to the OSHA area or State Plan office. Complaints that are submitted online, over the phone, or are not serious hazards will be resolved over the phone. It is recommended that all forms be fully completed and signed.


A sling is what is used to connect a load to a crane hook. There are three main types of slings: chain, wire, and rope and mesh. The type you select to carry a load, depends on the load and environmental factors. There are standard precautions you can use to reduce hazards when working with slings. A competent person must inspect slings before and during use and damaged slings must never be used.

Chemical Container Labels

All hazardous chemicals in the workplace must contain a label that includes critical information you need to identify what the chemical is and the warnings you need to be aware of. The label should be clearly legible and marked on the container.

Coping Skills -Workplace Violence

Anticipating and preventing workplace violence is the first step, but it is also important to be prepared to endure and manage the situation if workplace violence should occur.

Types of Fire Extinguishers

Fires are classified into five different categories depending on what is burning. There are four types of fire extinguisher. The type of fire extinguisher used to fight a fire depends on the type of fire being fought. There is a standard set of steps to be followed when using a fire extinguisher to fight a fire. Fire extinguishers must be routinely maintained if they are to remain effective.

Chemical Controls

If you can eliminate chemical hazards from the work environment, that is the safest solution. If that can't be done, engineering controls can be used to protect you from exposure. Administrative controls, such as training, inspection, housekeeping and so on can be used to limit exposure. Where engineering and administrative controls are not possible or do not protect you completely, you should wear PPE to protect yourself from chemical exposure.

Exit Routes

In order to ensure safe and timely evacuation in an emergency situation, exit routes must follow strict criteria. Exit routes must be adequately signposted, exit to an outside area, be unlocked, be sufficiently large, as well as being sufficient for the number of people needing to exit during an emergency.

Employer Responsibilities-Electrocution Hazards

OSHA's standards require your employer to ensure that lighting, equipment, motors, machines, appliances, switches, controls and enclosures are constructed and installed to minimize electrical dangers.

Prevention Strategies- Workplace Violence

Preventing workplace violence takes involvement from management and employees. Remember to watch out for warning signs that could indicate a person or a situation may become violent.

Costs of Workplace Accidents

There are both direct and indirect costs for any workplace accident. Direct costs can sometimes be easier to detect, as they include fees and other bills which can be calculated in invoices. However, indirect costs, such as absenteeism, decreased productivity, and poor customer relations, can have a financial impact on the workplace as well.

Physical Hazards and Controls

There are four different types of physical hazards you may be exposed to while working: noise, extreme temperature, impact or vibration, and radiation. Protect yourself from these hazards by following best practices to control exposure to noise and vibration hazards and being aware of the effects of the temperature, whether hot or cold.

Ergonomic Hazards and Controls

While ergonomic hazards exist in all work environments, the workspace and the tools you use to perform your job can be designed to lessen the likelihood of you suffering from ergonomic-related injuries. Any incorrect tool usage, awkward prolonged postures, and repetitive movements can lead to musculoskeletal disorders that affect your ability to do your job now or in the future, as well as cause you permanent injury

Reducing Exposure Risks

You can protect yourself from exposure to bloodborne pathogens by treating all body fluid as infectious, wearing PPE, disposing of PPE correctly, keeping your hands clean, and avoiding eating, drinking, applying cosmetics or contact lenses around potential bloodborne pathogens. Sharps, such as needles, must be disposed of in a designated sharps container. Sharps containers must be emptied by professional biohazard removal services. Never empty a sharps container yourself.

Foot Protection

You need to protect your feet at your workplace from any hazards that may be present, such as falling objects, sharps, slippery areas, or hazardous liquids. Use the foot protection that best protects you from the hazards you may encounter on a daily basis. Be sure to inspect your foot protection regularly and keep it in good condition.

Employer Responsibilities: Fall Hazards

Your employer is responsible for providing working conditions which are free from fall dangers, including keeping floors and work areas in a clean and sanitary condition. Use non slip material on floords. Your employer is also required to provide PPE at no cost to you and to train you about the job hazards in a language you can understand.

OSHA's Standards

standards are rules that describe the methods that employers must use to protect their employees from hazards These standards limit the amount of hazardous chemicals workers can be exposed to, require the use of certain safe practices and equipment, and require employers to monitor hazards and keep records of workplace injuries and illnesses.

Biological Hazards and Controls

Biological hazards include any harmful contact with water, soil, animals, plants, pathogens, and human blood or bodily fluids. The effects can range from mild annoyances, such as allergic reactions, to life threatening events. Biological hazard sources include humans, plants, pathogens, and animals and insects. You can protect yourself from exposure by following best practices for each hazard source.

Distracted Driving

Distracted driving is a leading cause of vehicle accidents. Just by being a focused driver, you've reduced the leading cause of accidents. There are four different types of distractions: 1. Visual: looking away from the roadway. 2. Auditory: hearing noises that prevent you from making the best use of your hearing or that draw your attention away from driving. 3. Biomechanical (or Manual): doing something physically that is not related to driving like reaching for something or taking your hands off the wheel. 4. Cognitive: mentally thinking about something other than driving. Remember that texting and driving combines all four of these types of distractions into one, which increases your risk and the risk of other drivers on the road of being in an accident. Never text and drive!

Whistleblower Protections

It is illegal for your employer to use disciplinary, incentive, or drug testing programs to prevent you from reporting any job safety and health hazards. If you have been punished or discriminated against for using your rights, you must file a complaint with OSHA within 30 days of the alleged reprisal for most complaints.

Employer Responsibilities-HAZCOM

It's your employer's responsibility to develop, implement, and maintain a written hazard communication program. That means keeping a list of all chemicals in the workplace, making sure each chemical has a Safety Data Sheet that is easily accessible, that each container has a label that is not defaced, and that you are trained on the chemicals with which you will be working.

Effects of Repetitive Motion, Localized Pressure, and Vibration

Repetitive motions, prolonged exposure to vibration, and positions that expose you to long periods of localized pressure, all put you at risk for injury. Using tools to reduce the need to perform repetitive actions, using low vibration tools, and using ergonomic props all reduce the likelihood of injury. Rotating tasks and taking breaks can also lessen the chance of injury.

Hazards and Controls in Safety and Health Programs

Successful safety and health programs identify, prevent or control, and evaluate hazards and control methods. This involves regular inspections, incident investigations, and reviews of control methods to determine whether they are effective. If a worksite includes more than one set of management and workers, safety and health programs should include specific aspects to ensure that every worker and manager has access to the information, training, and controls they need to avoid workplace accidents.


The likelihood of the most common accidents occurring when using cranes can be reduced by following standard safety guidelines when operating a crane, ensuring inspections are carried out by competent personnel, paying attention to the crane load chart and adhering to its limits, and only allowing qualified workers to operate a crane

OSHA's Mission

The mission of OSHA is to save lives, prevent injuries and protect the health of America's workers. workers have the right to a safe workplace and that it is the employer's responsibility to provide safe and healthy workplaces.

Common Bloodborne Disease Risks

The most common bloodborne pathogens are HIV, Hepatitis B, and Hepatitis C. Exposures to these diseases can occur via (1) a skin injury or (2) contact with mucous membranes or non-intact skin with blood, tissue, or other bodily fluids.

Machinery Parts and Hazards

The most common way workers get hurt around machines is by reaching-in to clean equipment, not using lockout tagout, interaction with parts where guards are missing, or allowing a person who is not qualified to work on a machine. The most common injuries are amputations, especially those of the fingers. There are three main parts of a machine that you will interact with; the point of operation, the power transmission, and the operating controls. Machine movements can be divided into two categories; motions and actions. Motions are how the machine part moves, for example rotating, in running nip points, reciprocating, and transversing. Actions are operations the machine performs, such as cutting, punching, shearing, and bending.

Types of Machine Safeguards

There are two types of primary safeguarding methods; guards and devices. Guards place a physical barrier between the worker and the machine while devices either prevent or detect operator contact with the machine's point of operation or stops hazardous motion if a worker's body part comes too close to a moving machine part. There are four types of guards; fixed, interlocked, adjustable, and selfadjusting. There are six types of devices; presence-sensing, pullback, restraint, safety trip controls, twohand controls, and gates. Secondary guards are generally considered less effective and should only be used if primary guards aren't possible or as a secondary safety measure.

Respiratory Protection

There are two types of respirators: one which filters air and one which supplies clean air. The type you use depends on the work you're doing. Remember that respirator use requires that you have a medical evaluation and additional training

Safety Strategies- Workplace Violence

Though some danger in life is inevitable, there are common sense strategies to be aware of to help you stay safe. Spot warning signs and know how to manage dangerous situations, report aggressive behavior before it escalates, share safety tips with your coworkers, and help make safety a meaningful part of your work culture.

Hearing Protection

Wearing earplugs or earmuffs correctly can preserve your hearing when you are on a jobsite with high noise levels. The longer you're exposed to noise, the more likely it is that hearing damage will occur. Be sure to select the type of hearing protection that will best protect you based on your work environment and the noise levels you expect to encounter


Become familiar with all nine standard pictogram symbols to easily identify the types of hazards in chemicals in your workplace, including those that pose chemical, physical, health, and environmental hazards. Beware that the environmental pictogram is not required according to the GHS so be cautious when using any chemicals in the environment.

How to Stay Safe on the Road

Do something, learn something, and say something. Do something today to be a better driver. Learn more about what it means to stay safe, stay alert and to anticipate dangers. Say something: speak up for yourself and your friends and family

Fixed Ladders

Fixed ladders are permanently attached to a structure, a building, or equipment. Your employer is required to have ladder safety or personal fall arrest systems for fixed ladders that extend more than 24 feet, and any worker ascending these ladders must be a qualified climber with additional training.

Fire Prevention Plan

Having a fire prevention plan means that because advance planning has taken place, any emergencies should result in few injuries and damage. Fire prevention plans have required elements and they must exist in a written format which employees can be trained on. Understanding the risks and hazards associated with fires assists in preventing accidents occurring in the first place.

Safe Lifting

In this section, we learned that lifting heavy loads, lifting moderate or lighter loads repetitively, or when in an awkward position can lead to injury. Following safe lifting guidelines can greatly reduce your risk of getting hurt while lifting.

Ladder Safety

Just because ladders are found both at work and at home doesn't mean they're safe. Be sure to use ladders safely by choosing the right ladder for the job, tying the top and bottom of the ladder to fixed points when necessary, and keeping your hands free and always maintaining three points of contact with the ladder while climbing. Remember to never use the top of a step ladder as a step.

Defining Workplace Violence

Most people think of violence as some kind of physical attack, but that's not always the case. Violence can also be a verbal or non-verbal attack. Any time someone is threatened in a way that results in physical, emotional, or mental harm, it could be considered violence.

Right to Know

The Right to Know law requires anyone who produces or uses chemicals to provide you with the right information to know how to protect yourself, including the potential harm each chemical can do to you. The standard ways of communicating chemical information are safety data sheets and labels. Your employer must also maintain a list of all chemicals you may be exposed to AND provide training to minimize exposure to these chemicals.

Benefits of Safety and Health Programs

Ultimately, the benefits of a safety and health program outweigh potential costs associated with developing and maintaining it. These benefits include preventing workplace injuries, illnesses, and deaths as well as better morale, improved employee retention, and improvements in service quality.


While many different types of emergencies require evacuation, the decision to evacuate is dependent on factors such as of the extent or location of the emergency or even the type of building in which it is occurring. Your employer should have a plan in place regarding the expected evacuation plans or fire fighting expectations and ensure that all employees are aware of both evacuation plans and what to do once the emergency has passed.

Workers' Rights and Responsibilities

You, the worker, must follow occupational safety and health standards and rules that apply to your workplace. You have the right to: a safe and healthful workplace, knowledge of hazardous conditions, information on any injuries or illnesses in your workplace, complain or request hazard correction from your employer, training as provided in the OSHA standards, hazard exposure and medical records, the ability to file a complaint with OSHA, participate in an OSHA inspection, and freedom from retaliation for exercising your safety and health rights.

Employer Responsibilities- PPE

Your employer is responsible for conducting a hazard assessment at your workplace, selecting and providing the appropriate PPE for the hazard present, making sure the PPE fits you properly and you know how and when to use it, and training you on the limitations of your PPE as well as how to care for and dispose of it.

Employer Responsibilities

Your employer must follow OSHA's standards. This means that your employer is responsible for providing you, the worker, with training required by OSHA standards, a workplace free of recognized hazards, medical exams when required by OSHA standards, and access to your exposure and medical records. Additionally, your employer must keep records of illnesses and injuries, not discriminate against workers exercising their rights, post OSHA citations and abatement notices, and provide and pay for PPE.

Power Lines and Energized Sources

In almost all cases, touching power lines or coming into contact with energized sources will result in severe injuries or death.


In this section, we learned that the main causes of deaths and injuries on scaffolds are falls, being struck by objects, electrocution, scaffold collapse and bad planking.

Awkward and Static Postures

In this section, we saw that maintaining a static or awkward position for long periods of time can cause injury. There are things that you can do, like changing your workflow, changing your work setup, or using different equipment to help reduce the likelihood of injury.


During a natural disaster, such as a tornado, or during a man-made event, such as when chemical, biological, or radiological contaminants are released, sheltering-in-place is recommended. During such events, you should follow recommended safety precautions, such as sealing up vents, windows, and doors, seeking refuge in a windowless, interior room, keeping in communication, and monitoring the ongoing situation.

Hand Protection

Gloves protect your hands from a variety of hazards, but it's important that you use the right gloves for the job and that the gloves fit your hands correctly. Be sure to use your gloves properly and inspect them for any damage to protect your hands from any hazards on your worksite.

The Importance of Good Posture

Good posture is one that places the least amount of stress on your muscles and joints. Maintaining good or neutral postures when performing tasks helps prevent injuries from occurring.

Worker Resources

There are many resources available to workers who want to find out more information about safety or health issues both inside and outside of their workplace. These include but are not limited to: safety data sheets (SDSs), labels and warning signs, NIOSH, health care providers, and OSHA.

Protection Against Electrical Hazards

There are several ways you can be protected from electrical hazards. These are using tools and power cords safely, understanding how a GFCI can protect you, and following lockout/tagout procedures

Employer Responsibilities-bloodborne Pathogens

You, as a worker, have legal protections against health hazards related to bloodborne pathogens. Among other things, these protections require that employers provide PPE, use controls to prevent injury, label hazards correctly, and provide Hepatitis B vaccinations, as well as free medical evaluations should an injury involving bloodborne pathogens occur.

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