OT Final Exam review

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MCP and DIP flexion ROM

0-90 degrees

What is normal shoulder external/lateral rotation ROM?

0-90 degrees

What lever provides the most mechanical advantage?

2nd class lever

How many times do we swallow per night?

3-7 times

What is injured with nursemaids elbow?

Annular ligament (swinging child)

What muscle may be affected if your client has trouble reaching forward for an item?

Anterior Deltoid

Which never is damages if someone experiences scapular winging?

Axillary Pectoralis Dorsal scapular Long thoracic (correct answer)

Radial nerve dermatome

C6- C8

median nerve dermatome

C6- C8

Ulnar nerve dermatome

C8, T1

Glenohumeral sublaxation is common after what?

CVA/ stroke

Which type of joint is the pubis symphysis?

Cartilaginous (correct answer) Fibrous Saddle

Your client demonstrates weakness and sensory changes on the left side of his face, arm, and leg. What is the likely diagnosis?

Cerebrovascular accident (CVA)

The action of the sartorial muscle is responsible for:

Crossing the legs (correct answer) Addicting the legs Inverting the ankle Extending the hip

Your client presents with decreased hip abduction AROM, which activity would they NOT find challenging?

Crossing their legs (correct answer) Jumping jacks Putting on pants Side lunges

Greatest forces occur at what joints?

DIP joints

Why muscles is this pitcher using to throw a baseball?

Deltoid, supraspinatus, pec major Teres major, triceps brachii Teres minor, infraspinatus (correct answer) Subscapularis, latissiumus dorsi

What portion of the brachial plexus does not give rise to any terminal branches?


Which of the following is NOT a hip precaution for a THR posterior approach?

Do not flex > 90 degrees Do not cross the legs Do not abduct the leg (correct answer) Do not internally rotate

What type of contraction occurs in your hamstrings when you try to touch your toes?


Which of the following is a uniaxial joint?

Elbow (correct answer) Shoulder CMC joint Hip

Action of levator scapulae

Elevates scapula and tilts glenoid cavity inferiorly by rotating scapula

What muscles make up the anatomical snuff box?

Extensor pollicis longus Extensor pollicis brevis Abductor pollicis longus

Which type of levers are most common in the body?

First class Second class Third class (correct answer)

When shaking your head "no" movement occurs in which plane?

Frontal Sagittal Transverse (correct answer)

Tightness in which muscle is often associated with compression of the sciatic nerve?

Gluteus Maximus Piriformis (correct answer) Recuts femoris Gemelli

gluteus medius does the following functions EXCEPT:

Hip adduction (correct answer) Hip abduction Hip flexion Both b and c

Which of the following muscles is NOT member of the erector spinae group?

Iliocostalis Iliopsoas (correct answer) Longissimus Spinalis

Which part of the pelvis is used for weightbearing?

Ischial tuberosities

Which of the following articulates with the head of the radius during elbow flexion?

Lateral epicondyle Greater tubercle Coronoid process Capitulum (correct answer)

This muscle is responsible for lateral chewing:

Lateral pterygoid (correct answer) Masseter Temporalis Temporalis Suprahyoids

What muscle is known as the "climbers muscle"?

Latissimus dorsi

If your client is rotating the trunk to the left side, which muscles are contracting?

Left external and right internal oblique Right external oblique and left internal oblique (correct) Right external oblique and right internal oblique Left external oblique and left internal oblique

When observing a client walking, you note that their hip drops to the left side when they step forward, this indicates weakness of the:

Left gluteus medius and Maximus Left gluteus Maximus Right gluteus medius and minimus (correct answer) Right gluteus Maximus

Damage to the ______ will lead to the paralysis of the Serratus anterior

Long thoracic nerve (correct answer) Musculotaneous nerve Median nerve

If a client has difficulty chewing, what muscle may be affected?


What nerve innervates the adductor pollicis?

Median nerve Ulnar nerve (correct answer) Radial nerve

What is bowstringing?

Moving a tendon away from the joint

Which bone in the foot bears the weight of the body from the tibia?

Navicular Fibula Cuboid Talus (correct answer)

What bone does the ulna articulate with in the wrist?

None- articular disc in between

You see your client doing push ups, this is an example of a

Open kinematic chain Closed kinematic chain (correct answer) Active insufficiency Passive insufficiency

Your client has difficulty putting on gloves. Which muscles should you MMT?


When a client fully flexes their wrist, they are unable to flex their fingers ; this is an example of:

Passive insufficiency Active insufficiency (correct answer) Palmar grasp Closed chain movement

What muscles cause thoracic outlet syndrome?

Pec minor and subclavius

Tightness of what muscle causes throacic outlet syndrome

Pectoralis minor Coracobrachialis Subclavius Subscapularis Both a and c (correct answer)

Which muscle is the "tail wagging" muscle?

Quadratus lumborum Levator ani (correct answer) Gluteus minimus Coccygeus

Endurance assessment tools

RPE, Borg, HR, BP, rest scales

Your client has weakness of the anterior deltoid, which movement will they have difficulty performing?

Reaching into an over head cabinet (correct answer) Tucking in their shirt Performing jumping jacks Putting on a coat

What muscle may cause a headache if it is tight?

Rectus capitis anterior

Your client presents with significantly decreased ROM for thoracoulmbar flexion, which of the following muscles may be tight?

Recuts abdominis Hamstrings group (correct answer) Quadriceps group Both a and b

When rotating your trunk to the left side, what muscles are contracting?

Right external obliques and left internal obliques

This portion of the brachial plexus does not give rise to any terminal branches:

Roots Trunks Divisions (correct answer) Cords

what muscles are in the transversospinales group?

Rotatores, multifidi, semispinalis

What muscles are included in the transversospinales group?

Rotatores, mutifidi, semispinalis (correct answer) Rotatores, longissimus, semispinalis Iliocostalis, multifidi, spinalis Biceps femoris, semispinalis, Rotatores

What muscle is affected in scapular winging?

Serratus anterior

This muscle is known as the "climbers muscle" and extends, adducts, and IR the shoulder

Serratus anterior Latissimus Dorsi (correct answer) Posterior deltoid Teres major

What is Tinel's sign?

Tapping on the carpal tunnel causes parathesias (tingling) in the median nerve distribution

Your client has SCI (spinal cord injury) at C6 and has retained wrist control but has limited finger movement. You educate them to use wrist extension to facilitate finger flexion to grasp a comb, this is referred to as:

Tenodesis grasp (correct answer) Neuromuscular facilitation Radial grasp Palmar grasp

Which thigh muscle is known as the "kicking muscle" to assist in hip flexion and extension of the knee?

Tensor fasciae latae Semitendinosus Recuts femoris (correct answer) Biceps femoris

You observe your client demonstrating thoracolumbar flexion as they attempt to touch their toes. What type of contraction occurs in their hamstring muscles?

Tonic Reflexive Concentric Eccentric (muscle lengthens) ( correct answer)

What does the ulna articulate with?

Trochlea- it helps you flex and extend your arm

True or False: The surgical neck is fractured more than the anatomical neck?


True or false: the interosseous membrane of the forearm may cause the ulna to dislocate if the radius is fractured


Your client is a 6 year old girl who was at the park with her parents when they lifted her up and swung her by her probated forearms. What structure was likely damaged?

Ulnar ligament Annular ligament (correct answer) Ulnar ligament Radial ligament

What happens is someone has a swan neck deformity?

Ulnar nerve injury Radial nerve injury Flexion of PIP joint, hyperextension of DIP joint Hypertension of PIP joint, flexion of DIP Joint (correct

The radial (lateral) collateral ligament of the elbow resists which type of stretches?

Varus stretches (correct answer) Valgus stretches Elbow flexion Elbow extension

What ROM is used to measure a colles fracture?

Wrist radial and ulnar deviation

Gluteus medius does NOT?

adduct the hip

Action of teres major

adducts and medially rotates shoulder

What type of joint is the shoulder?

ball and socket

What should a client avoid doing post THR?

bend forward past 90 degrees


cervical and lumbar

What is the best method to test for edema?

circumferential measurements

What is the tail tucking muscle?


What is fractured in a Colles fracture?

distal end of radius

When does the diaphragm descend?

during inspiration

When does the diagphram ascend?


True or false: the lumbricals of the hand extend the MCP joints while flexing the PIP and DIP joints


Boutonniere deformity

flexion of PIP joint and hyperextension of DIP joint

Capitulum articulates with:

head of radius

What is the largest bone in the UE?


Swan neck deformity

hyperextension of PIP joint and flexion of DIP joint

What muscle is not a part of the erector spinae group?


If you client has damaged their radial nerve, what action would they struggle to perform?

inability to extend the wrist

Which muscles are not part of respiration?

levator scapulae

Innervation of serratus anterior:

long thoracic nerve

What nerve is damaged with scapular winging?

long thoracic nerve

What wrist bones does the radius articulate with?

lunate and scaphoid

Innervation of biceps brachii

musculotaneous nerve

Action of serratus anterior

protracts and rotates scapula

Drop wrist=

radial nerve injury

Proximal row of carpal bones:

scaphoid, lunate, triquetrum, pisiform

In assessing a client with carpel tunnel syndrome, which bones are the pillars for the carpel tunnel roof?

scaphoid, trapezium, hamate, pisiform

Which of the following is not a contraindication for MMT?

spasticity Actute fracture Open wound Fatigue (correct answer)

lower extremity closed chain movement

standing knee bend

What type of joint is the thumb IP?

synovial- hinge

What does the axillary nerve innervate?

teres minor


thoracic and sacral

What do lumbar vertebrae not have?

transverse foramen

Distal row of carpal bones:

trapezium, trapezoid, capitate, hamate

What muscles retract the scapula?

trapezius, rhomboids

What nerve innervates the adductor pollicis?

ulnar nerve

Claw hand=

ulnar nerve injury

The radial collateral ligaments of the elbow resists what stretching?

varus stretches

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