Outline Mark and Luke's Gospel
Mark- What is the "Q" source?
An abbreviation for Quelle, the name given to hypothetical sources, written and oral, though to be used by both Matthew and Luke in the composition of their Gospels.
Luke- What evidence from Luke's Gospel shows that Jesus was literate?
shows Jesus went to the Temple and read from a scroll
Mark-How does Matthew emphasize the divinity of Jesus?
Matthew emphasizes the divinity of Jesus by his words and actions.
Mark- Whom did Matthew write for?
Matthew wrote for Jews who were Christians and he wanted the Jewish-Christians to understand the roots of their faith.
Mark- How did Matthew's description of Jesus' disciples differ from Marks description?
In Mark's Gospel, they did not seem to understand the meaning of discipleship; in Matthew, they understand Jesus' instructions clearly. In Mark, however, the disciples are described as having "no faith". In Matthew, they are called "you of little faith".
Mark- What are the sermons in the Gospel of Matthew thought to parallel?
The sermons in the Gospel of Matthew were thought to parallel the five books of the Pentateuch.
Luke- What are the two occasions that showed that Jesus prayed in Luke's gospel?
after Jesus's baptism and before Jesus's death
Luke- How does Luke portray Jesus being in control to the very end?
by including the Resurrection narrative and the disciples recognition of the "breaking of the bread," "father into your arms I condemn my spirit" shows how he was in control of his death
Luke- Why did Luke focus on the poor? What did his background have to do with it?
focused on the poor because his audience was rich so they could help, the background was that he was a doctor so he saw firsthand the needs of the people
Luke- How did Luke make the chronology of his Gospel more logical than Mark's?
he followed more of a cause-and-effect order, ex: he had Jesus cure Peter's mother-in-law first so that it gave Peter, James, and John a reason to leave their livelihood and follow him
Luke- Why did Luke focus much of his Gospel around women?
he gave the women a voice, had interaction with female patients, offers credibility, both Jesus and Luke interacted with women