PAD3003 Final exam

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fiscal year

-"fiscal" deals with taxation, public revenues and departments -12 month period without regard to a calendar year -federal govt. fiscal year is from Oct 1st-Sept 30th -floridas' is from july 1st-june 30th

bureau of the budget


office of management and budget

-1970-present -crafts budget based on priorities of POTUS

collaborative government

-a governing arrangement where one or more public agencies directly engages non-state* stakeholders in a collective decision making process that is formal, consensus oriented, and deliberate -aims to make and implement public policy or manage public aspects


-a plan regarding how revenues will be spent on a year to year basis

a public budget is;

-a political instrument that allocated scarce public resources of a jurisdiction -a managerial/administrative instrument that specifies the ways/means of providing public services, establishes costs, ensures evaluation at least once a year

public managers can use date to help them:

-account for past activities -manage current operations -asses progress toward planned objectives

pillars of public administration

-accountability -efficiency and effectiveness -social equity

kirlin states the 4 criteria pub man must satisfy are;

-achieving a democratic polity, rising to the societal level, conforming the complexity of instruments of collective action, encouraging societal learning


-actual** amounts spent by the government per year

ferrell and skinner argue that bureaucracy's centralized and hierarchical power base;

-actually *helps* create opportunities for unethical behavior

block grants

-afford states much more freedom in determining how grant money is spent

qualitative research benefits

-allows identification of new/untouched phenomenon -deeper understandings -one on one information

budget authority

-amount of money that congress permits the federal government to spend


-any entity in a network -person, system, group

information management

-application of management techniques to collect information and communicate it within/outside the organization; makes quicker and better decisions -discipline that analyzes information as an organizational resource; covers definitions, uses, values of all data

performance measurement

-assesses the quality of public services -relies on hard data -provides tools/specific information for managers to improve performance

empirical data model

-assesses the quality of public services; relies on hard data -provides tools/specific information for managers to improve performance

importance of public service;

-attracts a special kind of person -essential purposes of our society are carried out largely in public sphere -image of public-servant is not positive

deontological ethics

-based on principle -moral actions are evaluated on the basis of inherent rightness/wrongness

floridas' budget

-budget estimation -governors recommendations -legislative budget process (GAA); house/senate budgets, conference committees -governors' line item veto -overall; legislative authorizes budget, the governor implements budget, CFO oversees expenditures.

balanced budget

-budget in which receipts are equal to or greater than outlays -balanced budget means financially healthy -advantages to an unbalanced budget; -extra spending stimulates economy -but, large deficits can devalue currency, kindly inflation, crowd capital markets -all states have balanced budget requirements -federal government does *not*

theory and practice;

-budgeting is the *single most important* decision making process in public administration -budget is a jurisdictions' most important document -simultaneously records policy decision outcomes, cite policy objectives, delineate a governments total service effort

irene ruben's 12 aspects; first three are-

-budgets reflect; government choices -priorities -the proportion of decisions made for local and constituency programs

social aspects of performance:

-bureau-pathology -management-workforce cooperation -workforce motivation and incentives

qualitative research limits

-can't generalize to a broad population -challenges in applying statistical methods -hard to assess relations between characteristics

logic model

-conceptual representation of a programs' theory; includes information on resources, services, and outcomes -organized in terms of inputs, activities, outputs, and outcomes


-contracting/outsourcing of government services to private sector companies


-core concepts of public administration are; policy budget, federalism, technology -trust and confidence in top leadership was the most reliable predictor of employee satisfaction

sharing external services

-cost saving and economics -agreements in which one government unit consents to provide essential services -pursued in the interest of saving money and improving service quality

discretionary program spending

-defense, education, housing

planning and programming budgeting system (PPBS)

-department of defense -based on rational decision making -uses cost-benefit analysis

limits of quantitative research

-difficulty in recognizing new and untouched phenomenon -must have caution when interpreting data without a control group

budget resolution

-documents that set out the congressional budget

total quality management

-emphasizes customer satisfaction, excellent service, rapid adjustment to customer needs -customer focused key elements: -customer focused -continuous improvement -top management commitment -empowerment and teamwork


-ends justify means; one that rewards getting the job done regardless of potential consequences

authorization bill

-established federal policies and programs -may make recommendations concerning the proper spending level for a program/agency

teleological ethics

-ethical perspective that contends the rightness/wrongness of actions -based solely on consequences* -ends justify the means

public servants can battle corruption by;

-expressing disgust with a rip-off heard about in another department/requesting an explanation of questionable financial decisions

marble cake

-few hard lines of distinction as to what constitutes national, state, or local responsibilities -mixing of authority

policy networks

-formal institutional and informal links between governments and other actors; structured around shared beliefs and interests in public policy -actors are independent; *policy emerges from these interactions

types of networks;

-formal networks -informal networks


-group of interconnected people/things

sharing internal services

-ideal when service functions require little interaction with the public -ex; animal shelter -to individual municipality, this relationship is similar to one with a private sector

regressive taxes

-if the percentage of tax increases as income decreases -ex; property tax, sales tax, user fees, business license -has a cap so that higher income families pay a lower proportion of their overall income than do the lower earning families

progressive taxes

-if the percentage of tax paid increases as income increases -ex; federal income tax, sales tax on luxury goods, exemption of tax on basic necessities -as the tax burden goes up for high income families, the tax burden goes down for low income families

performance measures

-improves decision making -connects individual and organizational performance to management of employees -develops managerial responsibility -increase public participation

performance indicators

-input, output, outcome, efficiency -measuring performance to improve performance

rubin states that the essence of budgeting;

-is that it allocates scarce resources and hence implies choices between potential objects of expenditure

govt. and business have a lot in common;

-large bureaucracies, small leadership structures -professional, mass production and transportation -culture and decision making processes are similar -recruit from the same populations -public sector increasingly focused on competitiveness -benefits from private sector experimentation -technology presents a common language

benefits of quantitative research

-large number of participants -can have groups generalize to a broader population -numerical ratings

assumptions of total quality management;

-leaders develop and disseminate the aims and purpose of organization -implement modern training methods -encourage worker education -**empowerment and teamwork**

budget glance

-major preoccupation in politics -occupies the time and energies of lobbyists, politicians, other officials. why? -budget is the biggest game in town.

public manager

-manages people/programs that serve the public -provides leadership to governmental organizations -creates public value

categorical grants

-must be used for very specific purposes

grants-in-aid programs

-national government provides grants (transfers of tax money collected by the IRS) to the states; a portion of which is further filtered down to the country and municipal governments -comprised of categorical grants and block grants

network security

-network/clouds -ensuring integrity of data -network security is every public administrators responsibility

311 system

-non-emergency help # to reduce 911 calls -moves towards community-oriented government -fills the needs for addressing frustration with governmental services

waldo's first 3 obligations of public administrator;

-obligation to the constitution, law, and nation

robert behn

-performance measures serve these fundamental purposes: -control -budget -motivate -promote -celebrate -learn and improve

qualitative research

-primarily exploratory research; used to gain an understanding of underlying reasons, opinion, motivations. -focuses on describing a phenomenon in a deep, comprehensive manner -uses interviews, open ended questions, focus groups -small number of participants -unstructured/semi-structured methods of research

privatization and contracting of governmental services

-privatization; complete transfer of a govt. function to the private sector, govt. is removed in favor of a relationship between private company and its' customers -contracting; private organization works for customers on behalf of the govt., and is overseen by the govt.


-progressive and regressive

appropriations bill

-provides the dollar amounts for agencies, programs, and operations


-providing governmental services electronically -usually over the internet -ex; pay utility bill online, taxes paid electronically, file complaints -viewing of minutes, budgets, legislation; video streaming of government

leadership and public administration

-public managers are responsible for implementing laws and carrying out functions of the government (services) -leadership is essential for government to work

business is very different from govt.;

-pursue interests of shareholders -pursue designated private interest and sometimes ignore public interest -focus on product differentiation and managing positioning -managers have greater flexibility to make unilateral decisions

quantitative research

-quantifies the problem by way of generating numerical data used in statistics -quantify attitudes, opinions, behaviors -uses measurable data -much more structured


-relationship between two nodes

public-private paradox

-relationship has 2 concepts; business and government are ultimately different, and business and governments have very much in common

social equity

-role of public administrators -fairness in the delivery of public services

layer cake

-separate and distinct areas of authority between national, state and local governments

shared services

-services shared between government entities


-set of normative guidelines directed at resolving conflicts of interest, so as to enhance societal well-being -doing what is right -has basis in moral values -also a branch of philosophy

interlocal shared government

-shared service agreements; attempts to reduce service delivery costs and ease the tax burden on citizens while streaming local services -done so by; doing away with duplicate services, enhancing governmental responsiveness

types of shared services;

-sharing personnel, sharing equiptment

line-item budget

-simple itemized; popular with local governments

entitlement program spending

-social security, medicare

social network

-social structure with actors, ties, interactions

zero-based budget

-start at zero every year and justify all programs to be funded


-system in which powers are divided between regional authorities -constitution enumerates powers of federal government (executive and legislative) -the 10th amendment asserts that powers not mentioned belong to the states

moores law

-technology innovation will double every two years

budget process is;

-the flow and management of funds is the lifeblood of our public administration system

two major responsibilities of a leader

-the mission -the welfare of his/her people

performance budget

-ties budget to performance (outputs/outcomes) of an agency

improving performance of public organizations

-total quality management -performance measurement

issue networks

-type of policy network -alliance of interest groups and individuals who unite to promote a single issue in governmental policy. -ex; environmental networks


-understanding the distinction between right and wrong -living according to that understanding

digital democracy

-use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) in democratic processes-politics online -non-traditional ways of participating in government

program evaluation

-use of social research methods in an effort ti determine whether a public program is worthwhile -systematic, quasi-scientific processes -client centered -an outside evaluation to improve a program

geospatial information services

-visual/graphic interfaces overlying information on maps

government is very different from businesses;

-work of government has the *mandate of political legitimacy -must be fair and defensible since it's owned by all -work of govt. is defined by law, implemented by force -involves accommodation, compromise, and incremental decisions


chief information officer


chief technology officer

accountability may be achieved through;

citizen participation and government transparency

picket-fence model

close fiscal relationships between national, state, and local governments -relies on grants-in-aid from federal government

sharing equipment

each community owning an individual part of the entire piece of equiptment

administrative ethics

emphasize: -integrity -duty acting in public interest -primacy of law -importance of sound management -need to avoid conflicts -public office is a public trust

line item budget is least popular;


the office of management and budget builds the federal budget strictly based on priorities of US congress;


contemporary understanding of governance points to challenging realities in which pub admin;

hold a great deal of responsibility

robert behn's 3 big questions;

how can public managers break down the micromanagement cycle, how can pub. man. motivate people, how can pub. man. measure achievement?

in preparing president's budget, OMB provides;

how much money is requested, how much is collected in taxes, whether there will be a surplus/deficit and how much it will be.

idea behind a performance budget is that how much you spend on any given department is tied to;

how well that department is performing

budget types;

line item budget, performance budget

types of public budgets include;

line item, performance, zero-based

rohr article conclusion;

most appropriate method of integrating ethics into public administration is to study regime values and get in touch with the values of american people

evolution of public administration.. rather than understanding the bureaucratic structure;

must also grasp the concept of governance networks as structures that incorporate multiple partners in the delivery of public service

PPBS stands for

planning program budgeting system

sharing personnel

preferable to the use of part-time staff due largely to increased accountability over an individual managed by more than one municipality

both the CIO and CTO are;

responsible for coordinating secure and uniform technological systems

two types of ethics:

teleological, deontological

madison said in fed. 45;

the public good, real welfare of the great body of the people, is the supreme object to be pursued.

waldo cites in his first observation;

there has been a decay of traditional moral values, morality is "relative"

budget is a plan regarding how revenues will be spent on a year-year basis;


citizen participation does not have one agreed-upon definition...


governance networks feature horizontal relationships; network actors cooperate out of trust


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