Particles and waves

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Why would an electron act like a particle with two slits?

The very act of measuring or observing which slit it went through, made it act like a particle

What determines wavelength of momentum

The wavelength is inversely proportional to the momentum (mass and velocity) of the particle.

What happens to the water that hits the board

There will be waves going projected back out from the board (opposite way).

What you do with marbles?

when you shoot marbles

Particles go through how many slits

which means that it only went through one

When a wave hits the slit, describe pattern may wanna write

with most intensity directly in line with a slit.

Interference pattern displays

Brightness and darkness

Back wall projection of elextroms

But with two slits, we get an interference pattern like the wave

What are electrons


Matter waves are

never associated with stationary particles.

Wave is

A disturbance

How is matter a wave?

According to quantum mechanics, the physics theory that describes the zoo of subatomic particles, all matter can be described as both particles and waves That is, light, which had always been regarded as a wave, also has properties typical of particles, a condition known as wave-particle duality (a principle that matter and energy have properties typical of both waves and particles) According to the De-Broglie concept, with each moving particle a wave is associated. These associated waves are called matter waves. That is, the wave-particle duality present in light must also occur in matter. We cannot observe the wave properties of matter in our macroscopic world. This is because of the de Broglie wavelength the large or macroscopic which is very tiny compared the de Broglie wavelength of that of a microscopic particle such as an electron. One of the most bizarre aspects of quantum physics is that the fundamental entities that make up the Universe, what we know as the indivisible quanta of reality, behave as both a wave and a particle. The wave function for a material particle is often called a matter wave. The relationship between momentum and wavelength for matter waves is given by p = h/λ, and the relationship energy and frequency is E = hf. Summary: With quantum theory, we find a beautiful unification: instead of there being two fundamental entities (particles and waves), there is only one fundamental entity: waves. All objects are waves, though in some approximations this wave might look like a moving ball; i.e. a particle French physicist Louis de Broglie proposed (1924) that electrons and other discrete bits of matter, which until then had been conceived only as material particles, also have wave properties such as wavelength and frequency Sound waves do carry mass. Using a theoretical approach called effective field theory, which is commonly used in particle and solid-state physics, the team calculated the mass carried by a sound wave packet propagating though a superfluid. In a surface wave, particles of the medium move up and down as well as back and forth in an overall circular motion. The particles don't actually move closer to shore as the waves pass through. In shallow water close to shore, waves start to drag on the bottom of the water Matter has wave nature is best explained by the phenomena of electron diffraction. Matter waves are also called De Broglie waves. They depict the wave nature of all matter, everything which makes up our body, atoms, etc. it is proven that the matter waves are very small and these waves are produced in electrons and particles Everything Is Made Of Waves; Also, Particles Everything in the universe has both particle and wave nature, at the same time. They're really just different language describing the same mathematical object. Since the development of quantum mechanics, physicists now acknowledge light to be both a particle and a wave. Waves are most commonly caused by wind. Wind-driven waves, or surface waves, are created by the friction between wind and surface water. As wind blows across the surface of the ocean or a lake, the continual disturbance creates a wave crest. Quantum mechanics tells us that light can behave simultaneously as a particle and as a wave. However, there has never been an experiment able to capture both natures of light at the same time; the closest we have come is seeing either wave or particle, but always at different times. Light as a wave: Light can be described (modeled) as an electromagnetic wave. In this model, a changing electric field creates a changing magnetic field. This changing magnetic field then creates a changing electric field and BOOM - you have light. A water wave is an example of a mechanical wave, which means they are energy waves that can only move through matter and cannot move through a vacuum quantum objects such as electrons and quarks are often described as being both waves and particles, but really they are neither. They have wave-like and particle-like properties but are fundamentally unlike anything in our everyday experience indeed electrons, protons, neutrons, in fact any particle, can also be a wave, this is the phenomenon of wave-particle duality. Really, particles are waves that sometimes resemble particles. These ways that waves may interact with matter are called reflection, refraction, diffraction, and interference. Matter waves are generated only if the material's particles are in motion. Matter-wave is produced whether the particles are charged or uncharged. The velocity of the matter wave is constant; it depends on the velocity of material particles. The particles do not move along with the wave; they simply oscillate up and down about their individual equilibrium positions as the wave passes by. Pick a single particle and watch its motion The wave function for a material particle is often called a matter wave. The relationship between momentum and wavelength for matter waves is given by p = h/λ, and the relationship energy and frequency is E = hf. Secondly, the photon is now thought of as a particle, a wave, and an excitation—kind of like a wave—in a quantum field. A quantum field, such as the electromagnetic field, is a kind of energy and potential spread throughout space. Physicists think of every particle as an excitation of a quantum field. Light waves are electromagnetic waves, matter waves are probabilities waves. In vacuum light waves of different wavelength all have the same velocity . But , the velocity of matter waves of different wavelengths are different Properties of Matter waves: Matter waves do not have electromagnetic properties. The electron microscope would be constructed on de-Broglie waves. The likelihood of locating a particle in spacetime is represented by a matter-wave. The charge of a material component has no effect on matter waves. A wave is a disturbance in a medium that carries energy without a net movement of particles. It may take the form of elastic deformation, a variation of pressure, electric or magnetic intensity, electric potential, or temperature.

What is the double slit experiment

An experiment

One slit electroms


Why is electron a wave

Because they act like both waves

De broigle wavelength:let's apply the de brogile wavelength to a large object like a baseball. De broigles wavelength is equal to planks constant / momentum. So, lambda(matter) = h/p P (momentum) is mass times velocity. a baseball traveling at 20.0 m/s and weighs .15kg. So de broigle wavelength of baseball is extremely small. To give you a sense of scale, it is about the size of a hydrogen atom. This implies that the wavelength is so small, that you can't even measure it or see it. H= 6.626 X 10^-34 J.S Finding debrogile wavelength of electron moving through circuit: Since it has an incredibly small mass and a larger velocity, it's debrogile wave length will not be as small. If we decrease the mass, we will have a larger wave length. And as we move to the Nanoscopic world as nanometers, those wavelengths are close to the wavelengths of visible light. Visible light (green) about 500 nm. And this is why we have better resolution with an electron microscope. And this means that we have to start treating small particles like electrons as waves and not as a particle. Debrogile wavelength of electron Weights 9.11 x 10^-31kg Speed: 5.9 X 10^6 m/s Lambda(matter)= h/p P is mass times velocity One thing that waves can do that particles cannot is that they can interfere. If I have two waves next to each other, and as they oscillate, there will be certain areas where they will destructive interfere with one another (break each other down) and constructively interfere with one another (areas where they build each other up). but particles do not interfere with each other. Davison and Germer in their experiment were looking for interference with electrons so inside a vaccum chamber, they had an electron gun that would produce an electron beam and hit a nickel target. The interesting thing was that the nickel target would build up some oxidation on it, so they put it in an oven. As the electron hit the nickel, it would scatter the electron and they hoped that the electrons would interfere with one another. They had a movable detector and as it moved back-and-forth at different angles, they hoped it would recieved different amounts of an electron, so there would be interference of those electron matter waves. So along the pathway of the detector, there will be areas that will have more electrons than others and some will have less than others. Matter acts as a wave.

Different angles would have more or less amounts of this electric charge, so electroms would interfere with one another. Can you predict the dependance of the debrogile wavelength for both the mass and velocity? the Davison germer experiment shows that electrms interfered, and therefore showed that those electrons matter were acting as waves. To predict the dependence of major features of a diffraction pattern based upon the particle speed and de Broglie wavelength of electrons in an electron beam interacting with a crystal. To articulate the evidence supporting the claim that a wave model of matter is appropriate to explain the diffraction of matter given certain conditions.

An experiment

Double slit experiment

Wave particle duality example


A wave has


Wave has


Why don't the electrons interfere with each other when you shoot them one at a time

Even when you shoot electrons one at a time, they still interfered with one another.

Example of how matter can be waves

For example, a beam of electrons can be diffracted just like a beam of light or a water wave.

Mechanical waves and light. If you were to take a string and attach it to one end to a wall, and on the other end you were to wiggle it up and down.we would have made a wave with a pattern. A wave is a traveling disturbance. We are disturbing the rope. If we didn't disturb the rope, it would just be straight or even hang down a little bit. As we move it up and down, these movements disturb the rope. This disturbance can move along the rope. Waves are not just in ropes they can move up and down. There are water waves. If you start pressing on water from one end, you will start to see these waves that will form. Also sound waves. The sound of my voice is a traveling compression or disturbance in the air that is getting to my ear. The little hairs in my ears can sense those changes in pressure from the air and your mind perceives that as a sound. This is a traveling disturbance. There are particles with high pressure that will knock into the particles that are next to them and they will knock to the particles that will next to them. Sound waves will have these high pressure parts and low pressure parts. Sound waves travel through the air. It can also be represented in the same way like a rope moving up and down. The high pressure in the sound waves can signify the high amplitude in regular sign waves. The low pressure and sound waves can also represent the low amplitude in sign waves. A common question about waves is how much disturbance are we getting from the equilibrium? Equilibrium can be known as the equal state, The amplitude determines the amount of disturbance. It determines how much we are going above or below the equilibrium. We can also figure out how far is it from the same points on the wave. Like with one wave peak to another wave peak, this is known as the wave length. Or you can do it from anyone point on a wave that is just like it to another way. Even if you do two wave links on the node or the point of zero, they will have the same wave length even on the peak of your waves. Mechanical waves and light waves are two different wave types that can both be represented with a model. Learn about a key difference between these two waves and which wave properties can be represented as the brightness and color of light.

Frequency of a wave. Everything mentioned above is about mechanical waves. Mechanical waves need a medium. In the rope example, the medium was a rope. For the water example, water was the medium and the sound example, air was the medium. Light is a wave and it has different frequencies. Our brain perceives these different frequencies as colors. With the amplitude of light, our brain perceives that as intensity of light at how bright it is. Visible light is just certain frequencies of electromagnetic waves, since there are higher frequencies of electromagnetic waves. Such as ultraviolet, x-rays and gamma rays and there are lower wavelengths of light compared to visible light such as radio waves and infrared waves and they are all just different frequencies of electromagnetic waves

What is matter made of

Fundamental particles

The pattern of waves are

Interference pattern

Water waves on screen: create?

Interference pattern?

Two slits projection on back wall

Interference patterns

Why did physicists think that electroms produce wave patterns? Then what happened?

Physicists thought that as you shoot the electrons they are bouncing off one another and creating this interference, but then this time they decided to shoot the electrons one at a time but yet they interfered with each other again.

The double slit experiment relates to what field


Purpose of double slit experiment

It show that electrons act like waves.

Brightness is in the form of a


Why is electron a wave?

Louis-Victor de Broglie discovered the wave nature of electrons. He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics for this discovery. The electron's wavelike motion is described mathematically by a so-called Bloch wavefunction. Named after the 20th-century physicist Felix Bloch, who was the first to describe the behaviour of electrons in crystalline solids, these wavefunctions are complex - that is, they have both real and imaginary components. The Schrödinger model assumes that the electron is a wave and tries to describe the regions in space, or orbitals, where electrons are most likely to be found. Electrons behave like waves because they produce an interference pattern in the double-slit experiment the same way light does, which travels as a wave. Previously, the electron was described as a particle only, moving around the nucleus in a fixed circular orbit. So the electron makes five waves around 5th orbit. Wave-particle duality is the concept in quantum mechanics that every particle or quantum entity may be described as either a particle or a wave. Electrons have both particle and wave-like properties. Within an atom, electrons are standing waves, oscillating around the nucleus. As with all waves, there are nodes and phases Davisson and Germer Experiment, for the first time, proved the wave nature of electrons and verified the de Broglie equation. de Broglie argued the dual nature of matter back in 1924, but it was only later that Davisson and Germer experiment verified the results The correct answer is Davison and Germer experiment. The Davisson and Germer experiment demonstrated the wave nature of the electrons, confirming the earlier hypothesis of de Broglie. Electrons exhibit diffraction when they are scattered from crystals whose atoms are spaced appropriately Since the development of quantum mechanics, physicists now acknowledge light to be both a particle and a wave In these experiments it was found that electrons were scattered from atoms in a crystal and that these scattered electrons produced an interference pattern. These diffraction patterns are characteristic of wave-like behavior and are exhibited by both electrons (i.e., matter) and electromagnetic radiation (i.e., light Thus, when an electron oscillates, its surrounding electric and magnetic fields change. Like moving your hand rapidly back and forth in a pool of water, oscillating electrons send out ripples of energy (that is, "waves") that have both electrical and magnetic properties (hence, electro - magnetic radiation) Wave theory speculates that a light source emits light waves that spread in all directions. Upon impacting a mirror, the waves are reflected according to the arrival angles, but with each wave turned back to front to produce a reversed image If the electron has wave properties and it is also confined within an atom we could imagine a sort of standing wave pattern for these waves rather like the standing waves on a stretched string. The electrons are trapped within the atom rather like the waves being trapped on a stretched string An electron is a negatively charged subatomic particle that can be either bound to an atom or free (not bound). An electron that is bound to an atom is one of the three primary types of particles within the atom -- the other two are protons and neutrons. Together, electrons, protons and neutrons form an atom's nucleus Right now, our best evidence says that there are particles inside of neutrons and protons. Scientists call these particles quarks. Our best evidence also shows us that there is nothing inside of an electron except the electron itself Protons and neutrons are made of quarks, but electrons aren't. As far as we can tell, quarks and electrons are fundamental particles, not built out of anything smaller. It's one thing to say everything is made of particles, but what is a particle? One of the most bizarre aspects of quantum physics is that the fundamental entities that make up the Universe, what we know as the indivisible quanta of reality, behave as both a wave and a particle Similarly, quantum objects such as electrons and quarks are often described as being both waves and particles, but really they are neither. They have wave-like and particle-like properties but are fundamentally unlike anything in our everyday experience. A Particle Is a 'Collapsed Wave Function' The discovery of quantum mechanics some 250 years after that proved both luminaries right: Light comes in individual packets of energy known as photons, which behave as both particles and waves. Wave-particle duality turned out to be a symptom of a deep strangeness. Experiments showed that electrons in atoms could only have certain quantized energies. This observation was explained by imagining the electron as a wave forming circular standing waves about the nucleus. For a standing wave to form in a circle, an integral number of wavelengths must "fit" within the circumference xamples of Electron Waves Two specific examples supporting the wave nature of electrons as suggested in the DeBroglie hypothesis are the discrete atomic energy levels and the diffraction of electrons from crystal planes in solid materials. Photons can't be observed, since they are a theoretical construction to make predictions in an experiment The energy of the electron is deposited at a point, just as if it was a particle. So while the electron propagates through space like a wave, it interacts at a point like a particle. This is known as wave-particle duality In addition to being a particle, light is also a wave. This allows it to carry momentum, and therefore energy, without having mass wave power, also called ocean wave energy, electrical energy generated by harnessing the up-and-down motion of ocean waves. Wave power is typically produced by floating turbine platforms or buoys that rise and fall with the swells. When we're thinking of light as being made of of particles, these particles are called "photons". Photons have no mass, and each one carries a specific amount of energy. Meanwhile, when we think about light propagating as waves, these are waves of electromagnetic radiation Most of the time, light behaves as a wave, categorized as one of the electromagnetic waves because it is made of electric and magnetic fields. Electromagnetic fields perpendicularly oscillate to the direction of wave travel and are perpendicular to each other. As a result of which, they are known as transverse waves In quantum physics, a wave function is a mathematical description of the quantum state of an isolated quantum system. The wave function is a complex-valued probability amplitude, and the probabilities for the possible results of measurements made on the system can be derived from it. Electric current (electricity) is a flow or movement of electrical charge. The electricity that is conducted through copper wires in your home consists of moving electrons. The protons and neutrons of the copper atoms do not move Yes, atoms can exist outside atom as well as free electrons. Electrons play an essential role in numerous physical phenomena, such as electricity, magnetism, chemistry and thermal conductivity, and they also participate in gravitational, electromagnetic and weak interactions He suggested that electrons are particles and they undergo two kinds of motion in atoms; they either move continuously around the nucleus in certain stationary orbits or discontinuously jump between these orbits. This gives a visualizable picture of motion of the electrons in atoms Every substance is made up of tiny units called atoms. Each atom has electrons, particles that carry electric charges. Spinning like tops, the electrons circle the nucleus, or core, of an atom. Their movement generates an electric current and causes each electron to act like a microscopic magnet. In the first moments after the Big Bang, the universe was extremely hot and dense. As the universe cooled, conditions became just right to give rise to the building blocks of matter - the quarks and electrons of which we are all made. A quark is an elementary particle which makes up hadrons, the most stable of which are protons and neutrons. Atoms are made of protons, neutrons and electrons.

Double slit experiment example


A type of wave

Matter wave

Matter is known as

Matter waves

Interference pattern description

Most intensity is in middle, fading outwards from left to right.

Are marbles a wave?


Do waves have to bands


What can be a particle and wave

Not only electrons or photons though, all matter, can be thought of as both matter and waves.

One slit with water wave will look like

One big intensity point (highest intensity point) directly parallel to slit, radiating less brightness on the left and right side to it.

Slit experiment can be done with

One slit

What is an electron


An electron in motion is

So while the electron propagates through space like a wave

How do electrons act like waves?

THE MEANING OF ELECTRON WAVES When electrons pass through a double slit and strike a screen behind the slits, an interference pattern of bright and dark bands is formed on the screen. This proves that electrons act like waves, at least while they are propagating (traveling) through the slits and to the screen. The energy of the electron is deposited at a point, just as if it was a particle. So while the electron propagates through space like a wave, it interacts at a point like a particle. This is known as wave-particle duality. Electrons behave like waves because they produce an interference pattern in the double-slit experiment the same way light does, which travels as a wave. Previously, the electron was described as a particle only, moving around the nucleus in a fixed circular orbit When it comes to things like photons and electrons, the answer to the question "Do they behave like waves or particles?" is ... yes. If the electron has wave properties and it is also confined within an atom we could imagine a sort of standing wave pattern for these waves rather like the standing waves on a stretched string. The electrons are trapped within the atom rather like the waves being trapped on a stretched string Because they act like both waves and particles electrons are considered to be am example of "particle-wave duality", meaning that they are both particles and waves at every instant of time. Not only electrons or photons though, all matter, according to Prince de Brogile, can be thought of as both matter and waves. In these experiments it was found that electrons were scattered from atoms in a crystal and that these scattered electrons produced an interference pattern. These diffraction patterns are characteristic of wave-like behavior and are exhibited by both electrons (i.e., matter) and electromagnetic radiation (i.e., light) Davisson and Germer showed in 1927 that a beam of electrons hitting a crystal scatters just as an x-ray beam does, proving that particles of matter can act like waves. Electrons have both particle and wave-like properties. Within an atom, electrons are standing waves, oscillating around the nucleus. As with all waves, there are nodes and phases French physicist Louis de Broglie proposed (1924) that electrons and other discrete bits of matter, which until then had been conceived only as material particles, also have wave properties such as wavelength and frequency. Electrons actually move very slowly through direct current (DC) electric circuits. Thus, when an electron oscillates, its surrounding electric and magnetic fields change. Like moving your hand rapidly back and forth in a pool of water, oscillating electrons send out ripples of energy (that is, "waves") that have both electrical and magnetic properties (hence, electro - magnetic radiation). The Schrödinger model assumes that the electron is a wave and tries to describe the regions in space, or orbitals, where electrons are most likely to be found. Like all matter, electrons behave as both particles and waves. One of the main goals of condensed-matter physics is to understand how the wavelike motion of electrons through periodically-arranged atoms give rise to the electronic and optical properties of crystalline materials. Davisson and Germer Experiment, for the first time, proved the wave nature of electrons and verified the de Broglie equation. de Broglie argued the dual nature of matter back in 1924, but it was only later that Davisson and Germer experiment verified the result The correct answer is Davison and Germer experiment. The Davisson and Germer experiment demonstrated the wave nature of the electrons, confirming the earlier hypothesis of de Broglie. Electrons exhibit diffraction when they are scattered from crystals whose atoms are spaced appropriately. Because an electron is a quantum object with wave-like properties, it must always be vibrating at some frequency Water molecules flow as a fluid continuum, not as individual molecules, obeying the laws of hydrodynamics. Electrons, however, flow as individual particles and diffuse inside metals as they get scattered by lattice vibrations Current electricity happens when electrons flow from one place to another, usually within an electrical circuit. This is because electrons carry electrical energy from one place to another Yes, all objects, including human bodies, emit electromagnetic radiation. The wavelength of radiation emitted depends on the temperature of the objects. Such radiation is sometimes called thermal radiation. Most of the radiation emitted by human body is in the infrared region, mainly at the wavelength of 12 micron In 1924, a French scientist, Louis De Broglie, suggested that an electron shows dual nature, that is, an electron has both wave nature and particle nature. The energy an electron holds can be deposited at a point. Thus, it behaves as a particle. Also, electrons propagate energy from one place to another But many physicists will tell you that electrons are not really spinning—they merely act like it. For example, electrons have angular momentum, which is the tendency of something to keep rotating—like a moving bicycle wheel or a spinning skater—and because they have this property, one might conclude they are spinning On determining whether electrons can surpass the speed of light, Albert Einstein's special theory of relativity contends that electrons are prevented from exceeding the speed of light as a result of the relativity of time After travelling small distances at speeds faster than that of light, the electrons dissipate energy in the glass medium. They emit Cherenkov radiation, light produced by charged particles when they pass through an optically transparent medium at speeds greater than the speed of light Air allows electricity to pass through it if the quantity of the charge is large and the distance is small. In such a situation a very heavy charge passes through the air in a very short span of time. The conduction of electricity through the air is known as Electrical discharge. Electrons flow from the negative terminal to the positive. Conventional current or simply current, behaves as if positive charge carriers cause current flow. Conventional current flows from the positive terminal to the negative Unlike in metals, the chemical bonding in liquids does not allow for electrons to move freely. This means we have to introduce charges into the water before it can start conducting. do we really touch? Electrons that exist in every atom of our bodies push other electrons in every atom of other bodies or things. This electron repulsion ensures that we never touch anything, unless it punctures our body. Particles are, by their very nature, attracted to particles with an opposite charge, and they repel other similarly charged particles. This prevents electrons from ever coming in direct contact (in an atomic sense and literal sense). Their wave packets, on the other hand, can overlap, but never touch An atom changes from a ground state to an excited state by taking on energy from its surroundings in a process called absorption. The electron absorbs the energy and jumps to a higher energy level. In the reverse process, emission, the electron returns to the ground state by releasing the extra energy it absorbed. Because waves aren't just some abstract scientific concept - or something that you only see on the surface of the ocean. They are literally everywhere at all times. Waves, quite simply, are disturbances or variations in a medium that allow the transfer of energy. Without waves, energy cannot do anything. By testing the response of the human body on a vibrating platform, many researchers found the human whole-body fundamental resonant frequency to be around 5 Hz. Usually, scientists exert control over electron spins by applying magnetic fields The electron is a charged particle with charge −e, where e is the unit of elementary charge. Its angular momentum comes from two types of rotation: spin and orbital motion. From classical electrodynamics, a rotating distribution of electric charge produces a magnetic dipole, so that it behaves like a tiny bar magnet.

Fundamental particles are

The dual nature

Types of waves

The following are the types of waves: Mechanical waves. Electromagnetic waves. Matter waves.

Brightness represents

The line of brightness on the back screen shows intensity.

Matter waves are also called

The matter wave is also called as de Broglie wave.

What does matter wave describe

The matter-wave describes the relationship between momentum and wavelength.

The role of observing the electron

The observer collapsed the wave function.

Water waves: what's causing the stripes on screen

The peaks and valleys would create A series of stripes.

How does the electron act like a wave

The single electron leaves as a particle and becomes a wave as potential's and goes through both slits and interferes with itself to hit the wall like a particle.

What happens if wavelength is smaller of matter wave

The smaller the wavelength of the matter wave, the faster the particle moves.

Under what circumstance would an electron behave like a particle

They put a measuring by one slit to see which one it goes through. But then the electron went back to behaving like a marble...

What was Davisson and germer doing

They were firing electrons at a nickel crystal. They heated up the nickel crystal.

A single photon is the tinniest unit of light. Young's double split experiment. It traces its precise path either through The right or left slip. So the photon will pass through either the right or left slit to get to the far wall. With a detector watching. There is something called interference pattern. On the smallest possible scale we have ever discovered, as photons pass through the slit again but when we do not look it will change the pattern on the screen to look like waves. On the far wall it will change by simply not watching The photons pass through. In every trial ever conductor, The outcome depends on whether or not someone was watching or not. As the full tons now passed through the double slits that we did not watch, the results were the interference multiple bands. The reason why we didn't get the interference pattern earlier, was because we were observing the slit The photons pass through.and not because we chopped up the light into individual photons. But how can a photon know if someone is watching.

Thomas young's double slit experiment. This experiment prove that light is a wave. Back in the 17th century, Isaac Newton thought that light is made up of particles. Other physicists did not agree with Newton though. Especially Thomas Young when his theory The double slit experiment. With the double slit experiment, we have to slis and we placed the light source directly behind the two slits. When we turn the light source on, the light will shine directly through the two slits. We have light source, two slits, far dismtace away (detection plane, a screen which shows where the light is actually hitting.) when we turn on the lights for us and shine the light through the two slits. So if light were a particle like Newton was saying, there should be two bands on the screen and they are very bright. On the detection screen and they are aligned with the slits. Table sand hole as an example of this. The particles of the sand are falling in the hole directly aligned with it. Since light doesn't really make a mound, where the most light is hitting is going to show up as the brightest spot of this texture plane. And this will represent the highest intensity. If light were a particle a.k.a. corpuscle, there should be these two bright spots of high intensity bands on detection plane. Bright spots means more intensity. With particles, high intensity is aligned with double slits from light. What young saw on the detection plane instead was a wave interference pattern. This was multiple bands. This is the proof that light is a wave. So light is a wave so and if we turn on the light source, we will get these waves emitting from the light source. Since waves are 1d Diffraction. Polarization. Corpesel. Amplitude

What can waves do

Transfer information/energy without the net movement of the medium through which they travel

What's making the wave transporting energy?

Transmits energy through matter or space.

Ocean examples

Water waves and rocks

Electron behaves like

Wave and a particle

What is quantum physics about


Electrons act like

Waves and particles

When the wave of water goes through slit, describe how slit waves look like?

Waves stretch farthest at parallel to the hole.


When would a particle act like a wave? Lie only when it is in motion? What is the wave that an electron/matter can be? Is it distributed matter? Why a wave? Why do they act like waves? What determines wave form? Bose Einstein condensation Quizlet question and answer about waves and things like that Is magnetic force stronger than electric charge force? By how much? Or are they same? For em radiation How does matter act like waves? Why would matter act like waves? Learn the different types of waves. So is mechanical waves a em wave? Learn the peaks and valleys of water waves Would other microscopic particles such as corks and nutrientos act like that in a double slit experiment or just electrons? Does electric charge travel at the speed of light? And magnetic force? Why do particles act like waves? Is planks constant a measurement of distance? Energy?

For water waves, and screen. What is determining brightness on screen?

With the height of water corresponding to brightness on the screen.

Are marbles particles


Can an electron go through neither slits?


Can electrons only go through one slip


Can we predict pattern of photon


Do waves go through slits


Does electron hit the wall like a particle


What happens when you shoe electrons through one slit

You get one band at the detector

Shooting marbles at?

add a slit

Do particles go through both side

and not both.

When waves are going out of the slits, how do they move from there?

and radiate outwards from the center.

What is a wave

any disturbance

How does interference pattern look like?

as it will light and be dark in certain areas.

Matter waves relates to

being an example of wave-particle duality.

Classical mechanics

describes the motions of bodies much larger than atoms

Matter waves were confirmed when it was found that electrons


What are electrons

electrons are considered to be am example of "particle-wave duality"


frequency x wavelength

Where is energy being transported to

from place to place

Electrons are

it interacts at a point like a particle.

Does light display on the screen as a particle or wave?

light impacts the screen as tiny particle-like bundles of energy

Is interference pattern a particle or wave

like waves.

Wave particle duality meaning

meaning that they are both particles and wave

Electrons are

meaning that they are both particles and waves at every instant of time.

Do photons have patterns?


Double slit experiment purpose

proved that electrons have wave like properties (wave length)

What can waves do

reflect and refract

What does wave do with energy

that transfers energy

What is the wave doing with energy

that transmits energy

What does a wave do to a medium

that travels through a medium

When light hit the screen, what hit the screen and how much

the impact point of each photon

Matter waves

the term used to describe the wave characteristics of a particle wave characteristics of material particles the term used to describe the wave characteristics of a moving particle

Do electrons have waves

they have a de- Broglie wavelength.

Electroms become


De Broglie

wave-particle duality of electrons wave-particle duality Scientist who suggested that all moving particles had a wave motion associated with them

Electrons act like

waves and particles

Electroms fired to two slits pattern

we get interference pattern

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Image Evaluation: Cervical & Thoracic Vertebrae

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Chapter 6: Quiz/ Review Questions

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