Parties and What They Do

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What is a minor party?

A minor party is a political party that is not supported by a large number of people.

What is a party?

A political party is a group of people that tries to control government by getting its candidates elected. Political parties are made up of groups of citizens who share common ideas about government. These groups try to get their candidates elected so they can develop the group's ideas on issues. Political parties also believe in certain principles. They try to present candidates who will support their beliefs. Individual citizens may also become involved in campaigns during elections. A campaign is all the activities connected to getting a person elected to public office.

With which of the following statements would a conservative most likely agree?

Government should be as small as possible.

Certain features of the American electoral system have encouraged only two parties. One such feature is single-member districts. In most elections, only one candidate is elected to each office on the ballot. Since only one candidate has a chance of winning, this discourages minor parties from placing a candidate on the ballot. A minor party is a political party that is not supported by a large number of people.

In order to discourage minor parties, the two major parties act in a bipartisan way. They find common ideas and work together so that minor party candidates have a harder time winning. A minor party candidate has been on all of the state ballots in only seven presidential elections.

The two major parties in American politics are the Republicans and the Democrats. Republicans are usually politically conservative. Conservatives believe in less governmental control and more individual responsibility. Democrats are usually more liberal. Liberals tend to be less concerned about the amount of governmental control and more open to change. Both parties have many of the same goals. They often have different ideas about reaching them.

Major parties: in American politics, the Republican and Democratic parties Conservative: a person who believes in less government control and more individual responsibility Liberal: a person who is less concerned about the amount of government control and more open to change

Why is there a two-party system?

One reason the United States has a two-party system is because the nation began that way. This is true even though the Constitution did not set up parties and the Framers did not want them. It was the struggle to ratify the Constitution that led to the formation of two parties. These two parties were called the Federalists and the Anti-Federalists. Since that time, America has been a two-party country.

Many European democracies have a multiparty system. Most Americans have not supported this type of system for the United States. American voters will usually only support a candidate from one of the two major parties, the Democrats or the Republicans. As you can see, Canada has a government with a multiparty system, where power is shared among five different parties. How is this system different from the American system?

One-party systems are usually dictatorships where only the ruling party is allowed to exist. In the United States, about one fourth of the states have a different type of one-party system. In these states, either the Republicans or Democrats have held power of most offices for a long time. For example, in the South from the 1860s to the 1960s, the Democratic Party was very powerful.


Political parties are an important feature of the American government system. Members of political parties work hard to get their candidates elected and their issues discussed in Congress. Voters can show support for a political party by displaying posters, wearing buttons, and attending political events.

A platform committee is made up of delegates from each state and territory of the country. They listen to suggestions and ideas before the convention begins. Then they put these ideas together. During the convention, they present the platform. Sometimes, the proposed platform is accepted as presented. Other times, parts of the platform are discussed and changed before the convention accepts it.

Political parties have a number of other duties. They educate the public about their candidates in hopes of convincing voters to choose those candidates on election day. Newspapers, television ads, the Internet, and rallies are some ways that parties promote their candidates.

What do parties do?

Political parties perform several functions that are necessary to our government. The main function of a political party is to choose candidates. Every four years, party members come together for a national convention. The convention takes place in the summer before a presidential election. At this meeting, the party nominates, or selects, candidates for President and Vice President. Each party agrees on a set of statements about what the candidates will do if elected. These statements of policy and promises are known as a platform.

What are the two major parties in American politics?

Republicans and Democrats

What are multiparty and one-party systems?

Some Americans are in favor of a multiparty system to give voters a wide choice of candidates and ideas. In a multiparty system, many major and minor parties exist. Each has a special interest. Some of these interests are religion, economic class, or a political belief. A multiparty system has several problems. One party may not be able to gain the support of a majority of the voters. Then the power must be shared in order to create a majority and control the government. This is known as a coalition and can weaken a party. Coalitions tend to dissolve quickly as new coalitions are formed.

Members of Congress, state legislators, and other elected officials are members of political parties. They make decisions on the basis of partisanship. This means their policies or programs have the full support of their party. Appointments at all levels of government are often made on the basis of party connections.

The party not in power also has a function between elections. It acts as a watchdog over the party in power. It may criticize the other party's policies and candidates. The party not in power tries to convince the voters that its candidates can do a better job.

The political party also acts as a "bonding agent." This means the party makes sure that candidates are well qualified and of good character. The party also encourages its officeholders to perform well. If elected officials do not succeed in office, the party may lose in the next election. Between elections, political parties work to see that incumbents will be reelected. An incumbent is a person who holds an office. Parties may send newsletters to voters to explain how the officeholder is working to help them.

What is the main goal of a political party? The main goal of a political party is to try to control the government by getting its candidates elected.

Which is an example of a one-party system?

a dictatorship in which only the ruling party is allowed to exist

Political parties

a group of people that tries to control the government by getting its candidates elected


a person who holds an office


a person who hopes to be elected to a public office

Which is the best description of a political campaign?

all of the activities designed to get a candidate elected to public office

When two parties work together to advance common ideas, they are engaging in _____.


When party officials decide if a candidate is qualified and of good character, they are fulfilling the _____ function.

bonding agent

Each party is an organization made up of three separate groups. 1. The party organization. These are the people who run the party at the national and state levels. These leaders, active members, and volunteers offer their time, skills, and money in support of the party. 2. The party in government. These are the people who serve in office at the national, state, and local levels of government for their party. 3. The party in the electorate. These are people who call themselves Republican or Democrat. They are loyal members of that party. They always vote in line with the party.

electorate: all of the people allowed to vote in an election

When elected officials support the policies and programs of their party, they are engaging in _____.



political party's statement of ideas, policies, and beliefs


strong support of a political party


supported by two parties


the activities connected with trying to get a person elected for a poltical office


the tool voters use to select a candidate in an election


to select a candidate to run for political office

Americans, for the most part, have always shared the same ideals and beliefs. Because of this, the two political parties are very much alike. Both are moderate and believe in a government as written in the Constitution of the United States. Even so, the two parties also have some major differences. For example, the Democrats tend to favor social welfare programs and more governmental control, especially in business practices. The Republicans support less governmental control in the economy and fewer social programs.


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