Parts of an Egg/ Embryology

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40 weeks

Length of a normal pregnancy.


The process by which the zygote attaches to the uterine wall

21 days

Chicken Embryo development- time before hatching


a female reproductive organ in which ova or eggs are produced, present in humans and other vertebrates as a pair.

amniotic sac

a fluid-filled sac that cushions and protects a developing embryo and fetus in the uterus

Air cell

a pocket of air between the inner and outer membranes that provides chick with first breath

umbilical cord

a tube containing the blood vessels connecting the fetus and placenta

fetal development

begins at the start of the ninth week and continues until birth


fertilized egg- The first thing you were! sperm and egg joined.

uterus (womb)

hollow, muscular, pear-shaped organ whose function is to contain the developing fetus

monozygotic twins

identical twins formed when one zygote splits into two separate masses of cells, each of which develops into a separate embryo

Vitelline (Yolk membrane)

membrane that surrounds the yolk


monthly shedding of the uterine lining

Shell membranes (inner and outer)

semi-permeable, flexible layers located just inside the shell


stretchy, white cords that hold the yolk in place


the developing human organism from 9 weeks after conception to birth


the hard, outer covering of an egg that contains lots of calcium carbonate

germinal disc

white spot on egg yolk that has the genetic contribution (egg cell) from the hen

3 stages of embryonic development

zygote, embryo, fetus

Thin Albumen

(egg white) watery, clear substance in the egg that is rich in nutrients- especially protein


A structure that allows an embryo to be nourished with the mother's blood supply


An organism in the earliest stage of development up to 8 weeks


yellow-orange part of the egg that acts a a food source for the developing chick

Ovum (egg)

Female sex cell (gamete)

Thick Albumen (White)

Major source of egg riboflavin and protein


Process in sexual reproduction in which male and female reproductive cells join to form a new cell


The process of releasing a mature egg into the fallopian tube each month

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