Past Exam Questions

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Calculate a sound pressure of 650,000 micropascals into decibels (dB) (round up to the nearest whole number) Select one: a. 30 b. 90 c. 120 d. 180


Even if the lowest frequency of a harmonic sound is removed (as in the figure), listeners still hear the pitch of this Select one: a. timbre. b. missing fundamental. c. vibration. d. attack. e. chord.


_______ reacts to light to start the process of transduction in the retina. Select one: a. Opsin b. Retinal c. Choroid d. Thyric acid

b. Retinal

The condition that Ramachandran discussed (TED Talk) in which a man could not recognize his mother as his mother when he saw her but could recognize her when he spoke to her on the phone is called ___________ Select one: a. Synesthesia b. Anosmia c. Capgras Delusion d. Dementia


At which high frequency would a human not be able to hear a tone but dogs and dolphins hear just fine? Select one: a. 6, 000 Hz b. 10,000 Hz c. 50, 000 Hz d. 200, 000 Hz


Blue and yellow paints mixed together yield Select one: a. white. b. gray. c. green. d. purple.


Is the sound pressure of 650,000 micropascals that you calculated into dB considered a damaging level to your hearing if you were to be exposed to this intensity of sound on a daily basis for five hours and without any hearing protection? (This question is preceded by a calculation converting micropascals to dB. Be sure you answer that question first). Select one: a. Yes, because 60 dB is considered a dangerous level of sound. b. Yes, because it exceeds 100 dB c. Yes because it is equal to or close to 90 dB and approaching a dangerous level to hearing. d. Not at all because the loudness and time of exposure is still considered within a safe level.


The primary auditory cortex (A1) is located at the_________________ Select one: a. insula cortex b. parahippocampal gyrus c. superior temporal cortex d. cingulate gyrus


The primary auditory cortex (A1) is organized in a _______ manner. Select one: a. center-surround b. topographic c. tonotopic d. rows-and-columns e. retinotopic


Source segregation involves the Select one: a. distinction of various harmonic sounds in the broader environment. b. tuning to one particular sound. c. combination of various harmonic sounds into one. d. missing fundamental. e. distinction of auditory events in the broader environment


Paint that is mixed is referred to as a(n) _____.​ Select one: a. ​viscous color mixture b. ​additive color mixture c. ​subtractive color mixture d. ​pigmented color mixture


Stereoblindness usually results from Select one: a. stroke. b. visual neglect. c. childhood disorders. d. agnosia. e. glaucom


Blue, red, and green light combine to produce ___________ Select one: a. black b. white c. magenta d. cyan


You run an ANOVA test in SPSS and the Homogeneity of Variance results conclude you have significance. This means ______________ Select one: a. the variance distribution among the different treatment groups are similar and you need not be concerned. b. the variance distribution among the different treatment groups are different and you should be cautious interpreting results. c. the experimental data are not valid and should be discarded. d. the experimental data are significantly different.


Females are more likely to be color blind than males because the genes responsible for the most common forms of color blindness are on the X chromosome. Select one: True False


Gestalt principles are only applicable to visual perception and to no other of the sensory modalities. Select one: True False


Humans are faster and better at algorithm processing compared to computers. Select one: True False


There is more neural information flowing from the brain back to the senses than there is sensory neural information flowing to the brain. Select one: True False


A complex tone can be created by starting with a pure tone, called the ____________, and adding frequencies that are multiples of this first frequency.Select one: Select one: a. fundamental frequency b. harmonic frequency c. spatial frequency d. audible frequency


A major chord in Western music is composed of which three notes from the solfege scale? Select one: a. do-mi-sol b. do-re-mi c. fa-sol-la d. do-ti-la


A patient who suffered primary auditory cortex damage due to strokes, would have difficulty Select one: a. discriminating between different frequencies. b. judging the duration of sounds. c. judging the orientation of lines. d. all of these


All AN fibers initially synapse in the Select one: a. cochlear nucleus. b. cerebellum. c. belt area. d. parabelt area. e. primary auditory cortex.


The auditory cortex is similar to the visual cortex in that Select one: a. both have a "core" processing area, and areas outside the core process more complex stimuli. b. both receive input from the superior colliculus. c. phase locking is important for both. d. none of these; there are no major similarities.


The bending of the cilia of the ________ causes a release of small bursts of neurotransmitter. Select one: a. inner and outer hair cells b. stapes c. semicircular canals d. apex


The condition that Ramachandran discussed (TED Talk) in which people see a color when they see a number is called____________ Select one: a. Synesthesia b. Anosmia c. Capgras d. Dementia


The depth cue of ____ is the most important in the Ponzo (railroad track) illusion.​ Select one: a. ​perspective convergence b. ​accommodation c. stereopsis​ d. ​motion parallax


The key to the Ames Room illusion is that _____.​ Select one: a. ​the room is constructed to look rectangular to the observer but it is not b. ​the room is constructed of rectangular walls, but does not look that way c. ​people of a wide range of physical heights are put in the room d. ​all depth cues except binocular disparity are eliminated


The major concern involved in architectural acoustics is how Select one: a. indirect sound changes sound quality. b. indirect sound affects VAS. c. direct sound changes sound quality. d. direct sound affects VAS.


The major theories of color vision were first proposed _____.​ Select one: a. ​in the 1800s, based on behavioral evidence only b. ​in the 1930s, based on some psychophysical data and lesioning studies c. in the 1960s after Hubel and Wiesel's pioneering research​ d. ​in the 1990s when advanced brain imaging studies were conducted


The motion of the organ of Corti causes the hair cells to bend because the hair cells are embedded in the Select one: a. tectorial membrane. b. scala vestibuli. c. scala tympani. d. cochlear partition.


This figure is an example of Select one: a. a random dot stereogram. b. motion parallax. c. strabismus. d. stereoblindness. e. diplopia.


Which of the following describes the phenomenon of grouping sounds that begin at the same time? Select one: a. Grouping by onset b. Grouping by timbre c. Grouping by continuity d. Grouping by decay e. Restoration effects


Which of the following is a viewing position that produces some regularity in the visual image that is not present in the world? Select one: a. Accidental viewpoint b. Pose c. Rotation d. Good continuation e. Image template


_______ is the inability to perceive colors due to damage to the central nervous system. Select one: a. Achromatopsia b. Deuteranopia c. Agnosia d. Anomia e. Akinisthesia


Tong et al. (1998) used binocular rivalry to test brain responses when the person perceived a house or a face. When the person perceived the house, activity in the _____.​ Select one: a. ​PPA increased, but not in the FFA b. FFA increased, but not in PPA​ c. PPA and the FFA increased​ d. ​PPA and the FFA decreased

a. ​PPA increased, but not in the FFA

A voxel is _____.​ Select one: a. ​a small cube-shaped area of the brain about 2 mm on each side b. an electrode used to measure brain activity​ c. the basic unit of sensation​ d. the retinal area on which an image is projected​

a. ​a small cube-shaped area of the brain about 2 mm on each side

Mark enters a supermarket that is lit by red lights. After fifteen minutes he enters the produce section and finds some red apples to purchase. Mark is able to see these apples as red because he has undergone _____.​ Select one: a. ​chromatic adaptation b. ​re-adaption c. ​Isomerization d. ​corticalization

a. ​chromatic adaptation

A neuron with an excitatory center-inhibitory surround receptive field will respond most when we stimulate _____.​ Select one: a. ​only the center b. ​only the surround c. ​both the center and surround together d. ​part of the surround

a. ​only the center

The procedure by which complex wave forms are deconstructed into the simpler wave forms they are composed of is called ______________ Select one: a. Fourier analysis b. signal detection theory c. Steven's Power Law d. magnitude estimation

a. Fourier analysis

In the figure above, which two conditions can you be sure do not have a statistically significant difference between them based on the SEM bars? Select one: a. Shape and faces-color b. Shape and faces-valence c. You cannot be sure of any of the conditions and must run an ANOVA test. d. Faces-color and faces-valence

a. Shape and faces-color

Suppose you are the lighting director for a theater production. The current spotlight on the stage is too blue and you want to make it whiter. What colored spotlight would you shine on the same area to cancel out the blue? Select one: a. Yellow b. Blue c. Green d. Purple e. Orange

a. Yellow

The tilt aftereffect is the perceptual illusion of tilt, produced by Select one: a. adapting to a pattern of a given orientation. b. changing the direction of gaze. c. tilting the head. d. constantly moving the head. e. spinning in circles for 30 seconds.

a. adapting to a pattern of a given orientation.

During dark, no-light conditions, sodium (Na+) channels in the discs of the outer segment of photoreceptors are ________ Select one: a. are in an open state and allowing Na+ to pass b. contributing to action potential initiation c. are closed until a neurotransmitter binds to the receptor d. allowing Cl- to enter the membrane

a. are in an open state and allowing Na+ to pass

Which of the following is behavioral support for the "opponent-process theory"? Select one: a. color afterimages b. color matching c. visual pigment absorption rates d. the univariance effect

a. color afterimages

In the figure, the right LGN contains information from the Select one: a. left visual field. b. right visual field. c. right eye. d. left eye. e. magnocellular layer.

a. left visual field.

The right visual field projects to the _______ half of each eye and then is analyzed by the LGN in the _______ hemisphere. Select one: a. left; left b. left; right c. right; left d. right; right e. upper; lower

a. left; left

The psychophysical method in which stimuli of varying intensities are presented in ascending and descending orders in discrete steps is called the method of Select one: a. limits. b. constant stimuli. c. searching. d. scaling.

a. limits.

The protein structures specific to color cones that make them responsive to the different wavelengths of light that we see as blue, green, and red are called ___________ Select one: a. photopsins b. retinals c. melatonins d. rhodopsins

a. photopsins

The term "grandmother cell" refers to a neuron that Select one: a. responds best to one specific object. b. divides several times to form a number of new neurons. c. is connected to a large number of other neurons. d. is isolated from other neurons. e. was genetically inherited from the matriarchal lineage.

a. responds best to one specific object.

Contextual modulation, the phenomenon that stimuli outside of a neuron's receptive field can affect a neuron's firing rate, suggests___________ Select one: a. that neurons in the visual cortex respond to Gestalt grouping principles b. that neurons fire less when similar stimuli surround the receptive field c. that neurons are easily influenced by random shapes in the environment d. that neurons readily change their preferred orientation response depending on environmental cues

a. that neurons in the visual cortex respond to Gestalt grouping principles

In Hermann's grid, gray areas appear at some intersections because Select one: a. the amount of inhibition at the white intersections is twice as great as the inhibition between each black square. b. the amount of inhibition right at the intersections is much less than the inhibition between each square. c. the superior colliculus responds maximally as you move your eye from intersection to intersection. d. moving the eye creates a blur

a. the amount of inhibition at the white intersections is twice as great as the inhibition between each black square.

When a population distribution is positively skewed, this means that __________ Select one: a. the right side of the distribution has a long tail b. the population mean stills describes the highest point of the curve c. the left side of the distribution has a long tail d. the shape of the curve is has no kurtosis

a. the right side of the distribution has a long tail

A military tank, like the one above, is outlined with a string of white lights and when turned on, the tank appears to disappear. What principles likely contribute to this deception in camouflage? Select one: a. Accidental viewpoint and proximity. b. Luminance matching and edge disruption c. Texture segmentation and parallelism d. Good continuation and closure


A(n) _______ is an image that appears distorted unless viewed from a very specific angle. Select one: a. random dot stereogram b. anamorphic projection c. horopter d. stereoscope e. Cyclopean image


An octave is the Select one: a. amplitude of a piece of music. b. interval between two sound frequencies having a ratio of 2:1. c. frequency range of a particular piece of music. d. musical distance between two chords. e. absolute frequency difference between two notes in the same interval.


Gestalt "laws" are more accurately described as heuristics because they ________ Select one: a. guarantee accurate perceptions. b. provide a quick, "best-guess" as to perception of an object. c. describe the physiological mechanisms of object perception. d. are universally accepted by contemporary psychologists.


If a neural cone connection is +S/-M&L we can expect the neuron response to be maximally excited by Select one: a. yellow light b. blue light c. green light d. red light


In this figure, why might the top horizontal line appear to be longer than the bottom line? Select one: a. Relative height makes the top line appear closer, which means it must be longer. b. Linear perspective makes the top line appear farther away, which means it must be longer. c. Relative size makes the top line appear closer, which means it must be longer. d. Binocular disparity makes the top line appear farther away, which means it must be longer. e. Motion parallax makes the top line appear farther away, which means it must be longer.


Light that is mixed is referred to as a(n) _____.​ Select one: a. ​electromagnetic color mixture b. ​additive color mixture c. ​subtractive color mixture d. ​transitive color mixture


Newton's quote, "The rays ...are not colored", means that _____.​ Select one: a. ​we can determine the accuracy of color perception by measuring the wavelength of the light b. ​colors are created by our perceptual system c. ​the experience of color is not arbitrary d. ​a 450 nm pattern will look the identical shade of blue to all human trichromats


Suppose a new ethnic group is discovered and their language only has four color words. Which color is least likely to be one of the color terms in that language? Select one: a. Black b. Tan c. Red d. Yellow e. White


The primary auditory cortex is located around and inside the __________, and is called area ________ Select one: a. occipital lobe; V1 b. temporal lobe; A1 c. parietal lobe; the somatosensory cortex d. frontal lobe; V8


The principle of univariance refers to the fact that Select one: a. we have three types of cones in our visual system. b. an infinite set of different wavelength-intensity combinations can elicit the same response from a single type of photoreceptor. c. an infinite set of different wavelength-intensity combinations can elicit the same response from three different types of photoreceptors that are compared to each other. d. many shades of colors appear the same under certain lighting conditions. e. an infinite set of cones can record the same response from a single wavelength.


The problem of determining which bit of the image in the left eye should be matched with which bit of image in the right eye is known as the Select one: a. Cyclopean problem. b. correspondence problem. c. motion paradox. d. disparity paradox. e. convergence problem.


The wavelength distributions from an incandescent light bulb and from sunlight are _____.​ Select one: a. ​exactly the same b. ​different, with the incandescent light bulb distribution having much higher amounts of energy at long wavelengths c. ​different, with the incandescent light bulb distribution having much higher amounts of energy at short wavelengths d. ​different, with the sunlight distribution having much higher amounts of energy at long wavelengths


When the tip links in the cilia stretch, ion channels open and _____.​ Select one: a. ​sodium flows into the cell b. ​potassium and calcium flow into the cell c. ​sodium flows out of the cell d. ​potassium flows out of the cell


When we look at Rubin's reversible face-vase figure and see the vase image, we are perceiving the vase____________ Select one: a. as the background. b. as the figure. c. according to the principle of Pragnanz d. because of the inverse projection problem.


Which of the following is an opponent mechanism proposed by Hering?​ Select one: a. ​Black (+); White (-) b. ​Red (+); Green (-) c. ​Blue (+); Red (-) d. ​Black (-); Yellow (+)


_______ provide(s) precise quantitative information about distance in the third dimension. Select one: a. Relative height b. Metrical depth cues c. Nonmetrical depth cues d. Aerial perspective e. Occlusion


Which brain structure is responsible for creating perceptions and producing other "high" level functions that result in knowledge? Select one: a. ​occipital cortex b. ​cerebral cortex c. ​thalamus d. ​corpus callosum

b. ​cerebral cortex

The EBA is activated by _____.​ Select one: a. ​pictures of houses and other manmade structures b. ​pictures of bodies and parts of bodies c. ​direct eye gaze from another individual d. ​tasks that require spatial information

b. ​pictures of bodies and parts of bodies

Color matching experiments show that if a person with full color vision is given at least ____ wavelengths to mix together, the person can match any single wavelength. Select one: a. ​two b. ​three c. ​four d. ​five

b. ​three

_______ is a failure to recognize objects visually in spite of the ability to see them. Select one: a. Prosopagnosia b. Agnosia c. Anomia d. Alexia e. Dyslexia

b. Agnosia

Which of the following is not a cortical area that has been identified as processing very specific forms of visual stimuli? Select one: a. Fusiform face area (FFA) b. Extrastriate motion pericomplex (EMP) c. Parahippocampal place area (PPA) d. Extrastriate body area (EBA) e. Middle temporal area (MT)

b. Extrastriate motion pericomplex (EMP)

Major inhibitory neurotransmitter in the brain is Select one: a. glycine b. GABA c. glutamate d. choride


If a movie projector is out of focus and the images on the screen are blurry, which spatial frequencies are missing? Select one: a. Low frequencies b. High frequencies c. Horizontal frequencies d. Vertical frequencies e. Diagonal frequencies

b. High frequencies

_____________ is one important method used by researchers studying infant vision to learn what infants can see during development. Select one: a. Just noticeable difference b. Preferential looking c. Method of limits d. fMRI brain imaging

b. Preferential looking

If an infant looks longer at a striped square than a gray square, what does that indicate? Select one: a. The infant's visual acuity is high enough that they can perceive the stripes, and they are attracted to low contrast images. b. The infant's visual acuity is high enough that they can perceive the stripes, and they are attracted to high contrast images. c. The infant's visual acuity is too low to perceive the stripes, but they do not like to look at gray squares. d. The infant's visual acuity is high enough that they can perceive the gray square, and they are repelled by gray squares. e. You can't learn anything about infant perception based on where they like to look.

b. The infant's visual acuity is high enough that they can perceive the stripes, and they are attracted to high contrast images.

Cortical magnification is the _______ devoted to a specific region in the visual field. Select one: a. topographical map b. amount of cortical area c. amount of magnification d. number of neuronal connections e. amount of retina

b. amount of cortical area

Question text Rods and cones synapse linearly with ______ cells, which then synapse with ____ cells for the final output to the optic nerve. Select one: a. ganglion; bipolar b. bipolar; ganglion c. amacrine; unipolar d. amacrine; bipolar

b. bipolar; ganglion

The fMRI study by Cavina-Pratesi et al (2010) suggests that color perception in the cortex_______________ Select one: a. varies extensively by individual b. is not likely occurring in just one are of the brain c. is primarily processed in the temporal lobes d. occurs mostly in the right hemisphere

b. is not likely occurring in just one are of the brain

The visual pigment molecules are contained in the__________ Select one: a. inner segments of the visual receptors. b. outer segments of the visual receptors. c. axons of the rods. d. axons of the cones.

b. outer segments of the visual receptors.

Gestalt "laws" are more accurately described as heuristics because they ________ Select one: a. guarantee accurate perceptions. b. provide a quick, "best-guess" as to perception of an object. c. describe the physiological mechanisms of object perception. d. are universally accepted by contemporary psychologists.

b. provide a quick, "best-guess" as to perception of an object.

The smaller light-sensitive pigment that is part of the visual pigment molecule is called_______ Select one: a. opsin b. retinal c. rods d. cones

b. retinal

The fact that the brain fills in the visual blind spot with an image that is similar to the immediate surrounding of the visual field is an example of how the brain___________ Select one: a. is ultimately flawed in perceiving the real world b. tends to fill in voids in our perceptions c. creates illusions through lateral inhibition d. uses the peripheral vision to be aware of our surroundings

b. tends to fill in voids in our perceptions

A short wavelength of high frequency light is responsible for the perceptual experience of _________ Select one: a. the color red b. the color blue c. the color green d. the color yellow

b. the color blue

Standard error of the mean formula is_________ Select one: a. the standard deviation squared b. the standard deviation divided by the square root of n-1 c. the sum of the variances squared d. the square root of the standard deviation minus 1

b. the standard deviation divided by the square root of n-1

The cranial nerve that has the most extensive branching and innervates such diverse targets as the heart, lungs, GI tract, etc. is__________ Select one: a. the trigeminal nerve b. the vagus nerve c. the XI cranial nerve d. the VIII cranial nerve

b. the vagus nerve

Question 4 Correct 1 points out of 1 Remove flag Question text Blue, red, and green light combine to produce ___________ Select one: a. black b. white c. magenta d. cyan

b. white

Visible light is between _____ and _____ nm within the electromagnetic spectrum.​ Select one: a. ​100; 400 b. ​400; 700 c. ​500; 1000 d. ​900; 1500

b. ​400; 700

The theoretical significance of random dot stereograms is that they show that Select one: a. accommodation and convergence cannot be uncoupled. b. stereo vision can be achieved only with identifiable shapes. c. stereo vision can be achieved without identifiable shapes. d. the parvocellular system cannot perceive stereo. e. the magnocellular system cannot perceive stereo.


The trichromatic theory of color vision is also known as the _____ theory.​ Select one: a. ​Seurat-Signac b. ​Hering c. ​Young-Helmholtz d. ​Young-Adhart


The trichromatic theory of color vision states that color perception is due to Select one: a. the pattern of activity in four different cone receptors. b. the activity pattern in the occipital, parietal, and temporal cortical lobes. c. the pattern of activity in three different cone receptors. d. processing of color in the LGN.


Which of the following is not a monocular cue? Select one: a. Occlusion b. Relative size c. Convergence d. Texture gradient e. Aerial perspective


Which photoreceptor are most active when looking at a beautiful sunset? Select one: a. S-cones b. M-cones c. L-cones d. Rods e. S-cones and rods


Which of the following is true about the difference between the rods and the cones?​ Select one: a. ​The rods control vision in high illumination conditions, and the cones control vision in low illumination conditions. b. ​The rods are packed in an area called the fovea, and the cones are found more in the peripheral retina. c. ​There are estimated 90-120 million rods in the human eye and about 4-6 million cones. d. ​The only difference between the rods and the cones is physical shape.

c. ​There are estimated 90-120 million rods in the human eye and about 4-6 million cones.

Using Weber's Law, if the DL for a 100 gram weight standard is 2 grams, then the DL when using a 200 gram standard would be ____ grams. Select one: a. 0.02 b. 2 c. 4 d. 50

c. 4

_______ is an enzyme used to reveal the regular array of CO blobs, which are spaced about 0.5 mm apart in the primary visual cortex. Select one: a. Chromophore b. Rhodopsin c. Cytochrome oxidase d. Carbon dioxide e. Carbon monoxide

c. Cytochrome oxidase

The principles of proximity, similarity, continuity, closure were some of the concepts of perception proposed by _____________ Select one: a. Psychophysicists b. Psychoanalytical psychologists c. Gestalt psychologists d. Wilhelm Wundt

c. Gestalt psychologists

Why is lateral inhibition important for retinal ganglion cell receptive fields? Select one: a. It opposes and counteracts the lateral excitation also happening in the retina. b. It inhibits perception of the sides of objects, causing the eyes to focus on the center. c. It creates the center-surround receptive field structure, which acts like a filter for perception. d. It stops the receptive fields from responding to contrast in the retinal image. e. Lateral inhibition is not important in the retina.

c. It creates the center-surround receptive field structure, which acts like a filter for perception.

What is the function relating the wavelength of light to the percentage of that wavelength that is reflected from the surface? Select one: a. Spectral power distribution b. Spectral illuminant c. Spectral reflectance function d. Color absorption function e. Wavelength absorption function

c. Spectral reflectance function

If you interpret the figure to be a square rather than a collection of four bent lines, then you are using the Gestalt principle of Select one: a. similarity. b. proximity. c. closure. d. parallelism. e. symmetry.

c. closure.

The part of the eye that contains the most cones is called the ____________ Select one: a. blind spot b. retina c. fovea d. optic nerve

c. fovea

This figure shows Select one: a. how images end up on the retina. b. the firing patterns of four cells. c. how cortical simple cells get their orientation tuning. d. how simple cells and complex cells interact. e. how magnocellular and parvocellular cells interact.

c. how cortical simple cells get their orientation tuning.

All sensory information passes through the thalamus except Select one: a. taste b. vision c. olfaction d. audition

c. olfaction

The cranial nerve responsible for sending visual information from the retina to the LGN is the Select one: a. vagus nerve b. olfactory nerve c. optic nerve d. oculormotor nerve

c. optic nerve

The physical nature of light is best described as having properties of both ________ and ___________ Select one: a. color; waves b. color; sound c. particles; waves d. frequency; Hertz

c. particles; waves

The primary auditory cortex is located___________ Select one: a. posterior lobe b. occipital lobe c. temporal lobe d. hippocampus

c. temporal lobe

The light energy from an object is _______ into neural energy that can be interpreted by the brain. Select one: a. transferred b. transformed c. transduced d. absorbed e. translated

c. transduced

The reason blue and yellow light combined yields white light is because __________ Select one: a. white light is produced by any two primary colors combined b. blue and yellow light cancel each other c. yellow light is made from red and green d. blue light is made from red and green

c. yellow light is made from red and green

The _____ spectrum is a band of energy ranging from gamma rays at the short-wave end of the spectrum to AM radio and AC circuits at the long-wave end.​ Select one: a. ​light b. ​sound c. ​electromagnetic d. ​perceptual

c. ​electromagnetic

According to the inverse-square law, as distance from a source _______, intensity _______ faster such that the _______ in intensity is the distance squared. Select one: a. increases; increases; increase b. decreases; decreases; decrease c. decreases; decreases; increase d. increases; decreases; decrease e. increases; increases; decrease


Activity in the PPA _____.​ Select one: a. ​reveals a preference for indoor, but not outdoor, scenes b. ​is higher for pictures of faces than furnished rooms c. ​reveals a preference for body parts over faces d. ​responds best to spatial layout


Auditory grouping can be accomplished by Select one: a. similarity of timbre. b. similarity of pitch. c. location. d. all of these


Bekesy's place theory of hearing proposes that the frequency of a sound is Select one: a. based on how much the inner hair cells are bent. b. based on how much the outer hair cells are bent. c. based on whether the sound is processed through the round window or the oval window. d. the place along the organ of Corti at which the nerve firing is highest


Color opponent neurons have been found in _______________ Select one: a. the retina b. the LGN c. V1, V2, and V4 cortical cells d. all the above


How is the harmonic spectrum of sound analogous to the color spectrum of light? Select one: a. We have sound-opponent cells in the auditory nerve just like we have color-opponent cells in the optic nerve. b. Both sound and light perception depend on sensing small molecules in the air, which vibrate at different frequencies. c. Both sound and light depend on photoreceptors for sensation and perception. d. Both sounds and lights consist of many different wavelengths that are encoded independently. e. Both sound and light are processed by the anterior horn of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex.


In Fig. B above, the correct order of central tendency, going from right to left, is ___________ Select one: a. median, mode, mean b. mode, mean, median c. mean, median, mode d. mode, median, mean


In front of you is a guitar string of a certain length with a certain sound. With your finger, you push down on the guitar string in the middle of its length. When you pluck the new half of the guitar string you will hear a new fundamental note of the original sound, and this new 1/2 fundamental note is called ___________ Select one: a. the third fundamental. b. the 3rd. c. the 5th. d. the octave.


Parallel lines in the world appear to meet at a single location called the Select one: a. parallax. b. singularity. c. linear convergence. d. vanishing point. e. horopter.


Pitch is primarily determined by the ______ of the sound wave. Select one: a. amplitude b. clarity c. decibels d. frequency


Ramachandran and Anstis rapidly presented one dot above another dot in frame 1, and then presented just the top dot in frame 2, in a position to the right of where the top dot was in frame 1. Observers in this condition perceived Select one: a. both dots moving to the right and fusing into a filled-in "figure-8". b. the bottom dot moving diagonally to the right, and the top dot flashing on and off. c. both the top dot and the bottom dot flashing on and off. d. the bottom dot moving diagonally upward to the right, and the top dot moving to the right, occupying the same location in frame 2.


The ideal S/N ratio in a classroom is _____ db. Select one: a. 0 to +1.00 b. -1.00 to +1.00 c. +0.67 to +1.05 d. +10 to +15


The person credited for discovering the concepts of linear perspective was_________ Select one: a. Claude Monet b. Leonardo da Vinci c. Aristotle d. Fillipo Brunelleschi


The role of the middle ear is _________ via the ossicles. Select one: a. sound localization b. transduction c. frequency analysis d. to amplify the vibrations between the air in the outer ear and the liquid in the inner ear


When you play piano, why might you have to hit the keys harder with your left hand (lower notes) than your right hand (higher notes) to make them sound the same volume? Select one: a. Low-frequency sounds are more condensed, making them sound louder. b. High-frequency sounds are less condensed, making them sound softer. c. Higher-frequency tones require higher dB levels to sound the same volume as lower-frequency tones. d. Lower-frequency tones require higher dB levels to sound the same volume as higher-frequency tones. e. The audibility threshold curve is lower for low-frequency sounds and higher for high-frequency sounds.


When you put your 3-D glasses on at a movie, the lenses separate the two overlapping images so that each eye only receives one of the images. Today, the image separation is most often achieved by using _____ light.​ Select one: a. ​disparate b. ​alternative-source c. ​displaced d. ​polarized


Which sound frequency would have the most similar tone chroma to a 220-Hz tone? Select one: a. 200 Hz b. 320 Hz c. 400 Hz d. 440 Hz e. 500 Hz


_______ are different mixtures of wavelengths that look identical in color to a single wavelength of the same color. Select one: a. Subtractive light mixtures b. Additive light mixtures c. Hues d. Metamers e. Illuminants


_______ is a color perception effect in which two colors bleed into each other, each taking on some of the chromatic quality of the other. Select one: a. Afterimage b. Achromatopsia c. Color contrast d. Color assimilation e. Color constancy


Which statement best describes the steps of the perceptual process?​ Select one: a. ​The steps are unidirectional, starting at the environmental stimulus and ending at perception. b. ​The steps are unidirectional, starting at the environmental stimulus and ending at knowledge. c. ​The steps are unidirectional, starting at transduction and ending at recognition. d. ​The steps are bidirectional and subject to alteration through neural feedback and plasticity in response to learning.

d. ​The steps are bidirectional and subject to alteration through neural feedback and plasticity in response to learning.

The only way to see, hear, taste, smell, and feel what you want to experience is by _____.​ Select one: a. ​identifying stimulus inputs b. ​discriminating among similar stimuli c. ​developing necessary cognitive constructs d. ​activating sensory receptors

d. ​activating sensory receptors

The reflectance curve for a white piece of paper would reflect _____.​ Select one: a. ​mostly short wavelengths, a moderate amount of medium wavelengths, and a little of the long wavelengths b. ​mostly long wavelengths, a small amount of medium wavelengths, and a little of the short wavelengths c. ​a little of short wavelengths, a large amount of medium wavelengths, and a little of the long wavelengths d. ​long, medium and short wavelengths equally

d. ​long, medium and short wavelengths equally

The principle of _____ can account for grouping of stimuli that share orientation, shape, and/or size.​ Select one: a. ​segregation b. shape​ c. identity​ d. ​similarity

d. ​similarity

What phenomenon does the figure demonstrate? Select one: a. Cortical magnification b. Ocular dominance c. Filtering d. End stopping e. Orientation tuning

d. End stopping

Fechner's psychophysical methods ____________ Select one: a. are important from a historical perspective, but are no longer valid for contemporary research. b. were developed in the early 1960s. c. showed that mental activity still cannot be measured quantitatively. d. are still currently used to test a person's hearing and vision.

d. are still currently used to test a person's hearing and vision.

The rate of firing of the postsynaptic neuron depends on the amount of ______ input it receives from the presynaptic neuron. Select one: a. excitation b. inhibition c. equalizing d. both excitation and inhibition

d. both excitation and inhibition

Major excitatory neurotransmitter in the brain is Select one: a. Dopamine b. GABA c. glycine d. glutamate

d. glutamate

When using the method of limits, the absolute threshold is determined by calculating Select one: a. the stimulus intensity detected 50% of the time. b. the stimulus intensity detected 75% of the time. c. the stimulus intensity detected 100% of the time. d. the average of the "cross-over" points.

d. the average of the "cross-over" points.

The flow of information to the _____ from the _____ is greater than from the _____.​ Select one: a. ​cortex; LGN; retina b. ​LGN; retina; cortex c. ​retina; LGN; cortex d. ​LGN; cortex; retina

d. ​LGN; cortex; retina

Suppose a new culture is discovered that has nine notes per octave in their musical scale, as opposed to the seven notes per octave in traditional Western music. What might we predict about their hearing of pitches? Select one: a. They will perceive a wider range of pitches that qualify for a given note. b. They will perceive a narrower range of pitches that qualify for a given note. c. They will perceive the same range of pitches that qualify for a given note. d. After a few moments listening to music in the seven-note Western scale, their hearing of pitches will switch over to the Western scale. e. They will have difficulty hearing the difference between consonant and dissonant chords


The illusion that the moon sometimes appears larger on the horizon than when it is farther up in the sky moments later is best explained by ______ Select one: a. motion parallax b. atmospheric perspective c. Muller-Lyer illusion d. size constancy e. Ponzo illusion


What is the effect of culture on the perception of music? Select one: a. People who are from cultures without music cannot perceive tone chroma. b. People who are from cultures without music cannot perceive tone height. c. People from all cultures hear musical notes in the same way. d. People tend to hear musical notes in ways that are dependent on their genetic heritage. e. People tend to hear musical notes in ways that correspond to their culture


When driving in a car, the fact that light posts by the side of the road move faster across your eye than do distant buildings is the visual cue known as Select one: a. relative height. b. occlusion. c. linear perspective. d. stereo disparity. e. motion parallax.


Which color is "illegal" for our visual systems? Select one: a. Bluish green b. Reddish yellow c. Yellowish green d. Reddish blue e. Greenish red

e. Greenish red

Which photopigment is involved in regulating the circadian clock? Select one: a. Rhodopsin b. Circopsin c. Flonopsin d. Retinopsin e. Melanopsin

e. Melanopsin

A study of cells in IT cortex showed that they responded to very specific stimuli, such as Select one: a. faces. b. animals. c. colors. d. motion. e. celebrities.

e. celebrities.

Hubel and Wiesel concluded that neurons with similar orientation preferences were arranged in _______ that extended vertically through the cortex. Select one: a. stacks b. branches c. rows d. tangles e. columns

e. columns

The axons of retinal ganglion cells synapse first in the_______ Select one: a. magnocellular layers. b. parvocellular layers. c. cortexes. d. koniocellular layers. e. lateral geniculate nucleus.

e. lateral geniculate nucleus.

Although a "decoder" has been created for predicting orientations of lines, no decoder has been attempted for natural scene perceptions since this is much more complex. Select one: True False


The honeybee has visual pigments that are affected by ultraviolet wavelengths of 350nm, which is a little less than the low range of 400nm in human vision that produces blue color. Therefore, the honeybee likely perceives the ultraviolet light as a blue color similar to humans. Select one: True False


Auditory nerve (AN) fibers from each ear _____________ Select one: a. all converge at the level of the brain stem and synapse onto the left cortical hemisphere b. synapse exclusively onto their respective ipsilateral cortical hemisphere c. are sent to each cortical hemisphere d. completely cross over to the contralateral cortical hemisphere

not b

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