Pathos Midterm

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A patient with a productive cough and parenchymal infiltrates on x-ray is demonstrating symptomology of

bacterial pneumonia

Croup is characterized by

barking cough

Tachycardia is an early sign of low cardiac output that occurs because of

baroreceptor activity.

Most carbon dioxide is transported in the bloodstream as

bicarbonate ion

Excessive red cell lysis can be detected by measuring the serum


Signs and symptoms of extracellular fluid volume excess include

bounding pulse.

The inward-pulling force of particles in the vascular fluid is called _____ pressure.

capillary osmotic

Which acid are the kidneys unable to excrete?


Hypotension, distended neck veins, and muffled heart sounds are classic manifestations of

cardiac tamponade.

A major cause of treatment failure in tuberculosis is


Many of the responses to stress are attributed to activation of the sympathetic nervous system and are mediated by


Asthma is categorized as a(n)

obstructive pulmonary disorder.

Breast cancer in women who have the breast cancer gene

occurs at an earlier age.

A patient with flail chest will demonstrate

outward chest movement on expiration.

Fully compensated respiratory acidosis is demonstrated by

pH 7.36, PaCO2 55, HCO3- 36.

A patient has been hospitalized several times in 6 months with severe ECV depletion and hypokalemia resulting from chronic laxative abuse. Which blood gas results should be relayed to the physician?

pH in high part of normal range, PaO2 normal, PaCO2 high, bicarbonate high

Hypotension associated with neurogenic and anaphylactic shock is because of

peripheral pooling of blood.

Persistence of the alarm stage will ultimately result in

permanent damage and death

A patient is diagnosed with cardiogenic shock. The patient is hyperventilating and is therefore at risk for the respiratory complication of respiratory acidosis.

false -

Pneumocystitis is a term that refers to a

fungal pneumonia secondary to HIV

Red blood cells obtain nearly all their energy from metabolism of


The nurse provides teaching regarding dietary intake of potassium to avoid an electrolyte imbalance when a patient

has chronic heart failure that is treated with diuretics.

The patient who requires the most careful monitoring for development of metabolic acidosis is a patient who

has had diarrhea for over a week.

Red blood cells differ from other cell types in the body, because they

have no cytoplasmic organelles

Early manifestations of a developing metabolic acidosis include


A person who has hyperparathyroidism is likely to develop


Decreased neuromuscular excitability is often the result of

hypercalcemia and hypermagnesemia

The imbalance that occurs with oliguric renal failure is


A patient presents to the emergency department with a diastolic blood pressure of 132 mm Hg, retinopathy, and symptoms of an ischemic stroke. This symptomology is likely the result of

hypertensive crisis

A deficiency of von Willebrand factor impairs

platelet adhesion to injured tissue.

Accumulation of fluid in the pleural space is called

pleural effusion.

A patient exhibiting respiratory distress as well as a tracheal shift should be evaluated for


An erroneously low blood pressure measurement may be caused by

positioning the arm above the heart level.

In general, the best prognosis for long-term disease-free survival occurs with

ALL (acute lymphoid leukemia).

The Philadelphia chromosome is a balanced chromosome translocation that forms a new gene called


middle-aged patient has a follow up visit for a recorded blood pressure of 162/96 mm Hg taken 3 weeks ago. The patient has no significant past medical history and takes no medications, but smokes 1 1/2 packs of cigarettes per day, drinks alcohol regularly, and exercises infrequently. The patient is about 40 lbs. overweight and admits to a high-fat, high-calorie diet. At the office visit today, the patient's blood pressure is 150/92 mm Hg. What is the least appropriate intervention for this patient at this time?

Begin antihypertensive drug therapy.

Effects of hypernatremia on the central nervous system typically include


Clinical manifestations of hyponatremia include

Confusion, lethargy, coma, and perhaps seizures

Administration of which therapy is most appropriate for hypovolemic shock?


A type of shock that includes brain trauma that results in depression of the vasomotor center is cardiogenic.


Chronic elevation of myocardial wall tension results in atrophy.


The most commonly recognized outcome of hypertension is pulmonary disease.


What is likely to lead to hyponatremia?

Frequent nasogastric tube irrigation with water

The characteristic x-ray findings in tuberculosis include

Ghon tubercles.

Which disorder is considered a primary immunodeficiency disease?


Certain autoimmune diseases are associated with the presence of specific proteins on a person's cells. These proteins are called ________ proteins.


Which condition is associated with an elevated reticulocyte count?

Hemolytic anemia

Which disorder is caused by inhalation of organic substances?

Hypersensitivity pneumonitis

Which electrolyte imbalances cause increased neuromuscular excitability?

Hypocalcemia and hypomagnesemia

When exposed to inhaled allergens, a patient with asthma produces large quantities of


Allergic (extrinsic) asthma is associated with

IgE-mediated airway inflammation

What is the most likely explanation for a diagnosis of hypernatremia in an elderly patient receiving tube feeding?

Inadequate water intake

In individuals who have asthma, exposure to an allergen to which they are sensitized leads to which pathophysiologic event?

Inflammation, mucosal edema, and bronchoconstriction

A known cause of hypokalemia is

Insulin overdose

The organism that causes pulmonary tuberculosis is

Mycobacterium tuberculosis

Tumor necrosis factor α and interleukin-1 contribute to shock states because they induce production of

Nitric Oxide

Which assessment would support a diagnosis of type A COPD rather than type B COPD

Normal PaCO2, scant sputum, accessory muscle use, barrel chest

Obstructive sleep apnea would most likely be found in a patient diagnosed with

Pickwickian syndrome.

A patient with cold and edematous extremities, low cardiac output, and profound hypotension is likely to be experiencing a progressive stage of ________ shock.


Bacterial pneumonia leads to hypoxemia caused by

accumulation of alveolar exudates.

A patient is exhibiting severe dyspnea and anxiety. The patient also has bubbly crackles in all lung fields with pink, frothy sputum. This patient is most likely experiencing

acute cardiogenic pulmonary edema.

The fraction of total body water (TBW) volume contained in the intracellular space in adults is

two thirds

The effect of nitric oxide on systemic arterioles is


What results when systemic blood pressure is increased?


When a parent asks how they will know if their 2-month-old baby, who is throwing up and has frequent diarrhea, is dehydrated, the nurse's best response is

"If the soft spot on the top of his head feels sunken in and his mouth is dry between his cheek and his gums, then he is probably dehydrated."

Which blood pressure reading is considered to be indicative of prehypertension according to the JNC-7 criteria?


Which is indicative of a left tension pneumothorax?

Absent breath sounds on the left

High blood pressure increases the workload of the left ventricle, because it increases


Massive release of histamine with consequent vasodilation and hypotension occurs with what type of shock?


The major buffer in the extracellular fluid is


Cystic fibrosis is associated with


Retroviruses are associated with human cancers, including

Burkitt lymphoma.

How do clinical conditions that increase vascular permeability cause edema?

By allowing plasma proteins to leak into the interstitial fluid, which draws in excess fluid by increasing the interstitial fluid osmotic pressure

Which form of leukemia demonstrates the presence of the Philadelphia chromosome?

CML (chronic myeloid leukemia)

What is the correct definition of complete remission (CR) of leukemia?

CR is less than 5% blasts in marrow and normal CBC values.

Which alterations can lead to edema?

Decreased lymphatic flow

Hyperaldosteronism causes

ECV excess and hypokalemia

Which clinical manifestation is not likely the result of a tuberculosis infection?


Angina caused by coronary artery spasm is called _____ angina.

Prinzmetal variant

Which is not a manifestation of acute arterial obstruction?


A 3-year-old is diagnosed with starvation ketoacidosis. What signs and symptoms should you anticipate in your assessment?

Rapid, deep breathing, lethargy, abdominal pain

Which pulmonary function test result is consistent with a diagnosis of asthma?

Reduced forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1)

Low cardiac output to the kidneys stimulates the release of _____ from juxtaglomerular cells.


Atherosclerotic plaques with large lipid cores are prone to


What form of oral rehydration, bottled water or salty broth, is best suited for a patient who is demonstrating signs of clinical dehydration?

Salty soup, because it will provide some sodium to help hold the fluid in his blood vessels and interstitial fluid

How is a patient hospitalized with a malignant tumor that secretes parathyroid hormone-related peptide monitored for the resulting electrolyte imbalance?

Serum calcium, bowel function, level of consciousness

Which change in a patient's assessment has the greatest urgency?

Serum potassium concentration is increasing; has developed cardiac dysrhythmias, but denies any difficulty breathing

Which finding is indicative of orthostatic hypotension in a person with a supine blood pressure (BP) of 110/70 and a heart rate (HR) of 100?

Sitting BP 88/60, HR 118

Which vessel normally demonstrates the most rapid blood flow?

The vena cava

Which is not considered to be a risk factor for thrombus formation?


Hemophilia B is also known as Christmas disease.


Lactated Ringer solution and normal saline are commonly used crystalloid solutions that contain electrolytes.


The anemia resulting from a deficiency of either vitamin B12 (cobalamin) or folate is caused by a disruption in DNA synthesis of the blast cells in the bone marrow that produces very large abnormal bone marrow cells called megaloblasts.


The nurse is swabbing a patient's throat to test for streptococcal pharyngitis. The nurse must understand that tests such as this differ in the probability that they will be positive for a condition when applied to a person with the condition; this probability is termed sensitivity.


Mitral stenosis is associated with

a pressure gradient across the mitral valve.

Individuals who have chronic bronchitis most often have

a productive cough.

Myocarditis should be suspected in a patient who presents with

acute onset of left ventricular dysfunction.

COPD leads to a barrel chest, because it causes

air trapping.

The majority of cases of anaphylactic shock occur when a sensitized individual comes in contact with


Patients presenting with symptoms of unstable angina and no ST segment elevation are treated with

antiplatelet drugs

The majority of cardiac cells that die after myocardial infarction do so because of


A commonly ingested substance associated with prolongation of the bleeding time is


Second-degree heart block type I (Wenckebach) is characterized by

lengthening PR intervals and dropped P wave.

A patient who was involved in a fall from a tree becomes short of breath. The lung sounds are absent on one side. This patient is experiencing ________ shock.

cardiogenic shock

Manifestations from sodium imbalances occur primarily as a result of

cellular fluid shifts

Velocity of blood flow is measured in

centimeters per second

A patient, who is 8 months pregnant, has developed eclampsia and is receiving intravenous magnesium sulfate to prevent seizures. To determine if her infusion rate is too high, you should regularly

check the patellar reflex; if it becomes weak or absent, her infusion rate probably is too high and she is at risk for respiratory depression or cardiac arrest.

Patients with structural evidence of heart failure who exhibit no signs or symptoms are classified into which New York Heart Association heart failure class?

class I

Patent ductus arteriosus is accurately described as a(n)

communication between the aorta and the pulmonary artery.

Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors block the

conversion of angiotensin I to angiotensin II

Administration of a vasodilator to a patient in shock would be expected to

decrease left ventricular afterload.

Hypernatremia may be caused by

decreased antidiuretic hormone secretion.

Total body water in older adults is

decreased because of increased adipose tissue and decreased muscle mass.

Excessive antidiuretic hormone (ADH) secretion can cause _____ concentration.

decreased serum sodium

Clinical manifestations of severe symptomatic hypophosphatemia are caused by

deficiency of ATP

Severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID) syndrome is an example of a(n)

deficient immune response.

Lack of α-antitrypsin in emphysema causes

destruction of alveolar tissue

Patients with immunodeficiency disorders are usually first identified because they

develop recurrent infections.

The therapy that most directly improves cardiac contractility in a patient with systolic heart failure is


A common characteristic of viral pneumonia is

dry cough

Viral pneumonia is characterized by

dry cough

Renal compensation for respiratory acidosis is evidenced by

elevated bicarbonate ion concentration.

Somatic death refers to death

entire organism

The prothrombin time (PT) and INR (international normalized ratio) measure the integrity of

extrinsic pathway.

An increase in organ size and function caused by increased workload is termed


Respiratory alkalosis is caused by


An increase in the resting membrane potential (hyperpolarized) is associated with


Metabolic alkalosis is often accompanied by


A person who overuses magnesium-aluminum antacids for a long period of time is likely to develop


A patient has a history of falls, syncope, dizziness, and blurred vision. The patient's symptomology is most likely related to


Respiratory acidosis may be caused by


The body compensates for metabolic alkalosis by


The hallmark manifestation of acute respiratory distress syndrome is


A major risk factor for the development of active pulmonary tuberculosis (TB) disease is


Constrictive pericarditis is associated with

impaired cardiac filling.

Lusitropic impairment refers to

impaired diastolic relaxation

Myasthenia gravis is a type II hypersensitivity disorder that involves

impaired muscle function.

To best prevent emphysema, a patient is instructed to stop smoking since cigarette smoke

impairs α1-antitrypsin, allowing elastase to predominate.

Respiratory acidosis is associated with

increased carbonic acid

A patient has a positive Chvostek sign. The nurse interprets this as a sign of

increased neuromuscular excitability.

Uncompensated metabolic alkalosis would result in

increased pH, increased HCO3-.

Chronic bronchitis often leads to cor pulmonale because of

increased pulmonary vascular resistance.

The effects of histamine release include

increased vascular permeability.

What age group has a larger volume of extracellular fluid than intracellular fluid?


The major cause of death from leukemic disease is


Empyema is defined as an

infection in the pleural space.

Which is not normally secreted in response to stress?


Clinical manifestations of chronic arterial obstruction include

intermittent claudication.

The cellular response indicative of injury because of faulty metabolism is

intracellular accumulations.

After bronchoscopy and histologic examination of a suspected tumor, your patient is diagnosed with primary bronchial carcinoma. Thus, the tumor

is malignant.

The primary cause of infant respiratory distress syndrome is

lack of surfactant

When a client diagnosed with COPD type A asks, "Why is my chest so big and round?", the nurse responds that

loss of elastic tissue in the lungs allows airways to close and trap air, which makes chest round

Obstructive disorders are associated with

low expiratory flow rates

Critically ill patients may have parenterally administered vasoactive drugs that are adjusted according to their _____ pressure.

mean arterial

The most appropriate treatment for secondary polycythemia is

measured to improve oxygenation.

Vomiting of stomach contents or continuous nasogastric suctioning may predispose to development of

metabolic acid deficit.

Diarrhea and other lower intestinal fluid losses will contribute to

metabolic acidosis

Diarrhea causes

metabolic acidosis

The finding of ketones in the blood suggests that a person may have

metabolic acidosis

Emesis causes

metabolic alkalosis.

Thalassemia may be confused with iron-deficiency anemia, because they are both


Two primary acid-base disorders that are present independently are referred to as

mixed acid-base imbalance.

Clinical manifestations of moderate to severe hypokalemia include

muscle weakness and cardiac dysrhythmias.

A 58-year-old woman is seen in the clinic for reports of severe back pain. Her chest x-ray demonstrates generalized bone demineralization and compression fracture. Blood studies demonstrate elevated calcium levels. The most likely diagnosis is


An abnormally wide (more than 0.10 second) QRS complex is characteristic of

premature ventricular complexes.

Legionnaires disease is characterized by

presence of systemic illness

A patient with pure left-sided heart failure is likely to exhibit

pulmonary congestion with dyspnea.

Left-sided heart failure is characterized by

pulmonary congestion.

Hypertrophy of the right ventricle is a compensatory response to

pulmonary stenosis.

When preparing for the admission of a client diagnosed with bronchiectasis, the nurse will

put a sputum cup and a box of tissues on the bedside table

The person at highest risk for developing hypernatremia is a person who

receives tube feedings because he or she is comatose after a stroke.

Transfusion reactions involve RBC destruction caused by

recipient antibodies

The hypersecretion of mucus resulting for chronic bronchitis is the result of

recurrent infection.

Causes of metabolic acidosis include

tissue anoxia

Cardiogenic shock is characterized by

reduced cardiac output

Carbon monoxide injures cells by

reducing oxygen level on hemoglobin

A person with acute hypoxemia may hyperventilate and develop.

respiratory alkalosis.

The arterial blood gas pH = 7.52, PaCO2 = 30 mm Hg, HCO3- = 24 mEq/L demonstrates

respiratory alkalosis.

Hypertension with a specific, identifiable cause is known as _____ hypertension.


An obese but otherwise healthy teen is given a prescription for a low-calorie diet and exercise program. This is an example of

secondary prevention

A patient presenting with fever, hypotension, and lactic acidosis is most likely to be experiencing what type of shock?


A laboratory test that should be routinely monitored in patients receiving digitalis therapy is

serum potassium.

The electrolyte that has a higher concentration in the extracellular fluid than in the intracellular fluid is _____ ions.


A patient with a history of myocardial infarction continues to complain of intermittent chest pain brought on by exertion and relieved by rest. The likely cause of this pain is

stable angina

Activation of the extrinsic pathway of coagulation is initiated by

tissue thromboplastin

Which complication of asthma is life threatening?

status asthmaticus

Autologous stem cell transplantation is a procedure in which

stem cells are harvested from the patient and then returned to the same patient.

Improvement in a patient with septic shock is indicated by an increase in

systemic vascular resistance.

The progressive stage of hypovolemic shock is characterized by


A patient is diagnosed with a tortuous blood vessel of the right hand that bleeds spontaneously. This patient presents with


Air that enters the pleural space during inspiration but is unable to exit during expiration creates a condition called

tension pneumothorax

After suffering a heart attack, a middle-aged man is counseled to take a cholesterol-lowering medication. This is an example of

tertiary prevention.

The activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT) is a measure of the integrity of

the intrinsic pathway.

Metaplasia is

the replacement of one differentiated cell type with another.

Osmoreceptors located in the hypothalamus control the release of

vasopressin (antidiuretic hormone, ADH).

A patient who reports dizziness and who has absent P waves, wide QRS complexes, and a heart rate of 38 beats/minute on an ECG is most likely in which rhythm?

ventricular escape rhythm

A newborn has melena, bleeding from the umbilicus, and hematuria. The newborn most likely experiencing

vitamin K deficiency bleeding.

A normal bleeding time in association with normal platelet count, and increased prothrombin time (PT) and INR, is indicative of

vitamin K deficiency.

Neuromuscular disorders impair lung function primarily because of

weak muscles of respiration.

Clinical manifestations of extracellular fluid volume deficit include

weak pulse, low blood pressure, and increased heart rate.

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