Patterns: Exemplification

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When you write an exemplification essay, what do you often use to support a statement or to illustrate a point?

a series of examples

What does an exemplification essay usually begin with?

an introduction that includes the thesis statement

How do you arrange examples in order of increasing complexity?

beginning with the simplest and moving to the most difficult or complex

How do you arrange examples in order of importance?

beginning with those that are least significant and moving to those that are most significant or persuasive

How do you arrange examples chronologically?

beginning with those that occurred first and moving to those that occurred later

How can you support a thesis with a statistical study?

by collecting and interpreting numerical data representing a great many examples

How can you avoid this problem?

by developing your best examples fully in separate paragraphs and discarding the others or by grouping related examples together in one paragraph

How is the thesis statement supported?

by examples in the body of the essay

How can you test the effectiveness of your examples?

by putting yourself in your readers' place

How can you arrange examples within each paragraph?

chronologically, in order of increasing complexity, or in order of importance

What may each body paragraph do?

develop a separate example, present a point illustrated by several brief examples, or explore one aspect of a single extended example that is developed throughout the essay

What can a few well-chosen examples provide?

effective support for otherwise unconvincing general statements

When you use exemplification what should you look for?

examples that are interesting as well as pertinent

True or false: if you don't find your essays lively and interesting, chances are your readers will?

false; chances are they won't either

True or false: the general rule is three examples are enough to support your ideas?

false; there is no general rule

True or false: you should use a comma after the final element in a series of three or more items?

false; you should not use a comma

What are the most frequently used transitions in exemplification essays?

for example, for instance, in fact, namely, specifically, that is, and thus

In an exemplification essay, what will transitions do?

help you connect examples to your thesis statement (another) or link examples to topic sentences (for instance)

When should you not use commas in a series of three or more items?

if all the elements are separated by coordinating conjunctions (and, or, but)

What can make the difference between an engrossing essay and one that is a chore to read?

imaginative examples

What should the thesis statement of an exemplification essay do?

make a point that the rest of the essay will support with examples

Instead of only making a general statement about your subject, what should you do?

make it specific and anticipate readers' questions

What will your examples accomplish if they do not support your essay's main idea?


While examples can explain or add interest, what are they also effective at doing?

persuading people that what you are saying is reasonable and worth considering

What should you do if you decide you cannot cite a fair range of examples that support your thesis?

reexamine it

What should the conclusion do?

reinforce the essay's main idea, perhaps restating the thesis

What is just as important as choosing an appropriate number?

selecting a sufficient range of examples

What must you do when you use a series of three or more examples in a sentence?

separate them with commas

Sweeping generalizations and vague statements are not nearly as effective as what?

specific observations, anecdotes, details, and opinions

How can you be certain your audience knows exactly what you mean?

state your point precisely

Why should you keep your thesis statement in mind as you write?

taking care not to get so involved with one example that you digress from the main point

Without transitional words and phrases, what will readers have difficulty seeing?

the connection between an example and the general statement it is illustrating

What can help you develop your thesis?

the examples you gather during the invention stage of the writing process

Why do writers use well-chosen examples?

to add interest as well as to clarify their points

What is your goal when using exemplification?

to communicate ideas to your readers

How is exemplification used in every kind of writing situation?

to explain and clarify, to add interest, and to persuade

True or false: at times, variations of the basic essay pattern are advisable and even necessary?


True or false: for some thesis statements, even several examples would not be enough?


True or false: many of the most effective essays use exemplification extensively?


True or false: to be convincing you must not only choose examples effectively but also use them effectively?


If you don't find your essay lively and interesting, what should you do?

try to add more thought-provoking and spirited examples

When you reexamine your thesis, what should you do rather than switching to a new topic?

try to narrow your thesis

How can you ensure clarity and avoid ambiguity?

use examples

What does exemplification do?

uses one or more particular cases, or examples, to illustrate or explain a general point or an abstract concept

When do the most effective exchanges occur?

when participants support their points with specific examples

What can happen if you do not select your examples carefully and arrange them effectively?

your paper can become a thesis statement followed by a list or by ten or fifteen brief, choppy paragraphs

What is the only way your paper will be convincing?

your readers believe that your thesis is supported by your examples and that your examples fairly represent the scope of your topic

What does the number of examples you use depend on?

your thesis statement

What does the thesis statement usually identify?

your topic as well as the main point you want to make about it

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