PAX-PN Sciences

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A tissue sample is observed as a flat, single layer of cells. Which would best describe these cells?

Simple squamous cell

A small blood vessel found in the liver has large pores that allow proteins and blood cells to move in and out of the vessel. What type of blood vessels is this?

Sinusoidal capillary

Which of the following areas of the body has the highest density of sweat glands?

Soles of feet/palms

Most catalyst found in biological systems are which of the following? a. Special lipids called cofactors b. Special proteins called enzymes c. Special lipids called enzymes d. Special proteins called cofactors

Special lipids called enzymes

What is the second part of an organism's scientific name?


How do organisms maintain homeostasis?

They use free energy and matter via biochemical processes to work against entropy

What is the purpose of a catalyst?

To increase a reaction's rate by decreasing the activation energy.

Which of the following is NOT a function of the forebrain? a. To regulate blood pressure and heart rate b. To perceive and interpret emotional responses like fear and anger c. To perceive and interpret visual input from the eyes d. To integrate voluntary movement.

To regulate blood pressure and heart rate

What is the functions of the sinuses?

To warm, humidify, and filter air

Which of the following sentences is true? a. All organisms begin life as a single cell. b. Organisms begin life as multi-cellular. c. Some organisms begin life as a single cell and others as multi-cellular.

a. All organisms begin life as a single cell

Which statement about white blood cells is true? a. B cells are responsible for antibody production. b. White blood cells are made in the white/yellow cartilage before they enter the bloodstream. c. Platelets, a special class of white blood cell, functioning to clot blood and stop bleeding. d. The majority of white blood cells only activate during the age of puberty, which explains why children and the elderly are particulate susceptible to disease.

a. B cells are responsible for antibody production

Which of the following portions of a nephron are permeable to water? a. Collecting duct and Descending limb b. Ascending limb c. Ureter

a. Collecting duct and Descending limb

Which of the following substances allows for the fastest diffusion? a. gas b. solid c. liquid d. plasma

a. Gas

Which of the following describes a typical gas? a. Indefinite shape and indefinite volume b. Indefinite shape and definite volume c. Definite shape and definite volume d. Definite shape and indefinite volume

a. Indefinite shape and indefinite volume

Which of the following are functions of a myelin sheath? a. Insulates an axon b. Structural support for axon c. Increases permeability of ions

a. Insulates an axon

Which sensory receptors are located in the skin? a. Mechanoreceptors and Thermo-receptors b. Photoreceptors d. Chemoreceptors

a. Mechanoreceptors and Thermo-receptors

Which of the following is not found within a bacterial cell? a. Mitochondria b. DNA c. Vesicles d. Ribosomes

a. Mitochondria

Which blood component is chiefly responsible for clotting? a. Platelets b. Red blood cells c. Antigens d. Plasma cells

a. Platelets

Which of the following CANNOT be found in a human cell's genes? a. Sequences of amino acids to be transcribed into mRNA b. Lethal recessive traits like sickle cell anemia c. Mutated DNA d. DNA that codes for proteins the cell doesn't use

a. Sequences of amino acids to be transcribed into mRNA

Which of the following is the phase when a heart contracts and pushes blood out? a. Systole b. Cardiac cycle c. Diastole d. Systemic circulation

a. Systole

Which group of major parts and organs make up the immune system?

lymphatic system, spleen, tonsils, thymus, and bone marrow

The digestion of starch begins in the:


The brain is part of the:

nervous system

What is the order of filtration in the nephron?

proximal tubule, loop of henle, collecting duct

What are the functions of the hypothalamus?

regulate body temperature, send stimulatory and inhibitory instructions to the pituitary gland, receives sensory information from the brain

A color-blind male and a carrier female have three children. What is the probability that they are all color blind?


How many organ system are there in the human body?

11, respiratory, digestive, lymphatic, endocrine, circulatory, nervous, muscular, skeletal, integumentary, reproductive, urinary

A normal human sperm must contain:

23 chromosomes

How many basic tissue types does a human have?

4: epithelial, connective, nervous, muscular

The mayor advantage of sexual reproduction over asexual forms is that:

It promotes diversity

What is the name for the structural and functional units that create and transport urine, located in the cortex of the kidney?


The blood vessel containing the least oxygenated blood is the:

Pulmonary artery

What are the two types of measurement important in science?

Quantitative and Qualitative

Where does the process of external respiration occur? a. Mitochondria b. Within cells c. Alveoli d. Bronchi

c. Alveoli

Which of the following is unique to covalent bonds? a. Most covalent bonds are formed between the elements H, F, N, and O. b. Covalent bonds are dependent on forming dipoles c. Bonding electrons are shared between two or more atoms d. Molecules with covalent bonds tend to have a crystalline solid structure.

c. Bonding electrons are shared between two or more atoms.

Which of the following are responsible for the exchange of nutrients, hormones, oxygen, fluids, and electrolytes between blood and the interstitial fluid of body tissues? a. Arterioles b. Venules c. Capillaries d. Hemoglobin (Oxygen and Iron red blood cells)

c. Capillaries

If a person with AB blood and a person with O blood have children, what is the probability that their children will have the same phenotype as either parent?


What is the electrical charge of the nucleus?

A nucleus always has a positive charge

Define amphoteric

A substance that can act as and acid or base depending on the properties of the solute

All living organism on Earth utilize:

A triplet genetic code

Eosinophils are best describe as

A type of granulocyte found under mucous membranes and defends against multicellular parasites.

The gallbladder resides in which cavity of the body?

Abdominal cavity

Which of the following are functions of the urinary system? a. Synthesizing calcitriol and secreting erythropoietin b. Regulating the concentrations of sodium, potassium, chloride, calcium, and other ions c. Reabsorbing or secreting hydrogen ions and bicarbonate. d. All of the above

All of the above

What is the name for the sac-shaped structures in which carbon dioxide and oxygen exchange takes place?


What is adaptation?

An inherited characteristic that enhances survival and reproduction

Electrons are produced by chemical reaction that takes place at the:


A child complains of heavy breathing even when relaxing. They are an otherwise healthy child with no history of respiratory problems. What might be the issue?


What is the name for the number of protons in an atom?

Atomic number

Ligaments connect

Bone to bone

Which of the following could be an empirical formula? a. C4H8 b. C2H6 c. CH d. C3H6


A person smells a foul odor. What portion of their brain contains the structure that detects the odor?


Which of the following is an example of a tissue? a. chloroplast = Tissue b. liver = Organ c. mammal = Organism d. hamstring = Muscle

Chloroplast: in plants, produce energy through. photosynthesis and oxygen-release processes, which sustain plant growth

List the four properties that all types of muscle tissue share?

Contractile, excitable, elastic, extensible

What is the correct path of light as it enters a human eye?

Cornea, pupil, lens, vitreous humor, retina

Describe the synthesis of the lagging strand of DNA

DNA polymerases synthesize DNA discontinuously in pieces called Okazaki fragments after initially attaching to RNA primers

What is the name for substances that cannot be broken down into simpler types of matter?


An enzymatic reaction requires free energy to proceed. Which term best describes this reaction?


The adrenal glands are part of the:

Endocrine system. They sit on the kidneys and produce hormones that regulate salt and water balance and influence blood pressure and heart rate.

Where does sperm maturation take place in the male reproductive system?


The epidermis is composed of what type of cells?


Scientists suggest that ________ has occurred through a process called ________.

Evolution / Natural Selection

What is the name of the process by which a bacterial cell splits into two new cells?


What is the major difference between somatic and germline mutations?

Germline mutations are usually inherited while somatic mutations will affect only the individual

Which of the following list of joint types is in the correct order for increasing amounts of permitted motion (least mobile to most mobiles)?

Hinge, condyloid, saddle

What does aerobic mean?

In the presence of oxygen

A patient is at a hospital, and they are told that their beta cells are not functioning properly. Which hormone would be affected by malfunctioning beta cells?


Which element's atoms have the greatest number of electrons?


Salts like sodium iodide (NaI) and potassium chloride (KCl) use what type of bond?

Ionic bonds

What is an empirical formula?

Is the smallest expression of a chemical formula.

Which of the following is NOT a major function of the respiratory system in humans? a. It provides a large surface area for gas exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide. b. It helps regulate the blood's pH. c. It helps cushion the heart against jarring motions. d. It is responsible for vocalization.

It helps cushion the heart against jarring motions

What is the fist event to happen in a primary immune response?

Macrophages ingest pathogens and present their antigens

Using anatomical terms, what is the relationship of the sternum relative to the deltoid?


Which of the following touch receptors respond to light touch and slower vibrations?

Meissner's Corpuscles

Which hormone is produce by the pineal gland?

Melatonin One of the primary functions of melatonin is regulation of the circadian cycle, which is the rhythm of sleep and wakefulness.

Which organelle is responsible for generating energy for the cell and is referred to as the powerhouse of the cell?


When atoms of one element are combined with atoms of another element, the result is a(n) _________ of a compound.


Which locations in the digestive system are sites of chemicals digestions?

Mouth, Stomach and Small Intestine

Which type of biological molecule stores information?

Nucleic acids

Diffusion and osmosis are examples of what type of transport mechanisms?


What is the name for the horizontal row of the periodic table?


Which of the following correctly identifies a difference between the primary and secondary immune response?

Suppressor T cells activate in the secondary response to prevent an overactive immune response

What structure is referred to as the cubital region?

The elbow

What information does a genotype give that a phenotype does not?

The genotype will always show an organism's recessive alleles.

Which statements is true about the pH of a solution?

The more hydroxide ions in the solution, the higher pH

What shape does a water molecule form?


Which of the following structures acts like a funnel by delivering the urine from the millions of the collecting tubules to the ureters? a. The renal pelvis b. The renal cortex (outer layer of the kidney) c. The renal medulla (filter the blood) d. Bowman's capsule

a. The renal pelvis

Which of the following areas of the body has the most sweat glands? a. Upper back b. Arms c. Feet d. Palms

a. Upper back

In an oxidation reaction:

an oxidizing agent gains electrons

Which of the following structures receives neurotransmitters that are transmitted across synapses? a. Axon b. Dendrites c. Neuroglia d. Node of Ranvier

b. Dendrites

Which of the following systems does not include a transportation system throughout the body? a. Cardiovascular system (veins and arteries) b. Endocrine system c. Immune system (lymphatic vessels) d. Nervous system

b. Endocrine system

Which of the following is necessary for swallowing food? a. Amylase b. Peristalsis c. Villi d. Trachea

b. Peristalsis

Which of the following leukocytes matures in the thymus? a. Neutrophils b. Suppressor T cells c. Memory B cells d. Basophils

b. Suppressor T cells

Which of the following is the body cavity that contains the urinary bladder, urethra, and ureters? a. The thoracic cavity b. The pelvic cavity c. The abdominal cavity d. The spinal cavity

b. The pelvic cavity

Which term describes the sensation of balance and special orientation? a. Kinesthetic sense b. Vestibular sense c. Somatosensation d. Perception

b. Vestibular sense

With which genotype would the recessive phenotype appear, if the dominant allele is marked with "A" and the recessive allele is marked with "a"? a. AA b. aa c. Aa d. aA

b. aa

Which of the following functions corresponds to the parasympathetic nervous system? a. It stimulates the fight-or-flight response (sympathetic NS) b. It increases heart rate (sympathetic NS) c. It stimulates digestion d. It increases bronchiole dilation (sympathetic NS)

c. It stimulates digestion

A patient's body is not properly filtering blood. Which of the following body parts is most likely malfunctioning? a. Medulla b. Heart c. Nephrons d. Renal cortex

c. Nephrons

A pediatrician notes that an infant's cartilage is disappearing and being replaced by bone. What process has the doctor observed? a. Mineralization b. Ossification c. Osteoporosis d. Calcification

c. Ossification

Which of the following is the gland that helps regulate calcium levels? a. Osteotoid gland b. Pineal gland (sleep by melatonin) c. Parathyroid glands d. Thymus gland (immunity)

c. Parathyroid glands

Which statement is NOT true regarding brain structure? a. The corpus collosum connects the hemispheres b. Broca and Wernicke's areas are associated with speech and language c. The cerebellum is important for long-term memory storage d. The brainstem is responsible for involuntary movement

c. The cerebellum is important for long-term memory storage

Which of the following organs functions both as an endocrine and exocrine gland? a. The kidney (organ) b. The spleen (organ) c. The pancreas d. The stomach (exocrine)

c. The pancreas

The muscular tube that connects the outer surface to the cervix in a woman's birth canal is referred to as which of the following? a. The uterus b. The cervix c. The vagina d. The ovaries

c. The vagina

Which of the following is a special property of water? a. Water easily flows through phospholipid bilayers b. A water molecule's oxygen atom allows fish to breathe c. Water is highly cohesive which explains its hight melting point d. Water can self-hydrolyze and decompose into hydrogen and oxygen.

c. Water is highly cohesive which explains its hight melting point

Which of the following is directly transcribed from DNA and represents the first step in protein building? a. siRNA b. rRNA c. mRNA d. tRNA

c. mRNA

Which of the following describes a reflex arc? a. The storage and recall of memory. b. The maintenance of visual and auditory acuity c. The auto-regulation of heart rate and blood pressure. d. A stimulus and response controlled by the spinal cord.

d. A stimulus and response controlled by the spinal cord

The function of synergists can best be described as which of the following? a. They assist primary movers in completing the specific movement b. They stabilize the point of origin and provide extra pull near the insertion c. They help prevent unwanted movement at joint. d. All of the above

d. Al of the above

The process of breaking large molecules into smaller molecules to provide energy is known as which of the following? a. Metabolism b. Bioenergetics c. Anabolism d. Catabolism

d. Catabolism

A white blood cell targets and kills parasites attached to tissue via phagocytosis and antihistamine production. Which of the following types of white blood cell is this? a. Basophils b. Monocytes c. Neutrophils d. Eosinophils

d. Eosinophils

Which of the following is a chief difference between evaporation and boiling? a. Liquids boil only at the surface while they evaporate equally throughout the liquid. b. Evaporating substances change from gas to liquid while boiling substances change from liquid to gas. c. Evaporation happens in nature while boiling is a man-made phenomenon point. d. Evaporation can happen below a liquid's boiling point.

d. Evaporation can happen below liquid's boiling point

Which of the following about the autonomic nervous system (ANS) is true? a. It controls the reflex arc (somatic nervous system) b. It contains motor (efferent) neurons c. It contains sensory (afferent) neurons d. It contains both parasympathetic nerves and sympathetic nerves

d. It contains both parasympathetic nerves and sympathetic nerves

Which of the following creates sperm? a. Prostate gland b. Seminal vesicles c. Scrotum d. Seminiferous tubules

d. Seminiferous tubules

Which structure is NOT a component of the lymphatic system? a. Thymus b. Spleen c. Tonsils d. Septal area

d. Septal area

Which statement about the ear is incorrect? a. The organ of Corti converts sound into neural activity b. The middle ear consist of three bones c. The Tympanic membrane separates the outer ear from the middle ear d. The Cochlea is a component of the middle ear

d. The Cochlea is a component of the middle ear

What makes bone resistant to shattering? a. The calcium salts deposited in the bone b. The collagen fibers c. The bone marrow and network of blood vessels d. The intricate balance of minerals and collagen fibers

d. The intricate balance of minerals and collagens fibers

Which of the following hormones is primarily responsible for regulating metabolism? a. Insulin b. Testosterone c. Adrenaline d. Thyroid hormone

d. Thyroid hormone

What is an isotope? For any given element, it is an atom with which of the following? a. a different atomic number b. a different number of protons c. a different number of electrons d. a different mass number.

d. a different mass number

During the process of oogenesis, primary oocytes produce:


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