Pay Attention, Carter Jones Quizlet!!!! Test 6/3/22!!! 🇦🇺🏔

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What is the line that the Butler always tells the Jones children when they get out of the car?

"Make good decisions, and remember who you are."

Did Carter's dad come home before Currier died? (A) He did land, but when he got home, Currier had already passed (B) He did, and got to say goodbye to Currier (C) He didn't, and never seemed to care at all.

(C) He didn't, and never seemed to care at all!

What are Carters sisters names?

Annie, Charlie, and Emily!

What is Currier's favorite stuffed animal's name?


What is Carter's father's name?

Captain Jackson Jones!

Who is Carson Krebs?

Carson Krebs is an eight grader who is the captain on the Team India cricket team!

What happened at the very end of the book?

Carter took a trip to Italy and he redefined himself as a gentleman or a better person!

Did Carter want to start small when he revolted or big?

Carter wanted to start small when revolting!

What sport did the Butler want to teach Carter?


What is Carter's brother's name?


What two items does Carter have from his father's deployments?

His beret and goggles!

What do the screeching birds mean in the ending of the book?

In the end of the book, the thoughts on the screeching birds changed. Carter now realized instead of the birds sounding violent, now they may just be calling to each other.

What is the very first scene in the book?

It was Carter's first day of middle school!

What state and city do the Jones' family live in?

Marysville, New York!

What is the Butler's name?

Mr. Bowles-Fitzpatrick!

What does the motif Australian tropical thunderstorm represent?

The Australian tropical thunderstorm motif could represent that he wasn't having a good day or about his dad! His dad comes up many times because he is a big part in Carter's life. I

Who was the coach for Longfellow Middle School's cricket team?

The Butler!

Who played cricket with Carter and Billy Colt?

The Eighth Grade Varsity Cross Country Team!

What was the googly in Chapter 12: Googly?

The googly was that Carters' father wanted to stay in Germany with his someone else and didn't want to come home!

What did the green marble represent?

The green marble represented Currier and fear. Whenever Carter was sad, scared, or angry, he would squeeze the marble tight like a hug. The marble could also be Currier, and how much Carter missed him!

What might be the climax for the story? (Also, a googly)

When Carter found out that his father didn't want to come home to his family!

What does the Butler call Carter?

Young Master Jones or young Master Carter!

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