payless situational job interview.

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how would you handle a situation in which you had to do something you weren't familiar with?

eventhough my only exp is my ojt exp, i would handle a situation im not familiar with by focusing from the instructions and advise of my supervisor bc that's the only way i can accomplish the job on time.

what proffrssional accomplishment are you proud of?

i have no actual work exp yet but the most professiinal achievement i am very proud of is may completion of my bachelors degree in accountancy. al thiugh i am not a cpa yet, i am striving to achieve what i really deserve. and i am not giving up the CPA title bc it's not just about my dream, it is the dream of my family as well that's why i will continue on fighting for that dream.


tell about family and brother thats going to college

You have reason to believe that a co-worker is preparing to divulge company secrets to a rival corporation. These secrets have the potential to really damage the company. How would you deal with this situation?

"The first thing I need to do is stop and really look at the situation. Are my suspicions based on actual proof or are these unsubstantiated allegations? If I don't have actual proof or hard evidence and am relying on suspicion, then I would approach my co-worker privately with my concerns. There are times when personal emotions cloud people's minds and can lead them to say things that they might not actually mean and which might be misconstrued as something more than just venting. I would approach the conversation as a dialogue rather than a lecture and make sure I hear from them exactly what is going on. I would much rather confront the individual one-on-one and discuss the situation in private with them than run to superiors with nothing more than suspicions. Crying wolf in a situation like this could potentially ruin not only my co-worker's career but my own as well. If I have hard proof of my co-worker's intent to divulge information, then it's absolutely imperative that I make sure my supervisor is aware of what is going on. As uncomfortable and difficult as it might be to turn in a co-worker, professional ethics are very important to me. If I don't let the company know, I could be guilty of withholding information, which could have long term ramifications for me both professionally and legally.

assumption about job description


tell me about a time when you failed. How did you deal with this experience?

I took the cpa board exam in october 2019 and my expectations were so high to pass the exam but unfortunately i failed the exam and i was so down that time, i was breaking diwn out of nowhere, i was completely devastated that year. so, what i did was i sorrounded myself with the people who i know who understand what i was going through- and thats my family. they carefully explained to me the impostance of experiencing failures in life, that these failures are the backbone or the framework of success, as long as you learn from it. And what i learned from these exp was to value the setting of expectations and never guaranteeing more than i could deliver.

You've been assigned a major project and are halfway through when you realize that you've made a mistake that requires you to go back to the beginning to fix it. How do you handle that while still trying to make your deadline?

The first thing I would do is stop whatever I am doing on the project and really investigate the mistake. Is it small enough that I can correct it without losing time? If so, I make sure that I rectify the situation immediately and move forward. If it's a mistake that requires a full reworking of the problem and the solution is going to force me to miss my deadline, I would make sure to immediately inform my supervisors and let them know what is going on. If the mistake is a result of my work, as painful as it might be, I have to come clean bc it can provide a learning opportunity for any other people I might be working with who are in similar situations.

You're working on a project with a tight deadline but you find that you're unable to complete your section because your coworkers and your supervisor are unavailable to answer a few key questions. How do you deal with the situation?

This is a tough one. The first thing I would do is really sit back for a moment and assess the situation. I would look at the project overall and see if there was a way for me to perhaps redirect my focus onto other areas I could work on by myself without their assistance and postpone the parts I need help on until they were again available. If that isn't a possibility, then I would make sure to exhaust every avenue I have at my disposal to try to get in contact with them.

Describe a challenging work situation and how you handled it.

the most challenging part during my ojt was to examine one sack of receipts sent by municipality and make a summary of reports of it. At first we were so overwhelmed eventhough there were three of us to work on it but given that we only have have 150 hours as our ojt hours and given that that was our first time working in a real working environment. so What we did was we distributed the job equally and we took the guide of our supervisor thats why we were able to finish it on time.

How would you handle a situation in which you knew a colleague or manager was wrong?

whenever my co-worker or my boss is wrong, the first thing i would do is to address my concern directly to a person committing a suspicious mistake by conducting challenging interactions or by sharing opposing viewpoints professionally to confirm my suspicion if a person is actually doing a mistake. And if that person is actually doing a mistake then i will explain the right thing to do while smiling bc there are people who are sensitive and i have to be careful with that.

How do you work well under pressure? If so, what is your method of approaching high-pressure situations?

yes i could work well under pressure. working under pressure as a team while keeping a positive attitude is one thing I learned in my ojt experience. I have developed this skill bc I observed this to my supervisor; whenever she had workloads she was still able to manage herself and bc of that, I eventually learned her ways and applied this to my own work. one of her methods is to stay focused every 45 min. but a 10 min break in between.

discuss an instance in which you failed at work and how you dealt with this situation?

yes i have done a mistake during my ojt exp. and that was the time when i was making a summary of reports in which i made a typographical error with regard to typing the receipt number. and it was found out by my supervisor when she was double checking. and from that time i started to triple check the summary of reports that i made.

is it okay for you to render work OT?

yes ma'am. it's okay for me to render work overtime

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