PDS Quiz 1 - Chapters 1 & 2

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Suppose a move-to-front heuristic is used on a list that starts as (56, 11, 92, 81, 68, 44). A first search for 81 compares against how many list items?


An Algorithm is:

A list of steps needed to solve a problem

A Data Structure is:

A way of organizing, storing and performing operations on data.

a list is

An ADT for holding ordered data

In a self-adjusting heuristic, which scenario results in faster searches?

Back-to-back searches for the same key

Top Down is:

Breaking a problem into smaller problems or sub-tasks.

Running time analysis

Consist of reasoning about an algorithms speed.

Big O notation is used to:

Help identify the time complexity (effectiveness / performance) of an algorithm

It is this process that transforms the design into a program:


Pseudo code is written in:

Mix of English and a programming language.

What 2 steps of the SDLC produce the specifications?

Planning and Analysis

What are the phases of software Development?

Planning, Analysis, Design, Implementation, Testing & Integration, Maintenance.

Algorithm is a:

Set of instructions for solving a problem.

Computational Complexity is:

The amount of resources used by the algorithm.

The efficiency of an algorithm is measured by:

The computational complexity of the algorithm.

Abstraction means:

To have a user interact with an item at a high-level, with lower-level internal details hidden from the user.

dynamic programming is

a program solving technique that splits a problem into smaller sub-problems, computes and stores solutions to sub-problems in memory, and then uses the stored solutions to solve the larger problem

a self-adjusting heuristic is

an algorithm that modifies a data structure based on how that data structure is used.

Any algorithm that splits a problem into smaller sub-problems is using dynamic programming?


Which one is not a data structure? Graph, Index, Binary Tree, Record


Do you have to select the programming language before working on the SDLC Phases?


Does the heuristic technique for algorithms seeks optimal and accurate precision for it's solutions?


are all greedy algorithms optimal?


is the Data Structure used irrelevant for the creation of the algorithm?.


What are Data Structures?

organized collections of data

Which C++ Abstract Data Type is similar to a record?


Are binary trees a self-adjusting data structure?


Does Abstracts Data Types support the programmer's efficiency?


Does Dynamic programming avoid re-computing previously computed results by storing and reusing such results?


In programming, is there anything more important than performance?


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