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Training principles for bowling, such as stretching and other activities to increase flexibility or muscular strength

Forward Neck Stretch, Overhead Shoulder Stretch, Posterior Shoulder Stretch, Side Trunk Stretch, Side Lunge Stretch Side Lunge Stretch, Forward Lunge Stretch, Quad Stretch, Wrist Extension, Barbell squat, dumbbell squat or sled hack squat Dumbbell incline bench press Romanian deadlift Dumbbell biceps arm curl Dumbbell bent-over row

Safety aspects of bowling, including risks to bowlers, bystanders, and bowling alley

1)Wear bowling shoes. The nonslip surface on the bottom of the shoes prevents the bowler from slipping and protects the lane from scuff marks and damage.2)Always pick up the ball with both hands. This practice prevents bowlers from dropping the ball on their foot or having it roll into someone else's lane.3)Don't cross the foul line. The lane beyond the foul line is oiled to allow the ball to slide down the lane more easily. If a person steps beyond the lane, he or she may wind up sliding down the lane and suffering an injury.

Dangers related to cycling and how to address them, both personally and municipally

1. danger of crashing with a car; can be prevented by following rules of driving. 2. danger of injury; can be prevented by hvaing a helmet and using pads. 3. weather conditions; check the weather if the conditions are right to go out and cycle.4. when dark have reflectors, lights and bright colors so drivers are aware of the cyclist

rules for bowling

A game of bowling consists of ten frames. In each frame, the bowler will have two chances to knock down as many pins as possible with their bowling ball. In games with more than one bowler, as is common, every bowler will take their frame in a predetermined order before the next frame begins. If a bowler is able to knock down all ten pins with their first ball, he is awarded a strike. If the bowler is able to knock down all 10 pins with the two balls of a frame, it is known as a spare. Bonus points are awarded for both of these, depending on what is scored in the next 2 balls (for a strike) or 1 ball (for a spare). If the bowler knocks down all 10 pins in the tenth frame, the bowler is allowed to throw 3 balls for that frame. This allows for a potential of 12 strikes in a single game, and a maximum score of 300 points, a perfect game. A bowling handicap is a percentage of the difference between your average and a basis average.Teams are given handicaps based on their rolling score averages. Basically, 100% of the difference between the average and 200 is their handicap. So if your average is a 120, your handicap is an 80. Handicapping is done to make all levels of bowlers competitive against one another. Handicaps adjust from week to week as more games are added to a player's average.

type of riding can establish the foundation of fitness for a cyclist

Constant-pace,low-to-medium-intensity riding

rules for cycling

Always wear protective gear, It is important always to be aware of the route, At the end of the race, when it is time for the sprint, the cyclist can not make a sudden change of direction in order to cover the opponent's path with him close and may be disqualified, Usually, a cyclist goes and brings it to the rest of the companions who are with him. From a certain point of the stage, it is no longer allowed to go to refuel.

Road proficiency skills, including appropriate adaptation to hazardous road conditions and signaling

BRAKING, shifting, balance, pedaling, DESCENDING; If you want to turn right, stick out your right arm and point to the right. If you want to signal a stop, drop your left arm straight down with the palm open (the open palm is a universally understood symbol). The old-school bicycle signal has roots that reach back to the earliest days of motorized transportation

Equipment for bowling

Bowling Shoes, Bowling Ball,; optional: wrist guards, Finger Tapes, Powder, Ankle, Wrist, Elbow Bend, Microfibre Cloth/Towel

History and evolution of bowling

Bowling is a very old sport that probably originated in Egypt several thousand years ago. Bowling on the green has been around in England for hundreds of years, and bowling pins likely originated in Germany. Areas in the United States named "Bowling Green" are named after early outdoor bowling areas. In the U.S., the early game usually consisted of nine pins set up much like billiard balls today. Team play began to grow at the end of prohibition, and in the 1950s professional bowlers began to earn top dollar for their skills

pre-shot routine for bowling

Checked the pins to ensure they are spotted properly (request a re-rack if necessary) Towel off the sole of his sliding shoe Pick the ball up, and towel it Use the hand dryer on his two fingers until they were completely dry Check the slide shoe to ensure there is no sticking Blow into the thumb hole, ensuring no debris Line up feet for approach Insert the fingers of the ball hand Insert the thumb Lower the ball for approach and tuck in the elbow Locate his throwing spot Take a deep breath and begin approach

When cycling, what is the key to efficient cornering

Maintaining a steady speed

What is the relatively short next-to-laststep in the approach called


Types of competitive cycling events and rules/practices related to each

Road Racing takes place on paved roads and is generally divided into three types of racing: road races, time trials, and criteriums. Road races typically take place on public roads and can be point-to-point races or multiple circuits of a loop generally from five-25 miles in length. They are team-oriented, mass start events that are either one-day or multiple-day stage or omnium races. They can be held on closed, partially-closed, or open roads with or without controlled traffic safety measures in place as determined by local authorities. Track Racing is conducted on a velodrome, a special track made for cycling on which competitors race on a fixed gear bike. A velodrome has two banked turns and two straights. Velodromes are usually between 150 meters and 500 meters and can be indoors or outdoors and are made of wood or cement. The two most common sizes of velodromes in the U.S. are 250 meters, which is often used for international competition, and 333 meters. There are individual, team, and mass start sprint and endurance events in track racing. Mountain Biking participants compete on larger bikes with suspension components to handle the rough terrain which can include rocks, roots, sand, mud and large drops. Mountain bike races are typically divided into endurance (cross country, short track cross country) and gravity (downhill, dual slalom, Super D) events. Bicycle Moto-Cross (BMX) racing features head-to-head competition typically with 8 riders taking the start on a dirt track. The top four riders competing in each heat advance to the next round. BMX race circuits are usually over 350 meters long and contain jumps and berm turns. Cyclo-Cross can best be described as a cross between road cycling, mountain biking, and steeplechase. Races generally take place on a closed circuit between 2.5 km and 3.5 km in a park or other open land with competitors racing multiple laps for a set amount of time. Riders begin in mass start fashion and must navigate through both paved and offroad terrain, often times dismounting their bikes to hurdle barriers, climb steep hills or stairs, or traverse other man-made obstacles.

Benefits of different types of bicycles, including road bikes, off-road bikes, tandem bikes, touring bikes, and BMX bikes

Road bicycles are designed to be ridden fast on smooth pavement. They have smooth, skinny tires and "drop" handlebars, and can be used for on-road racing. They are usually lighter than other types of bicycles. They can be ridden on paved trails, but most people find them uncomfortable and unstable on unpaved trails. Most road bikes are not capable of carrying heavy loads. Tandem Bicycles are "bicycles built for two." They come in all styles, from cruiser tandems and hybrid tandems for the bike path or boardwalk, off-road mountain bike tandems, and high-performance road racing tandems. Touring bicycles are another special type of road bike. They are designed to be ridden on pavement, but are more durable for use on self-supported long-distance riding. They have all of the necessary mounting bolts for cargo racks and fenders, and although they still have a drop handlebar, they usually have a more relaxed frame design so that the rider is more upright, for more comfort when riding long distances for multiple days at a time. They have a lower gear range compared to regular road bikes, to allow for carrying heavy loads up steep hills. They also make good commuter bicycles, because of their durability and ability to carry heavy loads. BMX Bicycles are popular with kids because of their small size, but they are used by adults and kids alike for various styles of trick and stunt riding. Mountain Bicycles are design for riding rough off-road trails. They have flat or upright handlebars, and a very low gear range for pedaling up steep trails. Most mountain bikes have some type of shock absorbers or suspension. Mountain bikes with front suspension only are called hardtails; mountain bikes with both front and rear suspension are called full-suspension bikes or duallies. Mountain bikes with no suspension are called rigid. Mountain bikes can be outfitted for use as touring or commuting bikes, although they would not be as light or efficient as traditional touring or commuting bikes.

Safety considerations, including rules and practices that minimize safety risks

Stay within the bowling lane, Watch the children, Wait for ball returns, Wear bowling, Use both hands when picking up a ball. reduce saftey risks Incorrect technique - using the correct swinging action when bowling is an important factor in preventing injury. Poor delivery or balance, or incorrect grip of the bowl can lead to injury. Failure to warm up and cool down - warming up and cooling down is extremely important to reduce the risk of muscle and joint injuries. Time spent playing - the repetitive movements associated with bowling can be associated with injury. Make sure you rest between games. Previous injury - lawn bowls can aggravate existing injury, so make sure any injuries are fully rehabilitated before you play.

targeting strategies

Targeting starts with understanding the lane conditions. Research has shown that targeting only the dots or arrows is inadequate, and highlights the need to consider more advanced targeting techniques. As the lanes dry out the commonly used areas where the ball travels along the heads and pines, scores suffer, and bowlers unfamiliar with how to adjust their target and the length of their targets encounter conditions that negatively impact their ability to score. Advanced level bowlers select targets that maximize their ability to enter the pocket at an optimum angle. Selecting targets that maximize their margin of error is based on the oil pattern, the length of the pattern, and the volume of oil

evolution and history of cycling

The earliest bicycle was a wooden scooter-like contraption called a celerifere; it was invented about 1790 by Comte Mede de Sivrac of France. In 1816, Baron Karl von Drais de Sauerbrun, of Germany, invented a model with a steering bar attached to the front wheel, which he called a Draisienne. It has two wheels (of the same size), and the rider sat between the two wheels, but there were no pedals; to move, you had to propel the bicycle forward using your feet (a bit like a scooter). He exhibited his bicycle in Paris on April 6, 1818. Kirkpatrick MacMillan (1812-1878), a blacksmith from Dumfriesshire, Scotland, invented the first bicycle with foot pedals in the 1830 to 1840's, but he never patented it and his idea did not catch on locally. A French father-and-son team of carriage-makers, Pierre and Ernest Michaux, invented an improved bicycle in the 1860's. Many early bicycles (called velocipedes, meaning "fast foot," or, more descriptively, "bone shakers") had huge front wheels - it was thought that the bigger the wheel, the faster you could go. Early tires were wooden - metal tires were an improvement, and solid rubber tires were added later. A chain with sprockets was added to the bicycle in the 1880's; this was called the "safety bicycle." Air-filled tires were also added in the 1880's. The derailleur gear system was added in the 1970's.

Etiquette and rules of recreational and competitive bowling

The true meaning of bowling etiquette is to be respectful of others and the game being played. ... Be courteous and respect other bowlers and the bowling facility. Stay on your lane or in the seating area behind your lane unless you've completely left the bowler's area. Teams consist of four players with no gender rule in place. We discourage, but have never banned teams of all one gender or the other. Your team can have a maximum of 8 players on the roster. Teams can bowl four people (4) the first game and then bowl a new set of players the following game. The new set of players can consist of one (1) new bowler or four (4) new bowlers. Teams of bowlers, bowl three rounds of four games each. Twelve total games in a night. Each set of four games by one team, plus handicaps is compared to their opposing team. The team with the highest total of pins wins 2 points for the round. After three rounds, the total (12 games) is also compared with the highest pin count winning an additional 2 points. In the event of a pin tie in any of the three rounds or the total count, the 2 points are split between the two teams. For the night, a team can earn up to 8 points. Weekly, the teams are ranked by points.

Approach strategies, including alignment to target line and position on approach

Whether you target the dots, arrows, a board, pins, or any other place on the lane you need to focus on your target until you are comfortable and prepared to begin your approach. Once you are in your stance, you should focus on your intended target for a couple of seconds until your internal focus tension relaxes.

equipment for cycling

helmet, cycle clothes, gloves, bike, and road

Appropriate clothing and accessories for cycling

helmet,bike shorts, bike shirt, bike shoes and socks, bike lights, pump

Responsible behavior in bowling, including responding to challenges, successes, and failures in socially appropriate ways

in order to respond to challenges a person must act maturely also have sportsmanship when success comes and also for failures and have empathy and gratitude for the person

Responsible behavior in cycling, including responding to challenges, successes, and failures in socially appropriate ways

in order to respond to challenges a person must act maturely also have sportsmanship when success comes and also for failures and have empathy and gratitude for the person.

Correct pedaling technique is known as

pedaling in circles

Relationship between substance abuse and bowling on personal health and performance

people who used substances have an upper advantage to enhance sport performance, advance one's career, and secure the win. while another person could be working hard to secure a win, with hard work and dedicaton the subataance abuser would win because of the drugs advantage

Social aspects of cycling, including positive and negative aspect

positive aspects: people think its great exercise, lose weight fast negative: people cant see it as a sport, the gear looks 'weird,' too many different types of bikes, gears, clothing

Social aspects of bowling, including positive and negative aspects

positive: its fun, a stress reliver, has an adrineline rush to it negative: people dont look at this as a sport, people dont think a person can build muscle bowling,

Safety aspects of cycling, including risks to cyclers, bystanders, and cycling equipment

risks: getting into car accidents, falling off and have injury, overly exhausted, bystanders: getting others into accidents due to reckless cycling cycling equipment: helmet, cycle clothes, gloves, bike, and road

Training principles for cycling, including stretching, warming-up, cooling-down, and other activities to increase flexibility, muscular strength, and cardiovascular endurance

stretches: Calf stretch into a wall, Downward facing dog(Adho Mukha Svanasana), Expanded leg pose (Prasarita Padottanasana), Quad stretch. ... Camel pose (Ustrasana), Seated glute stretch and hip opener, Revolved belly pose (Athara Parivartanasana) warming up: start light and stretch cooling down: take deep breathes, drink water, and take breaks. flexibility: Expanded leg pose, Downward facing dog, Calf stretch into a wall, cardiovascular endurance: cycling for longer periods of time you can increase cardio endurance, also drink water muscular strength: Work Your Core, Increase Your Resistance, also have gears up to make cycle harder so cycling can build muscle

Health and fitness benefits of participating in bowling activities

weight loss, muscle toning and strengthing, improve social life, sport for all ages, reduce risk of disease, stress reliever

Ways to show good sportsmanship in bowling

win with dignity, Losing with Grace, Respect the Game, Follow the Rules, Point Out Examples, Include Your Teammates, and follow up with handshake

Relationship between substance abuse and cycling

with substance abuse people would have more stanima and have better development of muscle giving a person the upperhand

Effects of substance abuse on personal health and bowling performance

with substance the user would have an upper advantage as well it would comeback in a negative way by having negative effects on the body such as brain damage, change in moods, elvated blood pressure, and the user is alos in risk of stroke.

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