Perio chapter 12 and 16 practice questions

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1. A periapical abscess must be treated as soon as possible. Periapical abscesses can lead to life-threatening situations. a. Both statements are true b. Both statements are false c. The first statement is true, and the second statement is false d. The first statement is false, and the second statement is true


1. All of the following characteristics are typically found in cases of NUG except one. Which characteristic is the exception? a. Painless b. Smoking c. Bleeding d. Fetor Oris e. Necrosis of the papillae


1. Which disease is highly infectious? a. Pericoronitis b. Periapical abscess c. Acute periodontal abscess d. Acute herpetic gingivostomatitis e. Acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis (NUG)


1. teeth often test nonvital in which type of abscess? a. Gingival b. Periodontal c. Pericoronal d. Endodontic


1. All treatment other than emergency palliative care should be postponed during the course of acute herpetic gingivostomatitis. Acute herpetic gingivostomatitis normally runs it s course between 7 and 10 days. a. Both statements are true b. Both statements are false c. The first statement is true and the second statement is false d. The first statement is false and the second statement is true


1. Chronic periodontal abscesses a. Are usually painless b. Involve a nonvital tooth c. Are free of suppuration or purulence d. Cause the surrounding tissue to have a cratered appearance


1. Most painful teeth are the result of periapical abscesses. In the periodontist's office, patients are more likely to have periodontal abscess than periapical abscesses. a. Both statements are true b. Both statements are false c. The first statement is true, and the second statement is false d. The first statement is false, and the second statement is true


1. One of the concerns for patients with acute periodontal conditions is that they may not eat and become dehydrated. Educating the patient about the importance of maintaining a good diet and consuming plenty of fluids is important for the dental hygienist. a. Both statements are true b. Both statements are false c. The first statement is true, and the second statement is false d. The first statement is false, and the second statement is true


1. Oral irrigators can cause systemic bacteremia. Patients who require antibiotic premedication for dental treatment should avoid these homecare devices. a. Both statements are true b. Both statements are false c. The first statement is true, and the second statement is false d. The first statement is false, and the second statement is true


1. Supragingival oral irrigation a. Reduces gingivitis and helps clean interproximally b. Reduces plaque biofilm but does not reduce gingivitis c. Should be a component of every personal plaque control regimen d. Is only useful for in-office procedures after scaling and root planing


1. The daily plaque biofilm control program is the responsibility of the a. Patient b. Dentist c. Dental Hygienist d. Dental Assistant


1. The dental hygienist plays an important role in developing a customized homecare regiment for patients with periodontal disease. The use of positive reinforcement and establishing rapport over time with the patient enhances this role. a. Both statements are true b. Both statements are false c. The first statement is true, and the second statement is false d. The first statement is false, and the second statement is true


1. The flap of tissue that covers a partially or fully erupted tooth is referred to as a. Operculum b. Periodontal flap c. Pericornoid tissue d. Periodontoclasia


1. The herpesvirus travels through the nerves and resides in neuronal ganglia after the primary infection has occurred. This virus reoccurs most commonly as a herpes labialis. a. Both statements are true b. Both statements are false c. The first statement is true, and the second statement is false d. The first statement is false, and the second statement is true


1. What is the term for an emergency condition that is associated with partially or fully erupted teeth? a. Pericoronitis b. Gingival abscess c. Periapical abscess d. Acute periodontal abscess e. Chronic periodontal abscess


1. Which of the following treatments is used for a patient with a gingival abscess? a. Incision and drainage b. Systemic antibiotics c. Systemic analgesics d. Controlled-drug delivery


1. NUG will most likely cause what papillary contour? a. Edema b. Cratering c. Recession d. Enlargement


1. The periodontal emergency that occurs in an otherwise healthy periodontium is usually a. Pericoronitis b. Gingival abscess c. Periapical abscess d. Acute periodontal abscess e. Chronic periodontal abscess


1. The role of the dental hygienist in dealing with emergent conditions always includes: a. Treatment and referral b. Recognition and referral c. Treatment of the condition d. Recognition and treatment of the condition


1. The tissue associated with the pericoronitis infection is called the a. Percolator b. Operculum c. Gingival abscess d. Periodontal abscess


1. The tooth most likely to be associated with pericoronitis is the a. Maxillary third molar b. Mandibular third molar c. Maxillary second molar d. Mandibular second molar


1. Understanding plaque growth as a biofilm emphasizes the importance of a. Chemical plaque control b. Mechanical plaque control c. Subgingival irrigation with chemical agents d. Supragingival irrigation with chemical agents


2. Chemical plaque control is effective in a personal homecare regimen: a. Only as a supragingival irrigant b. To assist in personal plaque control c. As a substitute for mechanical plaque control d. Because biofilm is completely penetrated by effective chemical agents


1. A periapical abscess that is draining can resemble which of the following? a. Pericoronitis b. Allergic Reaction c. Periodontal Abscess d. Linear gingival erythema


1. Extrinsic tooth staining has been reported with which of the following products? a. Cosmetic mouthwash b. Sanguinarine mouthwash c. Chlorhexidine mouthwash d. Quaternary ammonium mouthwash


1. Localized pus that forms around periodontal tissues is termed what? a. Necrotizing periodontal disease b. Aggressive periodontal disease c. Periodontal abscess d. Endodontic abscess


1. Options for definitive treatment of pericoronitis include all of the following except one. Which option is the exception? a. Extraction of the tooth b. Removal of the excess tissue c. Scaling and gingival curettage


1. Periapical pain tends to be sharp, severe, intermittent, and difficult to localize. Periodontal pain tends to be sharp, severe, intermittent, and difficult to localize. a. Both statements are true b. Both statements are false c. The first statement is true and the second statement is false d. The first statement is false, and the second statement is true


1. Phenolic compound mouth rinses work by altering bacterial cell walls. Phenolic compound mouth rinses reduce gingivitis approximately as much as quaternary ammonium prouducts. a. Both statements are true b. Both statements are false c. The first statement is true, and the second statement is false d. The first statement is false, and the second statement is true


1. The opening of a sinus track associated with a tooth in the primary dentition is most likely related to a. Periocoronitis b. Gingival abscess c. Periapical abscess d. Periodontal abscess e. Either C or D


1. Which term is often applied to a herpetic lesion on the finger of the operator? a. Wheal b. Wharton c. Whitlow d. Warfarin


1. A periapical abscess is an infectious process originating and spreading from the periodontal pocket to the pulp. A periapical abscess is an infectious process originating and spreading from the pulp to the periodontal pocket. a. Both statements are true b. Both statements are false c. The first statement is true and the second statement is false d. The first statement is false and the second statement is true


1. NUG infections are associated with which of the following microflora? a. Gram positive, aerobic b. Gram negative, aerobic c. Gram positive, anaerobic d. Gram-negative, anaerobic


1. NUG is a communicable disease associated with young teens. NUG is opportunistic gingival tissue often associated with severe stress. a. Both statements are true b. Both statements are false c. The first statement is true, and the second statement is false


1. Swelling, shiny red tissue, tooth sensitivity to pressure, and possible tooth mobility are common symptoms of a. NUG b. Pericoronitis abscess c. Chronic periodontal abscess d. Acute periodontal abscess


1. The areas of the tooth where dental floss is likely to miss plaque biofilm are a. Furacations b. Root concavities c. Proximal contact areas d. Furcations and root concavities e. Furcations, root concavities, and proximal contact areas


1. The goals of plaque biofilm control for the patient with periodontal disease include a. Education b. Education and motivation c. Education, motivation and patient responsibility d. Education, motivation patient responsibility, and caries control


1. The periodontal abscess is the result of bacteria that have become established in the tissues as a result of which of the following causes? a. Trauma b. Advancing disease process and trauma c. Incomplete scaling and root planning and advancing disease d. Incomplete scaling and root planning, advancing disease, and trauma


1. The types of toothbrushes that have been shown to have slightly better plaque biofilm removing ability by the Cochrane analysis is a. Rotating mechanical toothbrushes b. Oscillating mechanical toothbrushes c. Manual toothbrushes using the Bass technique d. Oscillating and rotating mechanical toothbrushes


1. A periodontal abscess is usually characterized by a. Pain b. Swelling c. Discomfort d. Tooth sensitivity to pressure e. A, B, and C


1. NUG is a periodontal infection associated with all of the following predisposing factors except one. Which factor is the exception? a. Human immunodeficiency virus ( HV) b. Down Syndrome c. Blood dyscrasias d. Stressful lifestyle e. Flaps of tissue on some teeth


1. Patients with periodontal abscess often state that the painful tooth feels "high". This symptom occurs because of inflammation and swelling of the a. Tooth pulp b. Oral mucosa c. Alveolar bone d. Attached gingiva e. Periodontal ligament


1. Pus formation characterizes periodontal abscesses. Other names for pus include a. Exudate b. Purulence c. Suppuration d. Purulent exudate e. All of the above


1. The patient is likely to relate experiencing previous episodes of swelling and pain with which type of periodontal emergency? a. Pericoronitis b. Gingival abscess c. Periapical abscess d. Acute periodontal abscess e. Chronic periodontal abscess


1. Which disease process requires that all elective treatment be postponed until the condition has been resolved? a. Pericoronitis b. Gingival abscess c. Periapical abscess d. Periodontal abscess e. Primary herpetic infection


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