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in CA the speed limit for a blind intersection is

15 mph

when parallel parking how far can your wheels be from t he curb?

18 inches

what should your following distance between you and an emergency vehicle be?

300 feet

what is the fine for a violation in a work zone?

$1000 o more

what should you do when driving in fog/heavy smoke

(try not to drive) but if you do use your low beams and increase your normal follow distance

what is the distance you can park by a fire hydrant?

15 feet

what are the requirements to not face the rear of the car?

2 years or older, 40+ lbs, or 3ft 4inches tall

what speed do NEV/LSV vehicles travel at?

25 mph at the maximum

what distance should you use when following a motorcycle?

4 second rule (not 3)

how many cars have to be behind you for you to move to the right and let them pass?

5 cars. you must drive into the turnout areas or lanes to let the vehicles pass.

what is the minimum distance you can park from a railroad track?

7.5 feet

how old do you have to be where you must follow the child passenger restraint system?

8 and under, or who is 4ft 9 inches tall

what direction should you place your hands while driving?


what is a center left turn lane?

A center left turn lane is located inthe middle of a two-way street and is marked on both sides by two painted lines.

flashing yellow

A flashing yellow traffic signal light warns you to "PROCEED WITH CAUTION." Slow down and be alert before entering the intersection. Yield to any pedestrians, bicyclists, or vehicles in the intersection. You do not need to stop for a flashing yellow traffic

green arrow

A green arrow means "GO." You must turn inthe direction the arrow is pointing after you yield to any vehicle, bicyclist, or pedestrian still in the intersection. The green arrowallows you to make a "protected" turn. Oncoming vehicles, bicyclists, and pedestrians are stopped by a red traffic signal light as long as the green arrow is lighted.

red arrow

A red arrow means "STOP." Remain stopped until the green signal or green arrow appears. Do not turn against ared arrow.

yellow arrow

A yellow arrow means the "protected" turning •time period is ending. Be prepared to obey the next traffic signallight, which could be the green or red traffic signal light or redarrow.

solid yellow

A yellow traffic signal light means "CAUTION." The red traffic signal light is about to appear. When you see the yellow traffic signal light, stop if you can do so safely. If you cannot stop safely, cross the intersection cautiously.

where should you not make a U turn?

At or on a railroad crossing. Onadividedhighwaybycrossingadividingsection,curb,stripofland, or two sets of double yellow lines. Where you cannot see clearly 200 feet in each direction because of a curve, hill, rain, fog, or other reason. Where a "No U-turn" sign is posted. When other vehicles may hit you. On a one-way street. In front of a fire station. Never use a fire station driveway to turn your vehicle around. In business districts.

what are "Safety Enhanced-Double Fine Zones?"

Fines for violations are doubled in these zones and also in highway construction or maintenance zones when workers are present

solid green

Give the right-of-way to any vehicle, bicyclist,or pedestrian in the intersection. A green traffic signal lightmeans "GO." If you are turning left, make the turn only ifyou have enough space to complete the turn before creating ahazard for any oncoming vehicle, bicyclist, or pedestrian. Do not enter the intersection if you cannot get completely across before the traffic signal light turns red. If you block the intersection, you can be cited.

when should you use your headlights?

If weather conditions require you to use your windshield wipers, you are required to turn on your low-beam headlights. Any time conditions (clouds, rain, snow, dust, smoke, fog, etc.) prevent you from seeing other vehicles. On small country or mountain roads, even on sunny days. In darkness and when visibility does not allow clear recognition of a person or vehicle from a distance of 1,000 feet. Whenthevehicleisoperatedfrom30minutesaftersunsetto30minutes before sunrise. When a regulatory (white) road sign is posted stating headlights must be on. To increase your vehicle's visibility to others while driving - even on bright days and especially when the sun is low on the horizon

what should you do if you start to hydroplane?

If your vehicle starts to hydroplane, slow down gradually—do not apply the brakes.

what should you do when you are driving with a sun glare?

Keep the inside and outside of your windshield clean. Make sure your windshield wipers are in good working order and your wiper fluid level is full. Wear polarized sunglasses. Maintain enough space between your vehicle and the vehicles around you. Your car visor should also be free of anything that would restrict use and be in good working order. Be extra cautious of pedestrians. You may have difficulty seeing them. Try to avoid driving during sunrise and sunset.

what does LSV mean?

Low-Speed Vehicles (LSV)

what does NEV mean?

Neighborhood Electric Vehicles (NEV)

what should you do if it is really windy while you are driving?

Reduce your speed, Maintaining a firm hand position on the steering wheel, be alert, don't use cruise control, be proactive

flashing red

STOP. After stopping, you may proceed when it is safe. Observe the right-of-way rules.

What is hydroplaning?

The tires loose their contact with the road and have little or no traction


The traffic signal light is not working and/or no lights are showing on the signal. Proceed cautiously as if the intersection is controlled by "STOP" signs in all directions.

flashing yellow arrow

This traffic signal light means turns are permitted (unprotected), but you must first yield to oncoming traffic and pedestrians and then proceed with caution.

what is the left lane used for?

To drive faster, pass, or turn left, use the left lane.

when should you use your high beam lights?

Use your high-beam headlights whenever possible in open country or dark city streets, as long as it is not illegal.

what should you do when the road is slippery?

Wet road-Go 5 to 10 mph slower.Packed snow-Reduce your speed by half. Ice-Slow to a crawl.

when can you overtake a light-rail vehicle/streetcar on the left side? (moving/standing)

When you are on a one-way street. When the tracks are so close to the right side that you cannot pass on the right. When a traffic officer directs you to pass on the left.

what happens if you are parked in a disabled parking spot?

a fine of up to $1,000, imprisonment in county jail for up to 6 months, or both.

what should you do if another driver tailgates your vehicle?

change lanes so the tailgater can pass you

your vehicle breaks down on the freeway. you aren't able yo move the vehicle off the road completely as the right shoulder is too narrow. what is the best thing to do?

exit on the right side of your vehicle and proceed to a safe place.

If you are in an intersection and hear the siren of an emergency vehicle, you should:

finish the intersection and move to the right side of the road

large electronic flashing arrow panels may be used in work zones day and night to ______

guide drivers into certain traffic lanes

what should you do if your tire goes flat?

hold the steering wheel tight and keep the vehicle straight

if you are at an intersection, you should yield to another vehicle...

if the vehicle is to your righting arrived at the same time as you/if the vehicle is just starting the intersection

when should you not use high beam headlights?

in fog, snow, or heavy rain

you are driving on the freeway and notice another driver using a handheld cell phone, what is the best thing to do?

increase your following distance

when you approach a roundabout, you must enter to the _______ of the central island


If you plan to turn beyond an intersection, you must:

signal when you are in the intersection

what should you do if you are overtaking a bicycle and on coming vehicle is approaching at the same time?

slow down and let the oncoming vehicle;e pass first and leave extra room for the bicycle

before evading the crest of a hill or entering a curve, you must _____, and watching for oncoming vehicles.

slow down and move to the right side of the road

a yield sign indicates that a driver must slow down and be prepared to ___ if a vehicle/pedestrian w the right away is approaching from another direction.


If you are approaching a stop sign, you must:

stop at the solid white limit line

following too close to another vehicle is called...


when turning left from a multi-lane road onto another one-way road, start your turn from

the far left lane

on a freeway (w 3+ changing lanes going in 1 direction) vehicles passing others/turning left should use...

the left lane

before backing up your vehicle , you should look to the front, sides, and rear, and continue to look ______ while backing up.

the rear

if a car behind you approaches you w its high beams on, you must look to the _____ side to not be temporarily blinded

the right side

how can someone younger than 8 sit in the front seat?

there is no rear seat/ the rear seats are rear facing or side facing/the restraint system couldn't be secured properly in the rear seat/ all seats were occupied by kids 7 or younger/ medical reasons

what is true about the use of airbags?

they are installed to provide additional safety beyond seat belts

if you are turning after an intersection when should you signal?

while you are in the intersection

what does a hospital ahead sign look like?

white H on a blue sign

Blind pedestrians may carry _________ canes or use the assistance of guide dogs.

white canes

what should you do when passing other vehicles?

do not pull out pass (unless you know you will have enough space to pull back into your lane) and always signal before passing

What should you not do w your headlights?

do not use your high beams when traveling behind others

_________ are the most likely places for car and motorcycle collisions to occur


can you leave animals or children in a car during hot weather?

it is dangerous and illegal (even if the window is down)

what does a diamond shaped sign on a vehicle mean?

it means the vehicles' load is potentially dangerous

what does a orange/red triangle on the back of a vehicle mean?

it travels a maximum of 25 mph/less

can you leave a kid unattended in a car?

its illegal to leave a kid six and under alone ( but its okay if there is another person who is 12 or older inside)

when you park and leave your vehicle on the highway or a street, you should not...

leave your windows down

a center lane between lanes of traffic traveling opposite directions may be designated for

left turns only

if someones lights are too bright....

look to the right edge of the road, watch for oncoming vehicles

what is the first rule of a safe legal turn?

move into the proper lane before the turn

the wide white line painted across a traffic lane before an intersection is known as...

a limit line

What does this sign mean?

a pedestrian crosswalk is ahead; you must yield

what does this sign mean?

a place reserved for people with disabilities

what resources do blind people use?

a white cane and/ a guide dog

when you turn left from a 1 way street on to another 1 way street what lane should you turn into?

any safe open lane

what is the arm signal for turning left?

arm extended to the left

what is the arm signal for a right turn?

arm extended upward

what is the arm signal for slowing/stopping

arm facing downward

what do all regulatory devices on the road tell you?

to stop, proceed in a certain discretion, or to limit your speed

when you turn off a high speed, 2 lane roadway, ____ if you have traffic following you

try not to slow down your vehicle too quickly

What does this sign mean?

turn left or go straight

which way should you turn your tires when you are parking uphill?

turn them to the left

which way should you turn your tires when you are parking downhill/there is no curb?

turn them to the right

what is the fine for assaulting a highway worker?

up to a $2000 fine/ a year in jail

when driving in the dark/when it is raining what lights shield you use?

use your low beam lights

when should you turn on your high beam headlights?

when driving on dark streets/open country

what is the middle lane used for?

when you want to drive smoothly

lanes of traffic going in opposite directions are divided by

yellow lines

when an emergency vehicle is approaching what should you do?

yield to it and drive to the right edge of the road

it is unsafe to pass when...

you are moving through an intersection

What does this sign mean?

you can only go straight

what speed can you pass a bus, streetcar, or trolley is stopped at a safety zone or at an intersection where traffic is controlled by a peace officer or traffic signal light?

at 10 mph

what is the distance you should start signaling?

at 100 feet before your turn/action

what are HOV lanes reserved for?

carpools/vehicles with more than one person

what is the right lane used for?

When you choose to drive slowly, enter or exit traffic on the right, turn right, park, or move off the road, use the right lane. If there are only two lanes in your direction, pick the right lane for the smoothest driving.

what do yield lines look like?

Yield lines, also known as "shark's teeth," consist of a line of solid white triangles across a lane of traffic pointing towards approaching vehicles. This line indicates the point where the vehicle must yield/stop.

solid red light

You can make a right turn against a red traffic signal light after you stop. yield to pedestrians. but check for no turn on red signs

how long car you drive in a center turn lane?

You may only drive for 200 feet in the center left turn lane. This lane is not a regular traffic lane or a passing lane.

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