Personal essays
What would you do in a personal essay?
In a personal essay, you would address a topic that holds special meaning for you. Writing a personal essay is like telling a story about something that is significant in your life.
a prose piece that describes something or discusses a topic.
a short, sometimes hilarious story about an incident or event in a person's life.
What do rhetorical devices do?
allow the writer to connect with the reader, clarify the essay's purpose, and convey the message.
What do personal essays do?
allow writers to reflect on and explore a particular issue. They often sound like an informal conversation that can both entertain and provoke thought.
What is generally a personal essay's topic?
an experience, a person, or a phase in your life.
How should you end a personal essay?
connect the issues discussed in the essay to a larger context. Other ideas are to leave the readers with a thought-provoking question, a quote, or an evocative image.
Descriptive Essay
deeper meaning through description
Narrative Essay
experience from writer's life, relates to readers, and builds toward personal insight or wisdom
What are some types of rhetorical devices?
irony and anecdote
What might authors use in personal essays?
rhetorical questions, which are questions not meant to be answered, for emphasis. "Is the sky blue?" is a simple example of a rhetorical question used to emphasize the obvious.
What should the introduction include?
thesis statement.
What is the goal of the introduction?
to present your topic, show the topic's relevance and significance, and draw in the reader.
The object of a personal essay
to write about a personal experience and convince the reader that it holds a greater meaning.