Personal Trainer Final Exam Study Guide

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Ways to test intensity

1. Talk test 2. RPE (scale 0-10)


After pregnancy


B.M.I. of 30+


Be specific and mean it.

VO2 Max

Maximal amount of O2 you can uptake

Define Concentric

Shortening contraction

Define antecedent, give example

Stimuli which precedes behavior (trigger)

Elastic stretch is best defined as?

high-force, short duration

Water exercise

weightless- good for arthritis

3 ways to make ATP

*Phosphagen *Anaerobic *Aerobic

The following are components of optimum fitness

*body composition *muscular strength *flexibility

Which of the following systems does our body use to produce ATP?

*creatine phosphate *anaerobic glycolysis *aerobic energy system

Cardio mode types

*group exercise *circuit training *outdoor exercise *water exercise *interval training

What is the importance of a warm-up before exercise?

*increase heart rate *reduce risk of injury *increase blood pressure

Why we do fitness testing?

*to assess current fitness levels relative to age and sex *to aid in development of an exercise program *to evaluate progress

Which of the following best measures maximal muscular strength in the chest? *half sit-up test *push-up test *1 rep max bench press test *YMCA bench press test

1 rep max bench press test

What are 3 of the 5 flexors of the humerous?

1. Anterior deltoid 2. Pectoralis major 3. Coracobrachialis 4. Biceps brachii

What are 2 of the 5 medial/internal rotators of the humerus?

1. Anterior deltoid 2. Pectoralis major 3. Subscapularis 4. Teres major 5. Latissimus dorsi

What are the 3 parts to the basic teaching method?

1. Assessment 2. Teaching 3. Evaluation

What are two lifts you should always have a spotter for, and give another lift which it would be a good idea to spot on.

1. Bench Press 2. Squat 3. Anything involving an overhead pressing movement

List 5 major systems of the human body

1. Cardiovascular 2. Respiratory 3. Nervous system 4. Skeletal system 5. Muscular

List 5 parts of the vertebral column

1. Cervical 2. Thoracic 3. Lumbar 4. Sacrum 5. Coccyx

5 regions of spine (24 moveable units)

1. Cervical (neck) -5 vertebrae 2. Thoracic (trunk) -12 vertebrae 3. Lumbar (lower back) -7 vertebrae 4. Sacral (hips) 5. Coccyx (tailbone)

What are 3 bio mechanical pathways our body uses to produce ATP?

1. Creatine phosphate 2. Aerobic system 3. Anaerobic system

What are 7 components of a health history?

1. Demographic information (age, gender, ethnicity, address, work) 2. Medication and supplements 3. Current illness and injuries 4. Past illness, injuries and surgeries 5. Family history 6. Past exercise history 7. Health risks

What 7 things should be included on a health history?

1. Demographics-age, occupation, sex 2. Past and present exercise history 3. Health risks- smoking, drinking, high bp/cholesterol, diabetes 4. Medication- currently on 5. Recent or current illnesses or injuries (w/in last year) 6. Surgeries or major injuries (w/in last 5-10 years) 7. Family medical history- high bp/cholesterol

What are 3 things you can do as a trainer to reduce the chance of musculoskeletal injuries?

1. Educate yourself 2. Use a progression in your training 3. Never push them too hard/beyond their fitness level

What are 2 benefits to doing a warm-up prior to activity?

1. Facilitates neural recruitment of motor skills. 2. Distributes blood to working muscles to warm them

What are 3 macronutrients?

1. Fats 2. Carbohydrates 3. Proteins

What is the cardiovascular system composed of?

1. Heart 2. Blood vessels 3. Blood

List 3 benefits of strength training

1. Increased muscle fiber size 2. Increased muscle contractile strength 3. Increased tendon tensile strength 4. Increased bone strength 5. Increased ligament tensile strength 6. These influence: physical capacity, physical appearance, metabolic function, injury risk

Why is it important to have our clients keep a food journal?

1. Keeps them honest 2. Allows us to make healthy suggestions and educate them about what their body needs 3. Helps them learn the state of their current diet, so they can make positive changes 4. Provides insight into various conditions, illness, or disease they may have 5. Helps us determine if they need a referral to a professional RD, CN, or physician 6. Potentially helps us understand why we may not be seeing projected changes

What are 3 types if tissue?

1. Muscle 2. Tendon 3. Ligament 4. Bone

What are 3 attending behaviors?

1. Posture 2. Positioning 3. Mirroring 4. Eye Contact

List and describe 2 of the 5 stages of change.

1. Pre-contemplation: no intention to change soon, denial of the need to change. 2. Contemplation: Weighing costs versus benefits of change 3. Preparation: Deciding to initiate a change. 4. Action: actually exercising (at greatest risk for relapse here) 5. Maintenance: successful sustained lifestyle modification

What is the purpose of carbohydrates?

1. Primary energy source for working muscles 2. Ensures the brain and nervous system function properly 3. Helps the body use fat more efficiently

Why are fats necessary in our diet?

1. Primary fuel for light to moderate intensity exercise 2. Most concentrated source of food energy and chief storage form of energy 3. Provides essential fatty acids 4. Necessary for proper functioning of cell membranes, skin and hormones 5. Aids in transportation of fat-soluble vitamins.

What are 2 bones in the forearm called?

1. Radius 2. Ulna

What are 3 signs of inflammation?

1. Redness 2. Swelling 3. Pain

What are 2 benefits to doing a cool-down after activity?

1. Reduces immediate post exercise tendency for muscle spasm or cramping. 2. Prevents blood pooling and too rapid a drop in blood pressure and fainting.

What 3 muscles make up the hamstring?

1. Semimembranosus 2. Semitendinous 3. Biceps femoris

Give an activity that would rely primarily on anaerobic power

1. Standing long jump 2. Vertical Jump 3. 1RM bench press 4. Medicine ball toss

What is the respiratory system responsible for?

1. Supplies O2 2. Eliminates CO2 3. Helps regulate acid-based balance (ph) of the body

What are 3 ways to test intensity during exercise?

1. Talk test 2. Rate of Perceived Exertion 3. Exercising HR

List 2 things that should be included in a contract?

1. The specific behavior to be achieved 2. Specific reinforcement that will reward the desired behaviour

What are 4 of the 5 extensors of the knee?

1. Vastus lateralis 2. Vastus intermedius 3. Vastus medialis 4. Rectus femoris 5. Tensor fascia latae

What 4 muscles make up the quadriceps?

1. Vastus lateralis 2. Vastus medialis 3. vastus intermedialis 4. rectus femoris

List 3 factors which may affect flexibility

1. age 2. inactivity 3. gender 4. pregnancy 5. body type/strength training

G.A.S. -General Adaptation System

1. fight:damage:alarm 2. adaptation 3. super compensation 4. decreased performance (over training)

List 3 factors which limit flexibility

1. genetics 2. joint structure 3. connective tissue elasticity 4. opposing muscle group strength 5. neuromuscular coordination

5 basic components of fitness

1. muscular strength 2. muscular endurance 3. cardiovascular 4. flexibility 5. BMI

List 4 stages of the personal trainer-client relationship

1. rapport 2. investigation 3. planning 4. action

What does PNF stand for? Describe it

1.Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation 2.Contract-relax type of stretching involving contracting against a resistance, then allowing that resistance to overcome the muscle for a longer stretch.

What percentage of our diet should come from fat?


An elite 150#/68kg endurance cyclist would need how many grams of protein daily based on 1.5g/kg of bodyweight?


How many thoracic vertebrae are there?


A food product has 12 fat grams, 17 protein grams, and 25 carbohydrate grams. How many calories will come from these if added together?

12 x 9 + 17 x 4 + 25 x 4=276 calories

Optimal blood pressure is considered?


What is healthy body % fat range for men according to ACE?



20 seconds work 10 seconds rest 8 rounds 90% intensity

How many bones are in the human body?


What is healthy body % fat range for women according to ACE?


How do you find a clients Max HR


How do you find a clients theoretical Max HR?


What is the upper daily limit of sodium intake?


A food product has 50 calories from fat and 200 calories total what would its percentage of calories from fat be?


What % of the population is obese?


What % of the population is overweight?


On gram of carbohydrates is equal to how many calories?


One gram of protein is equal to how many calories?


How many calories per one gram of carbohydrates?

4 grams

How many calories per one gram of protein?

4 grams

How many calories per one gram of alcohol?

7 grams

One gram of fat is equal to how many calories?


How many calories per 1 gram of fat?

9 grams


A chemical derivative of lactic acid, which is formed when sugars are broken down for energy without the presence of O2.

Positive reinforcement

A presentation of a positive stimulus that increases the likelihood that the behavior will occur in the future.

RPE -Rate of Perceived Exertion

A standard means for evaluating a participants perception of exercise effort on a ratio scale of 0-10

The fat soluble vitamins are?


What type of stretching should you do prior to activity, and after activity, why?

Active stretching - to warm and loosen the muscle primarily involved in the activity.


Adenosine trisphosphate

When should you perform a static stretch?

After you exercise

Which of the following is a good source of protein? *lean meat *vegetables *beans *all of the above

All of the above

Why is multi-sensory input such an important concept?

All people learn differently, so to get the most out of someone, you should introduce concepts in various ways.


Also decreases the likelihood of the behavior reoccurring and consists of an aversive stimulus following an undesirable behavior.

What is interval training?

Alternates intense bouts of exercise with less intense with no rest between

When should you ask for help?

Anytime you feel you are not confident in helping someone on your own. Health concerns, physiological or psychological issues.


Brittle bone disease

`Body composition-Explain where and how we measure the 3 sites for men.

Chest-diagonal Abdomen-vertical Thigh-vertical

Negative reinforcement

Consists of the removal or avoidance of aversive stimuli following undesirable behavior, also increases the likely that the behavior will occur.


Constricted bronchii

Define Isometric

Contraction involving no change in muscle length

What is the anatomical term that means internal, or located further beneath the body surface than the superficial structures.


Muscular System-Agonist

Does the movement (prime)

Which of the following machines can be used to do cardiovascular exercise? Chest press machine Elliptical machine Leg press machine

Elliptical machine

The aerobic energy system runs on?

Fat and carbohydrates

What are two components of body composition?

Fat-free mass and fat mass

What is the largest bone in the human body? and where is it located?

Femur, in upper leg/thigh

Spine extension exercises for kyphosis

Floor exercises (plank, superman)

Good cholesterol is?


During a leg extension, what muscle acts as our antagonist?


Cardio is referred to as what?


Muscular System-Synergist

Helps prime mover


High blood pressure

Muscular System-Stabilizer

Hold a joint in place

The RPE scale measures what?

How hard an individual works during exercise

Intensity is referred to as?

How hard the body is working during exercise

What does resting heart rate tell you?

How many times the heart beats per minute at rest


Increase in diameter of the blood vessels, especially dilation of arterioles leading to increased blood flow to a part of the body.

Type 1 Diabetes

Insulin dependant

Type 1 Diabetes is?

Insulin dependant

Type 2 Diabetes

Insulin resisant

What is circuit training?

Involves a series of exercise stations with relatively short rest periods between them 15-20 seconds)

Operant Conditioning

Is an effective and widely used approach to understanding human behavior. It is the process by which behaviors are influenced by their consequences.

Why is feedback important?

It informs the client of the correctness of performance and recognizes effort which is very motivating and educational


Joint inflammation


Lateral curve (side hump, elevated shoulder)

Energy=ATP (Adenosine Trisphosphate)

Made in cell -> mitochondria=powerhouse of cells you will get more mitochondria from intense training

Why might using calipers to do a body comp measurement not be accurate for some clients?

May not provide accurate results based on where an individual carries their fat.

Define Extension

Movement at the joint that brings two parts into or toward a straight line, thereby increasing the angle of the joint.

Define abduction

Movement of a body part away form the midline of the body

Isotonic Concentric

Muscle contracts, joint movement with muscle contraction.

Isotonic Eccentric

Muscle contracts, joint movement with muscle elongation. Strongest muscle contraction (causes DOMS)

What tissue tend to take the shortest time to heal? Why?

Muscle, because it's supplied with lots of blood


Muscles contracts, joint doesn't move (ie: wall sits)

Stretching effects the length of?

Muscles, tendons, ligaments


Occurs when a positive stimulus that once followed a behavior is removed and the likelihood that the behavior will reoccur is decreased.

The 2 essential fatty acids are?

Omega 3 and Omega 6 fat


Onset of Blood Lactate Accumulation

Muscular System-Antagonist

Opposes prime mover

Talk Test- Fitness Zone

Pace maintained without being able to speak

Isometric Spine exercise

Plank, bird dog

Peripheral vascular disease

Plugged arteries of arms and legs

Coronary artery disease

Plugged arteries of the heart


Posterior curve (hunchback)

Systolic blood pressure is?

Pressure in the arteries when the heart is contracting

During a leg extension, what muscle acts as our agonist?


Define Ballistic stretch

Quick, jerky stretch with a high probability of injury

What type of acute treatment should be given to musculoskeletal injuries? (Hint: 4 things you should do-Acronym)

R-rest I-ice C-compression E-elevation

Lordosis exercises

ROM, spine strengthening, spine stretching

What is the most important stage of the personal trainer-client relationship? Why?

Rapport confidence and trust in your skills are established early in this stage

BMI is?

Ratio of height to weight

Describe the connection/link between Central Nervous System and the Peripheral Nervous System

Receives and integrates information from the PNS and formulates appropriate responses to the information

What would a person with tight anterior deltoids, and stretched rhomboid muscles look like? Excessive amounts of what type of lifting may lead to this?

Slightly hunch backed with anteriorly rounded shoulders. Excessive pressing motions, ie: bench press

Why might using calipers to do a body comp measurement not be accurate for some clients?

Some may be too obese, or too thin, so that a caliper cannot accurately determine their body fat percentage.

What is light switch thinking?

Some sees things as being all positive or all negative - no neutral ground

Interval Exercises

Specificity *aerobic intervals (minutes) *anaerobic intervals (seconds)

What is an injury to a ligament commonly called?


During the standing barbell curl, the muscles of the hip, back, and shoulders act as what?


A muscle spindle is a nerve ending that senses?


Define Static stretch

Stretch held for an extended period of time with little or no movement


Sway back, anterior curve (pregnancy, obesity)

What is one way to measure intensity during cardiovascular exercise?

Talk test

VO2 Max is an important tool because?

The higher your VO2 max the more work you can do at an aerobic pace

Best cardio for a person is?

The one they'll do

What is exercise Physiology?

The study of how the body functions during physical activity and exercise.

Why is it important to do girth measurements with our clients?

They may get easily discouraged when their weight does not change despite the healthy changes they have made to their lifestyle.

What is weight bearing bone in our lower leg called?


`Body Composition-explain where and how we measure the 3 sites for women.

Tricep-vertical Suprailium-diagonal Thigh-vertical

During the bicep curl, what muscle acts as the antagonist?


Heart disease kills more women than breast cancer?


Define Stimulus control method

Trying to break the behavior between stimuli and subsequent behaviors


Uncontrolled cell growth

Stimulus control

Valuable tool in behavior modification


Vascular brain damage

Why is it important to do girth measurements with our clients?

We can show them the changes in their physique

Talk Test - Health Zone

You can talk but would rather not because you need to take extra breaths to finish what your saying

Which of the following best describes Active isolated stretching? *it was originally used with rehab surgery patients *stretches are held for no more than 2 seconds *goal is to isolate an individual muscle in each set *all of the above

all of the above

Which of the following factors affect flexibility? *age *inactivity *pregnancy *all of the above

all of the above

Which of the following factors influence our eating patterns? *friends *family *economics *all of the above

all of the above

Which of the following is a benefit we receive from fiber? *helps aid in digestion *it slows the absorption of sugar *lowers cholesterol *all of the above

all of the above

Which of the following techniques are used to increase flexibility? *PNA stretching *static stretching? *non-active isolated stretch *all of the above

all of the above

The smallest unit in the pulmonary system are the?


When is the best time to take your resting heart rate?

before you get out of bed in the morning

The cardiovascular system consists?

blood, heart and vessels

The nervous system is responsible for what?

body's control center and network for internal communications

The central nervous system contains what two parts?

brain and spinal cord

Weight loss is primarily a function of?

calories in vs. calories out

The anaerobic energy system runs on?


The energy system used during weight lifting is the anaerobic system. Therefore the primary energy source is?


Which of the following are considered macronutrients? minerals vitamins water carbohydrates


The three types of muscles are?

cardiac, smooth, voluntary

What stretch is used more with athletes?

dynamic stretching

Where do muscles get energy to contract during exercise?

from the food we eat and our body then breaks down the food into energy we need

Lactate can be used as fuel, is it good or bad?


Which of the following is not considered part of the vertebral column? cervical thoracic lumbar illiac


The suffix itis stands for?


An example of a cartilaginous joint is?

intervertebral discs connecting vertebrae

Immediate muscle fatigue is caused by what?

leaky calcium channels

Define Eccentric

lengthening contractions

Plastic stretch is best defined as?

low-force, long duration

Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS) is caused by what?

microscopic muscle tissue tears

Define flexion

movement about a joint in which the bones on either side of the joint are brought closer to each other

The skeletal system performs all the following functions except for what? protection moving the joints stores minerals helps make red and white blood cells

moving the joints

Which of the following is a good source of essential fats? *nuts and seeds *crisco *whole wheat bread *milk

nuts and seeds

What would you use to test someone for core strength endurance?

plank, half sit up test, 1 minute crunch test

A kyphosis is?

poster curve of the spine

What is the purpose of fat?

primary fuel for light to moderate intensity exercise

Which of the following is NOT a benefit that we get from vitamins and minerals? *pure energy *help build tissues *regulate heart beat *act as cofactors of enzymes

pure energy

What would you use to test someone for upper body strength endurance?

push up test, bench press test

Circuit training

series of exercises back to back

Most professionals agree that what type of stretching is the most beneficial and least likely to cause injury.

static stretching

What does the Golgi Tendon Organ respond to?


What is flexibility?

the ROM possible about a joint

The sagittal plane divides the body from?

the midline

Distal is referred to as what?

towards the end of the limb

Superior is referred to as what?

towards the head

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