Personal training chapter 5

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After 50 years old muscle mass is lost by what percent per year?


The development of motor skills is best understood as a 3 stage process, what are the stages?

1-cognitive 2-associative 3-autonomous

What are the two major principles in the sliding filament theory?

1. A sarcomere shortens as a result of the Z-lines moving closer together 2. Z-lines converge as a result of the myosin filaments heads attaching to the actin filaments heads. Pulling the actin across the myosin resulting in shortening of the muscle fiber

After 50 years old muscle strength is lost by what percent per year?


Neurotransmitter levels decline by what percent after early adult hood?


The PNS consists of how many cranial nerves and how many spinal nerves?

12 cranial 31 spinal

How many bones in appendicular skeleton


The physical weight of the brain declined what percent per decade after 40 years old?


How many types of bones are there and what are they?

5: long, short, flat, irregular, seasmoid

Neurocognitive issues are most prevalent in adults at what age?

65 and up

How many bones in axial skeleton?


Kinetic chain

A concept that describes the human body as a chain of interdependent links that work together to perform movement.


A condition resulting from damaging a muscle or tendon

Nonaxial joint

A gliding joint that moves in only one plane, either back and forth or side to side.

Synovial joint

A joint with a fluid filled joint capsule

Efferent pathway

A motor pathway that relays information from the central nervous system to the rest of the body.

skeletal muscle

A muscle that is attached to the bones of the skeleton and provides the force that moves the bones.


A neurotransmitter that helps the action potential cross the synapse into the muscle, which in a muscle contraction

Growth plate

A specialized cartilage disc located in the epiphysis that is responsible for longitudinal bone growth.

Golgi Tendon Organ (GTO)

A specialized sensory receptor located at the point where skeletal muscle fibers insert into the tendons of skeletal muscle; sensitive to changes in muscular tension and rate of tension change.


A tiny cell structure that carries out a specific function within the cell

Pivot joints

Allow movement in one direction

The skeleton is divided into 2 parts, what are they?

Axial and appendicular skeletal systems

Peak muscle mass, power, and strength occurs at what age?

Between 20s and 30s

Vertebral column

Bones that house the spinal cord

Spinal cord

Bundle of nerves housed within the vertebrae

What is the cervical vertebrae for and what is the section?

C1-C7 Provides support and motion for the head

What are the most essential electrolytes for muscle function?

Calcium, potassium, sodium, and water

The nervous system is composed of two interdependent divisions, what are they?

Central and peripheral nervous system


Connect bone to bone


Connective tissue surrounding a fascicle


Connective tissue surrounding a muscle fiber


Connective tissue that surrounds muscles and bones

The somatic nervous system

Consists of nerves that serve the outer areas of the body and skeletal muscle and is largely responsible for the voluntary control of movement

axial skeleton

Consists of skill, rib cage, and vertebral column


Control center of the cell

What are two types of bones markings?

Depressions and processes

The nervous system requires different what?

Electrolytes and minerals

What is the layer of fascia that directly surrounds an entire muscle?

Epimysium (deep fascia)

What is the first layer of connective tissue?


Within the muscles the largest bundles of fibers are called what?


What is a common depressions called?

Fassa-most common Also sulcus

What are type one muscle fibers?

Fibers that are small in size, generate lower amounts of force, and are more resistant to fatigue Slow twitch Red fibers

intervertebral discs

Fibrous cartilage structures between vertebrae that act as shock absorbers and assist with movement.


Flattened or indented portions of bone, which can be muscle attachment sites.

Sacroplasm contains what?

Glycogen, fats, minerals, oxygen-binding myoglobin, and mitochondria

condyloid joint

Joints of the fingers One bone fits into the elliptical cavity of another bone to form the joint

Nonsynovial joints

Joints that do not have a joint cavity, connective tissue, or cartilage. Structures of the skull

What is the lumbar vertebrae for and what is the section?

L1-L5 It has the largest segments and it supports most of the body's weight attached to many back muscles

What are type 2 muscle fibers?

Larger I'm size, generates higher amounts of force and are faster to fatigue Fast twitch White fibers


Located at the top of the femur and are attachment sites for the hip musculature

appendicular skeleton

Made up of arms, legs, and pelvic girdle

sensory receptors are subdivided into what receptors?

Mechanoreceptors Nociceptors Chemoreceptors Photoreceptors


Minerals that have an electrical charge to help transmit nerve impulses throughout the body, such as sodium, potassium, and magnesium.

ball and socket joint

Most-mobile joints that allow motion in all three planes. Examples would include the shoulder and hip.

all-or-nothing principle

Motor units cannot vary the amount of force they generate; they either contract maximally or not at all.


Movement of a limb that is visible

What happens when you have an electrolyte or water imbalance?

Muscle cramps

What makes up the human movement system?

Muscular, skeletal, and nervous system

Each muscle fiber is made up of structures called what?


What is the power stroke?

Myosin heads bind to actin and pull them towards the center of the sarcomere sliding the filaments past each other

Nervous system

Network of neurons to send signals

Stretch reflex

Neurological signal from the muscle spindle that causes a muscle to contract to prevent excessive lengthening.


Neurons located within the spinal cord and brain that transmit impulses between afferent and efferent neurons.

Myofibrils are made up of what?

Overlapping myofilaments

Effector sites

Part of the body that receives a signal from a neuron to produce a physiological response

What are examples pf seasmoid bones?


The adult spine has 3 curvatures, what are they?

Posterior (concave) cervical curve (rounded inward) Posterior (convex) thoracic curve (rounded outward) Posterior (concave) lumbar curve (rounded inward)


Powerhouse of the cell

What are more common processes?

Process, Condyle, epicondyle, tubercle, and trochanter


Projections protruding from the bone where muscles, tendons, and ligaments can attach.


Protein-based molecule that carries oxygen molecules into the muscles.

Neutral spine

Represents a position in which the vertebrae and associated structures are under the least amount of load and can most optimally support functional movement.

What is the sacrum and what are the sections?

S1-S5 5 vertebrae that fuse together as the body develops into adulthood

Each muscle fiber contains cellular components such as what?


Wolfs law

Scientific explanation of how remodeling (new bone growth) occurs along the lines of stress placed on the bone.

Afferent pathway

Sensory pathway that relays information to the central nervous system.

Muscle spindles

Sensory receptors sensitive to change in length of the muscle and the rate of that change.


Special cells that break down and remove old bone tissue.


Special cells that form and lay down new bone tissue.


Structural unit of a Myofibril composed of actin and myosin filaments between two Z-lines (Physical site where muscle contractions occur)

What is the most common joint associated with human movement?

Synovial joint

What is the thoracic vertebrae for and what is the section?

T1-T12 Each vertebrae articulates a rib

How are muscles connected to the bones?


Integrative function

The ability of the nervous system to analyze and interpret sensory information to allow for proper decision making, which produces the appropriate response.

Sensory functions

The ability of the nervous system to sense changes in either the internal or external environment

Human movement system (HMS)

The collective components and structures that work together to move the body: muscular, skeletal, and nervous systems.


The concept that the brain will continually change or grow, reforming neural pathways throughout an individual's entire life span.


The contractile proteins, actin and myosin, of muscle cells


The description of joint surface movement; consists of three major types: roll, slide, and spin.


The interconnection of neurons in the brain and spinal cord


The meeting point of each sarcomere.

Motor function

The neuromuscular response to the sensory information

excitation-contraction coupling

The physiological process of converting an electrical stimulus to a muscle contraction.


The process of resorption and formation of bone

sliding filament theory

The series of steps in muscle contraction involving how myosin (thick) and actin (thin) filaments slide past one another to produce a muscle contraction, shortening the entire length of the sarcomere.

What is the coccyx?

The tailbone. Composed of 3 to 5 small fused bones


The thick myofilament that acts along with actin to produce muscular contraction.


The thin, stringlike, myofilament that acts along with myosin to produce muscular contraction.

What are 2 vital functions of bones?

They act as levers They provide support

Why do ligaments heal slowly?

They have poor blood supply (vascularity)

Smooth muscle makes up what?

Tissues of internal organs

Hige joint

Uniaxial joint allowing movement predominantly in one direction Elbow, toe, and ankle

parasympathetic nervous system

Works to decrease neural activity and put the body in a more relaxed state

sympathetic nervous system

Works to increase neural activity and put the body in heightened state

Central Nervous System (CNS)

brain and spinal cord

What are ligaments made up of?

collagen with some elastin

What are the layers of fascia?

epimysium, perimysium, endomysium


injury to a ligament

Sliding movement

joint slide across another ex: knee extension

joint receptors

located around joint capsule, respond to pressure, acceleration, and deceleration of the joint. Signals extreme joint positions and thus helps prevent injury.


located at the top of the humerus at the glenohumeral (shoulder) joint


located on the inner and outer portions at the bottom of the femur (thigh bone) and top of the tibia (shin bone) to form the knee joint


located on the inner and outer portions of the humerus to help form the elbow joint

What are examples of short bones?

most of the bones of the carpus and tarsus


nerve cell

Rolling movement

one joint rolls across the surface of another

Spinning movement

one joint surface rotates on another


our sense of body position

How many joints are in the human body?

over 300


pain receptors


plasma membrane of a muscle fiber

neuromuscular junction

point of contact between a motor neuron and a skeletal muscle cell


respond to chemicals


respond to light


respond to touch, pressure, vibration, stretch, and itch

What are the 3 primary functions of the nervous system?

sensory, integrative, and motor functions

What is a muscle contraction?

shortening of the sarcomere

What are the three types of muscles in the body?

skeletal, smooth, cardiac

What are examples of flat bones?

skull, ribs, sternum

Peripheral Nervous System (PNS)

the nerves that connect the central nervous system to all parts of the body


the smallest blood vessels in the body

Saddle joint

type of joint found at the base of each thumb; allows grasping and rotation

What are examples of irregular bones?


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Unit 1: Intro to Anatomy & Physiology

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