Personality Exam 4

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3. Mischel found the value of the personality coefficient to be about: a. .30 b. .70 c. 1.00 d. -.50


35. According to rogers, the most important resource that an individual possesses is his or her:

Actualizing tendency

47. If Rogers found the correlation between a self-sort and an ideal-sort to be +.10, he would have concluded that the two sorts were:

Almost totally unrelated

25. For Kelly, the recognition that the events with which one is confronted lie outside the range of convenience of one's construct system, defined:


32. As Kelly attempted different clinical approaches, he discovered that:

Anything that caused clients to look at themselves differently improved the situation

48. Rogers believed that humans are:

Basically good

49. According to Rogers, a person's subjective reality can:

Be known only by the person himself or herself

8. The statement, "If I do X, I can expect Y," exemplifies a:

Behavior-outcome expectancy

7. Which of the following does Mischel believe should be taken into consideration by a personality theorist?

Both person and situation variables

45. According to Rogers, the main goal of psychotherapy is to:

Bring clients ever closer to using their organismic valuing process in living his or her life

18. Kelly believed that: a. A person freely creates his or her own construct system b. A person's behavior is determined by his or her construct system c. Both a and b d. Neither a nor b

C. A person freely creates his or her own construct system. A person's behavior is determined by his or her construct system

29. According to Kelly, a neurotic: a. Is like a bad scientist b. Continues to make the same predictions in the absence of validating experiences c. Both a and b d. Neither a nor b

C.Is like a bad scientist. Continues to make the same predictions in the absence of validating experiences

31. With fixed-role therapy: a. The client is asked to play a role b. The therapist becomes a supporting actor c. Both a and b d. Neither a nor b

C.The client is asked to play a role The therapist becomes a supporting actor

23. During the ______ phase of the CPC cycle, a person mills through a number of propositional constructs.


4. Mischel referred to the belief that behavior is more consistent than it actually is as the:

Consistency paradox

19. The statement, "Persons differ from each other in their construction of events," describes the ________ corollary.


34. Kelly believed that each person creates his or her own constructs for dealing with the world. He called this creative ability:

Constructive alternativism

17. According to Kelly, people ______ their experiences, which means they attempt to interpret and give meaning to those experiences.


12. Mischel and his colleagues found that the ability to delay gratification increased with: a. Age b. Intelligence c. Shorter intervals of delay d. All of the above

D. All of the above

44. Which of the following concepts has remained important throughout all the various stages of Rogers' thinking concerning psychotherapy? a. The actualizing tendency b. The organismic valuing process c. Unconditional positive regard d. All of the above

D. All of the above

46. According to Rogers, if a relationship is to facilitate growth it must be characterized by: a. Genuineness b. Unconditional positive regard c. Empathic understanding d. All of the above

D. All of the above

50. Which of the following characterizes fully functioning people? a. They are open to experience b. They see themselves as the locus of evaluation of their experiences c. They receive and give unconditional positive regard d. All of the above

D. All of the above

6. Person variables include a person's: a. Gender b. Beliefs c. Physical attractiveness d. All of the above

D. All of the above

21. The statement, "A person's construction system is composed of a finite number of dichotomous constructs," describes the _____ corollary.


10. According to social cognitive theory, most human behavior is

Freely chosen

42. How, according to Rogers, should parents deal with behavior problems?

Give the child the feeling that he or she is always loved but that certain things he or she does may be disliked

27. For Kelly," . . . perception of one's apparent dislodgment from his core role structure" defined:


26. For Kelly, ". . . continued effort to extort validational evidence in favor of a type of social prediction which has already proven itself a failure" defined:


43. _____ exists when individuals no longer use their organismic valuing processes as a means of determining if their experiences are in accordance with their actualizing tendencies.


36. The _____ create(s) a feedback system which allows people to coordinate their experiences with their actualizing tendencies.

Organismic valuing process

16. According to Kelly, the major tool a person uses in anticipating events is the:

Personal construct

33. Because it deals with intact conscious experience, Kelly's theory is said to be:


37. Which of the following comes closest to meaning the same thing as phenomenological reality?

Private reality

22. The statement, "A construct is convenient for the anticipation of a finite range of events only," describes the _____ corollary.


9. The most important fact about observational learning is that it:

Requires no reinforcement

30. Kelly devised the ______ in order to identify the constructs a client uses to construe the relevant people in his or her life

Role Construct Repertory Test

15. Kelly took the _______ as the model for describing all humans.


38. According to rogers, the ______ gradually emerges from experiences involving verbal labels such as "me" and I."


11. _______ allow a person to act contrary to his or her moral principles without experiencing self-contempt.

Self-exonerating mechanisms

1. Which of the following is not significantly emphasized by social cognitive theory?

Self-regulation of behavior

14. In order to avoid disappointment and frustration, one's performance standards:

Should be based on past accomplishments and failures

13. The statement, "If I see X, I can expect to see Y," exemplifies a:

Stimulus-outcome expectancy

20. A ______ construct subsumes other constructs within it.


24. Which of the following occurs during the test phase of the creativity cycle?

The creative idea discovered in a preceding stage is tested for its usefulness

39. _____ involves receiving warmth, love, and respect from the relevant people in one's life.

The need for positive regard

40. When the child develops the need to view himself or herself positively, the child is said to have developed:

The need for positive regard

5. The term reciprocal determinism means that:

The person, the environment, and the person's behavior continually interact with each other

28. According to Kelly, we experience ______ when our major beliefs about the world are invalidated.


41. According to Rogers, the only way not to interfere with the child's actualizing tendency is to give him or her:

Unconditional positive regard

2. Which of the following assumes that human behavior is at least moderately consistent over time and from one situation to a similar situation? a. Reinforcement theory b. Trait theory c. Psychoanalytic theory d. All of the above

d. All of the above

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