PGA Level 1 Facility Management

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On the teeing area, a player asks an opponent if there is a bunker on the left side of the fairway. The opponent responds in the affirmative. What is the ruling?

Advice does NOT include public information like the location of think on the course such as the hole, putting green, the fairway, penalty area, bunkers, or another players ball.

Where should the scoring area be located for a regional or sectional championship.

By the 18th hole.

How is the honor determined before the start of a match play event?

Decided by the order of the draw set by the Committee or, of there is no draw, by agreement or by using a random method.

What are the five phases of the PGA Business planning model?

Define the business Assess the current state of the business. Develop business goals, objectives, and related strategics. Prepare financial forecasts and budgets. Monitor performance

Analyzing tournament records is a good means for finding ways to improve future events.


In match play, a competitor wins the first three holes but then discovers 15 clubs in his bag. What is the status f the match at the 4th tee.

Adjustment to the state of the match. Adjustment penalty. Penally for every hole played while in breech of rule. If player A was in breech of the rule and they lost the first two holes. Then the match would lie Player B 4up through two holes. After the adjustment is enacted.

Why might a fairway be planted with perennial ryegrass?

Cool season grass with a bunch type pattern. Germinates quickly.

What allows a facility to take advantage of lower energy costs during off peak hours.

Energy conservation systems. A system that regulates the amount of power needed to charge the cars.

During play of the 18th hole, what is considered a general area.

Everything except teeing area, penalty area, bunkers, and the putting green.

After playing a number of strokes while on the 9th green, a player picks up without holing out. He then proceeds to the 10th hole and tees off. What is the ruling?

Failure to hole out in stroke play . DQ

A player who voluntarily checks his down string before the clubbed strikes the ball is still deemed too have taken a stroke.


According to the business planning model, a business plan should build on and refine the operational plan.


An interactive "moment of truth" opportunity occurs when a customers bag has been incorrectly tagged at the bag drop.


Fluorescent lamps will provide the best accent lighting in a golf shop.


Responsible, involved, and helped are effective action words to create a power statement.


The Callaway handicapping systems is the most widely used method of determining the net score of a player who does not have an official USGA handicap.


Spalding is a system of handicapping the unhandicapped.


The possibility of rain is an important consideration when selecting a hole location on the green.


An opponent who defects a ball is considered an outside influence

False. Another player is not considered an outside influence.

Financial forecasts should be based on historical data and new assumptions.

False. Financial forecast should be based on historical data and new assumptions.

According to the golf car fleet management A module, what is an added value golf cars can bring to a facility.

Generates revenue Generate more rounds of play Enhances the courses image.

Mowing height is almost always the only difference between the grass in the rough and the grass in the fairway.


The tournament committee is required to include the competitors name and handicap on the scorecard.


Nutrient availability to turf grass plants is optimal when the soil pH is 5.5 or below.

False ideal pH is 6.0-6.5.

A practice swing that strikes the ball is counted as a stroke.

False. A stroke is not made if the player accidentally strikes the ball when making a practice swing or while preparing to make a stroke.

As customer requirements are met, they become customer expectations.

False. If you switch it so their expectations become requirements over time.

A career lattice characterizes an upward career progression.

False. It does characterize an upward progression, but also a sideways progression.

Soil pH is a measure expressing the water retention coefficient of a soil sample.

False. It is the relative acidity and alkalinity of the soil.

It is best to narrow ones focus to a specific job when exploring career options.

False. It's best to explore career options. You may find you like something you didn't think you would.

By definition, the flagstick must have a flag attached to its top end.

False. Merion CC has wicker baskets.

Golf cars would be arranged by player name for a tee time start.

False. Should be organized by the tee time.

Warm seasons grasses will die out in temperatures much below 50 degrees F

False. They only go dormant.

The skills of a golf professional include knowing rounds, membership, golf cars, tournaments, and merchandise generate revenue for a facility.

False. This question is about knowledge not skills.

Business goals are typically developed in the Defining the business phase of the business planning process.

False. Those are developed in the develop business goals.

Heavy clay soil has the advantage of resisting compaction problems in heavy traffic areas.

False. Too much clay becomes compacted and saturated with water, leaving no room for oxygen.

Wall fixtures offer the least display flexibility.

False. Wall fixtures usually go on slat walls, which can be a vary effective method.

A resume should begin with listing education first and then work experience.

False. Work experience than education.

Scorecard are required in tournament play regardless of the format.

False. match play they are not required.

According to the golf car fleet a module, who oversees overall administration of the fleet concession.

Fleet manager

Where would one find details related to the preparation requirements for facility staff.

Fleet operations manual.

Describe the characteristics of clay soils.

Holds nutrients and water better than sandy soils, but clay can be too dense and retain too much water, which leaves no space for oxygen.

What does a soil pH measurement of 3 indicate?

It measures that the soil is very acidic and needs to be raised.

What is the most significant benefit of strategic business planning.

It provides a long term vision and destination and does not just focus on the current state of the business.

Why is it important to develop a personal vision statement?

It shows directions and intention.

1. You are in the process of completing a business plan for the golf shop. Initial forecasts of sales, expenses, and profit have been made. Past data has been analyzed and important inside and outside factors have been identified. What is the next step to be taken towards completing the plan?

Monitor performance.

In stroke play, a player returns his signed scorecard with a total score that is correct, but with a score missing for one hole. He then proceeds to leave the scoring area.

Player is DQ

According to the Customer Relations A module, what must accompany good interpersonal skills to achieve high quality relations with your members and customers?

Properly documented procedures.

A player ball comes to rest against a rake. When he roves the rake the ball roles into the adjacent bunker. What should he do?

Replace the ball to wear it was prior to the moving the rake. The rake is a movable obstruction. Player must replace! Free replace.

What is the recommended standard for displaying folded shirts?

Smallest shirt on top, largest shirt on bottom.

What is a stolon?

Stolons are above ground stems.

Where does new growth of a grass plant occur?

The growth area is located at the tip or apex of the plant/

What document provides the basic details of the event and an analysis of where it was successful and where it was not?

The review summary.

A player returns his signed scorecard to the Committee and then realizes that he mistakenly recorded a 5 instead of a 4 on one of the holes. What is the ruling?

The score on the card will stand if it is a already signed and turned in. A 5 that is supposed to be a 4, will be scored as a 5.

What determines how well nutrients and water are retained in the soil?

The soil texture.

Aside from relationships, what do all customer interactions involve?

The task.

What is the consequence of having soil that is too acidic or took alkaline?

They tend nutrients from the plant.

What is the value of establishing "destination areas" in your golf shop?

To maximize the time someone spends in the store.

A bridge over a stream is an immoveable obstruction.


A fleet rotation program will result in equal use and fewer golf car breakdowns.


A personal development summary details interests, strengths, weakness, and future personal development step.s


According to the merchandising and inventory Management course, every sign in a golf shop should be displayed in a sign holder.


Expectations are a key requirement for good customer relations.


Facilities with large crews and high maintenance budgets will select different grasses than those with more modest staffing budgets.


Golf car fleet programs benefit golf professionals because they give them the chance to demonstrate their value to an employer.


Helping establish a starting point for goals, objectives, and related strategies is an appropriate use of the SWOT.


The water retention prosperities of loam depend on the amount of organic matter it contains.

True it contains roughly equal portions of sand, silt, clay and organic material.

Transition zones facilities are more likely to relay on over seeding to maintain year round green playing surfaces than facilities in other geographic locations.

True. Planting cold season grasses over warm season.

An observer who deflects a ball is considered an outside influence

True. outside influence is everyone except caddies and players.

Better ball is the best format for a corporate golf outing that includes golfers of varying abilities.

True.False. Best ball or scramble.

What is the ideal pH range for most turf grasses

6-6.5 is the ideal pH for most turf grass.

What is true regarding the lifting of a players ball?

A player may lift the ball, so can anyone authorized by the player. In four ball a partner can lift your ball, and drop it, then you can play it.

How might a golf professional discover interests?

Time. It takes time to discover what your interests are first hand experiences and connecting with people in the industry are two good ways to find interests. Basically, don't be afraid to try new things.

Who is responsible for all people needs at the event, including everything from parking to parties?

Tournament director.

Bermuda grass will go dormant and turn brown below 50 degrees F


Golf professionals need to be similar with fleet related finances even when they neither own the fleet nor share in its profits.


Time is a factor affecting the value of any resource.


What is a predictable consequence of adding sand to clay soils?

You would approach loam which is a good balance of sand and clay. Drainage will improve, and more oxygen will be able to get to the grass.

what is the suggested distance for separating floor fixtures?

3 ft

When locating a hole, what is the USGA recommended minimum distance from the edge of the putting green?

4 paces from the edge of the putting surface.

What is an example of a satellite control system capability?

A GPS system what would limit the car in certain areas.

What is the difference between a species and a cultivar?

A cultivar is something that is produced in a lab to be/do something specific. Cultivar is a a mix spices is purebred.

During a rain storm a player sprays water repellant on his golf ball. What is the ruling?

A player must not make a stroke at a ball whose performance characteristics haven been deliberately altered, such as by scuffing or heating or by applying any substance. Making a stroke with this: Disqualification

In four ball stroke play a player is late for his tee time and joins his partner after he teed off on the 4th hole. What is the ruling?

A side may represented by one partner during a part or the full round. The arriving partner can join as long as the other partner hasn't teed off.

Describe a fleet rotation program

A system that allows golf cars to be rotated in and out of service to in-long the life and battery life of the car.

Which grass species is commonly used for over seeding dormant warm season grasses.

Annual or perennial ryegrass.

What is most indicative of a well-run golf car rental program.

Attractive cars Competitive prices

A caddie may identify a found ball as belonging to his player.

Ball gets imbedded. Unable to identify the ball, but only if someone viewed it. Ball gets stuck in a tree, if visible can be ok, but if not visible then it cannot be moved.

Why might annual ryegrass be elected to over seed

Because it is a cool season grass and dies out once it gets hotter.

What would be an anticipated benefit of documenting the facility golf car safety program?

Better for insurance rates/ premiums and protection from liabilitys.

What is the main goal of a tournament award presentation?

Bring an exciting conclusion to a tournament and build hype for the next one.

What will directly benefit from keeping records on tournament formats, sizes of the fields, and daily start and finish times?

Building professional competence in tournament operation. Too much detail and too little detail.

When does the Rules of Golf permit the committee to apply a local rule?

By defined abnormal course conditions, not merely unpleasant ones.

How should golf cars be staged when using a 2tee start

By hole assignment

What type of soil has the best retention properties of nutrients needed by plants?

Clay. This doesn't mean that clay is the best, it just holds the must nutrients.

In match play, concession of a stroke may be withdrawn if the player misunderstood the number of strokes taken.

Concession is final! Once you concede you cannot withdrawn your concession.

What needs to be in place prior to a tournament so tournament staff can respond to emergencies that might occur?

Contingence plan

Explain the difference between a core industry segment and an enabled industry segment.

Core industries produce goods and services used to play the game and operate facilities. Enable industries produce other economic activities that the game of golf enables like tourism and residential construction.

What is the most important consideration when allocation floor space?

Items with high turnover or high margin should receive a greater amount of floor space.

What is the overriding section criterion used by designers and superintendents when considering all the turf grass options around their course?

Location and climate

Because abnormal conditions may exist on the golf course, the Committee may establish local rules that waive a rule of golf.

No false. A local rule must not waive any rules.

Listing tournament winners in the newspaper is an example of which tournament review task?

Post tournament publicity.

An upset customer is concerned about the lack of action to speed up play. He seeks out the golf professional to express his displeasure. What needs to be in place for the golf professional to resolve the situation.

Procedures and interpersonal skills.

What event file should be kept in chronological order?

Current or upcoming events.

What is defined as the means available to support staff in completing a task?


What is a rhizome?

Rhizomes are below ground stems.

What should be the base line reference for evaluating tournament performance

Should be based on the facility goals for tournaments in general, as well as for the specific event.

What is the primary product of the golf business according to the Customer Relations A Module

The PGA Exeprince

According to The Rules of Golf, who determines how and when a halved match or stroke play tie shall be decided.

The committee.

Who generally develops and adopts local rules for a facility?

The committee. Golf club committee.

Which are parts of a grass plants shoot?

The shot includes stem (or culm), the leaves, and tiny flowers and seed heads.

What kind of color scheme consists of two colors opposite each other on the color wheel?


What is the most appropriate tournament format for players who may have one or more high scoring holes?

math play, scramble

What post tournament statistical data is most useful in planing course difficulty levels from year to year?

the game statistics. Pairings and flight, field size, format and handicaps, final results, awards and prices, hole by hole statistics.

How can you utilize the Work Experience Portfolio to write a resume?

using action statement "power-statements"

What is the primary purpose of a rectangular display rack?

Displaying large quantities of hanging merchandise in a wide variety of sizes and colors.

What policies would be most effective to have in place for limiting a facility exposures to liability claims

Documenting safety records.

A ball is deemed lost if a player has put another ball into play.


A golf car fleet program benefits the golf professional because it eliminates the need for a caddie program.


Better cash flow is one benefit of a fleet rotation program.


Clarification of job responsibilities is one of the added values provided by the strategic planning process.


Sand on the fairway is a loose impediment


Sand on the green is a loose impediment


The margins of a bunker extend vertically upwards and downwards.


The tournament staff should create groupings of evenly matched players in order to maintain a good pace of play during a social event.


Caly soils tend to be alkaline.

False, Clay soils tend to be more acidic.

A hole by hole sheet is the most effective type of score sheet to use for a shot gun start event.


Due to the high level of traffic they receive, fairways are usually planted with fescues.


Loose impediments lying out of bounds may be removed without penalty.


The diameter of a golf hole is 4 1/2 inches.

False. 4 1/4 inches.

A moment of truth occurs when an employee evaluates the service they are going to provide.

False. A customer not employee.

The task relationship connection concept allows that a foundation for successful future relations can be built by attending to the customer relationship without the presence of a task focus.

False. Always be task a relationship focused.

An analogous scheme consists of two sets of complementary colors.

False. Analogous color schemes are colors that reinforce each other. Blue-green.

The rectangular rack is designed to show large quantities of hanging merchandise in a single style.

False. Best for a wide variety of hanging merchandise.

Destination areas are positioned to take advantage of high traffic corridors.

False. Destinations areas are at the back of the stores for high value items. Like club fitting.

Core skills are those that are useful in many golf industries positions

False. Employers want to see these skills but "are not specific to the golf industry"

The first decision to be made by the facility tournament coordinator and the client should be the event format.

False. First thing on the list is selection of a date or dates for the event.

Consulting your attorney is the best option for formulating golf car safety policies and procedures.

False. Form a formal safety committee.

The T-fixture is designed to show large quantities of hanging merchandise in a single style.

False. Four ways.

Most non professional tournaments are one day stoke play events.

False. Many amateur events are match play, often using team format.

Assessing the current state of business is the most significant advantage of strategic business planning.

False. Most significant advantage is it provides a long term vision.

The Callaway handicap systems relies on players having established handicaps.

False. No it is a handicapping system.

Increase merchandise sales in the golf shop. Is and example of a SMART goal.

False. Not specific or time oriented.

A provisional ball can be played for a ball that may be lost within a a penalty area.

False. Provisional ball can only be used on out of bounds, or lost outside of a penalty area.

In preparing to putt from the fringe of the green, a player removes some sand particles form behind the ball. The player incurs a penalty.

False. Rule 13.1(c)1 states the removal of sand and loose soil on the putting green. But no where else on the course.

A provisional ball can be played when the original ball may be lost in a penalty area.

False. The ball went in a penalty area.

The floor layout design of sales oriented planogram will provide direct access to the point of sale area from the high value destination areas within the retail environment..

False. The point of sale system should be in the middle. It should be placed so people have to walk through the rest of the shop.

hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen are the three primary nutrients necessary for plant growth.

False. The three primary nutrients are carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen.

Conventional floor fixtures include such items as cabinets and armories.

False. They never mention anything about cabinets or armories.

A clear policy on how to handle customers who arrive late for a tee time is an example of a procedure to be followed in a routine situation.

False. This is a challenging situation.

Who should be available as the first line of response for dealing with an illness or accident during a small tournament event?

First aid. For big events this could be ambulance or actually first responders.

Why might ryegrass be used on a golf course located in Florida?

For over seeding. But typically it wouldn't be chosen in Florida.

Why should drivers be informed of the facility restrictions that limit where golf cars can be driven.

For their safety, the safety of others, and the well being of the course.

During a stroke play competition, a player hits a ball from the wrong teeing ground. He is immediately informed of his mistake and hits again from the correct tee.

General penalty for the first breech. DQ for second breech. A player must not make a stroke at a ball on a non-conforming tee or a ball teed in a way not allowed by this rule.

A player issues a six inch putt and quickly taps the moving ball in before it has time to come to a complete stop.

General penalty. The stroke counts.

According to the Rules of Golf, a creation hole made by maintenance staff is considered ground under repair.

Ground under repair also includes: maintaining the course (such as a hole made in removing turf or a tree stump or laying pipelines BUT does not include creation holes.

1. A golf professional is purchasing a golf course. The business plan he presented to his banker included his history of successfully operating similar facilities, budget projections for the first five years under his management, and objectives and strategies for reaching his goals. The banker rejected his loan application because of missing information. What important element is missing from the business plan?

He is missing a mission statement.

Provide an example where compaction is most likely to be a problem.

Heavy clay get very compacted and makes it a problem.

A player has a total of 30 through the 8th hole. She scores a 4 on the 9th hole but accidentally enters a front nine total of 34 as a score for the 9th hole. The scorecard is signed and submitted.

Her score on the front nine is 34. As long as all the holes match the math can be wrong. But if she entered 34 for the 9th hole then her front nine total would be 64.

What is the proper provision for delivering emergency first aid to the participants in a large event?

Hire a local physician or medical safety consultant.

Describe the primary purpose of a promotional table.

Ideal for large quantities of markdown merchandise or special promotions.

What should be the first activity for organizing staff?

Identify the needed positions and then find people to fill those positions.

What determines when a players ball is out of bounds?

If the ball lies outside of the boundary edge as defined by the committee.

Players are arriving at the golf course for a shotgun start event and are having trouble locating their golf cars. Which arrangement method would have eliminated this problem?

If the cars were parking in a line by hole assignment.

Under which conditions are nutrients less accessible to turf grass plants.

If the soil composition is wrong.

What staffing needs be anticipated when a concession plans to increase its fleet size from 50 to 75 cars and continue maintaining the fleet without a maintenance contract.

If they don't have a maintenance contract means eh course is providing their own maintenance. They might want to bring on a new maintenance worker.

While playing in the club championship, a player hits his ball into an area defined by black stakes. What do these black stakes define?

Immovable obstructions

What must every professional understand about evaluation?

It is a continuous process, and it is crucial to career advancements.

Why might Kentucky bluegrass be used for fairways instead of creeping bent.

It is able to recover from damage and repair itself.

What does a pH measurement represent?

It measures the relative acidity and alkalinity of the soil.

What is provided in the Strategies to Succeed section of the Career Fitness Manual

It pro dies a helpful starting point for developing goals.

What is provided in the Strategies to Succeed sections of the Career Fitness Manual

It provides a helpful starting point for developing point.

What will turf grass plants most likely do or if planted in dense clay soil under extremely wet conditions?

It will die from lack of oxygen.

As a general rule, roughly how many full time maintenance people would be required to keep a fleet of 75 cars fully serviced.

Less than 75 cars might have a part time. More than 75 should have a fully time mechanic.

Why would the superintendent be adding lime to the fairways?

Lime can be added to the soil to reduce acidity and raise the soil pH.

What is an important consideration in selecting turf grass for a new golf facility.

Location and climate

What is the most important agronomic consideration when selecting the types of turf grass to be used on a golf course.

Location and climate

What is the goal of a tournament checklist?

Make sure that all issues are covered and all available features and services discussed with the client.

During tournament play, a ball lands in a pile of ice behind a concession stand. According to the rules, how is the pile ice classified?

Manufactured ice is an movable obstruction. Temporary water definition, 221). Replace ball if your ball moves when you move the ice.

What is a likely tournament goal for a municipal facility?

Maximize course utilization by scheduling satisfaction for a modest price.

What is the best way to foster customer loyalty?

Moment of Truth. When a customer realizes how they are supposed to be treated at a golf facility.

What color scheme is being used when golf shirts have been arranged in a high to dark display?


What is the advantage of grouping players into flights based on handicaps.

More competitive and more fun for players of all calibers.

What are ways to connect with other professionals who have industry's experience to gather information about the industry.


What color scheme is represented by a four way display consisting of white, black, and grey pants.


Packaged golf course turf grass fertilizers contain what combinations of macronutrients.

Nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium are in fertilizer.

In match play, a player repairs spike marks in her line of putt prior too putting. What is the ruling?

No penalty

A player removing a small amount of dew from just in front of his ball on the line of the putt results in the player incurring a penalty?

No. Dew is not considered a loose impediment. Only place dew can be removed is teeing area.

A player who uses two caddies shall be disqualified even if he uses only one at any one time.

No. General penalty for every stroke he uses more than one caddy.

A players ball lands in a bunker containing temporary water. The only dry area in the bunker is closer to the hole than the players present position. What will be in the ruling if the player drops outside the bunker.

One stroke penalty.

Provided golfers use the cars correctly, what is a benefit of a properly managed golf car fleet program.

Opens the game to new golfers. Extends years old play. can speed up play.

According to the Golf Car Fleet Management A Module, restrictions on where cars can be driven should be included as part of what documents.

Operating rules

What single variable has research shown to be most closely associated with long term financial performance?

Organizational Service Climate. The single most closely associated with long term profitability was "relative perceived product quality"

Why is perennial rye grass paired with other grass species in divot repair mixes?

Paired with Kentucky bluegrass because it germinates quickly and provides over on thinned or damaged turf area.

What is part of the Explore stage in the Career Planning process?

Part of the explore stage overlaps with the evaluation stage. As people start to learn more about themselves, they envision careers that match their interests, knowledge, skills, and values.

Why is it important to identify the form of play when assessing penalties?

Penalties vary based on the form.

The player incurs a penalty if her caddie accidentally moves and replaces her ball while removing a loose impediment from the fairway.


In stroke play competition, the committee must provide a scorecard that contains what information?

Permitting more than one competitors scores to bed recorded on a single card.

After taking his stroke, Player A asks player B how many stokes she has taken. Player B responds that she has taken 3 strokes. After taking her next strokes, Player B corrects her answer to 5 including her last stroke.

Player A can claim the hole in match play.

What part of the resume concisely describes a summary of skills and qualifications gained from work experience as a golf professional.

Power Statements.

Which type of fixture gives the most presentations flexibility when floor space is extremely limited.

Rectangular tables

According to the tournament operations A module, where would a tournament participant typically find a rules and information sheet on the day of the event.

Registration where they can pick up a rule sheet.

Running out of scorecards indicates a breakdown of what key requirement for good customer relations?


What do you call a soil that has larger particles and allows water and essential nutrients to leach through?

Sand has larger particles which allow water and essential nutrients to pass through.

Where would a tournament participant likely confirm his starting hole assignment on the day a shotgun event?

Scorecard or golf car?

What is the recommended standard for displaying hanging merchandise?

Smallest on the left, largest on the right.

What does the application of a local rule accomplish?

So people don't have to play under abnormal condition

A player hits his ball from the tee. It deflects off a maintenance vehicle and comes to rest out of bounds. What is the correct procedure for the player?

Stroke and distance, one penalty stroke.

What can be added to alkaline soil to promote healthy turf growth?


Detailed polices and procedures lie at the heart of which one of the three elements necessary to support the delivery of superior customer service.


Arranging golf cars numerically by hole order is the best option for what type of tournament start?

Tee times.

The teeing ground should be a minimum of three club lengths in depth.

Teeing area. Longest club except putter.

Administrators of a net stroke play event were unable to certify the handicaps of some players. What type of events format could have been chosen to eliminate this problem?

The Callaway Systems

What is the main consideration when assigning tasks to tournament volunteers.

The ability to tap into the nurture the peoples talent through both formal and informal training is a key too successful event.

What determines if soils have a goof balance between drainage and water retention?

The amount of clay and sand. Sand allows water to pass through very easily and clay holds water too much.

Where is the turf grass growing point located?

The base of the crown, as long as the crown remains alive it will continue to produce shoots.

A player returns his scorecard to the scoring tent with the correct hole scores but an incorrect total score. What is the correct outcome?

The committee is responsible for adding up all scores. If a player makes a mistake there is no penalty.

Why can grass plants be repeatedly mowed and still grow back?

The leaf is composed of an upper part (blade) and lower park (sheath). Where these two meets are cell division.

Where should one look to find who is responsible for the tournament planning tasks that must be accomplished?

The master schedule. The time and who is doing the task.

Who should provide direction for creating the business plan at a golf operation?

The people in charge. Pros, board members, and GM. Key stakeholders.

A player completes the first 18 holes in a 72 hole stroke play event. He then proceeds to the third hole to hit a few shots for a commercial. What is the ruling?

The player is practicing on the course after a round. This is allowed in between rounds.

What time frame would be the least effective for monitoring the progress and performance of a business plan?

The time frame that would be most effective is daily monitoring. The least productive would be every month or yearly.

What is the most significant determinant of an events format?

The tournament format follows from the purpose of the event.

In stroke play competition, player a asks player b to lit his ball in the fairway as it might interfere with his stroke. Player B is closer to the hole so he choose to play first rather than lifting. What is player b's penalty.

There is no penalty if a player plays out of turn. Except that If two or more players agree to play out of turn to give one of them an advantage. Then they both get a general penalty.

A breakdown in what key customer relations requirement would most likely account for the following situation. The Head Professional made the following observations at the staging area for a shotgun event: Area was fully staffed. Necessary supplies were available. Cars were missing towels, scorecards, and divot sand.

This would be a failure of the systems. Staffing and Resources are good, but the systems policies and procedures in place failed.

Who should issue a terms of conditions

Tournament committee.

According to the Rules of Golf what is the name for a compilation of tournament information that contains the format, handicap rules and definitions of course conditions and markings.

Tournament program

A ball at rest in a penally are is a ball in play.


A dead lies near a players ball in the same bunker. The bird may be removed without penalty.


A planogram includes a birds eye view of the shops arrangement of merchandise displays.


A well planned promotional strategy will take advantage of free or inexpensive publicity.


Customer acquisition costs often exceed customer retention costs.


Generally, private golf cars are covered through homeowners insurance plans.


In a multiple day event, placement of the tee makers should be balanced so that the courses effective playing length is approximately the same day to day.

True provides information on industry positions, networking, resumes writing, and interviewing.


Proactive planning is one of the anticipated outcomes of strategic business planning.


Regardless of the scope of the event, the review should be as detailed as possible.


Short mowing causes shallow root systems.


Standards of Player conduct can be the determinant of who has the honor.


The design of promotional material is often as important as the content.


The fleet manager overseas preventive maintenance procedures and records.


The margins of a penally area extend vertically upwards and downwards.


The master file containing information on past events should be divided into two sections: recurring events and one time events.


The post tournament review might be analyzed to determine future groupings.


The process for developing a business plan starts before you established the goals you would like to achieve for the shop's coming year,


The size and car selection of the fleet is the most important for achieving a successful golf car rental program.


When the given specific duties, tournament team members should also be given the autonomy to carry them out.


Staff should be involved in effective business planning to create a sense of ownership.

True, Majors stakeholders and staff.

The tournament directors main role on the day of the tournament is to be available for implementing contingency plans should something go wrong.


Moment of truth occur each time facility employees come into contact with customers.

True. A moment of truth for the customer not employee.

Typically a written set of course values is developed in the defining the business phase of the business planning process.

True. As well as mission statement, vision statement and others.

A holiday display of red and green shirts is employing a complementary color scheme.

True. Employing two colors that are very different on the color wheel.

Stroke play events flighted by handicap allow for more competitive contests.

True. Flights should be arranged based on the handicap of a player.

Clients and tournaments planners of successful events operate under the assumption that participants will enjoy unrestricted but temporary access to the golf related facilities and service of the club.

True. If restrictions are to be placed on clubhouse use, this should be made clear in advance, as well as, too participants.

The Head Professional is explaining the club's "no starting from the 10th tee" policy to a foursome that has attempted to do so. He explains the reasoning for the policy and politely extends an invitation to place them as the next group off #1 tee. This scenario illustrates the concept of the dual perspective of customer relations interactions.

True. It is good interpersonal skills, and procedures in place.

Respiration describes how plants convert food into energy.

True. It uses oxygen to convert the carbohydrates into, energy relating carbon dioxide and water in the process.

A presentation of the same color of golf shirts ranging in intensity from the palest to the deepest shade is employing the monochromatic basic color scheme.

True. Monochromic is one color with different variations.

Grasses with stolons or rhizomes are best for filling divots.

True. Produce new plants, which will aid in filling divots and pitch marks.

The fescues are cool season grasses.

True. Rough Is usually fescue and ryegrass.

There is no penalty for lifting a ball from a penalty area from the purpose of identifying to whom it belongs.

True. The bunker is the only place you can't lift a ball to identify.

Golf courses located in the transition zone of the US can use either or both warm and cool season grasses.

True. The types (warm season, cold season) overlap.

On the 3rd hole of a stroke play event it is discovered that a player has sixteen clubs, including two putters in they're bag.

Two stroke penalty for the first two holes you are in breech. Once you realize you are in breech, the extra clubs need to come out of bag. If you don't remove you are DQ.

How should one approach selecting the proper amount of insurance of their golf car fleet operation.

Understand the specific needs of the course. Go to an insurance broker.

What is the usual business destination for long range planning.

Usually a long term is 3-5 years. A part of this long-range plan is annual operating budget and cash flow statement.

A player addresses his tee shot and the ball falls off the tee. Whats the ruling?

When you are playing a ball from the teeing area, the ball is not play until a stroke is made at it. This means when your ball is teed or on the ground in the teeing area and you make a practice swing that accidentally strikes and moves the ball, you have not made a stroke or moved a ball in play.

A caddie is an outside influence.

Yes. Everyone in a stroke play.

What is the difference between a career ladder and a career lattice.

a. Career ladder characterizes a linear or directly upward career progression. b. Career lattice depicts a combination of sideways and upwards career movements.

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