PH 147 (CH. 12- hallucinogen- LSD) & (CH. 13- Marijuana)

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Marijuana is more potent today than it was in the 1970s

- due to more efficient agriculture, new methods of harvesting, new varieties, special processing marijuana of plants. - 20times more potent.

origin of Cannabis Indica

- from hash-producing countries, with very warm climates, such as Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Turkey, Morocco, and Tibet. - has lower THC content than sativa.

History of Marijuana

- historically been a valued crop. - the woody fibers of the stem yield a fiber that can be made into cloth & rope.

marijuana effects on Cardiovascular system

- marijuana products limit the amount of oxygen that can be carried to the heart. -Vasodilation (enlarged blood vessels)

LSD types: hallucinogen - mescaline (LSD) derived from which plant?

- most active drug in peyote cactus - belongs to the family of phenylethylamine conmpunds - MDMA. cause: -induces intensified perception of colors & euphoria in the user. effects: - dilation of the pupils, -increase in body temperature. -anxiety -visual hallucinations -alteration of body image, -vomiting -muscular relaxation. - street samples are rarely authentic.

Subjective euphoric effects of marijuana (behavioral effects)

- ongoing social & psychological experiences incurred while intoxicated with marijuana. - altered state of consciousness & perception while intoxicated. Attachment to the marijuana use: - users exhibit a strong attachment to their passionate feelings about using marijuana.

Behavioral effects of Marijuana (acute dose)

- produce adverse reactions: mild anxiety to panic & paranoia. -may exhibit psychosis, delusional & bizarre behavior, hallucinations when the user is under stress, anxious, depressed, borderline schizophrenic, use of more potent types of marijuana.

2nd type of flashbacks - Bad mind trip

- recurrence of a distressing thought/ emotion.

1st type of flashbacks - Body trip

- recurrence of an unpleasant physical sensation.

Cannabis Indica effects:

- relaxation of the body, stress relief: treatment for insomnia. -calmness & serenity - night time use, before bed.

LSD activates which part of body systems?

- sympathetic nervous system. - parasympathetic nervous system

Driving performance (marijuana use)

- the ability to perform complex tasks - driving is often impaired while under the influence of marijuana. - 70-80% of marijuana user drive while high.

3rd type of flashbacks - altered visual perception

- the most frequent type of recurrence -consisting of seeing dots, flashes, trails of light, halos, false motion in the peripheral field, other sensations.

hallucinogen mechanism action

-All hallucinogens act at a common central nervous system (CNS) site to exert their psychedelic effects. - LSD: its effects on the neurotransmitter serotonin most likely account for its psychedelic properties. - LSD / similar drugs alter serotonin activity.

early records of marijuana use:

-China (2737 BC) & India (religious ceremonies). - Assyrians (650 BC); used for making rope and cloth and consumed it to experience euphoria. -Ancient Greeks also knew about marijuana. -North America, in Jamestown (1611), marijuana was used to make rope and clothing. -Currently; Marijuana grows wild in many U.S states.

Physical properties of LSD

-In pure from: colorless, odorless, tasteless

Origin of Cannabis ruderalis (hybrid)

-Native to Asia, Central/Eastern Europe, and exclusive to Russia and more of a wild breed type. - originally, consider as a wild breed of cannabis. - Recent year, influence new hybrid varieties. -Lowest amount of THC

types of flashbacks

-body trip -bad mind trip -altered visual perception

Marijuana consists of

-dried & crushed leaves, flowers, stems, seeds of the Cannabis plant.

origin of Cannabis Sativa

-from Colombia, Mexico, Jamaica, South Africa, Thailand, and Southeast Asia. - Highest THC content.

creativity & insight effects of LSD (behavioral effects)

-helps expand the mind. - feeling of being more creative, but creative acts - drawing & painting are hindered by motor impairment caused by LSD.

the effects of LSD last

-longer than other hallucinogens. - effects begin 30-90 mins after ingestion & last up to 12 hrs.

adverse psychedelic effects of LSD o(behavioral effects)

-no typical pattern of response to LSD. - experience varies each user which depends on one's set, expectations, setting, environment. 1) nightmarish experience - complete loss of emotional control & experience paranoid delusions, hallucinations, panic attacks, psychosis, catatonic seizures. 2) non- psychotic adverse reactions: - degree of tension, anxiety, fear, depression, despair but not as intense as the "freak-out".

physically dependency of LSD

-no withdrawal symptoms -users do not become physically dependent.

lower levels of marijuana associated with

-participation in after-school activities, -higher level of academic achievement, -higher level of self-esteem.

Behavioral effects of Marijuana (low-moderate doses)

-produce euphoria & pleasant sate of relaxation. -experiences altered perception of space & time & impaired memory. - dry mouth, elevated heartbeat, some loss of coordination & balance, slower reaction times. reddening of the eyes. elevated blood pressure, some mental confusion (short-term memory loss) -a typical high lasts from 2 to 3 hours (depends on amount of THC),

FOXY (LSD types)

-relatively new hallucinogen. - Schedule I - low does: euphoria - high does: similar to LSD - hallucinations & psychedelic experiences - taken orally, or smoked.

long-term consequences of marijuana

-respiratory problems. -memory and learning (compromises the ability to learn & remember information by impairing the ability to focus, sustain, shift attention) - fertility ( decrease sperm counts, erectile dysfunction) (irregular periods) - mental effects (temporary hallucination, paranoia, schizophrenia) - addictive properties

physiological effect of LSD

-when taken orally, LSD is readily absorbed & diffused into all tissues, pass through the placenta into the fetus & through the blood-brain barrier. - within brain, it concentrated in the hypothalamus, limbic system, auditory & visual reflex areas. - electrodes placed in the limbic system show an "electrical storm" / a massive increase in neural activity.

3 main strains of Marijuana

1) Cannabis sativa 2) Cannabis indica 3) Cannabis ruderalis which differ in their chemical composition, physiological aesthetic, & medical application.

4 major derivatives (Spin-offs) from Marijuana plants

1) Marijuana wax - aka wax, ear wax, butter, and shatter. - currently the most powerful and potent (80% pure THC). -Produces a very quick high often similar to hallucinogenic drugs. 2) Ganja - largely produced in India. -consists of the dried tops of female plants. - slang term: pot, weed, reefer.

3 potent anticholinergic compounds:

1) scopolamine / hyoscine - produce excitement, hallucinations, delirium 2) hyoscyamine 3) atropine - increase heart rate, dilate the pupils,

naturally occurring anticholinergic hallucinogens

1)Atropa belladonna - deadly nightshade contain enough drug to cause death. 2)Mandragora officinarum - aka mandrake -contains active psychedelic alkaloids. 3) Hyoscyamus niger - aka henbane, contains both hyoscyamine & scopolamine. 4) Datura stramonium -Jimsonweed -principal active drug in this group is scopolamine - that has several less active alkaloids.

States with Legal use of marijuana in U.S:

11 states; California, Alaska, Colorado, Illinois, Maine Massachusetts, Michigan Nevada, Oregon Vermont, Washington

LSD used peak in which year?

1960s, began to grow during 1950s. - used by young Americans

LSD used decline which year

1970s - 1980s 1996: 8.8% 2018: 3.2% - typically high school student

types of hallucinogenic agents

1st types: includes those agents that have amphetamine-like molecular structures (phenylethylamines - Ecstasy) & that possess some stimulant action. 2st types: DOM, MDA, MDMA/ Ecstasy, mephedrone (Methylmethcathinone) - comprises the anticholinergic (antimuscarinic) drugs, which blocks some of receptors for the neurotransmitter - acetylcholine - vary in their hallucinogenic/ stimulant properities

Example of marijuana on the CNS

Central nervous system: - alters moods, coordination, memory, self-perception. Altered perceptions - changes in the interpretation of stimuli resulting from marijuana use. "munchies" -Hunger experienced while under the effects of marijuana. "anandamide" -possible neurotransmitter acting at the marijuana (cannabinoid) receptor site.

phenylethylamines (Hallucinogens)

DOM - similar mechanisms to mescaline & LSD. "designer" amphetamines - 3,4 MDA & MDMA & ecstasy - entactogen (pleasurable sensation of touch is enhanced)

MDMA is more like (phenylethylamines)

LSD (hallucinogens)

traditional psychedelics for pharmacological effects

LSD, mescaline

LSD full name

Lysergic acid diethylamide

LSD types: hallucinogen - psilocybin derived from which plant?

Psilocybe mexicana mushrooms of the "magic" variety. -Hallucinogenic effects similar to LSD. - Timothy Leary (who synthesized LSD) used psilocybin with his students to experiments. - cross-tolerance among psilocybin, LSD, mescaline. - stimulates autonomic nervous system, dilates the pupils, increase body temperature. - It's not very common on the street.

major factors affecting Marijuana use

Structural factors - age, gender, family background, lack of any religious beliefs. Social & interactional factors: -types of interpersonal relationships, friendship cliques, drug use within the peer group setting. Settings: -type of community & neighborhood (physical location where marijuana is used) Attitudinal factors: -personal beliefs & attitudes toward the use of drugs. personality factors: -self-esteem vs insecurity, maturation level

main ingredient of Marijuana:

THC (delta-9- tetrahydrocannabinol), the primary mind-altering ingredient in marijuana. - contains 421 chemicals.

perceptual effects of LSD (behavioral effects)

Unusual illusion occur due to brain's sensory alternation. ex) - intense color perception -movement of stationary objects (wall appears as large) -thoughts of suicide / actual attempts

Cannabis use disorder defined by DSM-V (addiction)

\- cannabis is often taken in larger amounts than was intended. - persistent desire/ unsuccessful efforts to cut down/ control cannabis use. - much time is spent securing the drug, using the drugs, recovering from its effects. -craving the euphoric effects of the drug -Failure to fulfill major role obligations at work, school, home. -Continued use of cannabis despite persistent/ recurrent social & interpersonal problems caused by the effect of cannabis. -Cannabis use is continued despite persistent or recurrent physical or psychological problems stemming from usage. -Important social, occupational/ recreational activities are given up or reduced because of cannabis use. -Recurrent cannabis usage in situations in which it is physically hazardous. - tolerance develops to offset the diminishing effects of cannabis resulting in more use of cannabis. -withdrawal symptoms lead to increased use of cannabis.

other hallucinogens - Dextromethorphan

active ingredient used in many OTC cough medicines bc its ability to suppress the cough reflex. - low recommended doses: harmless. - high quantities (10x higher doses): hallucinogenic effects like Ketamine, - side effects: numbness, disorientation, stomach pain, confusion, nervousness, irritability. -2018: commonly abused by adolescents (3.2% of high school seniors)

Marijuana- most highly abused type of illicit drug

age 18-25 has the highest rate of marijuana use with 22.1% current use. youth (age 12-17) with 6.7% reporting current use.

Synthetic Marijuana

aka: Spice/ K2; "fake weed". - refers to manmade mind-altering chemicals that are sprayed with one or more of designer chemicals from the cannabinoid family on dried & shredded plant material. -can be either smoked or sold as liquids to be vaporized & inhaled in e-cigarettes.

MDA is more like (phenylethylamines)

amphetamine (stimulant)

behavioral effects: behavioral satisfaction

behavioral satisfaction derived from friends who use marijuana ( "fun times when high with friends")

type 3: anticholinergic hallucinogens

blocks some of the receptors for the acetylcholine which cause hallucinations due to antagonists (block receptors) - include naturally occurring alkaloid substances that are present in plants & herbs. -The potato family of plants contains most of these mind-altering drugs.

physiological effects of marijuana

brain: -THC activates the reward system in the brain by stimulating brain cells to release the chemical dopamine.

mephedrone (type 2)

contains potent properties of stimulant & hallucinogen

drugged driving

driving while under the influence of a drug. - Among young drivers, driving after using cannabis is more prevalent than driving after drinking.

PCP psychological effects:

feelings of strength, power, invulnerability, perceptual distortions, paranoia, violence, psychoses, user appears like schizophrenics

gateway drugs - marijuana

gateway drugs are drugs that often lead to the use of more addictive types of drugs. - use & abuse of other more potent drugs. ex) alcohol, tobacco, marijuana are gateway drugs. ex) inhalants & anabolic steroids (gateway drugs) ex) recently, prescription drugs are included in gateway drugs.

other hallucinogens - Ketamine

general anesthetic; PCP-like; may have some value as a rapid antidepressant.

PCP physiological effects:

hallucinogenic effects, stimulation, depression, anesthesia analgesia - large doses can cause coma, convulsions, death.

LSD effects on parasympathetic nervous system

increase salivation & nausea

U.S federal law of Marijuana use

legally prohibit the possession, the sale, use of marijuana. - federal government continues to believe that marijuana has no medically proven use.

marijuana use on critical-thinking skills

marijuana has a negative impact on critical-thinking skills. - heavy marijuana use impairs attention, memory, learning. - alters brain activity & residues of this drug linger in the brain.

LSD types: myristicin derived from which plant?

nutmeg - high does of nutmeg is intoxicating causes: drowsiness, stupor, delirium, sleep. - myristica oil responsible for physical effects. - often cause unpleasant trips. - myristicin is similar to mescaline, blocks release of serotonin from brain.

psychological dependency of LSD


FDA approved clinical trails of hallucinogens for

psychotherapy in the management of conditions- PTSD

tolerance of LSD develops more

quickly compare to other hallucinogens.

religious involvement in marijuana use

religious involvement is significantly associated with less past month illicit drug use (marijuana use)

LSD types: dimethyltryptamine (DMT)derived from which plant

short-acting hallucinogen found in the seeds of certain leguminous trees. - no effects when taken orally. - inhaled either as smoke from burning plant or in vaporized form. - similar in action to psilocybin.

severe LSD behavioral toxicity can be treated with

tranquilizers / sedative - benzodiazepine.

Medical & recreational use of Marijuana

treatment in chronic pain, weight loss, nausea in people with cancer, AIDS, PTSD, anxiety disorder, neurological disorders

flashbacks occur

unexpectedly. - usually occur within weeks/ months after taking LSD. - lasts for few minutes or several hours.

LSD user in which setting is more to experience adverse effects?

unfavorable setting, person who have problems/ strong need to be in conscious control than person with well-integrated personality.

Therapeutic uses of Marijuana

use cannabis, primarily the THC from the Cannabis plant, to calm/ to relieve illness symptoms. - treatment for Glaucoma (potentially blinding eye disease causing continual and increasing intraocular pressure) - Appetite stimulant: to treat anorexia, AIDS, chemotherapy & radiation therapy - Antiseizure: aids in the prevention of seizures (epilepsy). - Antiasthmatic effect: short-term smoking of marijuana improves breathing for asthma patients. - Antidepressant effect used in Great Britain as a euphoriant for treating depression. - U.S believed that marijuana could treat physical & mental conditions. - muscle relaxation: aids in reducing muscle spasms. - Analgesic effects: in patients experiencing frequent migraines & chronic headaches/ inflammation.

treatment of Flashbacks

use of sedative - diazepam (Valium)

behavioral effects of LSD

vary among individuals. - creativity & insight -adverse/ "pleasurable" psychedelic effects - perceptual effects.

what is flashbacks

"hallucinogen-persisting perception disorder" - thought of as being adverse, but sometimes could be pleasant/ "free trips" - sensations caused by previous LSD use return, although the user is not on LSD.

Other hallucinogens: Salvia divinorum

"legal: hallucinogenic herb, used by 0.9% of high school seniors in 2018. - cause intense hallucinations & short-term memory loss.

-traditional / prototypical hallucinogens: LSD types

- LSD itself & some hallucinogens derived from plants - LSD - mescaline - psilocybin, dimethyltryptamine (DMT), - myristicin

Marijuana use in 2018:

- Marijuana was the 3rd most used drug with 27.7 million monthly users. - ranked 2nd for new users. - most popular illicit drug abuse in U.S. with more than 20 million regular users. -most used illicit drugs; 43.5 million users in 2018. - 3.1 million people (12+) used marijuana for the first time. which average to about 8,400 new marijuana users per day. - 1.2 million young adults (18- 25 yrs old) initiated marijuana used which average to about 3,300 new users per day

Medical Marijuana

- Medical marijuana use involves using cannabis, primarily the THC from the Cannabis plant, as a drug to calm or to relieve symptoms of an illness. - Historically, marijuana used to treat a variety of human ills in folk and formal medicine for thousands of years in South Africa, Turkey, South America, and Egypt, as well as such Asian countries as India, Malaysia, Myanmar, and Siam.

Other types of hallucinogens:

- PCP - Ketamine - Dextromethorphan - Marijuana - Salvia divinorum

street name for LSD

- acid - blotter acid -microdot - window panes

marijuana effects on sexual performance & reproduction

- affects the sympathetic nervous system, increasing vasodilation in the genitals & delaying ejaculation; high doses can decrease sexual desire. - Aphrodisiac (THC is believed to cause sexual arousal)

short-term consequences of marijuana use

- altered sense (seeing brighter colors) -altered sense of time -changes in mood -impaired body movement -difficulty with thinking & problem-solving - impaired memory.

Amotivational syndrome

- anti-motivational syndrome. - marijuana causes a lack of motivation/ impaired desire/ reduced productivity. - users increase in apathy, poor short-term memory, difficulty with concentration, a lingering lack of interest in pursuing goals.

LSD effects on sympathetic nervous system

- body temperature, heart rate, blood pressure increased. - person sweats - pupils of the eyes dilate.

basis for psychedelic properties

- changes in serotonin activity. - involvement of norepinephrine, dopamine, acetylcholine, other neurotransmitter system.

hallucinogen type 1: phenylethylamines

- chemically related to amphetamines. - vary degrees of hallucinogenic & CNS stimulant effects, which are depends on their ability to release serotonin & dopamine - LSD-like: predominantly release serotonin, dominated by their hallucinogenic action. - Cocaine-like: predominantly release dopamine; dominated by their stimulant effects.

other Hallucinogens - Phencyclidine (PCP)

- considered by many experts as the most dangerous of the hallucinogens, although it has a host of other effects as well. - it was developed as an intravenous anesthetic but was found to have serious adverse side effects.

marijuana effects on respiratory system

- damage to the lungs. - Alveolar macrophages special white blood cells that play a role in cleaning lung tissue are less able to remove debris when exposed to smoke.

Cannabis Sativa effects:

- daytime smoking, -stimulates the appetite, - pain relief from certain ailment, -uplifting & energetic feelings. -creative, new ideas,

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