Phasal Verbs (Separable and Inseparable Two-Word Verbs)

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run into

(informal) to meet someone by chance: (столкнуться) 👉Guess who I ___(past) ____ today! to experience difficulties, etc.: 👉Be careful not to ___ ____ debt. (долги.) 👉to ___ ____ danger/trouble/difficulties (с опасностью/неприятностями/трудностями) to reach a particular level or amount: 👉Her income ___s ____ six figures (= is more than $100,000).

go with

(old-fashioned) (informal) to have a romantic relationship with someone to combine well with something(synonym match): 👉Does this jacket __ ____ this skirt? Those colors don't really __ ____/together. to agree to accept something, for example a plan or an offer: 👉You're offering $500? I think we can __ ____ that. (мы можем пойти на это.) to exist at the same time or in the same place as something/to be found together: 👉Disease often __es ____ poverty. (бедность)

fill out

1. ____ ___ to become larger, rounder (круглее), or fatter (толще) 2. ____ smth ___ to complete a form, etc. by writing information on it 👉to ____ ___ an application form 👉To order, ____ ___ the coupon on p 54.

call up

1. ____ somebody __ to make a telephone call to someone 2. ____ smth __ to bring something back to your mind: 👉The smell of the ocean ____ed __ memories of her childhood. to use something that is stored or kept available 👉I ____ed his address __ on the computer. 👉She ____ed __ her last reserves of strength. (Я набрал его адрес на компьютере. Она призвала последние резервы сил.)

clean up

1. _____ (yourself) __ (informal) (привести (себя) в порядок) to make yourself neat and clean, usually by washing 👉I need to change and _____ __ 👉Go and _____ yourself __. 👉You'd better get _____ed __. 2. _____ __ | _____ smth __ (убирать, почистить что-нибудь) to remove dirt, etc. from somewhere: 👉He always expected other people to _____ __ after him (= when he had made the place dirty or messy). 👉Who's going to _____ __ this mess? 👉to ____ __ beaches after an oil spill (... после разлива нефти) 👉a commitment to ____ __ the environment (обязательство очистить окруж. среду) 👉It took me the rest of the day to ____ (the place) __. (мне понадобился остаток дня, чтобы привести это место в порядок) (informal) to win or make a lot of money: 👉This movie should ____ __ at the box office. (Этот фильм должен навести порядок в прокате)

bring back

1. _____ smth/someone ____ - to return someone or something: 👉Please _____ ____ all library books by the end of the week. He _______(past tense) me _____ (= gave me a ride home) in his car. 2. _____ smth ____ to make someone remember something or think about it again: 👉The photographs _____(past) _____ many pleasant memories. to make something that existed before be introduced again: 👉Most people are against _____ing _____ smoking on airplanes. (...против возвращения курения...) 3. _____ somebody smth _____ | _____ smth _____ (for somebody) to return with something for someone: 👉What did you _____ the kids _____ from Hawaii? 👉I _____(past) a T-shirt _____ for Mark. 👉Look at what I _____(past) _____ from my trip.

do over

__ smth ___ to clean or decorate something again/to decorate a room or part of a house in a new way: 👉The paintwork will need to be __ne(3 form) ___ soon. 👉We plan to __ ____ the kitchen next year. to do something again: 👉Ms. Smith, there are too many mistakes in this letter. Please __ it ____. 👉She insisted(настояла) that everything be __ne ____. 👉The teacher told him to __ the assignment(задание) ____.

cross out

_____ something ___/through to draw a line through a word, usually because it is wrong: 👉_____ ___ that last sentence.

look up to

to admire or respect someone: 👉She ____s __ __ her teacher because she's so kind and supportive. (уважает) 👉You should to share that goal with someone you look up to.

turn on

to attack (напасть) someone suddenly and unexpectedly: 👉The dogs suddenly ____ed __ each other. 👉Why are you all ____ing __ me (= criticizing or blaming me)? to depend on something: 👉Much ____s __ the outcome of the current peace talks.(от исхода нынешних мирных переговоров.) (informal) to make someone excited or interested, especially sexually: (возбуждают) 👉Jazz has never really ____ed me __. 👉She gets ____ed __ by men in uniform. (informal) to make someone become interested in something or use something for the first time: 👉He ____ed her __ to jazz. (Он приобщил ее к джазу.) to start the flow of electricity, gas, water, etc. by moving a switch, button, etc.: 👉to ____ __ the heat 👉I'll ____ the television __. 👉(figurative) He really knows how to ____ __ the charm (= suddenly become pleasant and attractive). 👉Ben ____ed the TV __.

look up

to become better (synonym - improve) 👉At last things were beginning to ____ __. (Наконец дела начали налаживаться) to raise your eyes when you are looking down at something: 👉She ____ed __ from her book as I entered the room. (informal) to visit or make contact with someone, especially when you have not seen them for a long time: 👉____ me __ the next time you're in San Francisco. to look for information in a dictionary or reference book, or by using a computer: 👉Can you ____ __ the address on the Web site? 👉I ____ed it __ in the dictionary.

pick out

to choose someone or something carefully from a group of people or things (synonym select): 👉 She was ____ed ___ from dozens of applicants for the job. 👉 He ____ed ___ the ripest (самый спелый) peach for me. to recognize someone or something from among other people or things: (узнать) 👉See if you can ____ me ___ in this photo. 👉We couldn't ____ ___ any familiar landmarks.(ни одного знакомого ориентира) to discover or recognize something after careful study: 👉Read the play again and ____ ___ the major themes. (выделите основные темы) to make something easy to see or hear: 👉a sign painted yellow, with the lettering ___ed ___ in black 👉The car lights ____ed ___ a cat running across the road. (свет машины заметил кошку ...)

hook up

to connect someone or smth to a piece of electronic equipment (к электронному оборудованию), to a power supply (источнику питания), or to the Internet: 👉She was then ____ed __ to an IV drip. (к капельнице.) 👉Check that the computer is ____ed __ to the printer. 👉A large proportion of the nation's households are ____ed __ to the Internet. (Большая часть домохозяйств страны подключена к Интернету.) to meet someone and spend time with them (познакомиться и провести время): 👉In India I ____ed __ with a couple of students for a few weeks. to start working with someone: 👉They formed the band in 2008, ____ing __ with bass player Rod Byrne.

think over

to consider something carefully, especially before reaching a decision: 👉He'd like more time to _____ things ____. 👉I've been _____ing ____ what you said. 👉I'll _____ it ____ and give you an answer next week.

hang up (hung - past)

to end a telephone conversation by putting the telephone receiver down or turning the telephone off: 👉After I ____(past) __ I remembered what I'd wanted to say. to finish using something for the last time 👉Kate has ____(past) __ her dancing shoes. 👉Where should we ____ __ this portrait?

drop off

to fall into a light sleep (впасть в легкий сон): 👉I ____ped ___ and missed the end of the movie. to become fewer or less: 👉Traffic in the town has ____ped ___ since the bypass opened. (... с момента открытия подъездной дороги) to take someone or something to a place, usually by car

get over

to feel better after being sick or sad: 👉She's just ___ting ____ a cold. (оправилась) to deal with or gain control of something: 👉She can't ___ ____ her shyness. 👉I think the problem can be ___ten(3 form) ____ without too much difficulty. to return to your usual state of health, happiness, etc. after an illness, a shock, the end of a relationship, etc. 👉He was disappointed at not getting the job, but he'll ___ ____ it.(но справится с этим.) (informal) to stop thinking that you are so important; to stop being so serious: 👉Just ___ ____ yourself and stop complaining! (преодолеть) 👉He needs to grow up a little and ___ ____ himself. (преодолеть) to make something clear to someone: 👉He didn't really ___ his meaning ____ to the audience. (не донес до аудитории своего смысла.) (informal) to complete something unpleasant but necessary: 👉I'll be glad to ___ the exam ____ and done with.

throw out

to force someone to leave a place: 👉You'll be ______(3 form) ____ if you don't pay the rent. to say something in a way that suggests you have not given it a lot of thought: (сказать что-то таким образом, что это наводит на мысль, что вы не слишком много думали об этом) 👉to _____ ___ a suggestion (выкинуть предложение) to produce smoke, light, heat, etc.: 👉a small fire that _____(past) ___ a lot of heat (небольшой пожар, выпустивший много тепла) to confuse (перепутать) something or make it wrong: 👉Our calculations of the cost of our trip were ______(3 form) ___ by changes in the exchange rate. (Наши расчеты стоимости поездки были выброшены на ветер из-за изменения курса валют.)

call on

to formally invite or ask someone to speak, etc.: 👉I now ____ __ the chairman to address the meeting. (Теперь я предоставляю слово председателю выступить на собрании.) to ask or demand (требовать) that someone do something: 👉I feel ____ed __ to (= feel that I should) warn you that...

pick up

to get better, stronger, etc. (synonym improve): 👉Trade usually ____s __ in the spring. (Торговля обычно оживляется весной) 👉The wind is ____ing __ now. (Ветер сейчас усиливается) 👉Sales have ____ed __ 14% this year. (В этом году продажи выросли на 14%) (informal) to start again; to continue: 👉Let's ____ __ where we left off yesterday. (informal) to put things away and make things neat, especially for someone else: 👉All I seem (кажется я только и делаю, что ...) to do is cook, wash, and ____ __ after the kids. to answer a phone: 👉The phone rang and rang and nobody ____ed __. to go somewhere in your car and get someone who is waiting for you: 👉I'll ____ you __ at five. to allow someone to get into your vehicle and take them somewhere: 👉The bus ____s __ passengers outside the airport. (informal) to start talking to someone you do not know because you want to have a sexual relationship with them: 👉He goes to clubs to ____ __ girls. (informal) (of the police) to arrest someone: 👉He was ____ed __ by police and taken to the station for questioning. to make someone feel better: 👉Try this—it will ____ you ____. to take hold of someone or something and lift them/it up: 👉She went over to the crying child and ____ed her __. to get information or a skill by chance rather than by making a deliberate effort: 👉to ____ __ bad habits 👉Here's a tip I ____ed __ from my mother. 👉She ____ed __ Spanish when she was living in Mexico. 👉Where did you ____ __ that idea? to identify or recognize something: 👉Scientists can now ____ __ early signs of the disease. to get something from a place: 👉I ____ed __ my coat from the cleaners. to get or obtain something: 👉I seem to have ____ed __ a terrible cold from somewhere. 👉I ____ed __ $30 in tips today. to find and follow a route: (маршруту) 👉to ____ __ the scent of an animal (уловить запах животного) 👉We can ____ __ the interstate in a few miles. (Мы можем выехать на межштатную автомагистраль через несколько миль) to put things away neatly: 👉Will you ____ __ all your toys? to put things away and make a room neat: 👉to ____ __ a room to stand up again after you have fallen: 👉He just ____ed himself __ and went on running. 👉(figurative - в переносном смысле) She didn't waste time

throw away

to get rid (избавиться) of something that you no longer want: 👉He read the magazine and then _____(past) it ____. 👉I don't need that—you can _____ it ____. 👉That old chair should be ______(3 form) ____. to fail to make use of something; to waste something: 👉to _____ ____ an opportunity (отказаться) 👉You must take the exam—you can't _____ ____ all that work! (Ты должен сдать экзамен, ты не можешь выбросить всю эту работу!)

put on

to give someone the telephone so that they can talk to the person at the other end: 👉Hi, Dad—can you ___ Nicky __? to dress yourself in something: 👉Hurry up! ___ your coat __! to apply something to your skin, face, etc.: 👉She's just ___ting __ her makeup. to switch on a piece of equipment: (вкл часть оборудования) 👉Before you start making the pie, ___ the oven __ at 350 degrees. 👉She ___ __ the brakes suddenly. to become heavier, especially by the amount mentioned (synonym gain): 👉She looks like she's ___ __ weight. 👉He must have ___ __ several pounds. to pretend to have a particular feeling, quality, way of speaking, etc.: (притворяться) 👉He ___ __ a British accent. 👉I don't think she was hurt. She was just ___ting it __. (притворяться) to add an amount of money or a tax to the cost of something: 👉The government has ___ fifty cents __ the price of a pack of cigarettes. (Правительство установило пятьдесят центов к цене пачки сигарет) to bet money on something: (ставить деньги на что-то) 👉I've never ___ money __ a horse. 👉I ___ $5 __ him to win.

hand in

to give something to a person in authority, especially a piece of work or something that is lost: (сдать, подать) to give your finished work to a teacher: 👉I want to check your homework. Please ____ it __. 👉You must all ____ __ your projects by the end of next week. 👉I ____ed the watch __ to the police. (я сдал часы в полицию) 👉to ____ __ your notice/resignation (= formally tell your employer that you want to stop working for them) 👉Have you ____ed your history essay __ yet?

take out

to go to a restaurant, theater, club, etc. with someone you have invited./to go somewhere with someone and pay for that person: 👉Our boss ____(past) us ___ for lunch. to remove something from inside someone's body, especially a part of it: 👉How many teeth did the dentist ____ ___? to obtain an official document or service 👉to ____ ___ an insurance policy/a mortgage/a loan (взять страховой полис/ипотеку/кредит) 👉to ____ ___ an ad in a newspaper (разместить объявление в газете) to buy cooked food at a restaurant and carry it away to eat, for example at home: 👉Would you like to eat your sandwich here or ____ it ___? to obtain money by removing it from your bank account.

get along with

to have a friendly relationship with someone: (ладить) 👉She never really got along with her sister. 👉She and her sister have never really gotten along. 👉We get along just fine together.

look through

to ignore someone by pretending not to see them: 👉She just ____ed straight _______ me. to examine or read something quickly: (быстро рассмотреть или прочитать что-либо) 👉She ____ed _______ her notes before the exam.

leave on

to intentionally keep something turned on or in an active state: 👉I'll _____ the lights __ in the hallway for you 👉I _____(past) the TV __ by mistake, and it was on all night 👉I'll ____ my computer __ to complete the software update. (idiom) to have an effect on something or someone, especially a bad one, that lasts for a long time: 👉Such a traumatic experience was bound to _____ its mark __ the children. (оставил отпечаток) 👉War has ____(past) its mark __ the country.

turn off

to leave a road in order to travel on another: 👉Is this where we ____ ___? (сойти с дороги) 👉The jet began to ____ ___ the main runway. (informal) to stop listening to or thinking about someone or something: 👉I couldn't understand the lecture so I just ____ed ___. to make someone feel bored or not interested: 👉People had been ____ed ___ by both candidates in the election. (Оба кандидата на выборах оттолкнули людей.) to stop someone feeling sexually attracted; to make someone have a feeling of disgust. (отвращение) to stop the flow of electricity, gas, water, etc. by moving a switch, button, etc.: 👉to ____ ___ the light 👉They've ____ed ___ the water while they repair a burst pipe. (пока ремонтируют лопнувшую трубу.) 👉Please ____ the television ___ before you go to bed. 👉How do you ____ the computer ___?

take after

to look or behave like an older member of your family, especially your mother or father: 👉Your daughter doesn't ____ _____ you at all. (не похожа на вас) (informal) to follow someone quickly: 👉I was afraid that if I started running the man would ____ _____ me.

take back

to make someone remember something: 👉The smell of the sea ____(past) him ____ to his childhood. 👉That song ____s me ____ 30 years. if you take something back to a store, or a store takes something back, you return something that you have bought there, for example because it is the wrong size or does not work: 👉Did you ____ those books ____ to the library? to admit(признать) that something you said was wrong or that you should not have said it: 👉OK, I ____ it all ____!

take down

to pull down a piece of clothing worn below the waist without completely removing it: 👉to ____ ____ your pants (штаны) to write something down: (записать) 👉Reporters ____(past) ____ every word of his speech. to remove something that is on a wall or something that is temporary: 👉I ____(past) the pictures ____ after they left.

try on

to put on a piece of clothing to see if it fits and how it looks: (примерить): 👉___ the shoes __ before you buy them. 👉Could I ___ this dress __, please?

put away

to put something in the place where it is kept because you have finished using it: 👉I'm just going to ___ the car ____ (= in the garage). to save money to spend later: 👉She has a few thousand dollars ___ ____ for her retirement. (informal) to eat or drink large quantities of something: 👉He must have ___ ____ a bottle of whiskey last night. (он, должно быть, выпил всю бутылку виски вчера вечером)

hear from

to receive a letter, e-mail, phone call, etc. from someone: 👉I look forward to ____ing ____ you. (С нетерпением жду Вашего ответа.) 👉I haven't ____d anything ____ her for months. (Я ничего о ней не слышал уже несколько месяцев.) 👉It was good to ____ ____ him again. (Было приятно услышать его снова.)

turn down

to reject (отклонить) or refuse to consider an offer, a proposal, etc. or the person who makes it: 👉They offered me the job, but I ____ed it ____. 👉Why did she ____ ____ your invitation? 👉He has been ____ed ____ for ten jobs so far. 👉He asked her to marry him but she ____ed him ____. to reduce the noise, heat, etc. produced by a piece of equipment by moving its controls: (уменьшить шум, нагрев и т. д., производимые оборудованием, путем перемещения его органов управления) 👉Please ____ the volume ____. 👉He ____ed the lights ____ low. (Он приглушил свет.) 👉Could you ____ the radio ____, please?

give back

to return something to its owner 👉Could you ____ me ____ my pen? 👉Could you ____ me my pen ____? 👉I picked it up and ____(past) it ____ to him. 👉Did she ____ you those books ____ yet? to allow someone to have something again: 👉The operation ____(past) him ____ the use of his legs.

figure out

to think about someone or something until you understand them/it: 👉We couldn't ______ her ___. (мы не смогли ее разгадать/понять) 👉I can't ______ ___ how to do this. 👉I can't ______ this map ___. to calculate an amount or the cost of something: 👉Have you ______d ___ how much the trip will cost? (прикинуть)

pick on

to treat someone unfairly, by blaming, criticizing, or punishing them: (относиться к кому-либо несправедливо, обвиняя, критикуя или наказывая его, придираться) 👉The other girls ____ed __ her because of her size. 👉He just started ____ing __ me for no reason. (приставать)

use up

to use all of something so that there is none left: (чтобы ничего не осталось) 👉Making soup is a good way of ___ing __ leftover vegetables. (остатки овощей.) to finish an amount of something: 👉Someone ___d __ all the eggs. (кто-то израсходовал все яйца)

write down

to write something on paper, especially in order to remember or record it: 👉_____ ____ the address before you forget it. (business) to reduce the value of assets(активов) when stating it in a company's accounts: (при указании их на счетах компании) 👉All stock over six months old was ____ten ____ to 50%. (Все акции старше шести месяцев были списаны до 50%.) 👉the ____ten-____ value of the stock (списанная стоимость акций)

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