PHIL 100 CSU Alvarez, exam 5, Final

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What is Plato's notion of justice?

Plato's notion of justice is that individuals lack self-sufficiency resulting in the need for justice 2-Plato thinks that the rulers of society should have a solid understanding about the nature of reality, and that they should study the fields of philosophy and ethics so they would rule their own will and not for personal gain 3-Plato believes that the people that should be in control are the ones that are qualified.

What is John Stuart Mill's classical liberalism theory?

"Classical liberalism" is the term used to designate the ideology advocating private property, an unhampered market economy, the rule of law, constitutional guarantees of freedom of religion and of the press, and international peace based on free trade.

What is LOCKE's notion of "State of Nature? (Think that people are innately good and it was peaceful before gov.)

-Theoretical state of affairs prior to government or the formation of society. -Thinks that people have innate goodness in them; contrary to hobbes who thinks that people are horrible beings.

What is John Locke's motivation for Government? (Protecting the people against the irregular exercises of power and was created to be our servant)

-inconvenience of irregular and or uncertain exercise of power in the state of nature. -government is our creation/servant and so does not have absolute power over its citizens.

What is Militant Anarchism? (Taking violent action to overthrow the gov.)

1-People who are militant anarchist believe that there needs to be violent action in order to become an anarchist state. 2-These people see it as almost their civil duty to try to take down the government that is in use. 3-The problem remains: once the government is destroyed... What then?

What are Mill's 2 individuals\ liberty rights that "free" Nations should have?

1.Principle of utility - maximize benefits minimize social harms 2.Consequentialist- the morality of an action is evaluated by its consequences

What is Naïve Anarchism? (Believes everything will be good if we get rid of government)

4 parts. 1- the nothing that people in the world know no evil and if government was abolished they would believe it would bring peace to people. 2- obviously the best condition for humanity would be the absence of government. 3-They believe that humans are already good and that humans get messed up by the system of government. That is why people need to be set free. 4-Problems: This argument makes a big commitment by saying that all people are generally good and they would maintain that behavior after government is gone.

What is justice as Social Utility?

A just society will minimize social harms and maximize social benefits

What are Rawls 2 principals of justice?

A. Each person should have the same rights as the other person and they should be able to have equal access to everything that everyone else does. People who are even at the bottom of the food chain will still have access B. 1.Reasonably expected to be to everyone's advantage, and 2. Attached to positions and offices open to all. -He believes that the society should agree on an economic inequality because there is no way that you can have everyone have the same things. -He also believes that there should be a system in place that people can be trained to do what they want to do. This will allow for people to have a fair standard.

What are the two positions available under the topic, the justification of government?

Anarchism and social contract theory

What is Robert Paul Wolf's notion of theory? (people make their own decisions and that is the cause for an illegitimate gov.)

Autonomy- you get to make your own choices in life -Children are heteronomous because they are under the control of their parents. -1. Human beings are autonomous agents -2. Autonomous agents have freewill -3. If government rules over humanity, then humans are not autonomous* -4. If human beings are not autonomous, then human beings don't have freewill. -5. We do have autonomy and freewill, so therefore government rule is illegitimate -Problems: -1. Is theoretical anarchism incompatible with the commitment to legitimate government authority? - if your house got robbed you would call the police. He also received government funding. -2. Is the anarchist inconsistent to enjoy these benefits yet think that government is illegitimate?

Who is John Stuart Mill?

English philosopher who came up with the conception of liberty. Classic liberal and was an advocate for utilitarianism.

How does Marx think that Capitalism will undermine itself?

He thinks that capitalism will undermine itself because it is constantly progressing towards socialism and there is nothing to stop it from converting into communism after that. -Marx believes the world will be overtaken by Communism

How does Marx think that Capitalism exploits the workers?

He thinks that capitalist shrink the wages of the work force in order to make more profits. Then we boast that we used technology to make advancements, but in the long run it's the workers.

What is HOBBES' notion of "State of Nature"? (humanity before gov.)

Humanity before the existence of government. What would humanity look like? -Hobbes believes that without the existence of government there is no rules and you do what you have to do to obtain them. -People will do what they have to do in order to look after your own including violence.

What philosopher was Marx influenced by?

Immanuel Kant and Hegel

What is John Locke's social contract theory? (gov. needs to protect our inalienable rights)

John Locke widely known as the Father of Liberalism. Writings influenced Voltaire and Rousseau and many American revolutionaries. -He believes that we have certain inalienable rights, humans have freedom, are governed by good reason, goodwill, and mutual assistance. -We need government because it has a duty to protect our natural unalienable rights.

What is Justice as conformity to the Natural Law?

Justice should conform around Natural Law because it is a very common sense type of law and is what should be expected by everyone. Trained moral behavior.

What does Marx mean by, History as deterministic?

Marx thinks that history is already predetermined and there is nothing you can do to change that.

What is meritocracy?

Meritocracy is government based on distributing goods and services.

What is John Locke's notion of natural law?

Natural law theory claims that there is an objective moral law that transcends human conventions and decisions, which governs individuals and the conduct of society, can be known through reason and experience on the basis of the natural order of the world and the built-in tendencies of human nature.

What is St. Thomas Aquinas' notion of Natural Law? (Humanities common sense law)

Natural law theory claims that there is an objective moral law that transcends human conventions and decisions, which governs individuals and the conduct of society, can be known through reason and experience on the basis of the natural order of the world and the built-in tendencies of human nature.

What is justice as Fairness?

Rawl's justice is cashed out in terms of fairness. He is defending a reasonable democratic government could have these qualities.

What is Theoretical Anarchism? (Deal with gov. even though it is unjust)

Robert Paul Wolff (1933) -philosopher at the University of Masachesetts. This is the theory that government is completely unjustified even though we may tolerate it.

What does political philosophy study? 4 parts

The Justification of Government. 2- The nature of a Just Government. 3- relationship with the individual and state, civil disobedience

Who are the Proletariat?

The Proletariat is the middle class person that the communist Eutopia will be built on.

What is the issue of Justice and a "just" government?

The issue of Justice and a just government is to see if what the government is justified for what they are doing for the people.

What is John Rawls' notion of the Veil of Ignorance?

The veil of ignorance is the notion that you are ignorant about your social standing, this would let everyone be at the same level.

What is the Feminist Critique of John Rawls theory of justice?

The women reject the patriarchal rule and have now an opportunity to do what they actually want to do. (Women were not happy that they were not included in this)

What is the Natural Law theory?

There is an objective moral law and this law was created by God.

What is dialectic, according to Marx?

This is a theory according to Marx that accepts the evolution of the natural world and the emergence of new qualities. Materialism

What is the "Original position"?

This lets people look at the position from the other person in order to see what it would be like. What is the fairest way of distribution. Everyone can reason about principles of justice. - a view that people should adjust too for the good of society.

Who are the Bourgeoisie?

Wealthy elite

How does Robert Paul Wolf argue for Theoretical Anarchism? (People should take care of themselves not the gov.)

Wolff begins to define a state, and then distinguish from the power of the state from its authority. -People have a moral responsibility to take care of themselves -1. Being free 2. Taking responsibility -People are self-legislating

What is Marx's understanding of economics and the cause of ideas?

believes that the economy is run by the capitalists that run the big industries. He feels like the big Capitalist pigs were the ones that caused all the troubles for the proletariat the middle class. Class conflict lies in the roots of a capitalism. He thinks that is keeps a gap between the rich and poor. The rich get richer and poor get poorer until the middle class dissolves.

What is Thomas Hobbes' social contract theory? (dictator, everyone do their part and everything should be okay)

established most of western philosophy from the perspective of social contract theory. -Hobbes view of the world is very pessimistic and dim. -Hobbes Solution: You have to employ an absolute monarch or dictator. Once they are elected they get absolute power, in turn you have to forfeit some of your rights so you can live by a code. -I do my part you do yours and then everything should be okay.

What is Social Construct theory? (gov. working with and for the people)

social contract theory is the theory that states government has justification if it is working with and for the people. People have government under the social contract.

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