PHLT 309 - ch. 3 Program Planning Models

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Predisposing factors

occur at the cognitive level and include knowledge, self-efficacy, attitudes, skills, and beliefs. The antecedents to behavior provide the motivation for the behavior.

planning model

serves to guide the development, implementation, and evaluation of a specific health promotion program; a blue print for building and improving programs.

Phase 2: Epidemiological Assessment

This phase of the PRECEDE-PROCEED model involves the identification of health issues and associated goals.

Consumer-based planning models

models that focus on the consumer or intended audience, borrowing concepts from the business marketing field and applying those concepts to health promotion.


How many phases are in MAP-IT?

Phase 1: Understanding the Problem

This phase of CDCynergy model is about identifying and fully understanding the problem, determining who is being affected by the problem, and assessing the factors that will affect the direction of the project.

Phase 3: Communication planning

This phase of the CDCynergy model begins in earnest. health promotion planners decide whether communication will be used as a dominant intervention or to support other intervention activities. Then audiences are identified and segmented, communication goals and objectives are formulated, and formative research is conducted.

Phase 2: Problem Analysis

This phase of the CDCynergy model involves identifying the factors that contribute to the health problem, the population groups affected by it, and a list of the potential partners.

Phase 4: Program and Evaluation Development

This phase of the CDCynergy model involves pretesting the communication concepts, messages, and materials that were developed in phase 3.

Phase 6: Evaluation

This phase of the CDCynergy model is to identify key findings that resulted from the program. Program practitioners evaluate the communication plan, modify the program based on feedback, and disseminate lessons learned.

Phase 5: Program Implementation and Management

This phase of the CDCynergy model is to provide guidance on how to systematically conceptualize, plan, execute, and provide meaningful and timely feedback on an evaluation.

Phase 4: Identify Strategic Issues

This phase of the MAPP model acts in planning participants work together to prioritize the most important issues facing the community.

Phase 5: Formulate Goals and Strategies

This phase of the MAPP model builds on the strategic issues that were identified and involves the formulation of goal statements related to those issues.

Phase 1: Organizing for Success and Partnership

This phase of the MAPP model centers on two critical and interrelated activities. The purpose of this phase is to structure a planning process that builds commitment, engages participants as active partners, uses participants time well, and results in a plan that can be realistically implemented.

Phase 3: Assessments

This phase of the MAPP model focuses on conducting four assessments: 1. community themes and strengths; 2. the capacity of the local public health system; 3. the community health status based on epidemiological data, and; 4. the focus of where change needs to or should occur.

Phase 2: Visioning

This phase of the MAPP model provides focus, purpose, and direction the the MAPP process so that participants collectively achieve a shared vision for the future.

Phase 6: The Action Cycle

This phase of the MAPP model, planning, implementing, and evaluating occur.

Phase 7: Process evaluation

This phase of the PRECEDE-PROCEED model collects information regarding program implementation. This phase is valuable for program improvement and replication purposes but does not examine any resulting behavior changes.

Phase 3: Behavioral and Environmental Assessment

This phase of the PRECEDE-PROCEED model includes the identification of the health behaviors that are associated with the health issue selected in phase 2 and the identification of the key environmental influences that may be promoting or hindering health behavior.

Phase 1: Social Assessment

This phase of the PRECEDE-PROCEED model involves an investigation into the quality of life of the target population to accurately understand it.

Phase 5: Administrative and Policy Assessment

This phase of the PRECEDE-PROCEED model involves the identification of organizational and administrative opportunities and barriers for developing and implementing a program.

Phase 6: Program Implementation

This phase of the PRECEDE-PROCEED model is implemented based on the assessment and planning process identified in phase 1 through 5. it can vary based on the results of the assessments and the desires of the target audience.

Phase 9: Outcome evaluation

This phase of the PRECEDE-PROCEED model measures the actual change in health and social benefits or the quality of life for the target participants. This evaluation determines the effect the program had on the community and if the program reached its intended goals.

Phase 8: Impact evaluation

This phase of the PRECEDE-PROCEED model measures the impact of the program.

Phase 4: Educational and Ecological Assessment

This phase of the PRECEDE-PROCEED model occurs to identify the factors that will facilitate changes in individual behavior and the environmental context. These types of factors are called predisposing, enabling, and reinforcing.

7. Process Evaluation 8. Impact Evaluation 9. Outcome Evaluation

What are phases 7, 8, and 9 of the PRECEDE-PROCEED model?

- PP model has 9 phases, but MATCH has 5 phases. - unlike PP model, less time is devoted to assessment in the MATCH model, more time is devoted to intervention planning, program development, and program implementation.

What are some differences between PRECEDE-PROCEED and MATCH models?

- both are ecological model - both have implementation phases - both have evaluation phases

What are some similarities between PRECEDE-PROCEED and MATCH models?

1. goal selection 2. Intervention planning 3. Program development 4. Implementation preparations 5. Evaluation

What are the 5 MATCH phases?

1. Understanding the Problem 2. Problem Analysis 3. Communication and Planning 4. Program and Evaluation Development 5. Program Implementation and Management 6. Evaluation

What are the 6 phases of CDCynergy?

1. Organizing for Success and Partnership Development 2. Visioning 3. Assessments 4. Identify Strategic Issues 5. Formulate goals and strategies 6. the Action Cycle

What are the 6 phases of MAPP?

1. Social Assessment 2. Epidemiological Assessment 3. Behavioral and Environmental Assessment 4. Educational and Ecological Assessment 5. Administrative and Policy Assessment 6. Program Implementation 7, 8, 9. Evaluation Phases

What are the 9 phases of the PRECEDE-PROCEED model? (7, 8, & 9 are the same)

Phase 5: Evaluation

Which phase of MATCH: Conduct process evaluation; measure impact; monitor outcomes.

Phase 4: Implementation preparations

Which phase of MATCH: Facilitate adoption, implementation, and maintenance; select and train individuals to implement the program.

Phase 2: Intervention planning

Which phase of MATCH: Identify the targets of the intervention, select intervention objectives; identify mediators of the intervention objectives; select intervention approaches.

Phase 3: Program development

Which phase of MATCH: create program units or components; select or develop curricula and create intervention guides; develop session plans; create or acquire instructional materials, projects, and resources.

Phase 1: Goal selection

Which phase of MATCH: select health status goals; select high-priority populations; identify health behavior goals; identify environmental factor goals.


a framework for crating, implementing, and evaluating programs, developed by Health People 2020. stands for: Mobilize, Assess, Plan, Implement, and Track. Community based.


a nine-phased logic model, using an ecological approach, applied in health promotion program planning.

social ecological model of planning

a planning model based on the interrelationships of human beings and their environments, recognizing that within the environment there are physical, social, economic, and cultural forces that have the potential to alter health outcomes.


a planning model developed by the CDC that emphasizes marketing and business communication concepts that include population feedback, segmentation principles, and target communication strategies.

Mobilizing for Action through Planning and Partnerships (MAPP)

a planning model developed by the National Association of County and City Health Officials to assist local health departments and local health coalitions with program planning that specifically targets community health issues.

Multilevel Approach To Community Health (MATCH)

an ecological model of program planning focusing on assessing population health and working with communities to help them identify opportunities for improving community health and to find and implement evidence-based programs and policies that address the identified health issues.

Reinforcing factors

are the continuing rewards or incentives to repeat the behavior.

Enabling factors

help individuals act on the motivation to change behavior. examples include: the presence of walking paths, skills to cook healthy foods, community resources, and laws.

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