Photoshop Final

Pataasin ang iyong marka sa homework at exams ngayon gamit ang Quizwiz!

Which of these represents a clip that is 2 seconds and 25 frames in duration?


Which Color setting for the Content-Aware Move tool should you choose to match the color as closely as possible?


What does the Magic Wand tool select in addition to the color you click when the tolerance value is set at 32?

32 darker tones and 32 lighter tones

An advantage to saving a Photoshop file as a PDF is?

A Photoshop PDF file can be opened in Acrobat or Photoshop, Vector type for texts is included, Photoshop editing capabilities can be retained

You can use _____ in Photoshop to remove the discolored components.

A curves adjustment layer

Which statement about layer styles is incorrect?

A layer style cannot be edited once applied to a layer

What does using a Curves preset do differently than using the Auto button on the Curves panel?

A preset applies the same curve to every image

When using Puppet Warp, how can you tell that a specific pin is selected?

A white dot appears in the center of the pin

The two steps involved in the Perspective Warp feature are defining the planes and:

Adjusting them

What is correct about flattening an image?

All layers are merged into the background layer.

An extra channel added to an image that stores selections as grayscale images is called:

An alpha channel

Which of these tasks can be completed using the Timeline panel?

Apply filters and effects, Assemble video clips, Arrange audio files

When using Content-Aware Fill to remove an object, what is indicated by a colored area on the image in the dialog box?

Areas you want sampled as a fill source

You should apply a blur effect _____ so that you can modify it later.

As a smart filter

Geometric Distortion Correction compensates for which type of distortion?

Barrel, Pincushion, and fisheye

Where is the Patch tool located?

Beneath the spot healing brush tool

Which color should you paint onto a mask in order to completely hide the portions of the image you are painting over?


Which option should you choose if you want to change the stacking order of a selected layer from being the third layer to being second?

Bring Forward

How can you deselect a selection?

Choose Select > Deselect, Click outside the selection with any selection tool, Press Ctrl-D

How can you create a new layer?

Choose new layer from the layers menu panel, click the create new layer button at the bottom of the layers panel, or choose layer > new layer > layer

Which of these functions can the Mixer Brush perform?

Control the wetness of the brush, Use an erodible tip, Mix two colors together

How can you crop an image nondestructively?

Deselect the Delete Cropped Pixels option

Which blending mode subtracts darker colors from lighter ones?


To rotate a Selection, click:

Edit > Transform > Rotate

What are the two ways to incorporate a Smart Object?

Embed or link it

The technique where multiple images with shallow depth of field are shot at different focus distances and then merged is called:

Focus stacking

The keyboard shortcut to temporarily use the Quick Selection tool in Subtract mode when it is set in Add mode is:

Hold down the alt or options key

Which blur effect simulates a shallow depth-of-field effect, gradually blurring everything outside the focus ring?

Iris Blur

When you use the Paste Outside command on the Edit > Paste Special submenu, what happens to the area inside the selection?

It is converted into a layer mask

Which statement is true about the process of using the Quick Selection tool with Enhance Edge/Auto-Enhance selected in the options bar?

It's slower with Enhance Edge/ Auto-Enhance selected, but the results are superior

What happens to any layer effects that have been applied to a layer when you make changes to the layer?

Layer effects are automatically updated when you make changes

Which icon indicates that a layer is protected?

Lock icon

Using the arrow keys, you can adjust the position of a selection in increments of:

One pixel or ten pixels

Which tool sets anchor points in straight line segments around an area?

Polygonal lasso tool

To undo or redo only the most recent change, you can:

Press Ctrl+Alt+Z (Windows), Choose Edit > Toggle Last State, Command+Option+Z (Mac)

To select a perfect circle, press _____ as you click-drag with the Elliptical Marquee tool.


What can Smart Filters can be applied to?

Smart Objects only

What does anti-aliasing do?

Smooths the edge of a selection

The Red Eye tool is grouped behind what other tool?

Spot healing brush tool

How can you tell in the Glyphs panel if a character has alternates available?

The character's box will have a black dot in the bottom right corner

What is the difference between the Clone Stamp tool and the Spot Healing Brush tool?

The clone stamp tool requires you to sample source pixels

What does the eye icon next to a thumbnail in the Layers panel indicate?

The layer is visible

What are the optimal Global Refinements slider settings?

The optimal settings depend on the selection

To mask edges with challenging details, which tool should you use?

The refine edge brush tool

When you add text to an image in Photoshop, what resolution do the characters have?

The same resolution as the image file

What does the Radius value determine in the Smart Sharpen dialog box??

The size of the area searched for dissimilar pixels

When would you want to choose Original Ratio from the Preset pop-up menu in the Options bar when using the Crop tool?

To crop an image with its original proportions intact

Until you add text or artwork to a new layer, it is:


What is an advantage of using a vector image compared to using a bitmap image?

Vector images retain their crisp edges regardless of size

Which type of distortion occurs when the edges of an image, especially the corners, are darker than the center?


What is true about warping point type?

Warping options let you control the warp effect perspective, You can change a layer's warp style, Warping options let you control the orientation of the warp effect

To see a larger preview of a selected item in Adobe Bridge, choose:

Window > Preview Panel

What brush should you use to prevent newly-applied paint from mixing with the colors beneath it?

a dry brush

What appears as you make a selection In Quick Mask mode, masking the area outside the selection?

a red overlay

What does a transition add to your video project?

a transition moves a scene from one shot to the next

What happens when you double-click the thumbnail icon of a type layer in the Layers panel?

all of the type on that layer will be selected

Specifying a white point changes _____ in an image.

all the colors

What is the icon for the Vertical Type tool?

an arrow in front of a capital T

A path with two distinct endpoints is referred to as:

an open path

What marks the ends of path segments?

anchor points

By default, all text you create in Photoshop has the _____ style applied.

basic paragraph

How can you share selected custom brushes with others?

choose export selected brushes from the brushes panel

How do you create a new brush preset?

choose new brush preset form the brush panel menu

What option removes paint from the brush after each time you click and drag the Mixing Brush tool?

clean brush after each stroke

How can you make sure you are seeing everything in the History panel?

click the bottom of the history panel and drag it down

How can you change the width and height separately for a project using the Image > Image Size panel?

click the link icon to unlink the values

Channels contain which type(s) of data?

color and selection information

What does the pointer appear as after you choose Subtract Front Shape from the Path Operations menu?

cross-hairs with a small minus sign

Which tool should you use to sample a color on a layer that isn't selected?

eyedropper tool

Besides clicking the Render Video button, what is another way to render a video?

file > export > render video

When you merge all of the layers in an image into one layer it is called _____ the image.


Which color mode does Photoshop support for preparing an image for black-and-white printing?


What happens when you double-click the Zoom tool in the Tools panel?

it returns the image to 100%

What happens to documents using a linked Smart Object if the Smart Object is updated in the library it was selected from?

it will be updated in all documents using it

The setting that determines the vertical space between lines is called:


The _____ helps you visualize interactive brush attributes, such as the direction of the bristles as you paint.

live tip brush preview

The effect of the Mixer brush is controlled by the Wet, Mix, and _____ fields in the Options bar.


The Color blending mode combines the _____ of a base color with the hue and saturation of a different color you're applying.


Which workspace should you be in to ensure you have access to the resources you need to work with Video?


On curved segments, selecting a corner point displays _____ direction line(s).


How many pixels are in an image that is 1,000 x 1,000 pixels in size?

one megapixel

Which of these situations will not allow you to create change over time using keyframes on a timeline?

only one keyframe on your timeline

When you apply an adjustment layer in a video group, where in the Layers panel is it applied to?

only the layer immediately below it

What does the Tracking value specify?

overall space between letters

Options in the _____ determine how multiple shapes interact with each other in a path.

path operations menu

The keyboard shortcut to constrain a line you are drawing so that it is perfectly straight is:

press and hold the shift key

The Forward Warp tool _____ as you drag.

pushes pixels forward

Clicking Edit > Free Transform with multiple layers selected allows you to do what when holding down the shift key?

resize all of the selected layers

What is the keyboard shortcut to increase the brush size as you paint?

right bracket key ]

How can you add Pan & Zoom effects to your video?

select pan and zoom from the pop-up menu in the Motion panel

Which of these is a choice when using the Paint Symmetry brush option?

single axis, dual axis, and vertical

What happens to selected text when you hover the cursor over a font name?

that font is temporarily applied to the text as a preview

What happens when you paint with neutral gray in Quick Mask mode?

the mask provides a partial transparency

To add an audio track to your video project, click:

the musical note icon in the audio track and choose add audio

Which Liquify tool moves pixels towards the center of the brush as you click or drag?

the pucker tool

To move from one keyframe to the next, click:

the right arrow next to the attribute

What is the default keyboard shortcut for Load Mixer Brush?

there are no default keyboard shortcuts for the Mixer brush

When you move a direction line on a smooth point, what happens to the curved segments on each side of the point?

they adjust simultaneously

When you click a previous state in the History panel, what happens to all of the states that came after that state once you perform a new task?

they are deleted

When you apply a blending mode to a group, Photoshop applies the blending mode:

to the group as a single merged object

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