Photoshop Quizlet
which color setting for the content aware move tool should you choose to match the color as closely as possible
an open path is a path with
2 distinct endpoints
To make a perfect circle press
How can you deselect a selection
Choose Select > Deselect/ Click outside the selection with any selection tool/ Press Ctrl-D
How do you select tools in photoshop
Click a tool in the Tools panel, or press the tool's keyboard shortcut.
Describe atleast two types of images you can open in photoshop
Which tool sets anchor points in straight line segments around an area
Polygonal Lasso
What tool do you use to select a section from an image
Polygonal lasso tool, lasso tool, magnetic lasso tool
You can use the ____ in photoshop instead pf washing a photograph to remove the discolored components
Spot Healing Brush
Difference between the healing brush and the spot healing brush
The Healing Brush requires you to sample source pixels
what does the eye icon next to the layer do?
The layer is visible
What are two ways to zoom in to or out from an image
Using The View Menu or the Zoom tool
which statement about layer styles is incorrect
a layer style cannot be edited once applied to a layer
what does using a curves preset do differently than using the auto button on the curves panel
a preset applies the same curve to every image
you should apply a blur effect ____ so that you can modify it later
as a smart filter
Which option should you choose if you want to change the stacking order of a selected layer from being the third to second
bring forwatf
how can you make sure you are seeing everything in the history panel
click the bottom of the history panel and drag it down
how can you change the width and height separately for a project using the image > image size panel
click the link icon to unlink the values
Magic Wand tool
color based selection tool
How can you crop an image nondestructively
deselect the delete cropped pixels option
pressing and holding the alt key does what
draws a straight line
quick selection tool
edge based selection tool
What are the two ways to incorporate a smart object
embed or link
anchor points mark the _ of path segments
end points
What tool do you use to select a color from an image
eyedropper tool
When you merge all the layers in an image into one layer it is called
flattening the image
which blur effect stimulates a shallow depth-of field effect gradually blurring everything outside the focus ring
iris blur
What happens to documents using a link smart object if the smart object is updated in the library it was selected from
it will be updated in all documents using it
how can you create a new layer
layer - new - layer/new layer from the panel menu/new layer icon at the bottom of the layers panel
what happens to any layer effects that have been applied to a layer when you make changes to the layer
layer effects are automatically updated when you make changes
Which icon indicates that a layer is protected
lock icon
the color blending mode combines the ___ of a base color with the gue and saturation of a different color you're applying
Freehand Selection Tools
magnetic lasso tool, lasso tool
Which blending mode subtracts darler colors from lighter ones
on curved segemtn, selecting a corner point displays ____ line
how many steps backward will the undo command allow you to make in photoshop
only one
options in the ____ determine how multiple shapes interact wit heachother in a path
path operations menu
What type of file does photoshop automatically create
the forward warp tool ____ as you drag
pushes pixels forward
clicking edit > free transform with multiple layers selected allows you to do what when holding the shift key
resize all the selected layers
what is the keyboard shortcut to increase the brush size as you paint
right bracket key
what can smart filters be applied to
smart objects
the red eye tool is grouped behind what other tool?
spot healing brush tool
The pointer appears as cross-hairs with a small minus sign after you choose ____ from the path operations menu
subtract from shape
which liquify tool moves pixels toward the center of the brush as you click or drag
the pucker tool
When you move a direction on a smooth point, to the curved segments on each side of the point do what
they adjust simul
when you click a previous state in the history panel, what happens to all of the states that came after that state once you perform a new task
they are deleted
When you apply a blending mode to a group, photoshop applies the blending mode:
to the group as a single merged object
Until you add text or artwork to a new layer it is
what is the advantage of using a vector image compared to using a bitmap image
vector images retain their crisp edges regardless of size