Phrasal verbs (3S) - 3rd version

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hold on

Please ___ ___ while I transfer you to the Sales Department. (wait a short time)

ate out

We ___ ___ in a Chinese restaurant last night. (to eat in a restaurant)

put down

The students ___ the substitute teacher ___ beacuse his pants were too short. (insult,criticize)

make up

Women ___ ___ 56 per cent of the students in this university. (to form something)

work out

Can you ___ ___ this bill for me? I don't understand all those figures. (to calculate something)

work out

Don't worry, things will ____ ____ in the end. They always do. (turn out ok; progress in a good way)

looked down on

Ever since we stole that chocolate bar you dad has ___ ___ ___ me. (think less of)

found out

Have you ___ ___ why you didn't get the job? (to get information about something, or to learn a fact for the first time)

made it up

Have you ___ ____ ___ with Josie yet? (be friends again)

works out

He's determined to lose weight. He ____ ____ at the gym every day. (to do physical exercise to keep your body fit)

worked (it) out

Holmes ___ it ___ who comitted the crime. (to find an answer, to solve something)

take after

I ____ ____ my mother.We are both impatient. (resemble)

drop off

I have to ____ my sister ____ at work before I came over. (take someone somewhere and leave them there)

make up

I know we argue a lot, but we always kiss and ___ ___ afterwards. (to become friends again after an argument)

figure out

I need to ____ ___ how to fit a piano and the bookshelf in this room. (find an answer)

shop around

I want to ____ ___ a little before I decide on these boots. (compare prices)

broke up

It's a shame Tim and Jane ___ ___, they were such a lovely couple. (to end a close relationship)

called off

Jason ____ the wedding ____ because he was not in love with his fiance. (cancel)

brought me up

My grandparents ___ ___ ___ after my parents died. (look after,educate(a child))

brings up

My mother walks out of the room when my father ____ ____ sports. (mention (in conversation))

came up with

She ___ ____ ___ the best idea ever! (to suggest or think of an idea or plan)

made up

She ___ the whole story ___. (invent)

cheered up

She ____ ____ when she heard the good news. (become happy)

passed away

She nearly ____ ____ after the operation. (die)

made (that) up

That's a lie. You ___ that ___, didn't you? (to invent something, often something that is not true)

eaten up

There's no dessert until you've ___ ___ all your vegetables. (to eat all the food that you have been given)

fell out

They ___ ___ and did not speak for years. (quarrel,no longer be friends)

brings (me) down

This sad music ____ me ____. (make unhappy)

broken out

Three dangerous prisoners have ___ ___ of the local prison. (to escape from prison)

saving up

We are ___ ___ so we can buy a house. (to keep money so that you can buy something with it in the future)

take up

You need to relax. Why don't you ___ ___ yoga? (to start doing a particular job or activity)

sort out

You should learn to ___ ___your washing into coloureds and whites. (to put things in order or in their correct place)

catch up

You will have to run faster than that if you want to ____ ____ with Marty. (get to the same point as someone else)

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