PHY1025 exam 4 review

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Substances absorb heat energy by the process of: A. conduction B. convection C. radiation D. all of these


A substance that heats up relatively quickly has a A. high specific heat B. low specific heat C. high conductivity D low conductivity


Consider a closed, sealed can of air placed on a hot stove. Then contained air undergoes an increase in: A. mass B. pressure C. volume D. all of these


Consider a sample of ice at 0 degrees C. If the temperature is increased, the volume of the ice: A. increases B. decreases C. stays the same D. increases then decreases


Energy transfer by conduction is primarily restricted to A. solids B. vacuum C. space D. fluids (liquids and gases)


For increased atmospheric pressure, the boiling temperature of a liquid: A. goes up B. goes down C. remains at 100 degrees C D. fluctuates


If a liter of water at 80 degrees C is mixed up with a liter of water at 60 degrees C, the final temperature of the two will be: A. 80 degrees C B. about 60 degrees C C. about 70 degrees C D. about 140 degrees C


If a poor absorber of radiation were a good emitter, its temperature would be: A. less than its surroundings B. more than its surroundings C. the same as its surroundings D. zero degrees celcius


If a solid object radiates more energy than it absorbs, it's: A. internal energy increases B. temperature decreases C. internal energy decreases D. internal energy remains the same


If air were a better conductor than it is, at night the Earth would be: A. considerably colder B. considerably warmer C. not different in temperature D. in a frozen state


If the specific heat of water were higher than it is, ponds in the cold of winter would be: A. more likely to freeze B. less likely to freeze C. neither more or less likely to freeze D. either more or less likely to freeze


If you want to cook eggs by boiling them while in the mountains, then compared to sea level cooking you should: A. use a hotter flame B. boil the eggs for a shorter time C. boil the eggs for a longer time D. none of the above


Morning dew on the grass is a result of: A. evaporation of water B. the open structured form of water crystals C. air pressure on water vapor D. slow moving water molecules sticking to one another


One of the main reasons one can walk barefoot on red hot coals of wood without burning the feet has to do with: A. low temperature of the coals B. low thermal conductivity of the coals C. mind over matter techniques D. high thermal conductivity of the coals


The fact that desert sand is very hot in the day and very cold at night is evidence that sand has: A. a low specific heat B. a high specific heat C. no specific heat D. constant specific heat


The food in a refrigerator is cooled by: A. vaporization of refrigerating fluid B. condensation of the refrigerating fluid C. the ice in your nearby freezer D. its own cooling mechanism


The moderate temperature of islands throughout the world has much to do with water's: A. poor conductivity B. vast supply of internal energy C. high specific heat D. high evaporation rate E. absorption of solar energy


The planet Earth loses heat mainly by: A. conduction B. convection C.radiation D. all of these


To melt 50 grams of 0 degree Celsius ice requires: Use Q=ml A. 25 calories B. 50 calories C. 80 calories D. none of these


To turn 7 grams of ice to water requires: Use Q=ML A. 7 calories B. 560 calories C. 80 calories D. 3780 calories

a, e

When a block of ice at zero degrees Celsius melts, the ice: A. absorbs energy from its environment B. releases energy to its environment C.absorbs energy and gets warmer D. releases energy and gets warmer E. absorbs energy but does not change temperature


When a liquid, ( water) changes to gas, it: A. absorbs energy B. releases energy C. neither absorbs nor releases energy D. either absorbs or releases energy


When heat is added to boiling water, its temperature: A. increases B. decreases C. does not change D. increases first, then decreases


When you touch a cold piece of ice with your finger, energy flows: A. From your finger to the ice B. from the ice to your finger C. actually, both ways D. from ice to the surroundings


Which body glows with electromagnetic waves? A. Both the Sun and the Earth B. only the Sun C. only the Earth D. neither the Sun or the Earth

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