Physical Science 100 FINAL

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The modern definition of an element is a substance made up of atoms that all have the same number of


What happens to the pressure on the block as it is pushed deeper into the water? Select one:

-It increases

Which one of the following statements is true?

-None of the above are true

A metal can best be described as which of the following?

"A network solid consisting of positively charged atoms in a sea of electrons"

If samples of gases like hydrogen, neon or nitrogen are excited by sparking with electricity and if the light emitted by the gaseous sample is viewed through a diffraction grating (a piece of glass or plastic onto which many fine parallel lines are ruled), a few lines of colored light are seen. The light observed in such a spectrum is emitted when an electron in an atom

"Jumps" from one energy level down to another lower energy level

At which of the points listed below (2, 3, 4) would the net force on the sprinter be zero?

- 3

At which of the points listed below is the kinetic energy of the sprinter be the largest?

- 3

A heavy rocket ship and a light rocket ship are both initially moving at 1000 kilometers per hour in outer space. They are very far from any planets so there are no gravitational forces acting on the rockets. They have just turned their engines off so they are now experiencing no forces. Which of the following is the most likely outcome of the situation?

- Both will continue traveling at the same speed because there is no friction.

Which of the following are sources of knowledge as outlined in your text? check all that apply

- The 5 senses - Intuition - Authority - Reason

A bullet is fired horizontally from a high-powered rifle. At the same time, a second bullet is simply dropped from the same height as the bullet which was fired from the rifle. Neglecting air resistance, which statement is true about the acceleration of the first bullet after it leaves the gun compared to that of the second bullet as it falls?

- The acceleration of the first bullet is the same as the acceleration of the bullet that was dropped.

Which of the following best describes the energy of the rockets from the questions above?

- The more massive rocket has more energy.

Two objects are attracted to each other by gravitational forces. Suppose I double the mass of one of the objects. This changes the gravitational forces between them. I can make this force the same as it was at first, however, by...

- increasing the distance between the two objects.

The picture below shows a sprinter at 5 positions. He is initially sitting still on a flat track. He starts running when the starting gun goes off. He travels at constant speed for a few seconds, and then he crosses the finish line and comes to a stop again. The following questions will ask you to describe forces and energies at various points along his path. When would the net force on the sprinter be forward?


At which of the points listed below (2, 3, 4) would the net force on the sprinter be backwards?


The maximum number of electrons that can be placed in the "p" orbitals of one shell is


For the reactions shown in the graph for the problem above, which reaction releases the most energy?


The graph below show energy as a function of time for several different reactions. Which reaction has the highest activation energy?


Order the following kinds of radiation from shortest to longest wavelength. Which has the shortest wavelength?

-Gamma Ray

A medium sized star is rotating about its axis (similar to how the earth rotates about its axis once each day). At the end of its life, it collapses into something called a neutron star which has a much smaller radius than the original star. In the process, there are not forces which would, of themselves, speed up or slow down the rotation of the star. Considering conservation of angular momentum, we would expect the rotation speed of the star to


A sealed container full of air is placed on top of a block of dry ice (frozen carbon dioxide). In the following questions you will use your understanding of the behavior of molecules to describe what happens as you cool the air. Which of the following best describes the behavior of the air molecules?

-Particles in random motion that change direction when they strike one another or the walls of a container.

The difference between blue light and red light is that

-Red light has a longer wavelength

Below are pictures of several different igneous rocks. Which of the igneous rocks cooled quickly above Earth's surface? Select one:

-The one with the most wholes in it!

Fifty pounds of lead is placed in a rowboat which is floating in a lake. Which of the following is correct?

-The rowboat settles deeper into the water, and because it settles deeper, the bottom of the rowboat is pushed upward by a greater water pressure to balance the increased weight.

Which of the following best explains what happens after the sprinter crosses the finish line at point 4?

-The sprinter slowly comes to rest because of a net force acting backwards.

A pendulum swings back and forth with no friction in the system. Which of the following quantities is conserved?

-Total energy of the pendulum

The experiments on beams of particles derived from gases conducting electrical currents (Thomson's gas discharge tube experiments) provide direct experimental evidences for

-the idea that all atoms are made of charged particles

Metals have which of the following properties?


Salts have which of the following properties?


What two things are plotted on an H-R diagram?


How many hydrogen atoms are in three cis-platin molecules (3PtCl2N2H6)


Which of the following is a legitimate radioactive decay because both charge and mass number are conserved?

212/84 Po = 208/82 Pb + 4/2He".

Uranium-238 alpha decays, emitting a helium-4 nucleus. What is the mass number of the product? Select one:


If the activity of a radioactive substance drops to 1/16 its initial value in 12 hours, its half life is

3 Hours

Suppose the carbon and oxygen react according to the equation: O2 + 2C = 2CO. If you started with sixty oxygen molecules (60O2) and sixty carbon(60C), how many carbon monoxide molecules could you make?


When Rutherford shot alpha particles at gold foil, what happened to the alpha particles?

A few of them were strongly deflected as if they bounced off of the foil

How would the silicate units be connected for the mineral in the picture below?

A network of connected silicate molecules extending out in all directions

What is an orbital?

A standing wave describing the probability of detecting electrons around an atom.

The image in the problem above could be the molecular structure of which of the minerals pictured below.


When you compare the ionization energies of K, Ca, and Ar which of the following is the least likely to give away an electron?


Where is the kinetic energy of the pendulum from the previous problem the largest? Select one:

At the lowest point in the swing

As the temperature of the gas sitting on the dry ice decreases which of the following is decreasing?

Average molecular kinetic energy of the gas molecules.

The following three questions, Questions 3-6, refer to the diagram of the energy levels of a Bohr level shown below. The arrows are different colors to make them easier to see. The colors have nothing to do with the color of photon emitted or absorbed.


If light were only a wave, what should you observe in the photoelectric effect?

Both light sources discharge the electroscope if they're bright enough. They just discharge it faster the brighter the light is.

Two objects with different masses are dropped in a vacuum at the same time. Which of the following statements is true?

Both objects will hit the ground at the same time.

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a metal or alloy?


Rock C is dated at 25 million years old? How could that date have been determined?

By counting the number of microscopic cracks formed by fission products

Which of the equations below is balanced correctly?

C + O2 = CO2

Which ion would Ca most likely form?


For Questions 5 - 6, light from a laser shines on a pair of closely spaced slits and then fall on a screen. No attempt is made to detect the light until it hits the screen. When it hits the screen it produces an interference pattern, a series of bright lines. If the light is made extremely dim what happens to the pattern produced? Select one:

Changing the brightness of the light doesn't change the pattern at all.

Which of the following is a saturated hydrocarbon?


Information from fossils would most likely be useful to do which of the following?

Determining relative ages of sedimentary layers

For the Butylene molecules above, what forces would be the largest forces holding one of the molecules to another molecule? (What are the largest intermolecular forces?)

Dispersion forces

When you shoot electrons at very close slits, like those formed by the atoms in a crystal, and then detect the electrons later on a screen, what do you see?

Each electron creates a dot, but the dots all together form an interference pattern.

As you move across a row in the periodic table left to right, the atoms get bigger in size


The force(s) causing a protostar to collapse is (are)

Gravitational force

What do we call a gas which transmits higher energy visible photons but absorbs a large fraction of infrared photons?

Greenhouse gas

Most stars spend the greater part of their active life as a

Hydrogen burning star

The three dimensional wave function for an electron in a 2p orbital looks like a dumbell like the image to the left. What does this wave function mean?

If you try to measure the electron's position you are most likely to find it somewhere in the dumbell.

As the can is cooled, what happens to the pressure inside the can?

It decreases because the molecules move slower and therefore collide with the can less often and with less force

When water chemically combines with surrounding rock in subduction zones, what happens to the melting temperature of that rock?

It gets lower

What happens when water subducted during plate techtonics chemically combines with the surrounding rock?

It makes it melt easier

Which of the following is the most ordered?

Kinetic Energy

Light forms diffraction and interference patterns. What does this prove about the nature of light?

Light has wave properties

When you try to measure extremely dim light, what do you observe?

Light is detected as a particle

Which of the following features would you expect to find at a converging plate boundary between two continental plates?

More than one of the above

The cosmological red shift seems to indicate that other galaxies are

Moving away from the Milky Way galaxy with those farthest away moving the fastest

The Himalayan Mountains are found at the northern edge of the Indian plate. What direction is the plate moving?


The outer planets are much more massive and much lower density than the inner planets. Why did they form that way?

Planets form from solids. Near the sun, only rock and metal were solid. Further away, low density material solidified

Which of the following is a method to find the absolute age of geologic events.

Radiometric dating

There are four major types of studies used to determine the structure and composition of the earth's interior. Which of the following is NOT one of these?

Relative dating based on erosion and deposition patterns

The most important erosional agent of the hydrologic system is...

Running water

Your roommate asks you to taste the milk in the refrigerator to see if it is sour. What source of knowledge is he asking you to rely on?

Sensory Data

The gasoline engine of an automobile is considerably less than 100% efficient. This means that not all of the energy in the gasoline is turned into kinetic energy of the car. Which of the following best explains why?

Some of the chemical potential energy in the gasoline must become ambient thermal energy if the rest is to supply the kinetic energy of the automobile. This means some energy must be wasted.

Which of the following statements is true concerning streams?

Streams carry more sediment when moving quickly since the stream has more kinetic energy which is used to carry more sediment.

Sugar is a covalent molecule that is solid at room temperature and disolves easily in water. What does this information tell us about the molecule?

Sugar molecules are polar

What would be the best method to determine the distance to Proxima Centauri, the star nearest to our sun, at a distance of 4.3 light years away?

Take pictures of Proxima Centauri 6 months apart and measure how far it has traveled though the sky in that time relative to the background stars

If heavy molecules and light molecules are at the same temperature, how does the behavior of the two compare?

The average speed of the light molecules is higher, but the average kinetic energy is the same.

Now this same block of wood that was floating with one half of its volume out of the water is pushed down so that it is completely underneath the water. Which of the following statements is correct?

The buoyant force on the block is greater when the block is completely submerged than it is when the block is floating.

Refer to the figure. The graph shows variations in temperature over the last 400 thousand years. Based on the natural cycles found in the graph, what would you predict the climate will do in the future?

The climate will cool off, but in about 100,000 years it will warm back up again

In the cross section below, A is an igneous rock formation radiometrically dated at 37 million years, and C is an igneous rock formation radiometrically dated at 24 million years. E is a fault. In the following questions you are asked to use the principles of relative dating to come to conclusions about the rock layers. The rock layers labeled B are tilted and folded. Which of the following is a possible explanation as to why?

The crust moved after they were deposited, tilting and folding them

Which of the following correctly describes how energy from the sun drives the hydrologic cycle on Earth?

The energy from the sun is transferred by radiation through the atmosphere to the oceans. This radiation is strongest near the equator, and most evaporation occurs there

A glass that contains a mix of ice and water stays at 0o C as long as there is ice left, even when the temperature of the room is much higher than 0o . Why?

The energy transferred from the room is increasing the potential energy of the water molecules.

Which one of the following is classified as an electrical force?

The force attracting the electrons to the nucleus in an atom.

Which of the following best describes the Strong interaction Select one:

The force that holds the nucleus of an atom together.

A man is dragging a box at a constant speed in a straight line across a rough floor. Which of the following is true?

The horizontal force the man is exerting is exactly equal to the frictional force.

The plot below is a graph of average nucleon mass versus atomic mass for nuclei. What can you determine from the graph?

The individual proton's and neutron's mass is smallest for atoms with a mass of about 50, and larger for atoms with very small or very big mass

In a photoelectric effect experiment, first visible light is shown on a negatively charged electroscope. Next light from a special ultraviolet light source is shown on the charged electroscope. Both light sources can be made brighter or dimmer. What is observed?

The light from the UV source discharges the electroscope, while the light from the flashlight does nothing.

A stick of dynamite explodes. How does the momentum of the dynamite before the explosion compare to the total momentum of all of the pieces immediately after the explosion?

The momentum is the same just before and just after the dynamite explodes.

A refrigerator is normally run with its door closed. What would happen if the refrigerator were placed in the middle of a closed room with its door open and turned on?

The room would heat up because all of the energy absorbed by the refrigerator, both thermal and electrical potential, is released back into the room as thermal energy.

Which of the following provides proxy data that can be used to estimate temperatures in ancient climates? Select one:

The thickness of tree rings in ancient wood.

When would the contact force the sprinter exerts on the ground be equal to the contact force the ground exerts on the sprinter?

The two forces are always equal and opposite.

Two sound waves are traveling through the air. What happens at a point where two low pressure regions overlap? Select one:

The two waves will combine to make a louder sound at that point.

If a block of wood floats with half its volume submerged, Select one:

The weight of the block is the same as that of the displaced water.

Archimedes Principle states that the buoyant force on a submerged object is equal to:

The weight of the displaced fluid.

Use the Periodic Table to decide if S is a metal or a nonmetal. Do the same for O. If these two form a compound, which of the following characteristics will it show at room temperature?

Transparent gas

How do semiconductors change with increasing temperatures?

When you heat them up, semiconductors act more like metals.

If you put the items depicted in the cross-section above in order from oldest to youngest, which of the following gives the correct order?

You can't tell what's youngest; more than one of the above could be correct.

The Hawaiian islands are a linear island chain found in the middle of the pacific ocean. While all of the islands are volcanic in origin, the only active volcanos are found on the largest island. What is the most likely cause for this island chain?

a hot spot

A photon may be described as

a small particle with energy and no charge.

Which of the following will transmit shear waves the best?

a solid

Which of the following are the 2 postulates of relativity? (The other choices are consequences of relativity)

a) The laws of nature are the same for all observers in uniform motion. c) The speed of light is constant for all observers in uniform motion.

In the figure below, the molecular structure of a silicate mineral is shown. Where are this mineral's bonds the weakest?

along the lines between green calcium atoms

What feature is in the image below?

an alluvial fan

The melting and boiling points of a few elements are listed in the table below

as melting point increases so does boiling point

Which of the following statements are true for objects moving close to the speed of light relative to an observer? check all that apply

b) Moving clocks run slow. c) An object's mass is greater when it is moving than when it is at rest.

Which principle of relative dating allows you to determine the relative age of formations C and D in the cross-section above?

cross cutting

A skier is skiing downhill, with friction. From this information, which of the following must be true?

his gravitational potential energy is decreasing.

Part of the upper mantle, called the asthenosphere, is unique because

most of its material is near the melting point

Which of the following tends to have the highest melting and boiling points? Select one:

network matter

The primary obstacle to controlled fusion reactions as a source of energy is

overcoming the electromagnetic repulsion of particles with like charges

Which of the following caused the feature above?

running water

Gas pressure is caused by:

the collisions of gas molecules with the walls of the container.

The distance to galaxies very far from our own can best be estimated using

the cosmological redshift

The fact that all the electrons in an atom do not fall into the orbital closest to the nucleus is evidence for

the exclusion principle

If we place a detector at the slits which measures which slit each photon travels through, what will happen? Which of the following best represents the image seen on the screen?

two narrow bands that are a little wider than the width of each slit.

A raindrop, as it falls to the ground, reaches a speed known as terminal velocity where the speed of the raindrop is neither increasing nor decreasing. This motion of the raindrop at terminal velocity can be understood in terms of: Select one:

two vertical forces which balance

Evaporation of water from the skin has a cooling effect. This is because:

water molecules with the greatest speed escape into the surrounding atmosphere

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