Physical Science Exam 2

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What is the wavelength of a 301.1 MHz radio wave?

1.00 m

What is the range of normal human hearing?

20-20,000 Hz

A space heater draws a current of 5 A when connected to a 110-V power source. Its resistance is

22 Ω

Charge moving through a wire produces a magnetic field around the wire


Light waves are transverse waves


The speed of light in space is 3 x 10^8 m/s


The speed of sound in air is temperature-dependent


When waves travel from one place to another, they carry energy


When astronomers study the light emitted from the Sun they notice that the light emitted from the east edge is blueshifted while the light emitted from the west edge is redshifted. The reason for this is that

The sun is rotating

Direct electric current cannot be used to operate


Electromagnetic waves are longitudinal waves


The Doppler effect is the change in the wavelength of light caused by the source

moving with respect to the observer

Of the following transitions in a hydrogen atom, which emits the photon of highest frequency?

n=1 to n=2

Of the following transitions in a hydrogen atom, which emits the photon of highest frequency?

n=6 n=1

Compared to the speed of light in deep space, light's speed in water or in glass is


Relative to the electric force between two protons, the gravitational force between them is


Light of which of the following wavelengths has the highest frequency?


Ocean waves with a period of 10 s are found to have a wavelength of 120 m. Their speed is

12 m/s V= d/t V= 120/10

A space heater draws a current of 15-A when connected to a 220-V power source. Its resistance is _________________.

14.7Ω 220V/15A= 14.66

Consider a transformer that has 40 loops on its primary coil and 10 loops on its secondary coil. What is the voltage in the secondary coil if the primary coil is supplied with 120 V?

30 V

A transformer is to be used to step down voltage from an alternating current source from 250 V to 110 V. If the primary coil has a current of 15 A, then the current in the secondary coil is

34.1 A

A transformer is to be used to step down voltage from an alternating current source from 330 V to 110 V. If the primary has 120 turns, then the number of turns in the secondary is


The current in a 60-W, 12-V light bulb is

5 A 60W/12V= 5 amps

The current in a 15-Ω electric heater operated at 120 V is

8 A

Electric current is measured in units of


What unit is used for current?


Radio waves travel through space at what speed?

At the speed of light, 2.998 x 10^8 m/s

Thomas Young performed a crucial experiment on the nature of light when he

Demonstrated the wave nature of light passing light through two slits and obtaining a pattern of bright and dark bands on a screen that he correctly interpreted as interference between the two light beams.

The idea that light consists of photons was first proposed by


The idea that light consists of photons, bundles of pure energy, was first proposed by


A proton in an atom circulates around its nucleus


A typical atom is negatively charged


Depending on the time of day, the rainbow's colors will be in different orders


Opposites charges repel; like charges attract


Protons and electrons have equal masses


Resistance is measured in Watts


Sound waves are transverse waves


Who holds the patent for inventing the radio

Guglielmo Marconi

Two waves can combine with each other in a way that either amplifies or cancels out the original light waves. What is this behavior called?


You are looking at a penny at the bottom of a fountain that is 2 m deep while standing on a sidewalk above it. To you the penny seems to be

Less than 2 m deep

Coulomb's law for the force between electric charges belongs in the same general category as

Newton's law of gravitation

V=IR is a statement of

Ohm's Law

Resistance is measured in units of


Which of the following lists of different types of electromagnetic radiation is correctly ordered in wavelength, from longest to shortest?

Radio, Infrared, Ultraviolet, Gamma rays

Star A is blue, Star B is yellow, and Star C is red. Which one of these is the hottest star?

Star A

To measure a DC current, the circuit must be a closed loop.


A fire truck is racing towards you. As it is moving toward you, the sound is high pitched, while the sound from the vehicle moving away lowers in pitch. This is an example of

The Doppler effect

The two most important properties of a telescope are

The light gathering power and the angular resolution.

The speed of light in vacuum is constant


A ___________ is a disturbance or vibration propagated from point to point in a medium or space.


White light is

a mixture of all frequencies and all colors of light

In the full wavelength range of electromagnetic radiation, visible light occupies what proportion of this possible range?

a very narrow range

If an electron jumps from a lower energy level in an atom to a higher energy level, a photon is


The measure denoted by y is called


If you move the north pole of a magnet toward the south pole of another magnet, they will


The electric energy lost when a current passes through a resistance

becomes heat

To an astronaut in orbit many miles above Earth's atmosphere, the sky around them appears


What type of lens is this? *diagram is shown


The nucleus of an atom

contains most of the atom's mass

A convex lens causes light to _______________ to a single focal point


A changing MAGNETIC field will induce a


Electric power is equal to

current x voltage

When light passes through a prism of glass,

different colors or wavelengths of light are separated by the prism

An electric motor transforms

electrical energy into mechanical energy

The particle easiest to remove from an atom is the


In drawing of magnetic field lines, the weaker the field is, the

farther apart the field lines are

A fast train approaches a car waiting at a grade crossing and sounds its horn. A person in the car will notice that, compared to what it would be if the train were at rest, the horn sound's

frequency appears to be higher

compared to visible light, x rays have

higher frequency and shorter wavelength

A rainbow always appears

in the part of the sky opposite from the Sun

If you want to design a device that will detect animals at night by the radiation they give off, even if the night is totally dark, to what wavelength range should you make the device sensitive?


The daytime sky is blue, on sunny days, because the atmosphere

is more efficient at scattering blue light

Suppose a fish is observed below the surface of a lake. The distance the fish appears below the surface when looking down from above into the water is

less than the fish's actual distance

The greater the decibel (dB) level of a sound wave, the

louder it is

A changing ELECTRIC field will produce a

magnetic field

The Earth's geographic north pole is a

magnetic south pole

A circuit that has multiple paths for the current to take is referred to as a ______________ .

parallel circuit

In a longitudinal wave, the individual particles of the medium move

parallel to the direction of the wave

In a transverse wave, the individual particles of the medium move

perpendicular to the direction of travel

Which of the following has the least energy, lowest frequency, and longest wavelength?

radio waves

Photons of which of the following colors of light possess the least amount of energy?


The color of a relatively cool star is


A pencil in a glass of water appears bent. This is an example of


When light travels from air to glass, it ____________, or bends


For some Christmas lights, one broken bulb will cause the entire strand to go out. This is because it is a

series circuit

a circuit that has a single path for current to take is referred to as a __________________.

series circuit

In a transformer, if the primary coil contains fewer loops than the secondary coil then it is a

set-up transformer

Gamma rays are dangerous because they are high energy, high frequency, with a _______________ wavelength.


A spacecraft is approaching Earth. Compared to the radio signals that it sends out, the signals that you receive on Earth have

shorter wavelength

Visible light as ____________ wavelength and __________ frequency relative to ultraviolet light

shorter; larger

Bill and Fred are out on a spacewalk when Bill's suit communication system goes down. He shouts to Fred about it, but Fred cannot hear him. Why can't Fred hear him?

sound cannot travel through empty space, airless space between them

Of the following kinds of waves, the only one that cannot travel through a vacuum (like outer space) are

sound waves

The sun appears reddish as it sets because

the blue wavelengths have already been scattered by the atmosphere

Electric current is

the flow of charge

When light of a particular frequency hits certain metallic surfaces, electrons are emitted by the surface. This is a description of:

the particle nature of light

A set of Christmas tree lights is wired in parallel. What will happen if one of the lights burns out?

the rest of the lights will stay on

The higher the frequency of a wave

the shorter its wavelength

Why was adaptive optics developed?

to compensate for image distortion caused by Earth's atmosphere

Light can be treated as particle when it is absorbed by electron.


The speed of sound depends on temperature


Photons of which of the following colors of light possess the most energy?


The measure denoted by λ is called


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